Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

whitehall said: "Christian" used to be a crucial part of American politics. “​

See my POST nf.23.11.11 #11,877 • white BornAgain Christian “religion” and Schlafly Catholicism dominates American politics much more so than when Washington gave his farewell address to the nation. Washington was only BORN ONCE as far as the historical record shows. And GW was by no means a Catholic or Jesuit because he respected all Good Citizens regardless of religion or lack thereof.


…all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the Community are equally entitled to the protection of civil Government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations in examples of justice and liberality. And I presume that your fellow-citizens will not forget the patriotic part which you took in the accomplishment of their Revolution, and the establishment of their Government: or the important assistance which they received from a nation in which the Roman Catholic faith is professed.

Libby von H said: (we are the final power according to the Constitution) lbbyvnh.23.11.11 #59

Do you understand your limit to power ends at the tip of your nose when individuals freely exercising their law abiding power do no harm to yours.

A woman who requests an abortion does everything behind her own nose. You should get control of your nose.

nf.23.11.11 #11,881
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HeyNorm said: “we now extend it to the Man” hynrm.23.11.11 #11,880

The man cannot experience the potential of bodily harm, death and the reality of physical pain and discomfort and loss of freedom that a woman confronts every time she finds herself pregnant and when the state deprives her of right to not give consent to take her fetus to full term gestation and viable birth.

All the physical risk is hers not the sperm doner’s.

nf.23.11.11 #11,882
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" Keeping It In Your Pants "

* Clear As Day Relinquished Control Over Any Consequences *

" Vain Attempts To Catch A Cat Already Out Of Its Bag "

* Voluntary Transfer Of Private Property Abdicating Self Ownership To Another *

Prove that the transfer of private property semen was coerced through violence , which means a male must file sexual assault charges before a pregnancy is evident , and maybe there is a possibility of being avoiding child support .

A us republic , with a motto for a credo in e pluribus unum , expects independence as individualism , with equal protection of negative liberties among individuals .

As an embryo , or a zygote , or a fetus is without constitutional protections , its fate is determined by the mother and principles of individualism .

None of that makes any sense. Abortion is simply a form of birth control and only the woman has the authority.
Now, you bring up the principle of individualism? Sure, she retains that, we now extend it to the Man as well.
You’re problem with that is?
Was the transfer of private property semen coerced ?
Libby von H said: "Causes no harm" can't just be asserted !!! You are putting your conclusion in your premise tsk, tsk lbbyvnh.23.11.11 #59b

Sorry, I used the word “if” with regards to "Causes no harm". I am interested to hear your answer once you learn what “if” means Saint Libby von H. Thank you in advance.

nf.23.11.11 #11,884
HeyNorm said: “we now extend it to the Man” hynrm.23.11.11 #11,880

The man cannot experience the potential of bodily harm, death and the reality of physical pain and discomfort and loss of freedom that a woman confronts every time she finds herself pregnant and when the state deprives her of right to not give consent to take her fetus to full term gestation and viable birth.

All the physical risk is hers not the sperm doner’s.

nf.23.11.11 #11,882

Then you would think women wouldn’t consent to such an awful thing. Of course we know that it isn’t risky for 99% of women giving birth, so it’s a very lame argument in denying men the right not to be given consideration as to when they become parents.

Hypocrite much?
HeyNorm said: “Of course we know that it isn’t risky for 99% of women giving birth.”hynrm.23.11.11 #11,886

When a woman finds out she is pregnant she has no way to know if she will be in the 1% that dies. What business is it to you to want to force her to take the risk?

nf.23.11.11 #11,887
skews13 posted : And the GOP can’t get out of this trap because their religious masters won’t let them.


Having used abortion to get power, the GOP is in danger of losing power because of abortion.

Following the well-fought and well-earned victories by pro-choice forces — again — in the latest election rounds, the body politic has been greeted, or burdened, with more than the usual number of political post-election punditry trying to make sense...
skews13 said: And that dead albatross is only going to start stinking even worse. Should have just shut up about segregation Bob Jones nutjobs, now you get to face the very real scenario of having a political revival that calls for that tax exempt status to go away. skvwsnn.23.11.11 #1

Your post is bumped for Saint Heynorm.

