Romney 7 million to Charity..

So I guess when the President says that the wealthiest Americans can afford to pay a little more in taxes,

to help deal with our fiscal situation,

the Romney example proves that President Obama is absolutely correct.

You seem to be missing the concept of individual charity...:dunno:

Now, if you're trying to say Obama/Democrats/Liberals have turned America into a charity case, I get your drift.

You seem to have missed the concept of a balanced budget. The Republicans cut taxes in the face of two wars to pay for in the last decade. A good portion of the money that Romney has been giving to his church and his foundation could have gone towards paying for those wars.

A country ought to pay for the wars it fights before it takes on a mountain of debt all for the sake of letting people enjoy the money they owe for those wars.

A Democrat talking about balanced budgets and spending someone else's money.. that's entertainment...:D
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

He didn't 'dodge' his taxes. Moron. But, while we're whining about taxes - clean your own fucking house before you bitch about your neighbors. Otherwise you look like a hypocrite... possibly because you are.
I agree with C Clayton. After Mittens loses the election, he will still have time to amend his returns and obtain the full value for the charitable givings.

You know, mIttens is a businessman and they don't give money away for nothing.
I agree with C Clayton. After Mittens loses the election, he will still have time to amend his returns and obtain the full value for the charitable givings.

You know, mIttens is a businessman and they don't give money away for nothing.

Up early today. There's no school bus today. Go back to bed and mommy will wake you when your Pop-Tarts are ready.

"Mittens, Mittens, Mittens..and you can't even spell it correctly.
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Does he know that money might end up in the hands of the good-for-nothing 47 percent?

He'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives like this!
I agree with C Clayton. After Mittens loses the election, he will still have time to amend his returns and obtain the full value for the charitable givings.

You know, mIttens is a businessman and they don't give money away for nothing.

Thousands of them actually do give money away for nothing. Saying otherwise is utter gibberish... but most of your posts are utter gibberish.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

He didn't 'dodge' his taxes. Moron. But, while we're whining about taxes - clean your own fucking house before you bitch about your neighbors. Otherwise you look like a hypocrite... possibly because you are.

What was the purpose of the secret, unaccounted Swiss bank accounts, then?

You're not very smart, are you? It's just a facade, isn't it?
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

"The Obamas gave between 4.7% and 6.5% of their income to charity between 2005 and 2008."

What's your opinion on this from the OP..?

What the Obamas gave is not peanuts. Romney gives 10% to his church, and that is all fine and dandy, but I would be much more impressed if he only gave 1% to his church and the rest to other charities. I have no problem with giving to the church, but the church isn't putting most of that money back into charitable functions per se. The Mormon Church is the wealthiest in the world having more liquid cash than any other, yet the Mormon Church does very little when it comes to giving humanitarian aid. » How the Mormon Church Makes Its Money
That Romney sure is sneaky. He gives thousands to charity, pays his staff twice what obama pays his and has the sneaky and scurrilous audacity to pay women working for him the same as what the men are paid. Can you really vote for someone that nasty?
The poor management of Mr. Business's campaign funds has been one of the bigger surprises of the campaign season, I have to say.

Maybe someone will come along and "harvest" his campaign for him.
The Mormon church takes in 7 billion a year and Republicans call that "charity".
Obamination being a typical liberal hoards his own money then takes other people's money so he can take credit for passing around other people's money.

"Obama money" comes to mind.
Stale story, Romney DIDN'T write it all off because his tax rate would have been even lower. First time KNOWN for him, could be why he won't release more returns, he writes off all he can UNLESS he is running for office and wants to look like a bit more like a genuine American tax payer. Othewise, he would be a tax exile in the Caymen islands. Speaking of PATRIOTISM, DODGING taxes shows no love for the USA.

He didn't 'dodge' his taxes. Moron. But, while we're whining about taxes - clean your own fucking house before you bitch about your neighbors. Otherwise you look like a hypocrite... possibly because you are.

What was the purpose of the secret, unaccounted Swiss bank accounts, then?

You're not very smart, are you? It's just a facade, isn't it?

Who fucking cares?
Can you do me a favor and subtract tithing from his "charitable" donations and let us know what we're left with after that?
Gads, that will affect your tax rate, I'm thinkin.

Obama, over the years is a proven a cheap, penny pinching bastard and of course a liberal.


The Romney tax returns offer a window into an area of public life that matters a great deal but is rarely discussed: charitable contributions.

It confirms long-term pattern for both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama, in which the Romneys have generally paid a lower tax rate than the Obamas, but given more to charity. In recent years only, the relative contributions to charity from the two couples have moved closer together.

In 2011, the Romneys donated about 29% of their income to charity – $4 million out of their total $13.7 million in income. For 2010, they donated about 13.8% of their income, $2.98 million out of $21.6 million. Over a 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income, according to an accountants’ letter they provided on Friday.

The information released by the Romney camp Friday also made a point of noting that in combination the Romneys have paid close to 40% on average of their adjusted gross income to various taxes and charities. By any measure, that’s a big number.

Mr. Obama and wife Michelle gave $172,130, or roughly 21.8% of their income, to charity in 2011, and about 14.2% in 2010. That was up from 5.9% in 2009. The Obamas gave between 4.7% and 6.5% of their income to charity between 2005 and 2008. The Obamas’ income shrank in 2011, to about $790,000, compared to earlier years, helping to boost their percentage.

The Republican candidate’s giving reflects a tendency his party would like to see replicated more widely. Republicans favor a world in which people pay fewer taxes and give more to charity, believing that private spending is more effective than that of the federal government.
Romney’s Taxes: A Window Into Charitable Giving - Washington Wire - WSJ

Take 10 percent of the "charitable" donations that Mittens gave away and consider them a bill. Why? Because many of the conservatives on this board have said that if they are required to give something, it's not really "charity" because people are being forced to give.

Here's how the Mormon church looks at tithing.................

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

Mormons who have not paid tithing will be denied a temple recommend and will be considered "unworthy". However; Mormons who pay "back-tithing" (some as much as $5000 or more) are instantly found to be worthy and can receive their temple recommends back once the money has been paid. The Mormon Church uses this as an extortion method when it comes to temple marriages. Parents or family members who have not paid tithing are required to pay back tithing - sometimes in the thousands of dollars - which must be paid before a temple recommend can be issued in order to see their own children married.

Mormons are further threatened that if they do not pay a full tithe, they will be burned with fire when Jesus Christ comes again. Mormons see Tithing as "fire insurance".

Mormons who claim that tithing is purely "a personal choice" are deceiving themselves and outright lying.

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING

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