Romney 2007: It's not worth spending billions of dollars trying to catch bin laden


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

The subject of this thread is...
Romney 2007: It's not worth spending billions of dollars trying to catch bin laden
Try to reply to subject of thread please. Thanks.
Stop using Romney's own words against him. He changed his mind again already. :)

True, they don't call Romney Mr Flip-Flop for nothing.

Gawd! It's going to be so easy for Obama to be re-elected when running against the slick Mitt Romney.

I see another given Obama administration legitimate mandate to govern by the American people come Nov. 2012 via the ballot box.
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Well, well, look, it's kidrocks, the turd that keeps resurfacing to the top of the toilet. As usual, the left is lying and only took part of his quote, they did not include the part where he stated:

"We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person — Osama bin Laden — because after we get him, there's going to be another and another,"

And how about Barack Obama. He was informed by Leon Panetta that the Navy SEALs knew exactly where Osama Bin Laden was, and could take him out in 45 minutes. Panetta pleaded with Obama to give the green light to take him out. What was Obama's response:

"I'll sleep on it"

24 hours later, Panetta and top military officials had to profoundly twist Obama's arm to get the green light.

Even Navy SEALs and Arianna Huffington are shredding Obama over this thing with Bin Laden. This just points to extreme desperation on the part of Obama and his most devout of marxist loyalists.
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If OBL was so important why didn't we capture him and keep it secret while we interrogated him?

Why kill him? Did Obama need something to run on other than the terrible economy?

Bush shit the bed. Obama's just trying to get the stink and stain out.
Well, well, look, it's kidrocks, the turd that keeps resurfacing to the top of the toilet. As usual, the left is lying and only took part of his quote, they did not include the part where he stated:

"We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person — Osama bin Laden — because after we get him, there's going to be another and another,"

And how about Barack Obama. He was informed by Leon Panetta that the Navy SEALs new exactly where Osama Bin Laden was, and could take him out in 45 minutes. Panetta pleaded with Obama to give the green light to take him out. What was Obama's response:

"I'll sleep on it"

24 hours later, Panetta and top military officials had to profoundly twist Obama's arm to get the green light.

Even Navy SEALs and Arianna Huffington are shredding Obama over this thing with Bin Laden. This just points to extreme desperation on the part of Obama and his most devout of marxist loyalists.

The part where he stated... "We'll move everything to get him" is simply Mr Flip-Flop at his best a few days later. Slick Mitt Romney.
If OBL was so important why didn't we capture him and keep it secret while we interrogated him?

Why kill him? Did Obama need something to run on other than the terrible economy?

If OBL was so important why didn't we capture him and keep it secret while we interrogated him?

"Why kill him" is exactly what al-qaeda bitched about just like you r-wing extremists are bitching about to this day.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

No, he didn't.

Obama said that Iraq was a mistake and that Afghanistan and the capture/killing of Bin Laden should have been the priority.

[ame=]Senator Obama Vows To Kill Osama In 2008; President Obama Announces Death Of Osama In 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

That's a clip from the Oct.7 presidential debate where then-Senator Obama continued to say what the focus should be, which is the same shit he was saying through much of the decade.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

No, he said Iraq was a stupid waste of time and money, a distraction based on lies. Funny how he's always right. Great job, Pubbies, fighting the magic negro...SERIOUSLY. Stupid azzholes, silly dupes...
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

How does Barry get that Mitt Romney wouldn't have gone ahead and taken out Bin Laden given the same opportunity? Sorry folks but Romney is right...I don't see ANY President not making that call...including Jimmy Carter.

It's rather sad...and telling...that Barack Obama is SO desperate for something good to point at after almost four years in office that he's using the death of Osama Bin Laden as proof that he's a great President.

But then again...should anyone be surprised by this? He sure can't run on ObamaCare or his handling of the economy. A majority of Americans don't like the former and think he's clueless about the latter.

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