Rollin, rollin, rollin, rollin, Astros keep rollin, rollin, rollin rollin


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2014
I'm an Astro fan by default. The rookie league team I have season tickets to, is the Greeneville Astros, and I watched my favorite old team win 2 world series titles, and much like I used to be a New Orleans Saints fan, after they won the super bowl, I lost my love for them.

I like the underdog. That and the fact that my favorite team in baseball is whoever is playing the Yankee's.

I got to see Altuve develop for 2 seasons in Greeneville, and year before last, I got to witness a winning streak in Greeneville that almost set the record for Appy league consecutive games won.

But, this run by the Astros is unreal.

All we knew coming into the season was that the team would probably lead the league in K's by batters, and they would probably score a lot of runs also.

Where the hell did Dallas Kuechell come from? He is the best pitcher in the game at the moment, at least by the stats. Altuve is doing what he does, getting on base, stealing bases, and being a huge pain in the ass to whomever is on the mound at the moment. Evan Gattis has woken up, it's like he's a big bear, and he flicks his wrist and drives the ball 450 feet. Chris Carter is hitting, hell, just about all the lineup is hitting.

I'm not foolish, I know that as hard as it is to win 9 in a row, its just that easy to lose 9 in a row. But the teams they are doing it against, that is dam impressive. The Mariners were supposed to be pretty good, but they sure don't look it, and the Padres are a much better team, and they looked bad too.

Yep, it's only early May, and we will probably finish 10 games back, but for this season, that magic number for me is 81. 81 wins and it is a dam fine year in Houston. A huge improvement, and a great building block, with all the young talent on its way. Remember, there are still 2 first overall draft picks ready to go in the minors. Corea(got to see him) and Appell(didn't come to Greeneville) will probably be in the majors sometime this year.

It's a great time to be an Astro fan, best since the killer b's were dominating the scene back in the 90's.
An amazing run.

The pitching is far better than what the numb nuts were saying.

What is interesting is the low BAs, the number of HRs, and the lights out pitching. The rest of the division is going 'what the fu
Greeneville Astros? Why you're right over the mountin' from me. :bye1:
They don't ever win, since I've never heard of them....
That's because you never go outside, there is a huge world, outside, but you have to turn off your computer to get to go, outside, and we both know, you can't do that.
Wait until the hitters see the pitchers the second time around as the season drags on. You'll see the real 70-92 Astros.
Wait until the hitters see the pitchers the second time around as the season drags on. You'll see the real 70-92 Astros.
They will win more than 81 games this year, because (I don't understand how) experts under rated the pitching staff. The Astros could win 92 or 93 if the starting position players could bat a combined .260.
4 days left in May, and the Astros are the first team to 30 wins, best start in franchise history.

Are they World Series contenders? No.

Are they playoff contenders? Oh hell yeah!
The Astros are winning big because they hit the long ball, lots of long balls, and combine that to the superb pitching, they are rolling.
Hmmm, O's YEA! They got out of real baseball so they could get in the league where they could finally win a few.
Hmmm, O's YEA! They got out of real baseball so they could get in the league where they could finally win a few.
do you really want to go there?

I'm a National league guy, I hate the DH rule, it is just a way to extend players career's, or to put guys who can hit, but can't catch nothing but a cold, in the batter's box. One good question has come of the DH though, if you had your choice, and could choose only one of the two hitters in their prime, which would you want to have for the season as your DH, David Ortiz or Edgar Martinez?

Anyway, I don't remember the Astros having much choice as to what league they were going to be in, as I remember it, they were pretty much told they would be moving to the AL, at least that's what Reed told me. It would be nice to see that AL lineup in the NL this year though, they might be undefeated right now, and the Cards might have some competition in the league, they are running away and nobody is going to catch them.
They lost last night.

If the Astros have any injuries in starting lineup and or bull pen, the division race will be much closer.
It took until the 3rd week of September for the Astros to fall from first place.

It aint the world series, but after their last 5 years, it sure feels like it. In the immortal words of legendary Houston coach 'Bum' Phillips(Oilers), "One year ago, we knocked on the door. This year, we beat on the door. Next year, we're going to kick the son of a bitch in"

I see the Astros being contenders for the next decade. Enjoy America.
It took until the 3rd week of September for the Astros to fall from first place.

It aint the world series, but after their last 5 years, it sure feels like it. In the immortal words of legendary Houston coach 'Bum' Phillips(Oilers), "One year ago, we knocked on the door. This year, we beat on the door. Next year, we're going to kick the son of a bitch in"

I see the Astros being contenders for the next decade. Enjoy America.

'Stros aren't out of it. They can pull within a half game if they beat the Rangers tonight. Then they play 3 vs. the woeful A's. And another 3 game set vs. Texas a week from now.

Since it can't be the A's (my favorite), I'm pulling for Houston. That was my Little League team. We had the jerseys with all the orange and yellow stripes.

PLAYOFF BOUND! They might lose in Yankee Stadium, but they are years ahead of schedule, and playing baseball that matters in October, where as the Angels are not!

And I told you all that their pitching was much better than expected.

I was not ready for the incredibly low team BA yet the home run power. Wow!

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