Roe v Wade is not going anywhere, you pompous wingnuts.

What is also strange about all this is that the SCOTUS already has Catholics who will not overturn Roe v. Wade, and Kavanaugh says he respects legal precedent. In addition, Roe v. Wade is legal precedence and it is a Scotus hallmark. That is not flimsy. What is flimsy is the far extremes the 2 main political parties have gone to on all the issues. There may be some better limits to abortion with Kavanaugh. In his abortion case his dissenting opinion clearly showed he preferred that an illegal woman had time to talk to a sponsor before making a decision since she was under age.
How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
Wrong the latest poll had more women then men opposed. It was in the news about 2 weeks ago.
That's a lie. American women overwhelmingly support a woman's right to choose.

Case law over the last 45 years has built a firm foundation that will not be overthrown.

Anyone who tells you differently is simply wrong.
You lie. That's why you guys had to go thru the courts, to IMPOSE child killing on the states.
In your opinion- is abortion murder?

In my opinion, abortion is always the taking of a human life. The laws of the land determine if the taking of that life is murder or not.

Okay, you want to know if I think abortion should be considered murder.
I definitely do for late term, partial birth abortion.

For earlier term abortions, I admit that I am currently struggling with that.

I would like to discuss this seriously without any sniping.

I get what you are saying in the first part- you think that abortion is the taking of human life- but according to current law that it is not considered murder.

You personally consider late term abortion to be murder- but earlier term you are struggling with.

What is it you are struggling with?

I think it is because trying to make the issue black and white- when there is a lot of grey is difficult.
If, according to most liberals, the child can live outside the womb it is alive. that means 20 weeks. Yet you monsters support abortion right up to Birth.

I am not sure if liberals or conservatives have a different understanding of when a fetus is viable- and the youngest age a child can survive outside the womb.

Personally I think that if there is viability, and the woman does not want to carry the child, then a c-section birth would be appropriate.
That's a question best left to individuals to decide, not the state.

When Roe is overturned states inclined to do so will compel women to give birth against their will, where women will have no legal recourse to defend their privacy rights.
How many times since Roe v Wade has it been back to the courts? Roe v Wade is a dead issue and used by nuts to invoke fear. Been that way for decades.

How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
How many times since Roe v Wade has it been back to the courts? Roe v Wade is a dead issue and used by nuts to invoke fear. Been that way for decades.

How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
Wrong the latest poll had more women then men opposed. It was in the news about 2 weeks ago.
That's a lie. American women overwhelmingly support a woman's right to choose.

Case law over the last 45 years has built a firm foundation that will not be overthrown.

Anyone who tells you differently is simply wrong.
You lie. That's why you guys had to go thru the courts, to IMPOSE child killing on the states.
What you think means nothing to me.
The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.

Damn! Guess its all settled then. No more debates about abortion are needed, Larsky has posted!

A successful abortion ends a life....... always!

No it doesn't. Especially in the case of an ectopic pregnancy.

There are over 65 thousand women who face an ectopic pregnancy in America every year.

There are only 2 outcomes to that pregnancy. Nothing is done because abortion is illegal and women have to die because their pregnancy went wrong. So she dies. Or the woman has an abortion and lives.

There is absolutely no life in that pregnancy. Only death.

Not all abortions end a life. Some saves lives.

Why do you hate women and want to kill them?
I disagree that abortion does not end a life in an ectopic pregnancy; however, its better to sacrifice one life than to lose both that life and the mother.

You said a successful abortion ends a life.

I showed you where that is incorrect.

There are also the pregnancies that cords get wrapped around the neck of the fetus, strangles it and a late term abortion must be performed to save the woman's life. If the abortion isn't performed the woman dies from paratinitus.

There are so many very good reasons for abortion and it's no one's business to stick their noses in where it doesn't belong.

There is never life in an ectopic pregnancy. That egg is fertilized but there is absolutely no life in it and never will be. All that is in that fertilized egg is death.

Anyway you put it, not all fertilized eggs are life. Not every abortion ends a life. It's not up to you or our government to make that decision.

It's up to the woman, her family and her doctor to make that choice.

Neither you or our government has any right to kill a woman just because her pregnancy went wrong. Just look at what happened for decades to innocent women in Ireland. Thousands died. Some who were just visiting the nation when something went wrong with their pregnancy and Ireland forced them to die needlessly.

