Roe v Wade is not going anywhere, you pompous wingnuts.

A suggestion to the ladies who might find themselves in a motherly way:

Why not get your unwanted situation taken care of right away before it turns into anything other than a glob of cells?
Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

The plan is working perfectly.

Well apparently your plan is.

My plan is that African American women should be able to control their own bodies- as should all women- and that plan is working- for now.
It's a genocide you can live with.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
I do not think anyone is talking about allowing abortion up to the last day of pregnancy. Very late stage abortions could likely make both the mother and baby perish. Wire hanger home made abortions made both the mother and baby perish.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?
Oh, jiminy, RGS, bless your heart!

What was the Trimester Rule established in Roe v Wade?
In Roe v. Wade, (1973), the Supreme Court established guidelines for abortion according to a strict "trimester rule." No statutory restriction on abortion allowed during the first trimester. "For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its ...
So you deny that some states allow abortion up to the last day of Pregnancy? Be very specific and cite the federal law written by Congress that establishes any restriction on when a State can set an abortion past the "1st Trimester"
You don't understand at all what you are discussing?

I posted for you the mandatory protections issued by SCOTUS in Roe v. Wade.

I never said a word about last day abortions; you put those words in my mouth.

You do not understand this topic.

More than 60% of men and women approve of regulated abortion.
No they do not approve of late term abortions you are a liar. And you know it.
Now you are talking about late term abortions? Is that what you are talking about? If so, you have once again changed the conversation. I do not know if you are deliberately lying, my friend, but your recollection of this conversation is very much in error.

Look at the chart above to revive your mind.

The person you're replying to is being dishonest about more than changing the subject.

He's being dishonest about late term abortions. On top of saying all abortions are the same as a late term abortion. They aren't.

Late term abortions were banned with Roe V. Wade with the exception of the life and health of the woman or if there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

Then in 2003 the bush boy signed legislation that banned late term abortion but it was basically creating law that already existed with Roe V. Wade. That late term abortion ban legislation also has the same exceptions as Roe V. Wade. For all you stupid people a late term abortion is what you crazy people call a partial birth abortion.

Bush Signs Ban on Partial-Birth Abortions

Everything they say about abortion is a lie. I've stopped paying much attention to them. They know nothing about the human gestation process and refuse to learn the honest facts.

The problem is that they aren't happy with being free to live their lives as they choose. They want to tell everyone else how to live their lives and it must be the same far right wing conservative life they live.

That's not freedom. Nor is it a patriotic American.

The other problem is that women will die needlessly. Unwanted children will be born to women who can't take care of them. The public assistance rolls will explode. The crime rate will explode. Prison population will explode.

And we taxpayers will have to pay for all of it.
No woman cares about "legislating from the bench" arguments. There are three parts at least to our government for balance and women are human beings, not ideas.
A suggestion to the ladies who might find themselves in a motherly way:

Why not get your unwanted situation taken care of right away before it turns into anything other than a glob of cells?

They do. 98% of abortions in America happen in the first trimester. In fact, in the first 8 weeks.

Mostly those pregnancies that are a problem that is there's problem with the fetus or the mother, does abortion happen later in the pregnancy.

There are the few cases of incest. A child too young to understand what's happening to her will find out she's pregnant later in the pregnancy.
RSG is wrong when he claims that I claim "that everyone supports all abortions." I posted a chart for him that shows what state laws are on abortions. I posted a link that shows that 61% of men and 65% of women support abortion.

RvW permits that states to make reasonable accomodation after the first trimester.

RGS is wrong when he states that "anything over 20 weeks is NOT supported and that there is NO FEDERAL law limiting when an abortion can occur."

I do not think RGS is lying. I do think he is drinking heavily based on the posting above.

Between 2 and 3 % of abortions occur after eight weeks. Almost all of them are for medical reasons.
Dana, please go easy on the old guy.

I believe he really believes what he is saying, even if all of it is 180% off.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?

What does the 14th amendment have to do with any of this.

As I said, it was ruled under the FOURTH amendment.

You need to learn how to read and comprehend English.

I told you where that right is. So did 7 supreme court judges. Right there in the fourth amendment. We have the right to have privacy with our bodies.

You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it. You do have to accept it. It's the law of the United States of America.

Deal with it.
Dana, please go easy on the old guy.

I believe he really believes what he is saying, even if all of it is 180% off.

Sorry I stopped going easy on people like that a long time ago.

They don't go easy on pro choice people.

On top of their attacks they lie through their teeth. Nothing they say about this subject is true.

And if they get their way, women all across America are going to start dying like flies from pregnancies that go wrong or from a back ally abortion or from taking what they think is the abortion pill they bought off line or from some parking lot. Add to that all the children who will be born to parents who don't want them, can't properly take care of them which will result in crime and prison rates to skyrocket. On top of all that public assistance they will need.

Those conservatives scream about abortion yet they do nothing to prevent it. In fact they try to pass laws that cause abortion to be needed even more by removing health clinics where women can get free reliable birth control. If they were so against abortion they would be insisting that reliable birth control be available in all stores and handed to everyone who wants it. Yet they do the opposite. If they cared so much about children they wouldn't call them brats, thugs and a long list of names I've seen them call children. If they cared so much about children they would make sure there's proper prenatal and post natal health care. They would make sure there was proper education and opportunities to all. They would make sure those kids were properly fed, clothed and have a roof over their heads but they don't want to do that.

