Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

I think the CDC needs to get it together for the good of all Americans. They should come up with a law saying information about abortion is harming Americans and, have the President sign a law for the good of all Americans, banning media coverage in the press. President Nixon did it with cigarette advertising.

What sort of drugs do you need to take to squat and squeeze out this jewel?
and I would LOVE to hear how capitalism is causing women to have kids later in life. (/sarcasm)

Let's see.

Old model. Dad graduated high school at 18, joined a union. Married his high school sweetheart. Started having kids.

New Model... Mom and Dad both graduate college at 22. Neither one of them gets a good enough job to start a family, so they end up living at home until they're 26. They spend years paying down college debt and getting established in their careers. They put off having babies. Have a couple of abortions because "now isn't the right time". Wait until they are 30, desperately scramble before the Biological Clock runs down, hope they don't have a Down Syndrome Retard they end up having to abort.

This by you is a good system?

You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?
You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?

A choice would imply that there is a choice. When the hyper-inflation of the 1970's hit, a lot of women who would rather have stayed home with the kids went into the workforce.

The point is, and I know this is difficult for you to grasp, is that when you have a system that exploits people and early pregnancy is a road to poverty, you are going to get less early pregnancies. The current system is actually unnatural. Women SHOULD be having their babies in their early 20's, not their late 30's.

and I would LOVE to hear how capitalism is causing women to have kids later in life. (/sarcasm)

Let's see.

Old model. Dad graduated high school at 18, joined a union. Married his high school sweetheart. Started having kids.

New Model... Mom and Dad both graduate college at 22. Neither one of them gets a good enough job to start a family, so they end up living at home until they're 26. They spend years paying down college debt and getting established in their careers. They put off having babies. Have a couple of abortions because "now isn't the right time". Wait until they are 30, desperately scramble before the Biological Clock runs down, hope they don't have a Down Syndrome Retard they end up having to abort.

This by you is a good system?

You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?

Read the data fool. 75% of women who get abortions are living below or at the poverty line. The birth rate for American women is falling like a stone.

The USA is the only first world country with no mandated vacations, family leave, maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, or universal health care.

You can be fired just for being pregnant so there goes your health insurance, just when you really need it.

Abortions are all about the economy.
You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?

A choice would imply that there is a choice. When the hyper-inflation of the 1970's hit, a lot of women who would rather have stayed home with the kids went into the workforce.

The point is, and I know this is difficult for you to grasp, is that when you have a system that exploits people and early pregnancy is a road to poverty, you are going to get less early pregnancies. The current system is actually unnatural. Women SHOULD be having their babies in their early 20's, not their late 30's.


How sexist of you.
and I would LOVE to hear how capitalism is causing women to have kids later in life. (/sarcasm)

Let's see.

Old model. Dad graduated high school at 18, joined a union. Married his high school sweetheart. Started having kids.

New Model... Mom and Dad both graduate college at 22. Neither one of them gets a good enough job to start a family, so they end up living at home until they're 26. They spend years paying down college debt and getting established in their careers. They put off having babies. Have a couple of abortions because "now isn't the right time". Wait until they are 30, desperately scramble before the Biological Clock runs down, hope they don't have a Down Syndrome Retard they end up having to abort.

This by you is a good system?

You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?

Read the data fool. 75% of women who get abortions are living below or at the poverty line. The birth rate for American women is falling like a stone.

The USA is the only first world country with no mandated vacations, family leave, maternity leave or job protections for pregnant women, or universal health care.

You can be fired just for being pregnant so there goes your health insurance, just when you really need it.

Abortions are all about the economy.

Rationalize all you want. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

"My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of NATURAL death, have an inalienable right to life"


says the conservative who believes everyone who doesn't lick trumps ass is a traitor who should be dealt with as a traitor.....(executed)

do you have your liberal hunting permit? (hope it was free and not just another way for the government to get money out of you)


rush limbaugh said "leave ONLY SOME liberals left alive"

ann coulter said "we should shoot a few (liberals) to let the rest know it can happen to them"

If a child is born who grows up to be a liberal-progressive-atheist-gay-democrat at what point POSTbirth do you want to abort it? will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Would you call yourself a "one issue" voter, the issue being abortion? will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Asking you consider yourself a "one issue" voter when it comes to abortion?
You blame the economy, when the real blame probably goes to changing desires of women.

Wasn't that the whole goal of feminism? Giving them the choice?

A choice would imply that there is a choice. When the hyper-inflation of the 1970's hit, a lot of women who would rather have stayed home with the kids went into the workforce.

The point is, and I know this is difficult for you to grasp, is that when you have a system that exploits people and early pregnancy is a road to poverty, you are going to get less early pregnancies. The current system is actually unnatural. Women SHOULD be having their babies in their early 20's, not their late 30's.


I am pro-life but I agree with your basic argument. Let's use another story being discussed here. A woman could look forward to prison in Kansas for not aborting if she is among the working poor.

It's why (among other reasons) I fully support some sort of universal health care. While I am pro-life I do not support the idea of "stay pregnant, struggle to pay your bills and when you pick the heating bill over the medical bill, go to jail and have the state take your children". will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
I proposed ways by which via modern technology, such as birth detection, this could easily be implemented and forced by law.

The minority of 6th grade reading level and barely literate women congregating at trivialities such as "women's march" having no say or viability in the matter whatsoever, thinking women in the likeness of Margaret Thatcher, as well as thinking men being the ultimate arbiters on it; so we merely need to ensure that those of such as superior moral and intellectual persuasion are put into the places necessary for the implementation thereof, and that the rabble are effectively blackballed from any mythical notion of "rights" having anything akin to a relevant say in the matter at all, outside of their archaic and beastly behaviors and vices, and intellectually vapid persuasions to the amusement of those thinking women and thinking men in the law who can easily begin the actions necessary to eliminate the fables and fictitious, nonexistent "rights" of society's dreck and lowest common denominators.
To misquote Gloria Steinem, if men could get pregnant, they'd probably be treated as doubly hard by society for abortion is as women are...

There would be much more incentive to "stop men from having sex" as there supposedly is for women, did biological realities not make such a thing quite as as physically difficult. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
I have always thought abortion should be a states right to allow it or not. Personally I believe abortion after the first trimester is murder and should net be allowed after that time. It should be the state that decides and I can vote with my feet if I don't like their decision.
She couldn't slap down a fly with 10 square foot swatter.

And what "point"? It's the same bullshit from you over and over.

That women are putting off childbirth until their late 20s, early 30's when their biological clocks are already running down.

That was the point.

I mean, I'm fine with it. The sooner white people are in the minority, the better.
She couldn't slap down a fly with 10 square foot swatter.

And what "point"? It's the same bullshit from you over and over.

That women are putting off childbirth until their late 20s, early 30's when their biological clocks are already running down.

That was the point.

I mean, I'm fine with it. The sooner white people are in the minority, the better.

Wow, talk about a self loathing human being.

You are the perfect SJW quisling.

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