Roger Dean sues James Cameron...

If I'm going to spend $8-10 for a flick, then I empty my noggin of all pre-conceived notions and sit back for some entertainment. I was entertained. Hell I've watched it a second time.

Although I did feel a bit dirty.

My joke above notwithstanding, I've never seen Avatar. Never been interested.

It's on tv right now. And I have the dvd as well. And yes, I am watching it right now. When it is over, I might pop in the dvd and watch it again. I do the same with LOTR's trilogy.
Double whammy tonight. It just went off, and they are doing a repeat. So..I don't have to drag out my dvd after all. Happy dance!
People get inspiration from all kinds of sources. So if someone makes a movie over a lady that looks just like Mona Lisa, then what? And how many movies have been made that look like they were straight out of Thomas Kincade's thatch hut houses?

Can't sue someone for getting a lightbulb over their heads after looking at someone else's work. Well, ya can, but it's a slippery slope doing it.

This will be a difficult endeavor for Mr. Dean.
At least he's not experiencing the woes of Mrs. Deen. :eusa_whistle:
Lawsuit Summary - William Roger Dean v. James Cameron et al

RFC Case Number: C-W13-4479J
Court Case Number: 1:13-cv-04479-JMF
File Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013
Plaintiff: William Roger Dean

Plaintiff Counsel: Steven M. Hayes of Hanly Conroy Bierstein Sheridan Fisher & Hayes LLP

Defendant: James Cameron
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Dune Entertainment III LLC
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment
Lightstorm Entertainment
Ingenious Film Partners 2 LLP

Cause: 17:101 Copyright Infringement
Court: New York Southern District Court
Judge: Judge Jesse M. Furman
I'm not familiar with Dean's work, so I can't make an informed judgement. Based on the few works I've seen compared to, this suit should go nowhere. The similarities are not substantial enough in the few examples I've seen. Of course, if there are 50 more examples I haven't seen, my opinion might change. :tongue:

Oh, and Avatar sucked, but Cameron has made some excellent movies over the years. The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss....the man has been involved in some classic films. It makes me feel some forgiveness for duds like Avatar. :redface:
People familiar with Dean's art saw the bastardization from the git-go.

As lawsuits go, this one has more merit than 90% of them out there.

I have to say, I'm very familiar with Dean's work, and I was eventually dragged kicking and screaming into Avatar, and I never thought of a correlation until this thread.


If that's not Pandora then I don't know what is...


At first glance, it sure looks like some of the "artistry" in Avatar was indeed ripped off.

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