Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Bush, the Socialist, ended his first recession by giving every worker a check of $300 or $600 if filing jointly. The Bush Depression ended July 2009.

Just for the record -- recession means the economy is shrinking, and the last one was over in the summer of 2009. Depression means the economy is staying below its potential (because a lot of able people are not working) -- and it is far from over.

Bush did not have to deal with depression because the recession of 2000-2001 was not deep enough and could bounce on it own when Fed dropped the rates to zero. Obama had to deal with far worse a crisis -- this time Fed could not stop depression and Obama had to improvise with the stimulus. And it would have worked, if not for Republican obstruction.

Please describe this "Republican obstruction." And please explain why the Democrats have not passed a budget in the last three years because Harry Reid won't allow any budget to be debated on the Senate floor? Please explain how the Senate, not allowing House bills out of committee for debate and vote is not obstructionism.
Wait for it, wait for it, here it comes it's Bush's fault.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.8%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.8%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

What an idiot you are.

Ya loved em last week.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.8%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

Chris why do you keep posting this and ignoring the response to it? If you aren't man enough to back upo your claim and stay and defend it when called on it, you should stop spamming it.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.8%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which polls were RCP cherry picking when they showed Obama up by four or more? Bet you didn't think they were cherry picking then.
...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which polls were RCP cherry picking when they showed Obama up by four or more? Bet you didn't think they were cherry picking then. shit.

Ole JoeB is a hack.

But he DOES think Bammy is "clean" and speaks well.
Umemployment has dropped from 10.2% to 7.8%
The stock market has doubled since the stimulus.
5 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $10 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up. Retail sales are up. Home sales are up.
Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.
Obama has done a very good job.

...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which poll does RCP use that it doesn't normally use?
...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

What an idiot you are.

Ya loved em last week.

I've also said it was a right wing site, and they have an interest in making this look like a contest.

Point is, they retained a +3 Obama Poll but dropped a +7 Obama poll for the same dates.


Fudging the numbers.
...and your boy has dropped from a 5 point lead to 1.4.......thats gotta hurt.

Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which poll does RCP use that it doesn't normally use?

They kept the National Journal Poll showing it tied, while dropping the NPR Poll showing it with a +7 Obama advantage. Both polls ended 9-30.

In short, they are cherry picking which polls to keep and which ones to use...

Which again, they work on a "Click per pay" system where they have to get people checking back. So they need to change the numbers a couple times a day.
Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

What an idiot you are.

Ya loved em last week.

I've also said it was a right wing site, and they have an interest in making this look like a contest.

Point is, they retained a +3 Obama Poll but dropped a +7 Obama poll for the same dates.


Fudging the numbers.

Yup, its official Joe is clueless.

A "rightwing" site.
Only because RCP is cherry picking which polls to count...

Which they have to, they are in the business of keeping people interested.


Romney's still behind, isn't going to win.

Which poll does RCP use that it doesn't normally use?

They kept the National Journal Poll showing it tied, while dropping the NPR Poll showing it with a +7 Obama advantage. Both polls ended 9-30.

In short, they are cherry picking which polls to keep and which ones to use...

Which again, they work on a "Click per pay" system where they have to get people checking back. So they need to change the numbers a couple times a day.

Actually removing NPR poll was a non partisan thing too do.
After all NPR spins information for the government.
NPR polls should never be used.
Yup, its official Joe is clueless.

A "rightwing" site.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill

Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post

Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection
Yup, its official Joe is clueless.

A "rightwing" site.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill

Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post

Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection

Yup, Joe is clueless, 9 Left, 8 Right.
Yup, its official Joe is clueless.

A "rightwing" site.

17 articles on RCP - Saturday. I'll color code the right wing ones.

We Have a Horse Race on Our Hands - David Gergen, CNN
Debate Is Not Going to Change Anything - Donny Deutsch, MSNBC
Don't Be Fooled, That Debate Was a Big Deal - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
Polls Show Big Gains for Romney in Swing States - Sink & Easley, The Hill

Moderate Mitt? Don't Count on It - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Obama's Meltdown Is No Surprise - Jonah Goldberg, New York Post
Jobs Growth Rises 114,000 as Rate Slides to 7.8 Percent - Jeff Cox, CNBC
President Touts 7.8% Jobless Rate - David Jackson, USA Today
Rate's Unexpected Slide Sparks Debate Over Economy - Josh Mitchell, WSJ
Economy at Stall Speed, or Finally Taking Off? - Stephen Gandel, Fortune
With Obama, There Is Always Some Excuse - Bob Herbert, Huffington Post

Which Romney Will Voters Get? - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Reality Crashing Down on Obama & Media - Andrew Klavan, City Journal
Dems Hope Biden Can Blunt Romney Momentum - Stanage & Parnes, Hill
Arctic Ice Melt 'Decades Ahead of Schedule' - James Gerken, Huffington Post
"Men of Principle" & the Lost Art of Compromise - Abshire & Howard, RCP
Bipartisanship: A New Winning Issue - Dick Morris, FOX NewsElection

Yup, Joe is clueless, 9 Left, 8 Right.
CNN and huffington post are right wing sources?
Realclear has clipped 4 polls out of the current average that are dated in the same dates as 3 polls they included.

In the average of the 4 polls they inexplicably dropped, Obama is up by 5.

In the average of the 3 polls they kept, Obama is up by 2.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

I think someone at realclear should explain that.

It's pretty simple.

They have to maintain the illusion this is a horse race.

New polls will come in that show Obama ahead, and they'll move it back up.

Can't blame RCP, it's a conservative leaning site (although not batshit crazy like Town Hall and it's ilk) that really knows you don't keep an audience by depressing it.

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