Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

I've answered it many times. It's a stupid law. Shouldn't be on the books.

The problem is we've ALREADY seen the Christian Nuts try to use this law to go after pregnant women who miscarry.

So I should have free reign to walk down the street, punching pregnant women in the gut and killing their offspring, and face nothing more than an assault charge?

You people are fucked in the head.
Slaves were people. Fetuses aren't.

Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.

Why stop there? Why not extend it to infants? They are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus. Do we get to kill them too?

Your logic is garbage.

No- they are not just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive. It has no heart. It has no kidney. All of its functions are provided by the mother.

An infant can be feed and cared for by anyone. It has a pumping heart, it has lungs that process air.

Your logic is beyond garbage- it is frankly just propaganda lies.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.

Why stop there? Why not extend it to infants? They are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus. Do we get to kill them too?

Your logic is garbage.

No- they are not just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive. It has no heart. It has no kidney. All of its functions are provided by the mother.

An infant can be feed and cared for by anyone. It has a pumping heart, it has lungs that process air.

Your logic is beyond garbage- it is frankly just propaganda lies.

"A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive."

News flash: That's how our species propagates. Has been happening since the beginning of time. Why do you tards act like this is some alien concept?

"It has no heart. It has no kidney. All of its functions are provided by the mother."

If you want to base the right to life on organ function, then every single person currently in the hospital for a failing or dysfunctional organ is fair game to kill.

"An infant can be feed and cared for by anyone."

But it still requires the usage of someone's body to do it. Using your logic, who the hell are you to tell me I have to feed my infant child? What right do you have to dictate to me that I must expend the nutrients and energy of MY body to provide for him? So what if he dies without my care? My body, my right - right? If I don't want to feed him I don't have to.

"Your logic is beyond garbage- it is frankly just propaganda lies."

You're just buttmad because I've been kicking your ass and handing it to you and you know it. Your logic, when applied ANYwhere else on the human condition, completely falls apart. And you morons claim to be the "party of science". :rolleyes:
Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.
You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.
Guy, nobody is having abortions at 8 months without a damned good medical reason.

I'm sure a giant fake vagina is as close to female genitalia as you'll ever get.

There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.

Nobody, absolutely nobody argues that a dead fetus can not be removed.

I know. Well no sane people would.

I'm pointing out to you a very good reason for late term abortion.

You made a blanket statement there was no reason for it.

I'm pointing reality and truth out to you. That's what late term abortion is. A situation where the life of the woman is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

That's the only way a woman can have a legal abortion 3rd trimester abortion in America and that's why it's very, very important to keep it legal. And why it's so very, very wrong to condemn those who have had to go through that hellish nightmare. It's very wrong to insinuate that all abortions are late term and that those who have one do it just because they don't want to be pregnant.

It's very dishonest to do that. Thinking like that gets women killed. And it's nothing but a lie.
There is no reason but no, people are not having abortions at 8 months.

Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.

Nobody, absolutely nobody argues that a dead fetus can not be removed.

I know. Well no sane people would.

I'm pointing out to you a very good reason for late term abortion.

You made a blanket statement there was no reason for it.

I'm pointing reality and truth out to you. That's what late term abortion is. A situation where the life of the woman is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

That's the only way a woman can have a legal abortion 3rd trimester abortion in America and that's why it's very, very important to keep it legal. And why it's so very, very wrong to condemn those who have had to go through that hellish nightmare. It's very wrong to insinuate that all abortions are late term and that those who have one do it just because they don't want to be pregnant.

It's very dishonest to do that. Thinking like that gets women killed. And it's nothing but a lie.

That isn't an abortion and on top of that, you know that.
I know your choice- every abortion is murder- and you think that the one quarter of American women who have had abortions should go to prison for murder.

And that every miscarriage must be investigated by the coroner to decide if the pregnant woman was culpable for the miscarriage and if so, she must be prosecuted for manslaughter or negligent homicide.

My choice? A fetus is potential life- and we can absolutely criminalize any criminal act that results in the termination of a pregnancy- and provide additional penalties for that act.

But I don't think that American women should live in fear each time they miscarry that their doctor has to report them to the coroner for possible negligent homicide charges.

The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.

No I don't know it is. In fact, I know it isn't.

Obviously you aren't interested in honest facts and you won't take the time to look up the meaning of ectopic pregnancy.

So I guess I'm going to have to further educate you.

An ectopic pregnancy is a zygote, that never made it to the uterus to attach to grow. It's stuck either inside or outside the tube. That zygote will never reach the uterus to attach and never become life. All it will do is become bacteria infection that keeps getting worse and worse until it ruptures, gets into the blood stream and kills the woman. If it's caught soon enough she might not die but will be left infertile.

