Rolling Stone Retracts Article on Rape at University of Virginia


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
To bad this wasn't Beck, Rush, Levine or some other conservative outlet, then we would have something to talk about. But a story from the left that isn't true, dog bites man story.

Rolling Stone magazine retracted its article about a brutal gang rape at aUniversity of Virginia fraternity after the release of a report on Sunday that concluded the widely discredited piece was the result of failures at every stage of the process.

The report, published by the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and commissioned by Rolling Stone, said the magazine failed to engage in “basic, even routine journalistic practice” to verify details of the ordeal that the magazine’s source, identified only as Jackie, described to the article’s author, Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

On Sunday, Ms. Erdely, in her first extensive comments since the article was cast into doubt, apologized to Rolling Stone’s readers, her colleagues and “any victims of sexual assault who may feel fearful as a result of my article.”
So...according to the way lefties retracting an article about a rape that never happened...they are in support of women being raped...right?

Alright....get out the picket signs....we need to fight these people who think it is okay to rape women.......even though no rape actually happened.......
That article was a joke from the start it's going to hard for anything written in Rolling Stone to be taken serious after this.

Just after this?
This took it to a whole new level of stupidity, incompetenece, lazinesses take your pick.

This took it to a whole new level of stupidity, incompetenece, lazinesses take your pick are saying they were just being lefties.........
Sadly journalism these days is a joke pretty well across the board.

I miss good old fashioned reporting without a bloody agenda. Just the facts.

I'm sick and tired of the editorials being on the front page instead of in the editorial section.

And worse of all liberal media knows damn well that they can throw a lie into a front page headline and put the retraction on page 983 and get away with this shit.
That article was a joke from the start it's going to hard for anything written in Rolling Stone to be taken serious after this.

Just after this?
This took it to a whole new level of stupidity, incompetenece, lazinesses take your pick.

This took it to a whole new level of stupidity, incompetenece, lazinesses take your pick are saying they were just being lefties.........
To be fair that was pretty out there even for lefties this article was the kind of stuff you would find in someing like Media Matters or Daily Kos while Rolling Stone is no doubt to the left it's never that I can recall before this published something a first year jouranlism student could take apart.
Sadly journalism these days is a joke pretty well across the board.

I miss good old fashioned reporting without a bloody agenda. Just the facts.

I'm sick and tired of the editorials being on the front page instead of in the editorial section.

And worse of all liberal media knows damn well that they can throw a lie into a front page headline and put the retraction on page 983 and get away with this shit.

I never hear them retract anything and those who complain about the lies are told "don't you think it's time to move on?"
How many false rape accusation does there have to be before we wake up to the fact that women lie about rape all the time?
Who didn't see this coming, a retraction and apologies forthcoming and most likely slander law suits.

Three fatal failures in Rolling Stone's UVA rape story

In its three-month review, Columbia Journalism School identified multiple instances where Rolling Stone's Sabrina Rubin Erdely and her editors could have avoided the calamities that ultimately forced the magazine to retract "A Rape on Campus," a story about a woman identified only as "Jackie" who claimed to have been gang raped at UVA's Phi Kappa Psi frat house.

Time after time, the review found, Erdely and her colleagues neglected to take steps that might have led the magazine to reconsider the story altogether.

Damn I forgot the link

Three fatal failures in Rolling Stone s UVA rape story - Apr. 5 2015
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The worst part is no one losing his job over this. WTF? Rolling Stone will lose all credibility if it does not fire those involved.

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