With just ectopic pregnancies alone over 65 thousand women in America will die each year. Ectopic pregnancy is just one of the many conditions that a women can face in pregnancy that will kill them. Just think of the hundreds of thousands of innocent women who will die each year because abortion was outlawed.

America can't be forced to go back to that.

There has never been a time when the life of the mother did not trump the life of the baby she carried. That simple fact has never been a legitimate part of the abortion debate.
When Roe is overturned states inclined to do so will compel women to give birth against their will, where women will have no legal recourse to defend their privacy rights.

Bake the Cake!
Have the Baby!

Hypocrisy Party! Everybody dance!
How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
I notice you have no link to the claim 80 percent of opponents are men, now do you? And it was in the news what I repeated.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.

A person who actually reads would know that this "judge" is averse to abortion rights and even tried to force a girl who was raped to have the child to have a baby

try again,

and that isn't the only thing wrong with this appointment anyway....

funny how President Obama, elected twice with 52% of the vote, was denied his appointment, but this corrupt, Russian tool should get an appointment which is going to determine how his case is handled. Your OPINION is not factual. And I have no interest in debating your lies.

Now who is the arrogant little twat?

Get over yourself.

You know what this post if yours conveys to board members?

"Trump is making my head explode and I'm fucking miserable this guy is getting to set up a conservative majority in the court for two generations.....THIS FING SUCKS!!"

Sorry sweets....your turn to visit the Greekfest for a spell! We put up with 8 years of hell....your turn to experience the big bumpy cucumber!!:113:. Just don't scimp on the quality of the'll be fine!:cul2::cul2:
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.

LOL- 'are not subject to debate'

While I agree with the part about Planned Parenthood certainly how Kavanaugh will vote on any issue regarding abortion is up for debate.

Personally I am fairly certain that at some point someone not technically part of the Trump administration asked Kavanaugh for his inclination towards Roe v. Wade and made certain it was against as part of the vetting process. All with plausible deniability.

Certainly there will be ongoing attempts to overturn Roe in the near future- the question will be whether there will just be a weakening of Roe's protections- or a complete overturn.

How many times since Roe v Wade has it been back to the courts? Roe v Wade is a dead issue and used by nuts to invoke fear. Been that way for decades.

How many times? God- dozens of times as states have tried to get around Roe v. Wade.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics
Over the past year, state legislatures in Iowa, Louisiana and Mississippi have advanced strict limits on abortion that some lawmakers believe could trigger a successful challenge to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

"Some" lawmakers, it won't happen, they don't even get to the Supreme Court anymore.
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
Return abortion to the states, and American womanhood will vote the GOP out of existence.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
I notice you have no link to the claim 80 percent of opponents are men, now do you? And it was in the news what I repeated.
:lol: Oh, my cheerful friend, that is not how it works. "it was in the news what I repeated" needs to be sourced. Please do so.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.

After Kennedy, no Republican president would dare to nominate a justice to the Court without ensuring he would vote to overturn Roe.

BS and you sincerely know it, you just use the fear to drive a decision. You people are absolutely dishonest.
No- who is absolutely dishonest is you- Trump campaigned on appointing only pro-life justices-

During the beginning of the third presidential debate, Trump came out hard against abortion. He affirmed that, if elected, he would appoint only pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and that Roe v. Wade would be “automatically” overturned.

And has suggested that women who get abortions might be punished- and certainly the doctors that perform them should be.
Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants

Nothing dishonest about remembering the actual comments of the man appointing the Supreme Court justices- but it is dishonest to pretend that he never said them.

And you believed him? LOL! You haven't believed a damn thing he has said yet you believe him when would get Roe v Wade reversed?

So you only believe what you want to believe, pick and choose. You know I put more weight in what Hillary said than what I put into what Trump said, and I really didn't believe anything Hillary said. How people could vote for either one was beyond me.
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
More women then men oppose abortion numb nuts.

80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
I notice you have no link to the claim 80 percent of opponents are men, now do you? And it was in the news what I repeated.
:lol: Oh, my cheerful friend, that is not how it works. "it was in the news what I repeated" needs to be sourced. Please do so.
As soon as you source the claim that mostly men oppose abortion.
80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
80% of anti-choice activists are men.

