Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Just for the record -- recession means the economy is shrinking, and the last one was over in the summer of 2009. Depression means the economy is staying below its potential (because a lot of able people are not working) -- and it is far from over.

Bush did not have to deal with depression because the recession of 2000-2001 was not deep enough and could bounce on it own when Fed dropped the rates to zero. Obama had to deal with far worse a crisis -- this time Fed could not stop depression and Obama had to improvise with the stimulus. And it would have worked, if not for Republican obstruction.

Please describe this "Republican obstruction." And please explain why the Democrats have not passed a budget in the last three years because Harry Reid won't allow any budget to be debated on the Senate floor? Please explain how the Senate, not allowing House bills out of committee for debate and vote is not obstructionism.

I'm not sure what are you asking? Do you want to know the mechanics of Republican obstructionism? Or are you implying that it was Harry Reid fault that Jobs Act did not pass the Senate?

Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because he would -- and I quote -- "his/her head served up on a platter". And now you are asking "what obstructionism"?

I want to know how it is just one sides fault???

Can you handle that?????
Are you fucking kidding? The past 4 years it's been as if Bush was still in the white house.
We have heard the name" bush did it" just about as much as we have heard the name obama.

True or not, how does that have anything to do with what I was talking about?

It seems like you guys are the ones that are always talking about "Boooosh", usually in the context of us talking about him... Perhaps you're feeling guilty about something?
As with everything else about this president, nobody can prove anything, but it just doesn't make any sense.

Fact is nobody in their right mind trusts his administration and that is part of the reason why the economy is is the dumps.

Let's look at some of the whoppers these folks have come up with:

Obama deserved his Nobel Prize for things he hadn't done yet
A top secret drone accidentally ended up in the hands of Iran
The Muslim Brotherhood is a secular group
Egypt will never fall into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama let slip secret staging areas Israel was using for a possible bombing mission on Iran
The only way to pay off the debt is to tax the rich
The GOP wants Dirty Air and Dirty Water
The only way to create jobs is to tax the rich
Obama didn't have the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has the power to grant amnesty to illegals
Obama has nothing to do with Fast & Furious but he's still invoking Executive Privilege
The attacks on our embassies were over a video
They had no information the Benghazi attack was an organized act of terror
Mitt Romney plans on $5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich
Mitt Romney murdered a steel-worker's wife
Mitt Romney is a felon
The GOP is conducting a war on women
Obama is against same-sex marriage
Obama is for same-sex marriage
Anyone who is against same-sex marriage is a bigot
Obama called long standing deduction for moving expenses paying business to outsource to foreign countries
Obama was suffering from altitude sickness during the debate
Mitt Romney cheated during the debate
John Kerry is to blame for Obama's poor performance
Over 800,000 new jobs were inadvertently discovered over the last 3 months
Obama raised $181 million dollars in September from donors nobody knows the names of

Isn't it obvious why nobody trusts our government anymore?

Yeah, actually, the fact that you people see a conspiracy theory in EVERYTHING makes you less and less credible about it each time.

Have you all never read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?
Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.

Its bullshit. A huge amount of the stimulus money was sent to other countries. Why?
Corruption Damit.

4 years of wasted opportunity to correct our financial problem and We're much worse off now.
“This is not what a real recovery looks like. We created fewer jobs in September than in August, and fewer jobs in August than in July, and we’ve lost over 600,000 manufacturing jobs since President Obama took office. If not for all the people who have simply dropped out of the labor force, the real unemployment rate would be closer to 11%. The results of President Obama's failed policies are staggering – 23 million Americans struggling for work, nearly one in six living in poverty and 47 million people dependent on food stamps to feed themselves and their families. The choice in this election is clear. Under President Obama, we’ll get another four years like the last four years. If I’m elected, we will have a real recovery with pro-growth policies that will create 12 million new jobs and rising incomes for everyone.”

Romney: 'This Is Not What A Real Recovery Looks Like' | TPM LiveWire

Romney is right and you no nothing about the Keynesian Economic Theory. This theory has never worked. However, Obama thinks he will get a different out come. Look at European Socialism and the use of the same failed economic theory. Obama never seems to care about the National Deficit.
Are you fucking kidding? The past 4 years it's been as if Bush was still in the white house.
We have heard the name" bush did it" just about as much as we have heard the name obama.

True or not, how does that have anything to do with what I was talking about?

It seems like you guys are the ones that are always talking about "Boooosh", usually in the context of us talking about him... Perhaps you're feeling guilty about something?
So the left doesn't blame bush and they blame obama for obama's failures?
Naw. They'll just ignore it, or dismiss it as the WSJ and therefore unreliable, and keep deflecting all the blame on Booooooooooosh. :)

The WSJ opinion pages are unreliable, the news pages generally are not.

That is an opinion piece.
The unemployment rate is exactly what it was when Obama took office.

In other words he has done NOTHING!

Yes... plus the added + - 6 trillion in debt and foreign policies that have failed.

But hey.. The commies in Hollywood love the guy, in fact Chavez endorsed him the other day.
Are you fucking kidding? The past 4 years it's been as if Bush was still in the white house.
We have heard the name" bush did it" just about as much as we have heard the name obama.

True or not, how does that have anything to do with what I was talking about?

