Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Yup, its official Joe is clueless.

A "rightwing" site.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill

Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post

Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection

Yup, Joe is clueless, 9 Left, 8 Right.

Actually, 8 right... maybe three left, and the other six were "neutral" news stories.

Of course, in right wing crazy land, regular journalism is "left wing". I get that.
Realclear has clipped 4 polls out of the current average that are dated in the same dates as 3 polls they included.

In the average of the 4 polls they inexplicably dropped, Obama is up by 5.

In the average of the 3 polls they kept, Obama is up by 2.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

I think someone at realclear should explain that.

It's pretty simple.

They have to maintain the illusion this is a horse race.

New polls will come in that show Obama ahead, and they'll move it back up.

Can't blame RCP, it's a conservative leaning site (although not batshit crazy like Town Hall and it's ilk) that really knows you don't keep an audience by depressing it.

Joe, you posted 9 Left, and 8 aren't making any sense here.
The Republican narrative is bogus.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.
The Republican narrative is bogus.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.

obama was actually the goose. He has flown into the engine of the plane wondering how the hell he got there. Now we need someone to land the plane.
Realclear has clipped 4 polls out of the current average that are dated in the same dates as 3 polls they included.

In the average of the 4 polls they inexplicably dropped, Obama is up by 5.

In the average of the 3 polls they kept, Obama is up by 2.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

I think someone at realclear should explain that.

It's pretty simple.

They have to maintain the illusion this is a horse race.

New polls will come in that show Obama ahead, and they'll move it back up.

Can't blame RCP, it's a conservative leaning site (although not batshit crazy like Town Hall and it's ilk) that really knows you don't keep an audience by depressing it.

Joe, you posted 9 Left, and 8 aren't making any sense here.

No, I posted 8 right and three left.

not even a nice try...
Obama's unemployment numbers almost exactly mirror Saint Reagan.

Too bad for Republicans.
It's pretty simple.

They have to maintain the illusion this is a horse race.

New polls will come in that show Obama ahead, and they'll move it back up.

Can't blame RCP, it's a conservative leaning site (although not batshit crazy like Town Hall and it's ilk) that really knows you don't keep an audience by depressing it.

Joe, you posted 9 Left, and 8 aren't making any sense here.

No, I posted 8 right and three left.

not even a nice try...

You keep showing how bright you aren't.....There are 8 colored, and 9 black. Sorry kid.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill
Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post
Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection
Last edited:
Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which poll does RCP use that it doesn't normally use?

They kept the National Journal Poll showing it tied, while dropping the NPR Poll showing it with a +7 Obama advantage. Both polls ended 9-30.

In short, they are cherry picking which polls to keep and which ones to use...

Which again, they work on a "Click per pay" system where they have to get people checking back. So they need to change the numbers a couple times a day.
RCP also used a Bloomberg poll that showed Obama up by 13 points right wing my ass it really is funny as hell how anytime a poll does favor Obama the poll is right wing.
Joe, you posted 9 Left, and 8 aren't making any sense here.

No, I posted 8 right and three left.

not even a nice try...

You keep showing how bright you aren't.....There are 8 colored, and 9 black. Sorry kid.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill
Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post
Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection

No, I didn't say I was color coding the left wing ones. I'll do that now, since you aren't very smart.

So maybe four, if you count a global warming story as left wing. That weather, what a bunch of socialists.

The rest were news stories...
Republicans will be running around like chickens with their heads cut off on Nov. 7th.
RCP also used a Bloomberg poll that showed Obama up by 13 points right wing my ass it really is funny as hell how anytime a poll does favor Obama the poll is right wing.

And they dropped it out of the average at the first oppurtunity to do so.

The point is, why keep the NJ poll (Tie) and drop the NPR poll (+7 Obama) if they were taken in the exact same time period?
Just for the record RCP now shows the Obama lead down to 1.4 from 1.8 the polls they are using are the following.
Rasmussen with Romney +2
Gallup with Obama +3
CNN/opinion research with Obama +3
National Journal with the race tied
NBC/ Wall street Journal Obama +3
Yeah these are some real heavy duty right wing polls here.
Just for the record RCP now shows the Obama lead down to 1.4 from 1.8 the polls they are using are the following.
Rasmussen with Romney +2
Gallup with Obama +3
CNN/opinion research with Obama +3
National Journal with the race tied
NBC/ Wall street Journal Obama +3
Yeah these are some real heavy duty right wing polls here.

