Romanian hacker of Hillary Rodham Clinton emails extradited to US!

What I can't understand is why no one was brought up on this:
Bush White House email controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

The "" domain name was publicized by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who sent a letter to Oversight and Government Reform Committee committee chairman Henry A. Waxmanrequesting an investigation.[11] Waxman sent a formal warning to the RNC, advising them to retain copies of all emails sent by White House employees. According to Waxman, "in some instances, White House officials were using nongovernmental accounts specifically to avoid creating a record of the communications."[12] The Republican National Committee claims to have erased the emails, supposedly making them unavailable for Congressional investigators.[13]


So it seems it is OK to use private Email as longer as it is in the millions and you delete and wipe all possible recordings of them when you are finished...
This pretty much states that Clinton could have just wiped the email server and claim she is as ignorant as a GOP...

This plainly negates any one who wants to complain... GOP set a precedent for underhand shady crap... Sorry lads but Clinton handed over most of her emails, ye handed nothing... 5-22 million emails gone missing...

Sorry but you are the last to talk on this issue...

oh but I did bring it up, and have several times.... and continue the get crickets zzzzzzzzzzzzzz from the RW's .... they could care less.

Repukes are losers,and that's why they will lose in 2016 ....losers lose 24/7 365
Lets answer with the same answer we have been using about this issue since the start...

Have you got any actual proof...

The thing is the RW have been proven liars... I mean well proven liars...

Clinton has the best record of telling the truth on this Presidential Campaign (close with Kaisch)...

So this seems a case of proven liars trying to sully the reputation of the most truthful candidate in the Presidential race...

Everything I said is FACT backed by evidence... Can you answer in the same way?

Yes, there is OVERWHELMING evidence that she lied repeatedly to Congress ( a crime), that she violated security protocols for her private server (a crime) and that she has sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. But, like Trump diehard supporters, she could murder somebody right in front of you and you would deny it had happened.

You are the very definition of deaf, dumb, and blind.
Lets answer with the same answer we have been using about this issue since the start...

Have you got any actual proof...

The thing is the RW have been proven liars... I mean well proven liars...

Clinton has the best record of telling the truth on this Presidential Campaign (close with Kaisch)...

So this seems a case of proven liars trying to sully the reputation of the most truthful candidate in the Presidential race...

Everything I said is FACT backed by evidence... Can you answer in the same way?

Yes, there is OVERWHELMING evidence that she lied repeatedly to Congress ( a crime), that she violated security protocols for her private server (a crime) and that she has sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. But, like Trump diehard supporters, she could murder somebody right in front of you and you would deny it had happened.

You are the very definition of deaf, dumb, and blind.

she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.
:rolleyes: your ongoing delusions are HILLarious!
hillary hasn't been charged with a crime because she hasn't committed a crime...

There are over a hundred FBI field and forensic agents investigating her shenanigans....if there isn't a crime why did they bother?
she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

Trey got stonewalled by the DOJ and State Dept on his documents request. Did you know after her testimony that day she had to be carried out to a waiting limo?
she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

Trey got stonewalled by the DOJ and State Dept on his documents request. Did you know after her testimony that day she had to be carried out to a waiting limo?

what I know is not one singe shred of guilt has been proven by anyone, and it's everyones fault congress cant do anything about it ...
What I can't understand is why no one was brought up on this:
Bush White House email controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

The "" domain name was publicized by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who sent a letter to Oversight and Government Reform Committee committee chairman Henry A. Waxmanrequesting an investigation.[11] Waxman sent a formal warning to the RNC, advising them to retain copies of all emails sent by White House employees. According to Waxman, "in some instances, White House officials were using nongovernmental accounts specifically to avoid creating a record of the communications."[12] The Republican National Committee claims to have erased the emails, supposedly making them unavailable for Congressional investigators.[13]


So it seems it is OK to use private Email as longer as it is in the millions and you delete and wipe all possible recordings of them when you are finished...
This pretty much states that Clinton could have just wiped the email server and claim she is as ignorant as a GOP...

This plainly negates any one who wants to complain... GOP set a precedent for underhand shady crap... Sorry lads but Clinton handed over most of her emails, ye handed nothing... 5-22 million emails gone missing...

Sorry but you are the last to talk on this issue...

oh but I did bring it up, and have several times.... and continue the get crickets zzzzzzzzzzzzzz from the RW's .... they could care less.

Repukes are losers,and that's why they will lose in 2016 ....losers lose 24/7 365


what I know is not one singe shred of guilt has been proven by anyone, and it's everyones fault congress cant do anything about it ...

"guilt"? 200 classified emails including at least 8-12 TOP SECRET involving human assets in the middle-east on an unsecured server? That's been proven....the "guilt" part comes after she's tried and convicted.
what I know is not one singe shred of guilt has been proven by anyone, and it's everyones fault congress cant do anything about it ...

"guilt"? 200 classified emails including at least 8-12 TOP SECRET involving human assets in the middle-east on an unsecured server? That's been proven....the "guilt" part comes after she's tried and convicted.

when? it's been 2 years ...

nobody has squat or it would have already taken place

RW speculation does not prove guilt. Sorry.
when? it's been 2 years ...

nobody has squat or it would have already taken place

RW speculation does not prove guilt. Sorry.

So you believe that the stonewalling and perjury should let her walk? It was your national security that was compromised too you know. Let's just say there will be an outcome before the Rat convention...that way if she's indicted, Biden can be your candidate.
when? it's been 2 years ...

nobody has squat or it would have already taken place

RW speculation does not prove guilt. Sorry.

So you believe that the stonewalling and perjury should let her walk? It was your national security that was compromised too you know. Let's just say there will be an outcome before the Rat convention...that way if she's indicted, Biden can be your candidate.