HeyNorm said: “Of course we know that it isn’t risky for 99% of women giving birth.”hynrm.23.11.11 #11,886

Libby von H said: “Natural abortion is not what anyone wants so you can't use it to support anything you are arguing for. lbbyvnh.23.11.11 #59c

Natural abortion as a factual biological reality is to reasonable grown up people a natural law based means to achieving a civilized settlement as to which stage of gestation we members of secular society have a duty to protect human right to life before taking its first breath.

Being aligned with our first four Presidents as a rational theist I have observed natural abortion continues through twenty weeks. Life still is a mystery whether you like it or not,

NotfooledbyW said: “Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks” nf.23.09.19 #1

No state government that is possessed by white Christian conservatives should be abke to torment a woman for ending a pregnancy by choice within the first twenty weeks.

But you ban facts like that because…?. What ? Are you a Vigano Catholic?

nf.23.11.11 #11,890
Mac1958 said: the GOP is trying to figure out a way to mitigate the damage from their overreach on abortion mvcnnnn.23..11.11 #1
They cannot mitigate this because of the BIG RIFT between rational moral people versus the irrational mostly white moral people who live only to serve within the Kingdom of Jesus Christ their Savior,

The division between rational and supernaturally irrational moral groups has culminated into THE BIG RIFT and the irrational cannot win over the hearts and minds of Americans to join the cult of saving bsby fetus.

The rift is splitting the Republican Party’s fundamental reason to even exist into two major irreconcilable factions.

NotfooledbyW said: “Ninety-five percent of all abortions happen between six weeks and sixteen weeks” nf.23.09.19 #1 Trump Faces Big Rift with Pro-Lifers After Opposing Heartbeat Laws​

Whether deliberately aborted or naturally aborted, all ZEFs between “six weeks and twenty weeks cannot be doctored by religious extremists into becoming morally unacceptable dead babies.

They are living brainless human zombies at this stage and morally complete Christians can and should have rejected the dead baby propaganda weve all suffered through the past fifty years.

Most Americans do not want government banning pre-viable fetuses from being aborted . Dobbs teaches us voting for GOP candidates = abortion bans.

The GOP has no path out of this. The GOP is having a miscarriage.

Some other interesting data on Ohioans’ views on abortion before Issue 1 was on the ballot from Pew Research Center:

While a majority of Catholics and Evangelicals opposed abortion in all or most cases, a majority of mainline Protestants thought abortion should be legal in all or most cases—as did religious “nones.”

What happens when even many of the religious stop being moral?

The irrationals often cite the most rational of our founding generation.

“Have you ever found in history one single example of a Nation thoroughly Corrupted—that was afterwards restored to Virtue,” he asked Thomas Jefferson in a letter dated December 21, 1819. He continued: “Without Virtue, there can be no political Liberty.”​

The trouble with that being there is no loss of public virtue when a private decision is made not to carry an unwanted pregnancy to full term.

nf.23 11.12 #11,891
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Libby von H said: “Dobbs returns things to the state level which was overwhelmingly Pro-life before Feds overpowered the States” nf.23.11.11 #47

Forcing full term gestation on women has
never ever held national political support above half the population that I know of ever since President John Adams wrote to Jefferson in 1816 about a recent revival of the Catholic order of the Jesuits,

"This Society has been a greater Calamity to Mankind than the French Revolution or Napoleans Despotism or Ideology. It has obstructed the Progress of Reformation and the Improvements of the human Mind in Society much longer and more fatally."​

I’m wondering if Saint Libbyvonh just makes most of his stuff up and spreads it around like manure hoping to make nonsense grow into facts.

nf.23.11.11 #11,892
" Unrealistic Expectations About Biology "

* Peculiarities Of Inconsistency *

Men don’t consent to parenthood during sex.
Do you not understand the pro abortion argument?
How does your position differ from the abortion anti-choice demand that consent to sex is consent to not only impregnation , should it occur , but that consent to sex is consent to deliver ?

