Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

my argument was on the articles, not the sources...
however you did not identify them as left wing you identified them as right wing.
Keep up with your own story.

the gist of the article was right wing, no matter where it appeared...

This was the point.

You could tell that by reading the headline...

there must really be something bad if left wing media is using right wing source as their news
there must really be something bad if left wing media is using right wing source as their news

NOt at all. Both sides have their "Token" guy from the other side.

Usually a bad spokesman like Juan Williams for Fox or Tucker Carlson for MSNBC.
Bush, the Socialist, ended his first recession by giving every worker a check of $300 or $600 if filing jointly. The Bush Depression ended July 2009.

Just for the record -- recession means the economy is shrinking, and the last one was over in the summer of 2009. Depression means the economy is staying below its potential (because a lot of able people are not working) -- and it is far from over.

Bush did not have to deal with depression because the recession of 2000-2001 was not deep enough and could bounce on it own when Fed dropped the rates to zero. Obama had to deal with far worse a crisis -- this time Fed could not stop depression and Obama had to improvise with the stimulus. And it would have worked, if not for Republican obstruction.

Please describe this "Republican obstruction." And please explain why the Democrats have not passed a budget in the last three years because Harry Reid won't allow any budget to be debated on the Senate floor? Please explain how the Senate, not allowing House bills out of committee for debate and vote is not obstructionism.

I'm not sure what are you asking? Do you want to know the mechanics of Republican obstructionism? Or are you implying that it was Harry Reid fault that Jobs Act did not pass the Senate?

Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because he would -- and I quote -- "his/her head served up on a platter". And now you are asking "what obstructionism"?
“We had 600,000 government jobs added in the last two months. We had 873,00 jobs by a household survey — which is a total estimate — from 50,000 phone calls. Of those, 600,000 were temporary workers. Chris, these numbers are all a series of assumptions. Tons of assumptions. And it just seems somewhat coincidental that the month before the election, the numbers go one-tenth of a point below where the president started. Although, I don’t see anything in the economy that says these surges are true.”

“You don’t think it’s coincidental that we’ve got the biggest surge since 1983 in the jobs surge? Come on, Chris,” Welch said, refusing to back down. “It’s a six percent improvement in employment in two months…The numbers don’t jibe.”

He continued: “These numbers defy logic. They defy logic. We do not have a 4 to 5 percent booming economy with 873,000 people added. I mean, stop it, Chris. On the face of it, we don’t have this GDP. I love you, but you can’t get there.”

Jack Welch Refuses to Back Down on Unemployment Numbers in Fiery Debate With Chris Matthews | Video |
I'm not sure what are you asking? Do you want to know the mechanics of Republican obstructionism? Or are you implying that it was Harry Reid fault that Jobs Act did not pass the Senate?

Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because he would -- and I quote -- "his/her head served up on a platter". And now you are asking "what obstructionism"?

I love how you liberals rewrite history. Not a single Republican wanted his/her fingerprints on anything that could be interpreted as an attempt of further stimulus, because:

1.) Stimulus is unconstitutional

2.) It is not the responsibility of the federal government to "stimulate" ANYTHING

3.) The national debt has gone ape-shit off the charts under Obama. The GOP were the only adults in the room trying to stop the collapse of America.

4.) The inflation alone from the reckless injection of cash from Obama is enough to collapse the economy

5.) The GOP reps knew that the stimulus was HURTING recovery, not helping. The biggest pork barrel in US history (after promising "no pork" during his campaign) was causing the economy to panic as everyone knew it would take massive tax hikes to make up the $7 trillion in Obama deficit spending.

It had nothing to do with being out to "get" Obama you fucking moron's. If Obama was doing the right things, the GOP wouldn't give a damn what party he was with. They were trying to stop the collapse of America.
The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.
The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Nobody can destroy American jobs. All your crying and lying won't change that. If your job gets shipped over seas, then start your own small business, grow it, and put your former company out of business. It's really that simple.

Of course, it takes effort, and - well - the only effort you're willing to put in is to type on your computer, complain, and demand redistribution of wealth.
Promoting the financial interest of the 1% is the true agenda of the Republican Party. The party's astronomical fundraising figures demonstrate this. Romney is one of them. To stay in power, the elites manipulate middle class voters into focusing on emotionally-charged social issues, while ignoring financial policies that undermine the existence of the middle class.
Hey, christ. What do you think of this.

The only economic model that seems to work is the China, U.A.E, ect. One that builds infrastructure and invests within ones nation. Some of those economys are growing at 7-10 percent per year.

We need a capitalist China model.

-Rebuild our infrastructure into the 21st century
-Electric grid
-Build the biggest and best once again!
-Yes, double our space program. When did hiring more high paid engineers and scientist become a waste??? China's going to be kicking our fucking ass if we don't.

NOT one damn thing wrong with showing off. Better than half the country being on food stamps.

