Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.

BS pure unadulterated BS.
Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.

Vintage idiot liberal dumbocrat logic by JoeB. here. When socialism fails spectacularly, it's only because there wasn't enough socialism. :lol:
You take ignorance to a whole new level. "Cut defense the way Clinton did" - why, so we can suffer another 9/11? Oh, that's right, you don't care if American's die a horrific death, so long as Uncle Sam keeps giving your lazy ass more entitlements..

The Clinton defense "cuts" (which weren't cuts at all) had nothing to do with 9/11.

For the record, we spent 358 Billion on defense in FY1993 and 335 Billion in FY 2000. That's not much of a "cut".

By the way, Clinton created our entire economic meltdown when he forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't afford them in his 1997 "Community Reinvestment Act" (aka Communist Recession Act)..

Not true. of the top 25 banks that failed, only one gave out CRA loans. The CRA Loans were in fact more strictly regulated.

CRA only kept banks from redlining districts. It didn't make banks give bad loans. They did that all on their own on the theory they could resell foreclosed on properties at a profit if they did fail.

We've tried it your way under Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, and now Obama and it's been a spectacular failure. With each one of the dumbocrats, their "war on poverty" has created more poverty. They've also created nation collapsing debt, stripped freedoms, decentivised success, destroyed our economy, created major energy shortages and outrageous energy prices, killed thousands of Americans through weakened national security, put more and more people on food stamps, and destroyed our education system. The American people have had enough of your Socialism. That's why they are telling you to sit down, shut the fuck up, and return to Constitutional government.

Yawn, no, not really. Obviously, you don't know what kind of grinding poverty we had in this country before these sensible liberal things were done not just by Democratic Presidents but Republicans ones as well.
Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.

Vintage idiot liberal dumbocrat logic by JoeB. here. When socialism fails spectacularly, it's only because there wasn't enough socialism. :lol:

It wasn't an issue of "socialism", guy, it was an issue of investment.

We are falling behind because we are not doing what our competitors are doing- investing in infrastructure and education.

While our roads are crumbling, the Chinese are investing billions in new roads. While our kids are getting dumber, their kids are getting smarter.

Fact is, our greatest prosperity was because Democrats and Republicans like Ike realized the importance of investment in education and infrastructure, and they created a golden age.

Mitt thinks the problem is, he doesn't have enough Dancing Horsies...
When the left wishes to paint Romney as untruthful, just remind them of what real lying is all about.

Morning Examiner: Obama’s Libya lies crumble

Morning Examiner: Obama

In any kind of confused overseas event, initial reports are often wrong. But the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed, including the ambassador, is a case study of how an administration can carefully keep the focus as long as possible on one storyline — and then turn on a dime when it is no longer tenable.

For political reasons, it certainly was in the White House’s interests to not portray the attack as a terrorist incident, especially one that took place on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Instead the administration kept the focus on what was ultimately a red herring — anger in the Arab world over anti-Muslim video posted on You Tube. With key phrases and message discipline, the administration was able to conflate an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Egypt — which apparently was prompted by the video — with the deadly assault in Benghazi.
Hey, christ. What do you think of this.

The only economic model that seems to work is the China, U.A.E, ect. One that builds infrastructure and invests within ones nation. Some of those economys are growing at 7-10 percent per year.

We need a capitalist China model.

-Rebuild our infrastructure into the 21st century
-Electric grid
-Build the biggest and best once again!
-Yes, double our space program. When did hiring more high paid engineers and scientist become a waste??? China's going to be kicking our fucking ass if we don't.

NOT one damn thing wrong with showing off. Better than half the country being on food stamps.

We need to reform education to push children and moral standards.

Dumb Republican propaganda. Half the country is not on food stamps.

To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

Most of your post is Obama's plan.

Even if you combine both Bushes in 12 years time obama still has had more people added to the food stamps program
Bush 1/ 6.8 million in 4 years
Bush 2/ 11 million in 8 years
Total for 12 years 17.8 million
obama 18.5 million in less than 4 years
Koch Brothers

Obvious that Republicans have been cheating for four years

NPR white house propaganda machine
obama FAILED to prevent it from happening.

Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck

Limbaugh typically attracts about 14.25 million
beck 2.2 million daily viewers while at fox
lot's of people watch fox

Now lets look at the viewership of NPR
Foxfyre was right:clap2:

Yes, generally if someone uses a non-credible source, people will point that out.