The only thing it's going to do is either kill the woman or leave her infertile if she doesn't die.

Do you have any education or knowledge of pregnancy or the gestation of life? Do have any education or knowledge of science of the development of life? What can and does go wrong with a pregnancy? It doesn't seem so to me because you don't accept reality and truth.

You can live your life believing what you want. You don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else.

You don't have the right to murder women just because you have a different belief from our society, science and the law.

That's your biggest problem. The truth, reality, science, the law and our society just isn't on your side in this.

Which is why you don't want to read scientific and medical fact and call it ramblings.

I believe in choice. If you want to die from an ectopic pregnancy, go for it. That's your right to make that choice. You have no right to force it on anyone else. That's real murder of a living, breathing human being.

Aborting an ectopic pregnancy isn't killing anything alive. It's saving the life of a living woman and hopefully going on to having children later.
The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.

No I don't know it is. In fact, I know it isn't.

Obviously you aren't interested in honest facts and you won't take the time to look up the meaning of ectopic pregnancy.

So I guess I'm going to have to further educate you.

An ectopic pregnancy is a zygote, that never made it to the uterus to attach to grow. It's stuck either inside or outside the tube. That zygote will never reach the uterus to attach and never become life. All it will do is become bacteria infection that keeps getting worse and worse until it ruptures, gets into the blood stream and kills the woman. If it's caught soon enough she might not die but will be left infertile.

The only thing it's going to do is either kill the woman or leave her infertile if she doesn't die.

Do you have any education or knowledge of pregnancy or the gestation of life? Do have any education or knowledge of science of the development of life? What can and does go wrong with a pregnancy? It doesn't seem so to me because you don't accept reality and truth.

You can live your life believing what you want. You don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else.

You don't have the right to murder women just because you have a different belief from our society, science and the law.

That's your biggest problem. The truth, reality, science, the law and our society just isn't on your side in this.

Which is why you don't want to read scientific and medical fact and call it ramblings.

I believe in choice. If you want to die from an ectopic pregnancy, go for it. That's your right to make that choice. You have no right to force it on anyone else. That's real murder of a living, breathing human being.

Aborting an ectopic pregnancy isn't killing anything alive. It's saving the life of a living woman and hopefully going on to having children later.

A bacteria infection is alive.
Because the way the law is written is conflicted.

Virtually every state law that makes the death of a fetus homicide or manslaughter- also include provisions that exclude abortion from the law.

All of those laws are internally conflicted.

You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.

Why stop there? Why not extend it to infants? They are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus. Do we get to kill them too?

Your logic is garbage.

No- they are not just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive. It has no heart. It has no kidney. All of its functions are provided by the mother.

An infant can be feed and cared for by anyone. It has a pumping heart, it has lungs that process air.

Your logic is beyond garbage- it is frankly just propaganda lies.

"A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive."

News flash: That's how our species propagates. Has been happening since the beginning of time. Why do you tards act like this is some alien concept

Oh you poor little thing. You know you lost what little bit of an argument you thought you had so you tried to change the subject.

Your claim was that infants are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

I just showed that was an idiotic and easily disproved claim.

So you tried to change the subject.

Didn't work
Yes there are reasons to have an abortion at that late stage.

Such as my cousin's wife. In the last trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy, the cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus. It strangled the fetus and it died.

She had to have a late term abortion to save her own life and fertility. If she had been forced to keep that dead fetus inside her until it spontaneously aborted, at worse, she would have died. At best she would have been left infertile. A bacteria called paratinitus will grow and kill her. If it's caught in time, she has a chance to live but will be left infertile for life.

Or like a good friend of mine. She found out late in a very planed and wanted pregnancy that the fetus had severe spina bifida. That condition doesn't show up on tests until later in the pregnancy. The fetus wouldn't have lived long if it was taken to term. It would have been cruel to force her to carry that pregnancy to term only to have to watch it die soon after birth.

I come from a family of doctors including OB/GYN. I can tell you that there are many very good reasons why an abortion is needed at that late stage.

Usually it's saving a woman's life.

You're right. People don't go in to have an abortion that late in a pregnancy without an extremely good reason. Only 1.3% of all abortions in America happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.

Nobody, absolutely nobody argues that a dead fetus can not be removed.

I know. Well no sane people would.

I'm pointing out to you a very good reason for late term abortion.

You made a blanket statement there was no reason for it.