I for convicting her if she's guilty ... mostly I'm for shutting the hell up, and stop making piss poor excuses because they can't convict her.
Lets answer with the same answer we have been using about this issue since the start...

Have you got any actual proof...

The thing is the RW have been proven liars... I mean well proven liars...

Clinton has the best record of telling the truth on this Presidential Campaign (close with Kaisch)...

So this seems a case of proven liars trying to sully the reputation of the most truthful candidate in the Presidential race...

Everything I said is FACT backed by evidence... Can you answer in the same way?

Yes, there is OVERWHELMING evidence that she lied repeatedly to Congress ( a crime), that she violated security protocols for her private server (a crime) and that she has sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. But, like Trump diehard supporters, she could murder somebody right in front of you and you would deny it had happened.

You are the very definition of deaf, dumb, and blind.

she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

Like I said, she could murder someone right in front of you and you'd ignore it. Blind loyalty is still blind.
Lets answer with the same answer we have been using about this issue since the start...

Have you got any actual proof...

The thing is the RW have been proven liars... I mean well proven liars...

Clinton has the best record of telling the truth on this Presidential Campaign (close with Kaisch)...

So this seems a case of proven liars trying to sully the reputation of the most truthful candidate in the Presidential race...

Everything I said is FACT backed by evidence... Can you answer in the same way?

Yes, there is OVERWHELMING evidence that she lied repeatedly to Congress ( a crime), that she violated security protocols for her private server (a crime) and that she has sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. But, like Trump diehard supporters, she could murder somebody right in front of you and you would deny it had happened.

You are the very definition of deaf, dumb, and blind.

she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

Like I said, she could murder someone right in front of you and you'd ignore it. Blind loyalty is still blind.

like I said ..
I for convicting her if she's guilty ... mostly I'm for shutting the hell up, and stop making piss poor excuses because they can't convict her.
Snowden STEALS classified information and sells it to CHINA ... nothing ... American hero said the RW's

Clinton has a private server, CRIMINAL... GO TO JAIL !!!

RW's are really fucked up little creatures aren't they ... losers every one of them, how sad.
Snowden sold nothing to China.
What I can't understand is why no one was brought up on this:
Bush White House email controversy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bush White House email controversy surfaced in 2007 during the controversy involving the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys. Congressional requests for administration documents while investigating the dismissals of the U.S. attorneys required the Bush administration to reveal that not all internal White House emails were available, because they were sent via a non-government domain hosted on an email server not controlled by the federal government. Conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and the Hatch Act.[1] Over 5 million emails may have been lost.[2][3] Greg Palast claims to have come up with 500 of the Karl Rove emails, leading to damaging allegations.[4] In 2009, it was announced that as many as 22 million emails may have been lost.[5]

The administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the Republican National Committee,[6] for various communications of unknown content or purpose. The domain name is an abbreviation for "George W. Bush, 43rd" President of the United States. The server came public when it was discovered that J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, was using a email address to discuss the firing of the U.S. attorney for Arkansas.[7] Communications by federal employees were also found on (registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc."[8]) and (registered to "Republican National Committee"[9]), but, unlike these two servers, has no Web server connected to it — it is used only for email.[10]

The "" domain name was publicized by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), who sent a letter to Oversight and Government Reform Committee committee chairman Henry A. Waxmanrequesting an investigation.[11] Waxman sent a formal warning to the RNC, advising them to retain copies of all emails sent by White House employees. According to Waxman, "in some instances, White House officials were using nongovernmental accounts specifically to avoid creating a record of the communications."[12] The Republican National Committee claims to have erased the emails, supposedly making them unavailable for Congressional investigators.[13]


So it seems it is OK to use private Email as longer as it is in the millions and you delete and wipe all possible recordings of them when you are finished...
This pretty much states that Clinton could have just wiped the email server and claim she is as ignorant as a GOP...

This plainly negates any one who wants to complain... GOP set a precedent for underhand shady crap... Sorry lads but Clinton handed over most of her emails, ye handed nothing... 5-22 million emails gone missing...

Sorry but you are the last to talk on this issue...

oh but I did bring it up, and have several times.... and continue the get crickets zzzzzzzzzzzzzz from the RW's .... they could care less.

Repukes are losers,and that's why they will lose in 2016 ....losers lose 24/7 365

Losers except for the last two mid-terms. You guys are really good at repeating the same old tired BS. It is like listening to the Moron Tabernacle Choir. (spelling intentional)
Lets answer with the same answer we have been using about this issue since the start...

Have you got any actual proof...

The thing is the RW have been proven liars... I mean well proven liars...

Clinton has the best record of telling the truth on this Presidential Campaign (close with Kaisch)...

So this seems a case of proven liars trying to sully the reputation of the most truthful candidate in the Presidential race...

Everything I said is FACT backed by evidence... Can you answer in the same way?

Yes, there is OVERWHELMING evidence that she lied repeatedly to Congress ( a crime), that she violated security protocols for her private server (a crime) and that she has sold her office to the highest bidder on multiple occasions. But, like Trump diehard supporters, she could murder somebody right in front of you and you would deny it had happened.

You are the very definition of deaf, dumb, and blind.

she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

They could have a 1000 investigation and they all would have covered Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's ass. It is what the establishment does.
she did? may want to call the House Investigation Committee and tell them ...they must have been deaf, dumb and blind during those 9 investigations.

Ask for Trey.

Trey got stonewalled by the DOJ and State Dept on his documents request. Did you know after her testimony that day she had to be carried out to a waiting limo?

what I know is not one singe shred of guilt has been proven by anyone, and it's everyones fault congress cant do anything about it ...

I wonder if Capone said the same thing until the darn IRS did their number on him. Using your reasoning Choir boy Capone was guilty of nothing but tax evasion.

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