Romney 2007: It's not worth spending billions of dollars trying to catch bin laden

Obama: Bin Laden – Shoot to kill – gone
Somalia Hijackers – Shoot to kill – result hijackers killed, captain saved
Somalia Rescue – result hostages saved
All operations zero American Killed
Thank You Mr. President, Navy Seals, all who participated.

Who do you want to answer the phone in the White House at 3:00 am?

Are you really going to try and tell us none of our military have been killed UNDER OBAMA?
You do remember that obama had absolutely nothing to do with the somalie hijackers. He was simply too paralyzed to order anything. The Ship Captain seized the opportunity and acted under some obscure law of the sea provision in the absence of presidential leadership.

The lies democrats tell themselves. Not so bad but they believe them.

What's worse, the lies about the somalie hostages or the Bin Laden raid?

President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld opened Gitmo and held the high profile detainees there. Not obama. The interrogation techniques used to get the information that led to the identiy of Bin Laden's courier came from Jose Rodriguez. They were opposed by obama. The planning, command and control for the raid itself came from and was overseen by Admiral WIlliam McRaven. obama was paralyzed for 16 hours during which he could not make the decision at all. He was playing golf when he was told it was going to go down and he said okay. He never made the decision and stuck to the golf course so he could dsavow the whole thing if it went bad.

Former SEAL's Book: Obama Golfed as Forces Moved In on bin Laden

Among the books revelations, according to the Daily Mail, are:

Obama stayed on the golf course in case the raid went bad. Pfarrer wrote in the book, “If this had completely gone south, he was in a position to disavow.”

Former SEAL's Book: Obama Golfed as Forces Moved In on bin Laden

Obama played golf as US special forces prepared to kill bin Laden – Telegraph Blogs

Then, if this isn't as bad as it could get, it gets worse. After the mission was known to be successful, obama stages a photo op as if he's watching the mission go down in real time.

What is it that obama has done? So far, nothing. It's bad enough that he has taken unearned credit. He's also refused to name and honor the men really responsible for these successful missions.
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

Tell me what's changed since Osama has been killed?

Nothing that's what so were the tens of thousands of Americans killed and maimed worth it?

IMO the answer is an emphatic no.
I can still remember the chant from the left of how Bush was "creating" more terrorist with the war on terror..

notice now killing terrorist is the noblest of things.

oh well...a nod of the head will make someone a hero these days
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

"Of course we get Osama bin Laden, and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted on America. We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person -- Osama bin Laden -- because after him, there's going to be another and another...This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try to cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and to replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of's more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die."

Romney in 2007: "Of Course We Get Bin Laden...He Will Die" - Guy Benson

watch the video...have a nice day.
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

"Of course we get Osama bin Laden, and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted on America. We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person -- Osama bin Laden -- because after him, there's going to be another and another...This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try to cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and to replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of's more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die."

Romney in 2007: "Of Course We Get Bin Laden...He Will Die" - Guy Benson

watch the video...have a nice day.

You expect honesty from the left?
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

"Of course we get Osama bin Laden, and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted on America. We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person -- Osama bin Laden -- because after him, there's going to be another and another...This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try to cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and to replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of's more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die."

Romney in 2007: "Of Course We Get Bin Laden...He Will Die" - Guy Benson

watch the video...have a nice day.

You expect honesty from the left?

it is what it is, they don't (rightfully) want context mangled with selective editing ala Obama and here we are;)
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

No, he didn't.

Obama said that Iraq was a mistake and that Afghanistan and the capture/killing of Bin Laden should have been the priority.

[ame=]Senator Obama Vows To Kill Osama In 2008; President Obama Announces Death Of Osama In 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

That's a clip from the Oct.7 presidential debate where then-Senator Obama continued to say what the focus should be, which is the same shit he was saying through much of the decade.


Here is the difference between bush and Obama. Bush started two wars. Obama is ending them and he killed bin laden.

Obama is guaranteed a win in 2012. It will not be pretty for the right.
There you have it... That's Romney on bin Laden saying in 2007 that, "It's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." Yes boys and girls, It's all about 'money' to Mr 1%.

Romney: 'Even Jimmy Carter' would have ordered bin Laden attack -

Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama on Monday appeared to call out Mitt Romney over what he said about going after Osama bin Laden on the campaign trail four years ago, as opposed to on the eve of the first anniversary of the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

Asked about Romney's comments earlier in the day that the decision to go after bin Laden was a clear one and that "even Jimmy Carter would" have made the call, Obama referred to a difference between what Romney said during his 2008 presidential campaign and on the eve of the first anniversary of the attack.

"I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," Obama said during a joint appearance with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. "That's been at least my practice. I said that I'd go after bin Laden if we had a clear shot at him, and I did. If there are others who said one thing and now suggest they'd do something else, I'd go ahead and let them explain."

"Of course we get Osama bin Laden, and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted on America. We'll move everything to get him. But I don't want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person -- Osama bin Laden -- because after him, there's going to be another and another...This is a worldwide jihadist effort to try to cause the collapse of all moderate Islamic governments and to replace them with a caliphate. They ultimately want to bring down the United States of's more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die."

Romney in 2007: "Of Course We Get Bin Laden...He Will Die" - Guy Benson

watch the video...have a nice day.

Did he say this after he said he woulndnt go after him? I have a feeling he said this because of the backlash he got for saying how he really felt.

Gee, Romney flip flopped AGAIN.

Have a nice day.:doubt:
If people want to bring up the 2007 Romney quote fine but let's use the whole quote not the cherry picked parts shall we.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

Prior to the conquering of Iraq..there were no Al Qaeda or any general threat to the United States.

Your stupidity continues to amaze, Sallow! You might want to go back and check the time lines on when we were attacked? 9/11 occurred before we invaded Iraq. I'm guessing that would fit the general description of a "general threat" to the US? Duh?
Q: Do you like apples?


How do you like them apples?

Thank you President Obama.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".

I think that's a valid complaint.

Romney is from teh business world, and the business world is risk adverse.

Biden and Gates both advised against a raid. A CEO type would have gone with the advice of key people. Again, risk adverse.

If this had gone badly, a la Desert One on Carter's watch, the GOP would never let Obama hear the end of it.
Didn't Obama say from 2002-2008 that we were wasting time, money and lives on two wars also?

Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".

I think that's a valid complaint.

Romney is from teh business world, and the business world is risk adverse.

Biden and Gates both advised against a raid. A CEO type would have gone with the advice of key people. Again, risk adverse.

If this had gone badly, a la Desert One on Carter's watch, the GOP would never let Obama hear the end of it.

risk averse? his whole biz was built on risk, hello.
Only about Iraq. Obama was for the Afghanistan war.

I'm glad we got him. But if bin laden was nothing more than a puppet figure near the end as the military is saying then Mitt Romney was right. The country needs someone with business smarts and the know how to get things done.

Obama can spike the football all he wants but he is in trouble if his campaign strategy revolves around "I don't think Mitt would have made the same call".

I think that's a valid complaint.

Romney is from teh business world, and the business world is risk adverse.

Biden and Gates both advised against a raid. A CEO type would have gone with the advice of key people. Again, risk adverse.

If this had gone badly, a la Desert One on Carter's watch, the GOP would never let Obama hear the end of it.

risk averse? his whole biz was built on risk, hello.

But not risk the douchebags...

Risk to the poor working schlub, absolutely.

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