We need to reform education to push children and moral standards.
Hey, christ. What do you think of this.

The only economic model that seems to work is the China, U.A.E, ect. One that builds infrastructure and invests within ones nation. Some of those economys are growing at 7-10 percent per year.

We need a capitalist China model.

-Rebuild our infrastructure into the 21st century
-Electric grid
-Build the biggest and best once again!
-Yes, double our space program. When did hiring more high paid engineers and scientist become a waste??? China's going to be kicking our fucking ass if we don't.

NOT one damn thing wrong with showing off. Better than half the country being on food stamps.

We need to reform education to push children and moral standards.

Dumb Republican propaganda. Half the country is not on food stamps.

To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

Most of your post is Obama's plan.
“We had 600,000 government jobs added in the last two months. We had 873,00 jobs by a household survey — which is a total estimate — from 50,000 phone calls. Of those, 600,000 were temporary workers. Chris, these numbers are all a series of assumptions. Tons of assumptions. And it just seems somewhat coincidental that the month before the election, the numbers go one-tenth of a point below where the president started. Although, I don’t see anything in the economy that says these surges are true.”

“You don’t think it’s coincidental that we’ve got the biggest surge since 1983 in the jobs surge? Come on, Chris,” Welch said, refusing to back down. “It’s a six percent improvement in employment in two months…The numbers don’t jibe.”

He continued: “These numbers defy logic. They defy logic. We do not have a 4 to 5 percent booming economy with 873,000 people added. I mean, stop it, Chris. On the face of it, we don’t have this GDP. I love you, but you can’t get there.”

Jack Welch Refuses to Back Down on Unemployment Numbers in Fiery Debate With Chris Matthews | Video |

This comes from a guy whose company was fined 50 million dollars for cooking the books... I think this is like taking cooking tips from Jeffrey Dahmner.
The American private sector gets tax cuts on the promise that it will create American jobs. Then it uses those tax cuts to buy politicians who create the legal framework for destroying American jobs so an elite group of investors can benefit from cheap labor.

Mitt Romney represents an elite private sector in its war against American labor.

Nobody can destroy American jobs. All your crying and lying won't change that. If your job gets shipped over seas, then start your own small business, grow it, and put your former company out of business. It's really that simple.

Of course, it takes effort, and - well - the only effort you're willing to put in is to type on your computer, complain, and demand redistribution of wealth.

Or we can stop putting up with it and do exactly what those other countries do.

Protect our own industries.

You now what happens in the rest of the world? They have tariffs if an industry is in danger.

They also don't have ludicrous situations where CEO's make 400 times what average workers make, The average is usually more like 10-15 times.

The notion that we should just keep putting up with it is what is whack. You might want to bend over, and keep begging for scraps at the table, Poodle, but there's no reason for the rest of us to put up with it.
Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.
Promoting the financial interest of the 1% is the true agenda of the Republican Party. The party's astronomical fundraising figures demonstrate this. Romney is one of them. To stay in power, the elites manipulate middle class voters into focusing on emotionally-charged social issues, while ignoring financial policies that undermine the existence of the middle class.

my gawd get a grip
And the Democrats manipulate idiots into voting for them by offering them EVERYTHING for Free via Daddy Guberment
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Is this the last stop on the Obama failure tour? Bragging about failure is all they have left? The magic of 8 percent was just that Obama promised to keep the US under that mark and did not. 7.8 is no better it is indication of failure. Not so great that this is all the left has to praise Obama.....failure.

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.
UE was already over 8% when the stimulus went into effect.

Gotcha, Obama didn't cause the problem, he just didn't do anything about it

On what planet? Obama enacted a huge stimulus, and when it he realised it was not enough, he was trying to do more, but was blocked by Republicans in the Congress.

When I said he didn't do anything about it, I meant he didn't do anything to help END the recession
Dumb Republican propaganda. Half the country is not on food stamps.

To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

Most of your post is Obama's plan.

You take ignorance to a whole new level. "Cut defense the way Clinton did" - why, so we can suffer another 9/11? Oh, that's right, you don't care if American's die a horrific death, so long as Uncle Sam keeps giving your lazy ass more entitlements.

By the way, Clinton created our entire economic meltdown when he forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't afford them in his 1997 "Community Reinvestment Act" (aka Communist Recession Act).

We've tried it your way under Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter, Clinton, and now Obama and it's been a spectacular failure. With each one of the dumbocrats, their "war on poverty" has created more poverty. They've also created nation collapsing debt, stripped freedoms, decentivised success, destroyed our economy, created major energy shortages and outrageous energy prices, killed thousands of Americans through weakened national security, put more and more people on food stamps, and destroyed our education system. The American people have had enough of your Socialism. That's why they are telling you to sit down, shut the fuck up, and return to Constitutional government.
Republicans are cheating to make the unemployment number seem artificially high

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