Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%

the 7.8 was enough to blunt the Romney debate performance but not necessarily enough to reverse the momentum back to Obama.

better the first debate than the last for Obama.

Well when you don't count 2.5 MILLION unemployed in this country--something magical happens--the unemployment rate drops. Employment participation in this country has dropped to a 30 year LOW.

This is the actual September government report. As you can see these jobs were part-time jobs--and they didn't count 2.5 million unemployed--which in turn lowered the unemployment rate.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (7.3 percent), adult women (7.0 percent), and whites (7.0 percent) declined over the month. The unemployment rates for teenagers (23.7 percent), blacks (13.4 percent), and Hispanics (9.9 percent) were little changed. The jobless rate for Asians, at 4.8 percent (not seasonally adjusted), fell over the year.The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rosefrom 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)

In September, 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work,[/B] and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. ]They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-16.) Among the marginally attached, there were 802,000 discouraged workers in September, a decline of 235,000 from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.The remaining 1.7 million persons marginally attached to the labor force.

Then in August we hit the 30 year low in employment participation.
The unemployment rate fell largely because 368,000 people stopped looking for work, many of them young people. Just 63.5% of the working-age population was either employed or actively looking for work -- a 30-year low.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

Except Obama never promised any such thing.

An official said that if the Full Stimulus package was passed, we could get it under 8%. It wasn't.

Instead, what we got was a watered down version that didn't do nearly as much good.

Vintage idiot liberal dumbocrat logic by JoeB. here. When socialism fails spectacularly, it's only because there wasn't enough socialism. :lol:

It wasn't an issue of "socialism", guy, it was an issue of investment.

We are falling behind because we are not doing what our competitors are doing- investing in infrastructure and education.

While our roads are crumbling, the Chinese are investing billions in new roads. While our kids are getting dumber, their kids are getting smarter.

Fact is, our greatest prosperity was because Democrats and Republicans like Ike realized the importance of investment in education and infrastructure, and they created a golden age.

Mitt thinks the problem is, he doesn't have enough Dancing Horsies...

First of all, it is NOT the government's job to "invest" in anything. In fact, the goverment is strictly forbidden from investing in anything. Are you completely incapable of reading? If not, would it really kill you to read the US Constitution just once.

Second, our "competitor" in your mind is China. Which is "investing" in something called Communism. And you idiot liberals keep saying we need to be more like China. 'Nough said...
Your face is unconstitutional.

Really? Did you really just post something that juvenile? What are you, 6 years old?

Seriously, are you 6 years old? Why not? Because the rolls and responsibilities are clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution, and "stimulating" the economy is NOT one of them. Are you seriously this ignorant or are you just attempting to be inflammatory now? A much better question would be, WHY would you or any other idiot think that it is?

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

Once again I must ask, really? Your best answer is "it happens" like it's some force of nature beyond our control? Had Obama not been on a power trip thinking he is a dictator with unlimited powers, and instead adhered to his Constitutional responsibilities, NONE of it would have happened. On top of that, our economy would have recovered by now.

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

What inflation? The one that is coming in the next year or two, stupid. Just a suggestion, but you should probably graduate high school first, read the Constitution once, and then come back and try to discuss what's going on in our government with the big boys.
Your face is unconstitutional.

Really? Did you really just post something that juvenile? What are you, 6 years old?

Seriously, are you 6 years old? Why not? Because the rolls and responsibilities are clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution, and "stimulating" the economy is NOT one of them. Are you seriously this ignorant or are you just attempting to be inflammatory now? A much better question would be, WHY would you or any other idiot think that it is?

This is pointless to debate. The fact is that the government is in business of regulating the economy since 30s, if not before, and every developed country is like that, and all economic models suggest that this is the only way we can avoid great depressions happening on regular basis.

Whether it is constitutional is irrelevant. If it is not (meaning the Supreme Curt ruling, not your fantasies), then the Constitution should be amended.

It happens because the economy remains severely depressed since 2008 -- and Republicans are blocking any attempt to speed up the recovery.

Once again I must ask, really? Your best answer is "it happens" like it's some force of nature beyond our control?

Can't you read? I told you why the economy remains depressed -- because Republicans have been blocking recovery. And they are beyond Obama's control, they are doing it as long as morons like you keep cheering.