Stop lying.... just once
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
I notice you have no link to the claim 80 percent of opponents are men, now do you? And it was in the news what I repeated.
:lol: Oh, my cheerful friend, that is not how it works. "it was in the news what I repeated" needs to be sourced. Please do so.
As soon as you source the claim that mostly men oppose abortion.
You made the first assertion. And by the way I did not say "mostly men oppose abortion", but I believe it. I can say nope and whatever, but I don't have to source anything until you do it first.

You said it first: source it or admit you have nothing. :lol:
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?
RGS can't produce his links, don't expect any sane person to have to refute his nonsense with links.

Not how it works.
I notice you have no link to the claim 80 percent of opponents are men, now do you? And it was in the news what I repeated.
:lol: Oh, my cheerful friend, that is not how it works. "it was in the news what I repeated" needs to be sourced. Please do so.
As soon as you source the claim that mostly men oppose abortion.
You made the first assertion. I can say nope and whatever, but I don't have to source anything until you do it first.

You said it first: source it or admit you have nothing. :lol:
No thanks just admit you got nothing, I saw it on the news you don't even have that.
So let's put RGS's argument out of its pain and send it into oblivion.

SCOTUS says it is a protected right. Somebody can disagree but that means absolutely nothing.

Poll: Majority of Americans support Roe v. Wade | TheHill
A majority of Americans support Roe v. ... A majority of Americans support Roe v. Wade, ... 65 percent of women agree with the case compared to 61 percent of men.
Any of you empty headed morons understand that reversing R v W won’t make abortions illegal?

Here’s some free education for you:

Reversing R v W will allow the voters of each state to decide for themselves if abortion will be legal or not, or what restrictions will be placed in them.

That is as it should be and is following the constitution.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.

After Kennedy, no Republican president would dare to nominate a justice to the Court without ensuring he would vote to overturn Roe.

BS and you sincerely know it, you just use the fear to drive a decision. You people are absolutely dishonest.
No- who is absolutely dishonest is you- Trump campaigned on appointing only pro-life justices-

During the beginning of the third presidential debate, Trump came out hard against abortion. He affirmed that, if elected, he would appoint only pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and that Roe v. Wade would be “automatically” overturned.

And has suggested that women who get abortions might be punished- and certainly the doctors that perform them should be.
Donald Trump, Abortion Foe, Eyes ‘Punishment’ for Women, Then Recants

Nothing dishonest about remembering the actual comments of the man appointing the Supreme Court justices- but it is dishonest to pretend that he never said them.

And you believed him? LOL! You haven't believed a damn thing he has said yet you believe him when would get Roe v Wade reversed?

So you only believe what you want to believe, pick and choose. You know I put more weight in what Hillary said than what I put into what Trump said, and I really didn't believe anything Hillary said. How people could vote for either one was beyond me.

You are the one who claimed it was 'dishonest' to claim that Trump would base his picks on their views on Roe v. Wade.

I am the one who pointed out that Trump himself said that he would .

And there is absolutely no indication that Trump has changed his mind.
Larsky is right, and you pompous pro-life anti-baby wing nuts are out of luck.
I don't think that there is anything much more pompous than announcing that a post is not subject to debate
Where did I say that, MrTwister? I think the opponents of RoevWade are simply out of luck. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh do not look like automatic votes for returning it to the states.

SCOTUS doesn't need to reverse Roe v Wade. It was gutted in 1992 by Planned Parenthood v Casey.

This new court will simply let states add more and more restrictions, until abortions have been de facto eliminated.

The new Court will simply keep ruling that these additional state restrictions do not impose an "undue burden" on the right to have an abortion, until abortions are still technically legal, but factually inaccessible.

"fer instance, Texas shut down 82 clinics and now it's got a baby boom, just as I had warned a couple of years ago:

Texas Sees Unplanned Baby Boom After Republicans Shut Down ...
Feb 4, 2016 - Texas Sees Unplanned Baby Boom After Republicans ShutDown ... of 82 family planning clinics, and that was just the first step they took in ...

Baby boom! Texas hospital delivers 48 babies in 41 hours - Wbal-Tv
Jul 1, 2018 - The staff at a Fort Worth, Texas, hospital was plenty busy last week. Starting on June 26, staff members at the Baylor Scott & White All Saints ...
Missing: clinics

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