I'm pointing reality and truth out to you. That's what late term abortion is. A situation where the life of the woman is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

That's the only way a woman can have a legal abortion 3rd trimester abortion in America and that's why it's very, very important to keep it legal. And why it's so very, very wrong to condemn those who have had to go through that hellish nightmare. It's very wrong to insinuate that all abortions are late term and that those who have one do it just because they don't want to be pregnant.

It's very dishonest to do that. Thinking like that gets women killed. And it's nothing but a lie.

That isn't an abortion and on top of that, you know that.

No I don't know that. I know the exact opposite. I know what I said was honest true fact. I know that it is abortion. I grew up with a mother who was an OB/GYN. My oldest sister is a doctor. My niece is an OB. My second oldest sister is a physical therapist. My sister in law is a nurse. My cousin is an orthopedic surgeon. I can go on. I grew up with doctors all around me. I grew up with OB and GYN discussions and knowing all about the gestation process. All about abortions and all about how the human body works.

Obviously you didn't and didn't bother to learn any of it.

Yes it is abortion. That's one of the many conditions that allows a woman to have a legal late term abortion.

Just because you don't have any knowledge of science and medicine doesn't make what I said wrong.

You are wrong.

She had a late term medical induced abortion. That fetus didn't abort itself. Which is a spontaneous abortion. It was removed by doctors in a procedure that people like you believe should never happen.

Wow you anti choice people really don't know what you're talking about but want to force it on everyone in our nation. How dare you do such a thing?
The fetus is without question a life. That is a scientific fact. The question is when does it become a human.

There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.

No I don't know it is. In fact, I know it isn't.

Obviously you aren't interested in honest facts and you won't take the time to look up the meaning of ectopic pregnancy.

So I guess I'm going to have to further educate you.

An ectopic pregnancy is a zygote, that never made it to the uterus to attach to grow. It's stuck either inside or outside the tube. That zygote will never reach the uterus to attach and never become life. All it will do is become bacteria infection that keeps getting worse and worse until it ruptures, gets into the blood stream and kills the woman. If it's caught soon enough she might not die but will be left infertile.

The only thing it's going to do is either kill the woman or leave her infertile if she doesn't die.

Do you have any education or knowledge of pregnancy or the gestation of life? Do have any education or knowledge of science of the development of life? What can and does go wrong with a pregnancy? It doesn't seem so to me because you don't accept reality and truth.

You can live your life believing what you want. You don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else.

You don't have the right to murder women just because you have a different belief from our society, science and the law.

That's your biggest problem. The truth, reality, science, the law and our society just isn't on your side in this.

Which is why you don't want to read scientific and medical fact and call it ramblings.

I believe in choice. If you want to die from an ectopic pregnancy, go for it. That's your right to make that choice. You have no right to force it on anyone else. That's real murder of a living, breathing human being.

Aborting an ectopic pregnancy isn't killing anything alive. It's saving the life of a living woman and hopefully going on to having children later.

Thank you. Great post.
There are 3 stages of gestation for life.

1. Zygote
2. Embryo
3. Fetus

A zygote is the first stage. Embryo is second. Fetus is the third.

I certainly hope you aren't saying there's life in a zygote and embryo.

They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

If you are then I have to point out ectopic pregnancy to you.

There are only 2 results in an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives. If it's done in time, she might be able to preserve her fertility.
2. The woman doesn't have an abortion and dies.

That's it. There are over 68 thousand ectopic pregnancies in America each year.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.

No I don't know it is. In fact, I know it isn't.

Obviously you aren't interested in honest facts and you won't take the time to look up the meaning of ectopic pregnancy.

So I guess I'm going to have to further educate you.

An ectopic pregnancy is a zygote, that never made it to the uterus to attach to grow. It's stuck either inside or outside the tube. That zygote will never reach the uterus to attach and never become life. All it will do is become bacteria infection that keeps getting worse and worse until it ruptures, gets into the blood stream and kills the woman. If it's caught soon enough she might not die but will be left infertile.

The only thing it's going to do is either kill the woman or leave her infertile if she doesn't die.

Do you have any education or knowledge of pregnancy or the gestation of life? Do have any education or knowledge of science of the development of life? What can and does go wrong with a pregnancy? It doesn't seem so to me because you don't accept reality and truth.

You can live your life believing what you want. You don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else.

You don't have the right to murder women just because you have a different belief from our society, science and the law.

That's your biggest problem. The truth, reality, science, the law and our society just isn't on your side in this.

Which is why you don't want to read scientific and medical fact and call it ramblings.

I believe in choice. If you want to die from an ectopic pregnancy, go for it. That's your right to make that choice. You have no right to force it on anyone else. That's real murder of a living, breathing human being.

