Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Republicans don't believe in the polls, evolution, global warming, or the presidency of George W. Bush.
No, I posted 8 right and three left.

not even a nice try...

You keep showing how bright you aren't.....There are 8 colored, and 9 black. Sorry kid.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill
[COLOR="deepskyblue"]Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times[/COLOR]
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post
Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection

No, I didn't say I was color coding the left wing ones. I'll do that now, since you aren't very smart.

So maybe four, if you count a global warming story as left wing. That weather, what a bunch of socialists.

The rest were news stories...

Dude huffington post CNN CNBC ARE RIGHT WING TO YOU?

RCP is non partisan
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“This is not what a real recovery looks like. We created fewer jobs in September than in August, and fewer jobs in August than in July, and we’ve lost over 600,000 manufacturing jobs since President Obama took office. If not for all the people who have simply dropped out of the labor force, the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11%. The results of President Obama's failed policies are staggering – 23 million Americans struggling for work, nearly one in six living in poverty and 47 million people dependent on food stamps to feed themselves and their families. The choice in this election is clear. Under President Obama, we’ll get another four years like the last four years. If I’m elected, we will have a real recovery with pro-growth policies that will create 12 million new jobs and rising incomes for everyone.”

Romney: 'This Is Not What A Real Recovery Looks Like' | TPM LiveWire

These guys will be suicidal when the new hires for holiday work get tabulated just before election day. It COULD go well below 7 %.
Really not a good reason would you feel the same way if they had polled 9 percent more who describe themselves as strong Republican than Strong Democrat? The truth is you find any poll that does not favor Obama as unacceptable and you have no interest in either fair or accurate polling as your post have more than proven.

If there was a methodology issue, RCP shouldn't have included it to start with.

They didn't care about the methodology.. They just want to cherry pick the polls to create the illusion of a horse race.
The only economic model that seems to work is the China, U.A.E, ect. One that builds infrastructure and invests within ones nation. Some of those economys are growing at 7-10 percent per year.

We need a capitalist China model.

-Rebuild our infrastructure into the 21st century
-Electric grid
-Build the biggest and best once again!
-Yes, double our space program. When did hiring more high paid engineers and scientist become a waste??? China's going to be kicking our fucking ass if we don't.

NOT one damn thing wrong with showing off. Better than half the country being on food stamps.

We need to reform education to push children and moral standards.
The Republican narrative is bogus.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.

Bush and the republicans tried to reign in Fannie Mae and were stonewalled by the democrats, specifically Barnie Frank.

but if Obama landed the plane in the Hudson he then went golfing and left the passengers standing on the wings to drown while the plane is sinking. Nice analogy - but like a typical liberal you never tell the whole story, even when you make it up.
How exactly could a minority Congressman stonewall anything? This is the thing about the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood, they are too stupid to see the obvious. Bush and the GOP only gave lip service to reigning in Fannie and Freddie without ever doing it.

Read this and learn something:

2003‐05: The first effort during Republicans’ 12‐year control of Congress to reform the GSEs came in
2003, when then‐Financial Services Committee Chairman Mike Oxley (R‐OH) worked to pass a bill. That
year, Oxley had scheduled a Financial Services Committee markup of the legislation, but had to cancel
the markup due to White House opposition. The legislation would have established a stronger regulator
to ensure the GSEs’ safety and soundness. As CBS Marketwatch reported on October 7, 2003:

Strong opposition by the Bush administration forced a top Republican congressman to delay a
vote on a bill that would create a new regulator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie
. . . The vote on Rep. Michael Oxley’s bill to reform oversight of government‐sponsored
entities including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was scheduled for Wednesday. Oxley, an Ohio
Republican, is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.xviii

In 2005 Oxley tried again and this time got a reform bill through the House. Democrats unanimously
supported the bill in the Financial Services Committee. A majority of Democrats supported it on the
though Congressman Frank and others voted against it because of unrelated restrictions it placed
on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The bill passed the House, but the Bush administration and
Senate Republicans opposed the Oxley bill.
Senate Democrats offered the House‐passed Oxley bill in
that chamber, but Senate Republicans, who held the majority, lacked the votes to pass the bill. They
took no action on any bill.

On September 14, 2006, members of the House Financial Services Committee who had supported GSE
reform, including Congressman Frank, sent a letter to then‐Senate Banking Committee Chairman
Richard Shelby urging the Senate to work with them to get a pill passed into law. The letter stated:

Accounting violations by the GSEs have brought to light the fact that current GSE regulators lack
many of the supervisory and enforcement powers bank regulators can wield. We must remedy
this situation by consolidating GSE regulation and providing the tools needed to oversee these
large, complex financial institutions. Both H.R. 1461 and S. 190 create a strong independent
agency to ensure the GSEs operate in a safe and sound manner and comply with their statutory

However, as Oxley told the Financial Times in September 2008, the White House gave House
Republicans “the one‐finger salute.
Romney + Karl Rove + Rush Limbaugh + Grover Norquist + super rich + $uperPACs = 1%
Romney + Karl Rove + Rush Limbaugh + Grover Norquist + super rich + $uperPACs = 1%

obama is also part of the 1%
The wall street people that you love to use when the market looks favorable to obama are part of the 1%
So chris why do you hate some 1% and not others?
Dream on Joe, whatever you need to feel "good" about your moronic prez.

I was willing to consider the Republican...

Until you nominated Romney.

We don't need you Joe, you have zero principles.

Barak The Magic Negro is going home in January.

I like how someone complains about someoen else's principles then uses a racial insult...

Hey, I want all you other cons who claim that your hate of Obama isn't about race to condemn Amazed..

no fucking way you can't be that stupid.
They allow a token "conservative" on their network?:eusa_whistle:
And now they are right wing?:badgrin:

My argument was on the ARTICLES, not the sources...
However you did not identify them as left wing you identified them as right wing.

The gist of the article was Right wing, no matter where it appeared...

This was the point.

You could tell that by reading the headline...

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