Romanian hacker of Hillary Rodham Clinton emails extradited to US!

Snowden STEALS classified information and sells it to CHINA ... nothing ... American hero said the RW's

Clinton has a private server, CRIMINAL... GO TO JAIL !!!

RW's are really fucked up little creatures aren't they ... losers every one of them, how sad.

this thread's already been done - fyi

Hillary's Hacker

One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- -- first came to light.

all of the government officials who sent and received her emails via government servers never once blinked an eye at her email set up because it was officially allowed!

wikileaks/anonymous hacked the government and this russian guy hacked blumenthol but still no evidence that hillary's server was ever hacked. seems maybe hers was the smartest set up of all hmmm...........

You folks latch onto something and just keep saying it over and over. If the policy was that she could have a server that could be hacked and that server had classified material on it then there certainly does need to be an investigation. But somehow i don't believe that is the situation no matter how many times you folks repeat it.

That said, instead of just making up stuff you folks should ignore it. This isn't going anywhere. It would be nice if our nobility were held to any kind of standard but they are not so we all should forget about it.
She broke so many laws it's hilarious. And yet you think she did nothing worth mentioning.

  1. Criminal Negligence - Setting up a private server to conduct official business is a felony
  2. Destruction of government property - Erasing her emails was another felony because they belong to the US GOVERNMENT
  3. Obstruction of justice - Lying to investigators, failure to comply, stone-walling the investigation
  4. Taking bribes - Accepting gifts in exchange for special privileges in sales and official State Department policies

This is the short list of crimes. Then there's lying to Congress, Contempt of congress, Obstruction in a congressional investigation.
Snowden STEALS classified information and sells it to CHINA ... nothing ... American hero said the RW's

Clinton has a private server, CRIMINAL... GO TO JAIL !!!

RW's are really fucked up little creatures aren't they ... losers every one of them, how sad.

imo this is not just about the person, the politician, hillary clinton...

these partisan clowns seek to criminalize the secretary of state of the USA over election politics.

delusional revisionist hacks are pretty funny, yet so damn sad...
Snowden STEALS classified information and sells it to CHINA ... nothing ... American hero said the RW's

Clinton has a private server, CRIMINAL... GO TO JAIL !!!

RW's are really fucked up little creatures aren't they ... losers every one of them, how sad.

Didn't Snowden leave the country and is now in hiding in Russia? How on Earth do you draw a parallel between how he is being treated and how Mrs. Tuzla Clinton is being treated? Wow, just wow.

Nothing is going to come of it, so I suggest you untie your shorts.
State Department officials have determined that classified information was sent to the personal email accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, NBC News has learned.

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

don't forget the TWO servers 43 and Shotgun had that contained 20 million emails during two wars.

If you point has validity then one must ask themselves, why Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? Why her and not the others you talk of? Is the FBI partisan? Does the FBI have a debt to repay to the RNC? Why would they put so many agents on something like this, if it is meaningless? Does the FBI really care what Republicans think?

My guess is this is a false flag operation. They are going to conduct the investigation, spare no cost, cover all bases, and then declare Mrs. Tuzla Clinton innocent of anything other than not completely complying with procedures. Something many others have done. Then the LWNJs will have all the ammunition to go after the RWNJ for yet another conspiracy theory. I also assume they are investigating what damage, if any, may have been done.
this thread's already been done - fyi

Hillary's Hacker

One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- -- first came to light.

all of the government officials who sent and received her emails via government servers never once blinked an eye at her email set up because it was officially allowed!

wikileaks/anonymous hacked the government and this russian guy hacked blumenthol but still no evidence that hillary's server was ever hacked. seems maybe hers was the smartest set up of all hmmm...........

You folks latch onto something and just keep saying it over and over. If the policy was that she could have a server that could be hacked and that server had classified material on it then there certainly does need to be an investigation. But somehow i don't believe that is the situation no matter how many times you folks repeat it.

That said, instead of just making up stuff you folks should ignore it. This isn't going anywhere. It would be nice if our nobility were held to any kind of standard but they are not so we all should forget about it.
She broke so many laws it's hilarious. And yet you think she did nothing worth mentioning.