What inflation? You morons are simply too stupid co check the numbers.

What inflation? The one that is coming in the next year or two, stupid.

And what economic model makes such a prediction?
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First of all, it is NOT the government's job to "invest" in anything. In fact, the goverment is strictly forbidden from investing in anything. Are you completely incapable of reading? If not, would it really kill you to read the US Constitution just once.

Second, our "competitor" in your mind is China. Which is "investing" in something called Communism. And you idiot liberals keep saying we need to be more like China. 'Nough said...

I'm not saying we should be more like China, I'm saying we should look at what they are doing wrong and what they are doing right.

We should also look at Europe. And Japan.

How did Japan get to the position she's in. Love the Japanese people, they're wonderful, but Japan never saw an idea they weren't willing to steal if it worked.

We need to invest in education. That means spending more money, something cons don't like, and demanding more acountability from teachers, something liberals won't like. But it needs to be.

Same with roads and power grids and infrastructure. The private sector isn't going to build those unless government ponies up the money.
The unemployment rate is exactly what it was when Obama took office.

In other words he has done NOTHING!

The same thing happened in Reagan's first term but you won't hear a rightwing nut anywhere say that that is why Reagan shouldn't have been re-elected.
The unemployment rate is exactly what it was when Obama took office.

In other words he has done NOTHING!

The same thing happened in Reagan's first term but you won't hear a rightwing nut anywhere say that that is why Reagan shouldn't have been re-elected.


Obama's unemployment rate almost exactly mirrors Reagan's.

It's morning in America.
That's funny.....
Like we're going to panic because of a small drop like this, when we know it's going to be adjusted and right back up there JUST BEFORE THE ELECTIONS.

No...we're not worried dear. But if it makes you feel better...just keep think it :)

Oh it's not a "small" drop.

Big picture is that it is a huge drop. Unemployment was at 10% in October of 2009. That's before the stimulus was implemented and Obama's policies took effect.

His this regard..are better then George W. Bush's.

Hence all those lies from the right.

That is really the best way to tell how scared they are ... The number of new lies every day. :badgrin:
The unemployment rate is exactly what it was when Obama took office.

In other words he has done NOTHING!

The same thing happened in Reagan's first term but you won't hear a rightwing nut anywhere say that that is why Reagan shouldn't have been re-elected.

Not to mention the gas lines.

But, no rw will blame Reagan for that.

And, rightly so because, as we all know, NO president can control or even influence gas prices or availability.

I heard Mittens say he would get the keystone pipeline even if he had to dig it himself or some such shit as that. And, obedient little fools in the audience applauded.

I guess that's a lot easier than educating themselves.
The unemployment rate is exactly what it was when Obama took office.

In other words he has done NOTHING!

The same thing happened in Reagan's first term but you won't hear a rightwing nut anywhere say that that is why Reagan shouldn't have been re-elected.

Not to mention the gas lines.

But, no rw will blame Reagan for that.

And, rightly so because, as we all know, NO president can control or even influence gas prices or availability.

I heard Mittens say he would get the keystone pipeline even if he had to dig it himself or some such shit as that. And, obedient little fools in the audience applauded.

I guess that's a lot easier than educating themselves.
The assholes are applauding higher gas prices. All of the tar sand from the Keystone pipeline is for export after it is refined in the US, so it will take away from domestic refining capacity jacking up prices. Then when you add in the war in Iran, $10 gas under Willard.
We have just had the fastest drop in unemployment since 1984....from 10.2% to 7.8%%. All this in spite of the fact that House Republicans have blocked infrastructure spending bills that would have helped. Why? Because Republicans are more concerned with winning the election than helping America.
What? The unemployment rate is 7.8%? What the fuck, nutters! Can't you assholes handle a simple sabotage job?

The American labor force is SHRINKING--not growing. There are fewer Americans employed this year than last year and the year before that. It continues to shrink.

Only in an era of depressingly diminished expectations could the September jobs report be called a good one. It really isn’t. Not at all.