Aborting an ectopic pregnancy isn't killing anything alive. It's saving the life of a living woman and hopefully going on to having children later.

Thank you. Great post.

Thank you.

I couldn't believe the pathetic reply that person had to that post.

That person's reply was bacteria is life.

Can they get any more ridiculous and pathetic?

I guess that person wants to outlaw all antibiotics and anything that will kill bacteria.

That person believes that bacteria have more right to life than human beings do.

Wow. That person should have done what I did when I read it's ridiculous reply, not replied.
You're damn right it's conflicted.

Either a fetus is a person or it is not. If it is a person then it deserves equal protection under the law as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. If it's not a person, then absolutely NOBODY should be held accountable for terminating one.

Make your choice.

Exactly. We have to draw the line somewhere. By my reckoning it's "location, location, location". If it's inside a person's body, it's not yet an independent entity and no one else's business.

Why stop there? Why not extend it to infants? They are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus. Do we get to kill them too?

Your logic is garbage.

No- they are not just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive. It has no heart. It has no kidney. All of its functions are provided by the mother.

An infant can be feed and cared for by anyone. It has a pumping heart, it has lungs that process air.

Your logic is beyond garbage- it is frankly just propaganda lies.

"A 3 week fetus cannot survive outside the uterus- under any conditions- it literally requires a direct link to the pregnant woman to survive."

News flash: That's how our species propagates. Has been happening since the beginning of time. Why do you tards act like this is some alien concept

Oh you poor little thing. You know you lost what little bit of an argument you thought you had so you tried to change the subject.

Your claim was that infants are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus.

I just showed that was an idiotic and easily disproved claim.

So you tried to change the subject.

Didn't work

I lost nothing, cupcake.

"Your claim was that infants are just as dependent on another human being as any fetus."

Because they are. Without another human to feed, clothe, bathe, and shelter them - they will die. Only a colossal moron would claim otherwise.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

I've answered it many times. It's a stupid law. Shouldn't be on the books.

The problem is we've ALREADY seen the Christian Nuts try to use this law to go after pregnant women who miscarry.

So I should have free reign to walk down the street, punching pregnant women in the gut and killing their offspring, and face nothing more than an assault charge?

You people are fucked in the head.

Coming from the people who think that you should have free reign to tell an 11 year old rape victim that she can't take a morning after pill, and has to be pregnant with the fetus sired by her own dad, and risk her own death to give birth.

You people are definitely fucked in the head.
They absolutely are and on top of that you know they are.

What does that have to do with what the discussion was?

So you believe that a zygote is life even though it will never attach to a uterus and go through the other 2 stages of gestation.

I pointed out to you that a zygote isn't life. Especially when it's ectopic. I get the feeling you don't know what that is. Look it up. As I said. There are only 2 outcomes for that zygote. It will never become life. The only thing it will ever do is either kill a woman or if she's lucky, leave her infertile. It doesn't matter if that zygote has ruptured or not. It will always be aborted.

The question is, do you believe the woman should die or live? If she lives, should her fertility be taken from her so she can't go on to have children later?

It's not right to lump all pregnancies and all stages of pregnancy into one category and the most extreme.

What you're saying is that a woman has no right to life. That she has no right to save her own life if her pregnancy goes wrong.

I disagree. So does our society, science and law.

I don't want to see tens of thousands of women die needlessly because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Obviously you do.

Its a life and as I said, you know it is. I'm not interested in your ramblings.

No I don't know it is. In fact, I know it isn't.

Obviously you aren't interested in honest facts and you won't take the time to look up the meaning of ectopic pregnancy.

So I guess I'm going to have to further educate you.

An ectopic pregnancy is a zygote, that never made it to the uterus to attach to grow. It's stuck either inside or outside the tube. That zygote will never reach the uterus to attach and never become life. All it will do is become bacteria infection that keeps getting worse and worse until it ruptures, gets into the blood stream and kills the woman. If it's caught soon enough she might not die but will be left infertile.

The only thing it's going to do is either kill the woman or leave her infertile if she doesn't die.

Do you have any education or knowledge of pregnancy or the gestation of life? Do have any education or knowledge of science of the development of life? What can and does go wrong with a pregnancy? It doesn't seem so to me because you don't accept reality and truth.

You can live your life believing what you want. You don't have the right to force that belief on anyone else.

You don't have the right to murder women just because you have a different belief from our society, science and the law.

That's your biggest problem. The truth, reality, science, the law and our society just isn't on your side in this.

Which is why you don't want to read scientific and medical fact and call it ramblings.

I believe in choice. If you want to die from an ectopic pregnancy, go for it. That's your right to make that choice. You have no right to force it on anyone else. That's real murder of a living, breathing human being.

