Rolling Stone Mag Witnessed The Cult Rally

They deny all of it and call it fake news, but Right Side network obediently captured all of the madness with great pride.

The rubes have no shame, so they don’t care. Nothing matters when you think you’re at “war” with “evil”. Nothing. Period.
Well you could just watch a Trump Rally video or go to one, and you’d know this MSM narrative is all bullshit. 99% of the people are regular Americans sick of seeing this country being sold out to China by idiots like Biden, and watching the decline of America from leftist and globalist neocon policies.
All the nutbags were in full force at the former Presidents cult frothing rally.
A must read from a witness who lays it all out...

nobody can believe Eolling Stones after they made up a rape story…literally who the f makes up a rape story? sick fucks
Who gives a fuck what Rolling Stone has to say? They haven't been relevant in about three decades.
“This confluence of events in Texas demonstrates the sort of far-right politics that is coalescing here: paranoid, obsessed with or tolerant of bigoted conspiracy theories, eager to appeal to violence, and convinced they’re fighting against a secret Marxist plot. If this sounds familiar, it’s because similar politics emerged during the Weimar period in Germany, were honed by the Nazis, and later trafficked into mainstream politics via the John Birch Society — one of the sponsors of the event at the border.” ibid

Exactly – save for the reference to ‘far right’ – this is mainstream conservativism.
“This confluence of events in Texas demonstrates the sort of far-right politics that is coalescing here: paranoid, obsessed with or tolerant of bigoted conspiracy theories, eager to appeal to violence, and convinced they’re fighting against a secret Marxist plot. If this sounds familiar, it’s because similar politics emerged during the Weimar period in Germany, were honed by the Nazis, and later trafficked into mainstream politics via the John Birch Society — one of the sponsors of the event at the border.” ibid

Exactly – save for the reference to ‘far right’ – this is mainstream conservativism.
Rolling Stone?? One of the biggest lefty outlets out there??

I'll just stand over here and LMFAO. Good Lord.
All the nutbags were in full force at the former Presidents cult frothing rally.
A must read from a witness who lays it all out...



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