Yes, the U-3 unemployment rate fell to 7.8%, the first time it has been below 8% since January 2009. But that’s only due to a flood of 582,000 part-time jobs. As the Labor Department noted:

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.
The September Jobs Report Was Bad - Business Insider

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We have just had the fastest drop in unemployment since 1984....from 10.2% to 7.8%%. All this in spite of the fact that House Republicans have blocked infrastructure spending bills that would have helped. Why? Because Republicans are more concerned with winning the election than helping America.
And they are not the least bit ashamed to admit they want Americans to SUFFER the loss of their jobs.

September 18, 2012
RUSH: I happen to know that Romney wants for this country the same thing I want.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
We have just had the fastest drop in unemployment since 1984....from 10.2% to 7.8%%. All this in spite of the fact that House Republicans have blocked infrastructure spending bills that would have helped. Why? Because Republicans are more concerned with winning the election than helping America.

More "shovel ready" road and bridge work.----:clap2:

Obama is so incompetent--he actually took a chapter out of FDR'S 1930's book--road and bridge work.

The 1930's a time when we actually needed roads and bridges. Today we have super highways that criss/cross this nation and if we needed a bridge we built it. What permits were issued overnight in the 30's now takes years of engineering and design. What took thousands of men with shovel's in the 30's, now can be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators--and what was a workforce of primarily men in the 30's is now 1/2 women who don't do road and bridge work.

Mitt Romney was right when he stated that Obama keeps running down to the corner pay-phone to plug quarters into it--expecting the economy to recover--but forgot that we live in a smart phone century.

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What? The unemployment rate is 7.8%? What the fuck, nutters! Can't you assholes handle a simple sabotage job?

The American labor force is SHRINKING--not growing. There are fewer Americans employed this year than last year and the year before that. It continues to shrink.

2010 employed 139,064,000
2011 employed 140,790,000
2012 employed 142,974,000 as of Sept.
What? The unemployment rate is 7.8%? What the fuck, nutters! Can't you assholes handle a simple sabotage job?

The American labor force is SHRINKING--not growing. There are fewer Americans employed this year than last year and the year before that. It continues to shrink.

2010 employed 139,064,000
2011 employed 140,790,000
2012 employed 142,974,000 as of Sept.


Gallup Daily tracking, based on a random sample of more than 29,000 U.S. households, shows a potential dramatic drop in the government's seasonally adjusted workforce participation rate to 63.1% in July down from 63.8% in June. That is, the BLS may report the number of Americans working or wanting to work to be at its lowest level since April 1978. This would be extremely bad news for the U.S. economic outlook in the sense that current economic optimism is so low that millions of Americans are giving up on finding a job. It could also translate into a sharp drop in the U.S. unemployment rate for July to be announced by the government on Friday.
Gallup.Com - The Behavioral Economy by Dennis Jacobe: The Incredible Shrinking U.S. Workforce

August 2012 jobs report shows that employment in this country has hit a 30 year LOW.

The unemployment rate fell largely because 368,000 people stopped looking for work, many of them young people. Just 63.5% of the working-age population was either employed or actively looking for work -- a 30-year low.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012


Does today’s dip in the unemployment rate mean our economy is on the right track? That’s the argument President Obama and his campaign are sure to make. But the labor force participation rate – which has fallen precipitously from 66.1 percent in 2008 to 63.5 percent today – tells a different story.

The median family income in America has dropped 8% since Obama took office.

The nation’s real unemployment rate remains near 11%.

The percentage of college graduates who can’t find work now exceeds 50%.

The U.S. birthrate has even declined as young Americans struggle to get established.

The number of workers settling for part-time work rose 7.5% last month to 8.6 million.

Clearly, the unemployment rate is not telling the whole story.

To add insult to injury, the United States added 114,000 jobs in September. Cause for celebration? Hardly: With just 1/10th of the population of the United States, Canada added 52,000 jobs last month. If the United States economy created jobs at a rate on par with Canada’s economy, we would’ve created about 480,000 jobs last month, not 114,000.
This one chart explains dip in unemployment rate |


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The American labor force is SHRINKING--not growing. There are fewer Americans employed this year than last year and the year before that. It continues to shrink.

2010 employed 139,064,000
2011 employed 140,790,000
2012 employed 142,974,000 as of Sept.


You said there are fewer Americans employed this year than the last two years and that is a complete lie, the above BLS numbers proved it. All the LPR shows is Boomers are retiring and they will continue to retire no matter who is president. The only difference will be if Willard is elected you will never hear the LPR again.

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