Aborting an ectopic pregnancy isn't killing anything alive. It's saving the life of a living woman and hopefully going on to having children later.

Thank you. Great post.

Thank you.

I couldn't believe the pathetic reply that person had to that post.

That person's reply was bacteria is life.

Can they get any more ridiculous and pathetic?

I guess that person wants to outlaw all antibiotics and anything that will kill bacteria.

That person believes that bacteria have more right to life than human beings do.

Wow. That person should have done what I did when I read it's ridiculous reply, not replied.

Bacteria is life. It's not complex life. It's not sentient life. But it is life. And you completely missed the point he was making as evidenced by your continued baseless rant.
Then why is someone who assaults a pregnant woman and causes the death of her "fetus" charged with homicide?

Why do you fuckwits NEVER answer this?

I've answered it many times. It's a stupid law. Shouldn't be on the books.

The problem is we've ALREADY seen the Christian Nuts try to use this law to go after pregnant women who miscarry.

So I should have free reign to walk down the street, punching pregnant women in the gut and killing their offspring, and face nothing more than an assault charge?

You people are fucked in the head.

Coming from the people who think that you should have free reign to tell an 11 year old rape victim that she can't take a morning after pill, and has to be pregnant with the fetus sired by her own dad, and risk her own death to give birth.

You people are definitely fucked in the head.

If you bothered to read prior posts I've made, you would see that I (and many other if not most conservatives) agree with abortion in instances of rape. But once again, you didn't bother to ask. Typical leftist.
Removing a dead fetus is not an abortion nor does it have anything to do with the topic.

I can't believe you're that obtuse. Usually I agree with what you post.

However not in this situation.

The word abortion has a real meaning. An abortion is ending a pregnancy before it's term.

There are spontaneous abortions. Which people outside the medical industry call a miscarriage.

There are induced or medical abortions. Most are performed in the first trimester. Only 1.3% happen in the last trimester.

Removing a dead fetus is most certainly an abortion. In fact, it was done in the 90s before the bush boy outlawed what you people call partial birth abortions. My cousin's wife had a partial birth abortion. She had to give birth to it and it's skull was punctured as it was coming out of the birth canal. That is a late term abortion. It's what's called a medical or induced abortion. It's one of the reasons for a late term abortion.

You made a flat statement there is no reason for a late term abortion. I gave you 2 very good reasons. Just because you don't want to accept honest truth and facts, doesn't make what I posted not true.

Here in America we know there are very good reasons why a woman has to have to terminate a third trimester pregnancy. It's illegal to do so just because a woman doesn't want to be pregnant. It's legal to do if the woman's life is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

It's usually saving the life of a woman. Like with my cousin's wife.

Nobody, absolutely nobody argues that a dead fetus can not be removed.

I know. Well no sane people would.

I'm pointing out to you a very good reason for late term abortion.

You made a blanket statement there was no reason for it.

I'm pointing reality and truth out to you. That's what late term abortion is. A situation where the life of the woman is in jeopardy or there's a very serious problem with the fetus.

That's the only way a woman can have a legal abortion 3rd trimester abortion in America and that's why it's very, very important to keep it legal. And why it's so very, very wrong to condemn those who have had to go through that hellish nightmare. It's very wrong to insinuate that all abortions are late term and that those who have one do it just because they don't want to be pregnant.

It's very dishonest to do that. Thinking like that gets women killed. And it's nothing but a lie.

That isn't an abortion and on top of that, you know that.

No I don't know that. I know the exact opposite. I know what I said was honest true fact. I know that it is abortion. I grew up with a mother who was an OB/GYN. My oldest sister is a doctor. My niece is an OB. My second oldest sister is a physical therapist. My sister in law is a nurse. My cousin is an orthopedic surgeon. I can go on. I grew up with doctors all around me. I grew up with OB and GYN discussions and knowing all about the gestation process. All about abortions and all about how the human body works.

Obviously you didn't and didn't bother to learn any of it.

Yes it is abortion. That's one of the many conditions that allows a woman to have a legal late term abortion.

Just because you don't have any knowledge of science and medicine doesn't make what I said wrong.

You are wrong.

She had a late term medical induced abortion. That fetus didn't abort itself. Which is a spontaneous abortion. It was removed by doctors in a procedure that people like you believe should never happen.

Wow you anti choice people really don't know what you're talking about but want to force it on everyone in our nation. How dare you do such a thing?

It's never illegal and it's never been illegal for a woman to have a dead fetus removed.


The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy:

In your scenario the life has already been terminated.

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