You can't make this shit up, these brain dead fools think if a poll doesn't support Obama it can't be right.
The Republican narrative is bogus.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.

Bush and the republicans tried to reign in Fannie Mae and were stonewalled by the democrats, specifically Barnie Frank.

but if Obama landed the plane in the Hudson he then went golfing and left the passengers standing on the wings to drown while the plane is sinking. Nice analogy - but like a typical liberal you never tell the whole story, even when you make it up.
Just for the record RCP now shows the Obama lead down to 1.4 from 1.8 the polls they are using are the following.
Rasmussen with Romney +2
Gallup with Obama +3
CNN/opinion research with Obama +3
National Journal with the race tied
NBC/ Wall street Journal Obama +3
Yeah these are some real heavy duty right wing polls here.

No, that wsn't what the argument was at all. Although Rasmussen is pretty right wing and so is Gallup.

The argument was, why drop more favorable polls like the NPR Poll if they cover the same time period as the less favorable ones like the National Journal Poll.

Obvious reason. They want it to look like a horserace...
RCP also used a Bloomberg poll that showed Obama up by 13 points right wing my ass it really is funny as hell how anytime a poll does favor Obama the poll is right wing.

And they dropped it out of the average at the first oppurtunity to do so.

The point is, why keep the NJ poll (Tie) and drop the NPR poll (+7 Obama) if they were taken in the exact same time period?

Here is a possible reason they dropped it 28 percent of the respondents identified themselves as strong Democrat only 19 percent as strong Republican a 9 point difference in a poll that came out Obama plus 7. hmmm:eusa_whistle:
RCP also used a Bloomberg poll that showed Obama up by 13 points right wing my ass it really is funny as hell how anytime a poll does favor Obama the poll is right wing.

And they dropped it out of the average at the first oppurtunity to do so.

The point is, why keep the NJ poll (Tie) and drop the NPR poll (+7 Obama) if they were taken in the exact same time period?

Here is a possible reason they dropped it 28 percent of the respondents identified themselves as strong Democrat only 19 percent as strong Republican a 9 point difference in a poll that came out Obama plus 7. hmmm:eusa_whistle:

Well, no, that's not really a good reason.

But if that's what makes you feel better about yourself, fine.
Just for the record RCP now shows the Obama lead down to 1.4 from 1.8 the polls they are using are the following.
Rasmussen with Romney +2
Gallup with Obama +3
CNN/opinion research with Obama +3
National Journal with the race tied
NBC/ Wall street Journal Obama +3
Yeah these are some real heavy duty right wing polls here.

No, that wsn't what the argument was at all. Although Rasmussen is pretty right wing and so is Gallup.

The argument was, why drop more favorable polls like the NPR Poll if they cover the same time period as the less favorable ones like the National Journal Poll.

Obvious reason. They want it to look like a horserace...
No here is the reason I have given you the break down of those who consider themselves strong Democrat and strong Republican in the NPR poll citing the nine point difference. The NBC/Journal poll shows it 22% identify as strong Democrat and 19% as strong Republican a much more even breakdown in the poll which in turn gives you a more accurate poll than one where one group who identifies strongly with one party has a nine point advantage.
And they dropped it out of the average at the first oppurtunity to do so.

The point is, why keep the NJ poll (Tie) and drop the NPR poll (+7 Obama) if they were taken in the exact same time period?

Here is a possible reason they dropped it 28 percent of the respondents identified themselves as strong Democrat only 19 percent as strong Republican a 9 point difference in a poll that came out Obama plus 7. hmmm:eusa_whistle:

Well, no, that's not really a good reason.

But if that's what makes you feel better about yourself, fine.
Really not a good reason would you feel the same way if they had polled 9 percent more who describe themselves as strong Republican than Strong Democrat? The truth is you find any poll that does not favor Obama as unacceptable and you have no interest in either fair or accurate polling as your post have more than proven.

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