We will see more abandoned babies in garbage cans, women dying and problems that come with unwanted and unplanned births.

And it's all unnecessary.
Will people still like roe vs wade when fetal viability becomes earlier with technology and abortions at 4 weeks, maybe even 2(who knows?), become banned throughout the country?
This is why we need an amendment to the Constitution to protect womens liberty. This abuse of power from the bench will only last so long.
This is only a bandaid. People need to see the forest, not the trees.

With Nano-tech, girls will be able to take one pill when they get their first period and then one pill when they are ready to have children.

We can only hope the Catholic church and those Christian evangelicals that copy them for no reason realize that life absolutely does not before conception.
Blacks comprise only 13% of the population of America but account for 37% of all abortions.

Black women are five times more likely to abort than white women.

The plan is working perfectly.

Well apparently your plan is.

My plan is that African American women should be able to control their own bodies- as should all women- and that plan is working- for now.
It's a genocide you can live with.

What genocide?

African Americans continue to have more children per capita than White Americans.

Total fertility rate by ethnicity U.S. 2016 | Statistic

Your genocide plan continues to fail.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?

Wow- so you think that Americans should ignore the plain language of the 14th Amendment- and pretend it only applied to the rights of former slaves? Note how the 14th Amendment doesn't say that this only applies to former slaves.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?

What does the 14th amendment have to do with any of this.

As I said, it was ruled under the FOURTH amendment.

You need to learn how to read and comprehend English.

I told you where that right is. So did 7 supreme court judges. Right there in the fourth amendment. We have the right to have privacy with our bodies.

You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it. You do have to accept it. It's the law of the United States of America.

Deal with it.
the right to privacy ended with obamacare if that is how you are going to twist it.
Law does work that way. Only patriarchal fools think a society's voice only belongs to the men. The voice for the women in the United States is building to a roar and all you men can be assured that the majority of American women support some form of abortion rights. Plain and simple. No male swagger, no fantasy that "law" just belongs to one group, no fake "polls' can change the rising voice right now of women.
Trump outright said he would appoint judges who would repeal Roe v Wade

Yet, women in Red states overwhelmingly supported Trump. They are the reason he got elected. They could have stopped him

It is those women who will lose reproductive rights and access to planned parenthood

I don’t feel sorry for them
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?

Wow- so you think that Americans should ignore the plain language of the 14th Amendment- and pretend it only applied to the rights of former slaves? Note how the 14th Amendment doesn't say that this only applies to former slaves.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
But that was it's purpose legislating from the bench help to create the perversion of the bill of rights.
Law does work that way. Only patriarchal fools think a society's voice only belongs to the men. The voice for the women in the United States is building to a roar and all you men can be assured that the majority of American women support some form of abortion rights. Plain and simple. No male swagger, no fantasy that "law" just belongs to one group, no fake "polls' can change the rising voice right now of women.
Trump outright said he would appoint judges who would repeal Roe v Wade

Yet, women in Red states overwhelmingly supported Trump. They are the reason he got elected. They could have stopped him

It is those women who will lose reproductive rights and access to planned parenthood

I don’t feel sorry for them
If Roe vs Wade was constitutional what are you concerned about?
Trump appointed Kavanaugh for his pro business leanings, and to pull his fat out of the fire when the hammer comes down.

Nobody's touching abortion. Deal with it, and donate to Planned Parenthood. It's a proven fact they reduce the number of abortions through education and birth control.

The above comments are factual, and are not subject to debate.
Where in the constitution is it written that abortion is a protected right?

You people need to read the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Roe V. Wade was settled under the fourth amendment. If you read that amendment it clearly says we have the right to privacy in our body. There are no exceptions. They don't exclude women from that right.

We also have very strict and clear medical rights laws. There are no exceptions. The law doesn't exclude women from those rights.

The fourth amendment guarantees that everyone here in America has a right to privacy in their bodies. The government can't tell someone what they can or can't do with their own body. The government has no right to invade the privacy we have with our bodies. Our medical privacy laws plainly says that the only people who have a right to see our medical records are the doctors and patients. The patient has to sign specific papers allowing anyone to see those records.

So a woman has the right under the fourth amendment to have privacy with her body. The fourth amendment says that the government can't invade her privacy with her body. Our medical privacy laws says the government and anyone else can't invade her medical records and what medical services she can have.

It's all there in the formal historic documents of the supreme court. It was ruled 7-2. It's on line. Stop being so lazy and go read it for yourself. That is IF you want truth.
The 14th amendment created to ensure that former slaves rights were protected, anything other than that is legislating from the bench.
Again where in the constitution is the protection given to have an abortion?

Wow- so you think that Americans should ignore the plain language of the 14th Amendment- and pretend it only applied to the rights of former slaves? Note how the 14th Amendment doesn't say that this only applies to former slaves.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
But that was it's purpose legislating from the bench help to create the perversion of the bill of rights.

So you think that Justices should interpret the Constitution- and use their own opinions as to the meaning of the Constitution- rather than the actual language of the Constitution itself?

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