Romney 2007: It's not worth spending billions of dollars trying to catch bin laden

There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

How does Barry get that Mitt Romney wouldn't have gone ahead and taken out Bin Laden given the same opportunity? Sorry folks but Romney is right...I don't see ANY President not making that call...including Jimmy Carter.

It's rather sad...and telling...that Barack Obama is SO desperate for something good to point at after almost four years in office that he's using the death of Osama Bin Laden as proof that he's a great President.

But then again...should anyone be surprised by this? He sure can't run on ObamaCare or his handling of the economy. A majority of Americans don't like the former and think he's clueless about the latter.
I don't know about healthcare but he'll certainly run on the economy.
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

How does Barry get that Mitt Romney wouldn't have gone ahead and taken out Bin Laden given the same opportunity? Sorry folks but Romney is right...I don't see ANY President not making that call...including Jimmy Carter.

It's rather sad...and telling...that Barack Obama is SO desperate for something good to point at after almost four years in office that he's using the death of Osama Bin Laden as proof that he's a great President.

But then again...should anyone be surprised by this? He sure can't run on ObamaCare or his handling of the economy. A majority of Americans don't like the former and think he's clueless about the latter.

Yup, and he was in the minority, Gates was against, and you're a stupid Pub dupe who knows NOTHING. MORON. Change the channel and READ something jfc. Pubs haven't done ANYTHING right in 30 years...
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

How does Barry get that Mitt Romney wouldn't have gone ahead and taken out Bin Laden given the same opportunity? Sorry folks but Romney is right...I don't see ANY President not making that call...including Jimmy Carter.

It's rather sad...and telling...that Barack Obama is SO desperate for something good to point at after almost four years in office that he's using the death of Osama Bin Laden as proof that he's a great President.

But then again...should anyone be surprised by this? He sure can't run on ObamaCare or his handling of the economy. A majority of Americans don't like the former and think he's clueless about the latter.

Duh... Romney himself admitted that bin laden wasn't worth the money to take him out just like Bush admitted. Obama CAN run on his excellent record and will do just that.
Arianna Huffington Defends Mitt Romney On Bin Laden, Calls Obama Ad ‘Despicable’

By Judd Legum and Ben Armbruster

Huffington doesn’t seem to think it’s fair to speculate what Romney would have done as president based on what Romney said he would (or in this case wouldn’t) do. But the ad is stating two basic facts. One, that Obama ordered the raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader and two, that Romney said in 2007 that he wouldn’t have done the same. So is it really “despicable” to wonder whether a President Romney would have ordered the raid on bin Laden given that he said he wouldn’t do it while campaigning for president?

More: Arianna Huffington Defends Mitt Romney On Bin Laden, Calls Obama Ad 'Despicable' | ThinkProgress

IMO, Huffington is the ‘Despicable’ one.
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

That is only part of the quote of what Romney said.
It distorts what he said, when just part of it is quoted.
This is the full quote;

"In a very diverse group, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Queda,Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world.
It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad".
That quote from Mitt Romney could very well be the thing that swings the election, which is fascinating because the mantra of national security has been held for quite some time by Republicans, but that quote by Romney is quite awful.

He's like the John Kerry of this election cycle, except he's not a bona fide war hero.
Stop using Romney's own words against him. He changed his mind again already. :)

True, they don't call Romney Mr Flip-Flop for nothing.

Gawd! It's going to be so easy for Obama to be re-elected when running against the slick Mitt Romney.

I see another given Obama administration legitimate mandate to govern by the American people come Nov. 2012 via the ballot box.

As long as the economy sucks, Romney is still viable.
Obama opposed the Iraq Surge

[ame=]Obama Said The Surge Would Actually Worsen Sectarian Violenc - YouTube[/ame]
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

High Holy Bishop Theocrat Bishop Willard Mitt Romney..misspoke this homily. was a "situational" homily..meant for the holy ears of people who hate to spend money.
Sallow, I don't think there's been a bigger or more consistant critic of Romney here than myself, but

"High Holy Bishop Theocrat Bishop Willard Mitt Romney"


Yes he did.

And he was probably right. All the Surge did was let us save face.

The end result is that the Iranian backed Shi'ites now run Iraq. Probably the best we can hope for, because the alternative was Al Qaeda running the place, but not a good result for America.

He would have been right..had that been all they did. But Bush dumped billions of US tax dollars to create the "Sons of Iraq"..or to bribe the newly minted terrorists and sectarian fighters into the fold. Of course if they didn't disband the Iraqi military in the first place..and make the Baathists illegal..this never would have ever been needed.
Sallow, I don't think there's been a bigger or more consistant critic of Romney here than myself, but

"High Holy Bishop Theocrat Bishop Willard Mitt Romney"


I meet hyperbole with hyperbole..

Sue me.

Yes he did.

And he was probably right. All the Surge did was let us save face.

The end result is that the Iranian backed Shi'ites now run Iraq. Probably the best we can hope for, because the alternative was Al Qaeda running the place, but not a good result for America.

He would have been right..had that been all they did. But Bush dumped billions of US tax dollars to create the "Sons of Iraq"..or to bribe the newly minted terrorists and sectarian fighters into the fold. Of course if they didn't disband the Iraqi military in the first place..and make the Baathists illegal..this never would have ever been needed.

Yeah, you could make that argument.

But leaving the Baathists around would have been like leaving the Nazis around after WWII...

Not really sending the right message.

Ba'athists are actually Islamic Nazis. They are gone from Iraq, hopefully they'll be gone in Syria soon.

I think the thing is, we keep sticking our hands in the hornets nest and wondering why we get stung. And sometimes we raise a hornet up, and it's the one that stings us in the eye. Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA told presidents we could work with--- until they turned on us.

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