Romney 2007: It's not worth spending billions of dollars trying to catch bin laden

douche bags who gave them/him their money to invest and see a return on? those douche bags?

Or the douche bags who had their money played with as if they had gievn it to a capital co. like Bain and watched it vaporize in say Solyndra? Those douche bags?
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

No he didn't. Romney has always been a strong supporter of the Iraq invasion. Except when it comes to his sons. When asked why none of the five haven't enlisted, he said they had important things to do, helping Romney get elected President. True Story.
douche bags who gave them/him their money to invest and see a return on? those douche bags?

Or the douche bags who had their money played with as if they had gievn it to a capital co. like Bain and watched it vaporize in say Solyndra? Those douche bags?

Again, a lot of people who invested with Bain lost money... look into AmPad, which filed bankruptcy and their stock was worthless, but Bain still collected millions in Mismanagement fees.

The problem with our economy is that we are an investor economy and not a consumer economy.

Investment doesn't create jobs, consumer demand does.

Investment just guesses correctly where the demand is.

And when you drive down wages and make people dependent on government, you do two things.

1) Decrease consumer demand.

2) INcrease government dependence.

It's almost like you guys are slitting your own wrists and not realizing your doing it.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.

So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Romney is a gd W clone (but with NO personality), a ready made disaster. The GOP is now nuts.
If people want to bring up the 2007 Romney quote fine but let's use the whole quote not the cherry picked parts shall we.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

Then why did he change his mind again and say yes he would have gone after him...right after saying this?


Ah, yes...Mother Jones! It's an interesting article, Lakhota only because it poses the question...who do you believe...the guy in charge of the interrogations or three Democrats who all have obvious political reasons why they don't want credit for finding and killing Osama bin Laden to be given to Bush's enhanced interrogation program? I'm always suspicious when politicians parse words as Panetta did in his letter to McCain. When he states that no terrorist "in CIA custody" revealed the courier's name does that mean that the person being interrogated was in the "custody" of a third party? One of the secret sites that were set up overseas in friendly countries who DIDN'T have the same rules on how prisoners were to be treated? It's my suspicion that was being done then, as well as now, as a means of threatening captured terrorists. They either cooperate or they would be given over to people who had no qualms about using real torture to obtain information. "Somebody" made a terrorist spill the beans...I guess you could choose to believe it was done by us asking them nicely to talk...or by someone else we turned them over to who didn't understand the "concept" of nice.
Bottom line...the notion that Barack Obama did something that nobody else would have done...especially Mitt Romney...and THAT is why we should give him another four years in quite frankly, laughable, and shows how little the Obama White House has to point at as a success after BEING in office for three and a half years.
Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.

So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Not so bad. Since Hoover left office and the "non-business" folks have been in charge, GDP has increased by 2500%.
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.

So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Not so bad. Since Hoover left office and the "non-business" folks have been in charge, GDP has increased by 2500%.

I thought that the "business folks" have been running things all along, Flopper. Isn't that the contention of the OWS protesters? Aren't the business folks the ones that you progressives keep pointing to as the "problem"? So business people get the blame for what's wrong with this country but they get none of the credit for it's success...that goes to the "non-business" folks that have been in charge? Gotta love the ability to rationalize that you guys employ, Flopper!
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.

So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Not so bad. Since Hoover left office and the "non-business" folks have been in charge, GDP has increased by 2500%.

Our recent MBA president certainly tried to reverse that trend.
If people want to bring up the 2007 Romney quote fine but let's use the whole quote not the cherry picked parts shall we.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

Then why did he change his mind again and say yes he would have gone after him...right after saying this?

Do you have a link to support that claim?
This whole thread is ridiculous. All Romney said was that it was foolish to spend billions of dollars to chase just one man when the terror network we're fighting consists of thousands. That DOESN'T mean that if Romney was given the opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden that he wouldn't have given the go ahead to do so. To be perfectly honest with you I can't see ANY President we've had not pulling the trigger on that raid. For Obama to make the case that Romney wouldn't have done so is amusing at best and rather sleazy at worst.
As I recall, the last successful businessman we had in the presidency was Herbert Hoover. I think we all know how that worked out.

So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Not so bad. Since Hoover left office and the "non-business" folks have been in charge, GDP has increased by 2500%.

And yet during that same time our national debt has risen to 15 trillion dollars and counting it seems the non business folks have not yet grasp the concept of don't spend more than you bring in. Not a very smart way to run a business or a country.
So how have the string of non successful businessmen who have been President since Hoover worked out? It might be time to consider giving another one a chance.
Not so bad. Since Hoover left office and the "non-business" folks have been in charge, GDP has increased by 2500%.

And yet during that same time our national debt has risen to 15 trillion dollars and counting it seems the non business folks have not yet grasp the concept of don't spend more than you bring in. Not a very smart way to run a business or a country.
And during that time, America enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in world, became the worlds largest economy, and had a life style that was the envy of the planet.

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