The fact that Foxfyre pointed out the obvious response to make that response seem contrived when it inevitably came, doesn't in fact make the response any less true.

For instance, if you said "The sky is green", and then said "Now watch, he's going to say the sky is blue"...

That doesn't make the sky any less blue.
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Its cute how you kids try to tell us we are panicing...we are laughing at you.
Naw. They'll just ignore it, or dismiss it as the WSJ and therefore unreliable, and keep deflecting all the blame on Booooooooooosh. :)

The WSJ opinion pages are unreliable, the news pages generally are not.

That is an opinion piece.

Do you somehow think people forget those attacks on Bush by democrats when they actually happened?

I'm not really sure how Bush figures into it at all.

Does the fact that left-wing media sources used the same tactic, somehow make further uses of the same tactic by the right-wing more credible?
The WSJ opinion pages are unreliable, the news pages generally are not.

That is an opinion piece.

Do you somehow think people forget those attacks on Bush by democrats when they actually happened?

I'm not really sure how Bush figures into it at all.

Does the fact that left-wing media sources used the same tactic, somehow make further uses of the same tactic by the right-wing more credible?

Are you fucking kidding? The past 4 years it's been as if Bush was still in the white house.
We have heard the name" bush did it" just about as much as we have heard the name obama.
As with everything else about this president, nobody can prove anything, but it just doesn't make any sense.

Fact is nobody in their right mind trusts his administration and that is part of the reason why the economy is is the dumps.

Let's look at some of the whoppers these folks have come up with:

Obama deserved his Nobel Prize for things he hadn't done yet
A top secret drone accidentally ended up in the hands of Iran
The Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group
Egypt will never fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama let slip secret staging areas Israel was using for a possible bombing mission on Iran
The only way to pay off the debt is to tax the rich
The GOP wants Dirty Air and Dirty Water
The only way to create jobs is to tax the rich
Obama didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has nothing to do with Fast & Furious but he's still invoking Executive Privilege
The attacks on our embassies were over a video
They had no information the Benghazi attack was an organized act of terror
Mitt Romney plans on $5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich
Mitt Romney murdered a steel-worker's wife
Mitt Romney is a felon
The GOP is conducting a war on women
Obama is against same-sex marriage
Obama is for same-sex marriage
Anyone who is against same-sex marriage is a bigot
Obama called long standing deduction for moving expenses paying business to outsource to foreign countries
Obama was suffering from altitude sickness during the debate
Mitt Romney cheated during the debate
John Kerry is to blame for Obama's poor performance
Over 800,000 new jobs were inadvertently discovered over the last 3 months
Obama raised $181 million dollars in September from donors nobody knows the names of

Isn't it obvious why nobody trusts our government anymore?
As with everything else about this president, nobody can prove anything, but it just doesn't make any sense.

Fact is nobody in their right mind trusts his administration and that is part of the reason why the economy is is the dumps.

Let's look at some of the whoppers these folks have come up with:

Obama deserved his Nobel Prize for things he hadn't done yet
A top secret drone accidentally ended up in the hands of Iran
The Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group
Egypt will never fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama let slip secret staging areas Israel was using for a possible bombing mission on Iran
The only way to pay off the debt is to tax the rich
The GOP wants Dirty Air and Dirty Water
The only way to create jobs is to tax the rich
Obama didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has nothing to do with Fast & Furious but he's still invoking Executive Privilege
The attacks on our embassies were over a video
They had no information the Benghazi attack was an organized act of terror
Mitt Romney plans on $5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich
Mitt Romney murdered a steel-worker's wife
Mitt Romney is a felon
The GOP is conducting a war on women
Obama is against same-sex marriage
Obama is for same-sex marriage
Anyone who is against same-sex marriage is a bigot
Obama called long standing deduction for moving expenses paying business to outsource to foreign countries
Obama was suffering from altitude sickness during the debate
Mitt Romney cheated during the debate
John Kerry is to blame for Obama's poor performance
Over 800,000 new jobs were inadvertently discovered over the last 3 months
Obama raised $181 million dollars in September from donors nobody knows the names of

Isn't it obvious why nobody trusts our government anymore?

If obama would have put more effort into what he was actually hired to do instead of blaming who ever for his incompetence. He might have had a chance at reelection.

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