Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

You're ignoring the core requirement of virtually every criminal proceeding: Intent.

You are ignoring virtually everything I posted.
The father of 1-year-old twins who died Friday after the police said he had left them in a hot car was charged with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide

Not one word about intent when that father was charged.

Because you're comparing apples and bowling balls. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that you don't leave children in a hot car. While it was not his intent to kill his children, he was criminally negligent - hence the associated charge and the charge of MANSLAUGHTER, not murder.

Same goes for your "1 week fetus" claim. You said it yourself: the woman probably wouldn't even know she was pregnant. We do not hold people criminally responsible in such scenarios.

The conclusion of your post is just feminazi ranting to try and justify killing your own offspring and isn't worth dignifying with a response.

Hey you were the one who lied and said that intent was 'a core requirement'- and I pointed out that the exact example I posted showed intent is not necessary.

Manslaughter Charge Dropped Against Alabama Woman Who Was Shot While Pregnant
This is the case of a pregnant woman who was shot during a fight with another woman- and she was charged with manslaughter by the government- because she should have known not to start the fight.

People v. Jorgensen
Here a pregnant woman was convicted of manslaughter when she accidentally caused a vehicle accident.

Women could get up to 30 years in prison for having a miscarriage under Georgia's harsh new abortion law

Jordan explained how a 1998 Georgia court case Hillman vs. State, prosecutors charged an 18-year old woman who shot herself in her abdomen while pregnant with attempting to "produce a miscarriage" — but a court threw out the indictment partly because they didn't want to supersede the legislature, which had then "refused to criminalize a pregnant woman's acts in securing an illegal abortion."

At the time, the Court of Appeals explicitly said that changing the law to prosecute women who performed their own abortions, which HB 481 does by defining fetuses as people, could warrant "a criminal indictment for virtually any perceived self-destructive behavior during her pregnancy which could cause a late-term miscarriage, to wit: smoking or drinking heavily; using illegal drugs or abusing legal medications; driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or any other dangerous or reckless conduct."

Hey you were the one who lied and said that intent was 'a core requirement'

Oh really?

You're ignoring the core requirement of virtually every criminal proceeding: Intent.

Definition of virtually

1: almost entirely : NEARLY
2: for all practical purposes

Read the entirety of my text next time, not just the parts you like.

That might have been relevant if:
a) the example I provided in my post specifically didn't require intent
b) the situation I was discussing- charging the woman for manslaughter or negligent homicide if she miscarries also does not require intent.

You posted that I was ignoring the 'core requirement of virtually every criminal proceeding'- but you were ignoring that every instance I was discussing has not requirement of intent.

Criminally negligent homicide never has an intent.

I'm not going to play semantic games with you. If you want to know my position on a specific scenario, just ask the question.

Do I think a woman, who knows she's pregnant but engages in negligent behavior that any reasonable person would know to be detrimental to the life of her unborn child, should be criminally charged? Yes.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

Conception. Anything else would require a plethora of criteria that establishes one as "human" and opens pandoras box to all kinds of eugenics.

I don't disagree but so far not everyone is convinced.
I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.


And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.


My choice? A fetus is potential life

Wrong. A fetus is has it's own unique DNA code. According to science, that IS life.

Really? Where does 'science' say that?

Fascinating really that 'definition' of life.

For example- identical twins have identical DNA- so by your definition the twins would only be one life.

And Kobe Bryant would still be considered a life- since even after his death he would have unique DNA.

You didn't bother to say why you don't think that women who have committed abortions- which you consider murder- shouldn't go to prison for murder.

You didn't bother to say why you don't think that every miscarriage should be treated by a coroner the exact same way as every other unexplained death of a child.

1) Twins are a genetic anomaly, but they are separate individuals and are both ALIVE.

2) Kobe Bryant is dead. His DNA is no longer functioning.

3) I don't believe in retroactive prosecution.

4) For the same reason I don't think that every childhood bruise at the doctors office warrants a visit from CPS. Shit happens. Medical staff know that, and they know how to tell the difference. This isn't the dark ages.
I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.


And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.


My choice? A fetus is potential life

Wrong. A fetus is has it's own unique DNA code. According to science, that IS life.

Really? Where does 'science' say that?

Fascinating really that 'definition' of life.

For example- identical twins have identical DNA- so by your definition the twins would only be one life.

One life, two's irrelevant. Its a life.

Kobe Bryant would still be considered a life- since even after his death he would have unique DNA.

You didn't bother to say why you don't think that women who have committed abortions- which you consider murder- shouldn't go to prison for murder.

You didn't bother to say why you don't think that every miscarriage should be treated by a coroner the exact same way as every other unexplained death of a child.

Irrelevant again because we are never going to charge women.
A fetus born 8 months into pregnancy as a preemie is not a baby? One of my post collapse ideas is to build torturttarium museums. We will build giant see through female pelvis areas and place people like you in a slightly acidic liquid. After enough time you will force yourself out of it through the vaginal opening. The opening will have sharp knives and other accruments that will slice and dice you. Then you will get the experience that you say others that can not help themselves so enjoy.

Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

It's illegal to have an abortion at 8 months with the exception of the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a serious problem with the fetus. Such as no brain or spina bifida. An abortion at that late into the pregnancy is required to have extensive documentation of the necessity of the abortion.

No one can just walk into a clinic at that late stage and have an abortion just because they don't want to be pregnant. That choice has been made in the first trimester when it was legal to do so.

The fact is something like 1.3% of all abortions in America happen at that late stage.

The fact is that an abortion at that late stage is saving the life of a woman.
A fetus born 8 months into pregnancy as a preemie is not a baby? One of my post collapse ideas is to build torturttarium museums. We will build giant see through female pelvis areas and place people like you in a slightly acidic liquid. After enough time you will force yourself out of it through the vaginal opening. The opening will have sharp knives and other accruments that will slice and dice you. Then you will get the experience that you say others that can not help themselves so enjoy.

Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.
Slaves were people. Fetuses aren't.

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.
A fetus born 8 months into pregnancy as a preemie is not a baby? One of my post collapse ideas is to build torturttarium museums. We will build giant see through female pelvis areas and place people like you in a slightly acidic liquid. After enough time you will force yourself out of it through the vaginal opening. The opening will have sharp knives and other accruments that will slice and dice you. Then you will get the experience that you say others that can not help themselves so enjoy.

Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.
Slaves were people. Fetuses aren't.

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

There is a huge difference between a woman making her own choice to terminate a pregnancy or carry it to term from assault and battery that takes that choice from her.

The woman made the choice to carry that pregnancy to term. Someone else assaulted her and took that choice from her. There is no law that gives anyone any right to do such a thing.,

It's illegal to assault someone.

It's not illegal to have an abortion. The woman made that choice for herself. No one took her choice from her.
Slaves were people. Fetuses aren't.

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.
A fetus born 8 months into pregnancy as a preemie is not a baby? One of my post collapse ideas is to build torturttarium museums. We will build giant see through female pelvis areas and place people like you in a slightly acidic liquid. After enough time you will force yourself out of it through the vaginal opening. The opening will have sharp knives and other accruments that will slice and dice you. Then you will get the experience that you say others that can not help themselves so enjoy.

Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?
A fetus born 8 months into pregnancy as a preemie is not a baby? One of my post collapse ideas is to build torturttarium museums. We will build giant see through female pelvis areas and place people like you in a slightly acidic liquid. After enough time you will force yourself out of it through the vaginal opening. The opening will have sharp knives and other accruments that will slice and dice you. Then you will get the experience that you say others that can not help themselves so enjoy.

Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.

Nobody, absolutely nobody argues that a dead fetus can not be removed.
Slaves were people. Fetuses aren't.

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.

Why stop there? Why not extend it to infants? They are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus. Do we get to kill them too?

Your logic is garbage.
Last edited:
I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

Holy GOD pick up a goddamn elementary science book you imbecile.

How in the ever loving fuck are people in first world nations still this stupid in 2020?
Actually the moderate position is unlimited abortion access in the first trimester or so only.

After that, even according to Roe there may be restrictions, as a viable fetus could be considered an entity worthy of protection.

One more time. Roe left the possibility of restrictions, but Doe v. Bolton, issued the same day, stated that abortions could be performed at any time, if the health of the woman was considered to be at risk.

Doe v. Bolton - Wikipedia

The Court's opinion in Doe v. Bolton stated that a woman may obtain an abortion after viability, if necessary to protect her health. The Court defined "health" as follows:

"Whether, in the words of the Georgia statute, "an abortion is necessary" is a professional judgment that the Georgia physician will be called upon to make routinely. We agree with the District Court, 319 F. Supp., at 1058, that the medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health".[1]

In short... any health reason that the woman and her doctor decide upon. If having a baby you don't want will have a psychological toll, then abortion is permissible.
Actually the moderate position is unlimited abortion access in the first trimester or so only.

After that, even according to Roe there may be restrictions, as a viable fetus could be considered an entity worthy of protection.

One more time. Roe left the possibility of restrictions, but Doe v. Bolton, issued the same day, stated that abortions could be performed at any time, if the health of the woman was considered to be at risk.

Doe v. Bolton - Wikipedia

The Court's opinion in Doe v. Bolton stated that a woman may obtain an abortion after viability, if necessary to protect her health. The Court defined "health" as follows:

"Whether, in the words of the Georgia statute, "an abortion is necessary" is a professional judgment that the Georgia physician will be called upon to make routinely. We agree with the District Court, 319 F. Supp., at 1058, that the medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors may relate to health".[1]

In short... any health reason that the woman and her doctor decide upon. If having a baby you don't want will have a psychological toll, then abortion is permissible.

Sorry, but that makes the person in question an asshole.

Figures you would bond with that.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

I've answered it many times. It's a stupid law. Shouldn't be on the books.

The problem is we've ALREADY seen the Christian Nuts try to use this law to go after pregnant women who miscarry.
Sorry, but that makes the person in question an asshole.

Figures you would bond with that.

Happens to be your opinion. When you grow a uterus, your opinion might even count.

The reality- no one is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good reason. The only reason why this is an issue is some Christian nuts go dumpster diving in the Medical Waster Containers and find something that looks like a baby if you slap it togethe

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