  1. Criminal Negligence - Setting up a private server to conduct official business is a felony
  2. Destruction of government property - Erasing her emails was another felony because they belong to the US GOVERNMENT
  3. Obstruction of justice - Lying to investigators, failure to comply, stone-walling the investigation
  4. Taking bribes - Accepting gifts in exchange for special privileges in sales and official State Department policies

This is the short list of crimes. Then there's lying to Congress, Contempt of congress, Obstruction in a congressional investigation.

Let's start with a simple question, why have a private server in the first place? After all, Mrs. Tuzla Clinton claimed she wasn't smart enough to know how to use two email accounts.
Indictments coming down any day now, any day............


On the bright side, you crackpots will have at least four years of "Impeach Her" to post ad nauseam on a daily basis.
The scenario in which the witch is indicted is that Biden will step in at the convention and be the Rat choice. The more I think about it, the more I believe that could happen. :uhh:
What I can't understand is why no one was brought up on this:
Bush White House email controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

The "" domain name was publicized by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who sent a letter to Oversight and Government Reform Committee committee chairman Henry A. Waxmanrequesting an investigation.[11] Waxman sent a formal warning to the RNC, advising them to retain copies of all emails sent by White House employees. According to Waxman, "in some instances, White House officials were using nongovernmental accounts specifically to avoid creating a record of the communications."[12] The Republican National Committee claims to have erased the emails, supposedly making them unavailable for Congressional investigators.[13]


So it seems it is OK to use private Email as longer as it is in the millions and you delete and wipe all possible recordings of them when you are finished...
This pretty much states that Clinton could have just wiped the email server and claim she is as ignorant as a GOP...

This plainly negates any one who wants to complain... GOP set a precedent for underhand shady crap... Sorry lads but Clinton handed over most of her emails, ye handed nothing... 5-22 million emails gone missing...

Sorry but you are the last to talk on this issue...
Clinton is the most honest in the presidential race by Politifact...

And since there record of telling the actual factual truth is exponentially than the RW nutjobs who post from RW conspiracy sites here...

Sorry but some guys here can't even have a discussion you are so brainwashed...
There is no Romainan hacker who accessed any of Hillary’s emails on her illegal server.

The President of the United States said just a few days ago, that Hillary never jeopardized U.S. National Security in any way.

Would he lie?
She broke so many laws it's hilarious. And yet you think she did nothing worth mentioning.

  1. Criminal Negligence - Setting up a private server to conduct official business is a felony
  2. Destruction of government property - Erasing her emails was another felony because they belong to the US GOVERNMENT
  3. Obstruction of justice - Lying to investigators, failure to comply, stone-walling the investigation
  4. Taking bribes - Accepting gifts in exchange for special privileges in sales and official State Department policies

This is the short list of crimes. Then there's lying to Congress, Contempt of congress, Obstruction in a congressional investigation.

:rolleyes: your ongoing delusions are HILLarious!

hillary hasn't been charged with a crime because she hasn't committed a crime...
Clinton is the most honest in the presidential race by Politifact...

And since there record of telling the actual factual truth is exponentially than the RW nutjobs who post from RW conspiracy sites here...

Sorry but some guys here can't even have a discussion you are so brainwashed...
:haha:Hard to talk with anyone this blind to think Hillary is the most honest out there. It's like you've been in a coma for the last 24 years.....either that or you have no long-term memory. Do shiny objects catch your eye? Do you lose track of what you're saying when you spot furry critters?

Clinton is the most honest in the presidential race by Politifact...

And since there record of telling the actual factual truth is exponentially than the RW nutjobs who post from RW conspiracy sites here...

Sorry but some guys here can't even have a discussion you are so brainwashed...
:haha:Hard to talk with anyone this blind to think Hillary is the most honest out there. It's like you've been in a coma for the last 24 years.....either that or you have no long-term memory. Do shiny objects catch your eye? Do you lose track of what you're saying when you spot furry critters?


Again I am backed by actual facts... We showen before that you find it very hard to see fact from fiction... Your posts daily are a usual rant of RW conspiracy theories...
When judged by independent factcheckers, Hillary has the best record in the field... Trump and Cruz actual struugle at times to tell the truth.

Your only answer wasn't actually any facts but the usual ridicule...

Expecting the insults next...

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