Perhaps you could more clearly describe a pro abortion argument , as it does not seem elective , rather it seems coercive .
" Unrealistic Expectations About Biology "

* Peculiarities Of Inconsistency *

How does your position differ from the abortion anti-choice demand that consent to sex is consent to not only impregnation , should it occur , but that consent to sex is consent to deliver ?

Perhaps you could more clearly describe a pro abortion argument , as it does not seem elective , rather it seems coercive .

Hey, when the law changes making reproduction, or lack of such, only in the hands of the woman, than the responsibility for such reproduction, except in the case of conception within a marriage, is all hers. The man in a sexual relation is not consenting to forced parenthood.

Isn’t that the argument of the left? When you win, accept it and happily move on.

Abortion is just a birth control device that the man has no control over.
" Cannot Rape The Willing Giving Away Semen With Enthusiasm "

* Low Wage Skill Sets And Public Indemnity For Progeny *

Hey, when the law changes making reproduction, or lack of such, only in the hands of the woman, than the responsibility for such reproduction, except in the case of conception within a marriage, is all hers. The man in a sexual relation is not consenting to forced parenthood.
Isn’t that the argument of the left? When you win, accept it and happily move on.
Those ethnic arguments that child support is a double strike against the black man are too funny .

* Win Some Lose Some *
Abortion is just a birth control device that the man has no control over.
However you want to rationalize it is fine .
HeyNorm said: “we now extend it to the Man” hynrm.23.11.11 #11,880

HeyNorm said: “Of course we know that it isn’t risky for 99% of women giving birth.”hynrm.23.11.11 #11,886

Monk-Eye said: How does your position differ from the abortion anti-choice demand that consent to sex is consent to not only impregnation , should it occur , but that consent to sex is consent to deliver ? mvnkvyv.23.11.12 #11,893

HeyNorm said: “The man in a sexual relation is not consenting to forced parenthood.” hynrm.23.11.12 #11,894

You have not extended the fraction of a 1% maternal death rate to a man. Are you ever going to do that?

In response to POST hynrm.23.11.12 #11,894 : When sexual relations produce offspring that is permitted to develop to a stage of viability and live birth, the man is responsible to provide for the person that will become a part of the human community.

When the fetus becomes viable the state has an interest in protecting it. That was decided in RvW fifty years ago. Where have you been?

nf.23.11.12 #11,896
" Cannot Rape The Willing Giving Away Semen With Enthusiasm "

* Low Wage Skill Sets And Public Indemnity For Progeny *

Those ethnic arguments that child support is a double strike against the black man are too funny .

* Win Some Lose Some *

However you want to rationalize it is fine .

Who made that argument? The voices in your head?
HeyNorm said: “we now extend it to the Man” hynrm.23.11.11 #11,880

HeyNorm said: “Of course we know that it isn’t risky for 99% of women giving birth.”hynrm.23.11.11 #11,886

Monk-Eye said: How does your position differ from the abortion anti-choice demand that consent to sex is consent to not only impregnation , should it occur , but that consent to sex is consent to deliver ? mvnkvyv.23.11.12 #11,893

HeyNorm said: “The man in a sexual relation is not consenting to forced parenthood.” hynrm.23.11.12 #11,894

You have not extended the fraction of a 1% maternal death rate to a man. Are you ever going to do that?

In response to POST hynrm.23.11.12 #11,894 : When sexual relations produce offspring that is permitted to develop to a stage of viability and live birth, the man is responsible to provide for the person that will become a part of the human community.

When the fetus becomes viable the state has an interest in protecting it. That was decided in RvW fifty years ago. Where have you been?

nf.23.11.12 #11,896

How does one die from an aborted pregnancy? Men don’t consent to pregnancy because of the act, same as women, right?
" Me So Horny "

* Outside Of Male Control *

How does one die from an aborted pregnancy? Men don’t consent to pregnancy because of the act, same as women, right?
Women do not consent to remain pregnant , should that occur , whereas males do consent to the outcomes , no matter what .

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