It seems like you guys are the ones that are always talking about "Boooosh", usually in the context of us talking about him... Perhaps you're feeling guilty about something?
So the left doesn't blame bush and they blame obama for obama's failures?
Naw. They'll just ignore it, or dismiss it as the WSJ and therefore unreliable, and keep deflecting all the blame on Booooooooooosh. :)

The WSJ opinion pages are unreliable, the news pages generally are not.

That is an opinion piece.

Again, I didn't say anything about Bush. Foxfyre and you brought him up.

As far as Bush being "blamed", he is blamed for all the things that happened during his presidency, as he should be.

If someone breaks a vase, you don't blame the person gluing it back together for breaking it in the first place.

You can point out that they're not gluing it together very well, but they still didn't break it.
True or not, how does that have anything to do with what I was talking about?

It seems like you guys are the ones that are always talking about "Boooosh", usually in the context of us talking about him... Perhaps you're feeling guilty about something?
So the left doesn't blame bush and they blame obama for obama's failures?
The WSJ opinion pages are unreliable, the news pages generally are not.

That is an opinion piece.

Again, I didn't say anything about Bush. Foxfyre and you brought him up.

As far as Bush being "blamed", he is blamed for all the things that happened during his presidency, as he should be.

If someone breaks a vase, you don't blame the person gluing it back together for breaking it in the first place.

You can point out that they're not gluing it together very well, but they still didn't break it.

Well hell this is a first a liberal trying to avoid the name Bush and the discussion thereof
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Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

the 7.8 was enough to blunt the Romney debate performance but not necessarily enough to reverse the momentum back to Obama.

better the first debate than the last for Obama.
I'm not sure what are you asking? Do you want to know the mechanics of Republican obstructionism? Or are you implying that it was Harry Reid fault that Jobs Act did not pass the Senate?

Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because he would -- and I quote -- "his/her head served up on a platter". And now you are asking "what obstructionism"?

I love how you liberals rewrite history. Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because:

1.) Stimulus is unconstitutional

Your face is unconstitutional.

2.) It is not the responsibility of the federal government to "stimulate" ANYTHING

Why not?

3.) The national debt has gone ape-shit off the charts under Obama. The GOP were the only adults in the room trying to stop the collapse of America.

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

4.) The inflation alone from the reckless injection of cash from Obama is enough to collapse the economy

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

5.) The GOP reps knew that the stimulus was HURTING recovery, not helping.

Nobody cares about GOP motives, but by blocking Jobs Act and similar measures they made this depression deeper and longer. It is their fault, not Obama's.
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I'm not sure what are you asking? Do you want to know the mechanics of Republican obstructionism? Or are you implying that it was Harry Reid fault that Jobs Act did not pass the Senate?

Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because he would -- and I quote -- "his/her head served up on a platter". And now you are asking "what obstructionism"?

I love how you liberals rewrite history. Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because:

1.) Stimulus is unconstitutional

Your face is unconstitutional.

Why not?

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

4.) The inflation alone from the reckless injection of cash from Obama is enough to collapse the economy

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

5.) The GOP reps knew that the stimulus was HURTING recovery, not helping.

Nobody cares about their motives, but by blocking Jobs Act and similar measures they made this depression deeper and longer. It is their fault, not Obama's.

You are clueless through and through.:eusa_whistle:
I love how you liberals rewrite history. Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because:

1.) Stimulus is unconstitutional

Your face is unconstitutional.

Why not?

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

5.) The GOP reps knew that the stimulus was HURTING recovery, not helping.

Nobody cares about their motives, but by blocking Jobs Act and similar measures they made this depression deeper and longer. It is their fault, not Obama's.

You are clueless through and through.:eusa_whistle:

Hey, it's a talking doggie!
Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

the 7.8 was enough to blunt the Romney debate performance but not necessarily enough to reverse the momentum back to Obama.

better the first debate than the last for Obama.

The 7.8 figure left people more curious than celebratory. Very few actually believe it. It's like a stage magician sawing a woman in half. You see it, but you know that she was never really sawed in half. You don't know how the trick was done, but you know it's a trick because the woman showed up on the other side of stage and was never sawed in half at all.
Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

the 7.8 was enough to blunt the Romney debate performance but not necessarily enough to reverse the momentum back to Obama.

better the first debate than the last for Obama.

Ummmm, no.

The polls are still dropping.
There is still no Romney or GOP panic.

The only one in panic is obama and it has nothing to do with the debate but over what US intelligence might come out with in relation to his Libyan failure.
Your face is unconstitutional.

Why not?

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

Nobody cares about their motives, but by blocking Jobs Act and similar measures they made this depression deeper and longer. It is their fault, not Obama's.

You are clueless through and through.:eusa_whistle:

Hey, it's a talking doggie!

And you're still clueless.
Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

the 7.8 was enough to blunt the Romney debate performance but not necessarily enough to reverse the momentum back to Obama.

better the first debate than the last for Obama.

The 7.8 figure left people more curious than celebratory. Very few actually believe it. It's like a stage magician sawing a woman in half. You see it, but you know that she was never really sawed in half. You don't know how the trick was done, but you know it's a trick because the woman showed up on the other side of stage and was never sawed in half at all.

It was expect the only people I assume are shocked with the drop are obama's supporters.
They really don't want the unemployment numbers to drop right now.
It does make the obama adminastration look a little suspicious

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