Romney caught on tape

This whole thing cracks me up...Romney CAUGHT ON TAPE TELLING THE TRUTH! Horrors! This is NEWS! The election is lost!

Meanwhile, Obama's policies have resulted in death, destruction and economic collapse...AND he's stockpiling ammunition earmarked to be used against Americans, and he's moving forward with plans to construct warehouses and camps for us.

Obviously, Obama is the president for America!

No, Romney perpetrated one of the biggest lies in American History

Those 47% are not mooching off of government.
They are not looking for handouts
They do not expect something for free

The overwhelming majority are hard working Americans looking for their piece of the American dream.

The dream is dying.. If you don't see why fiscal conservatives are angry you're blind.
This whole thing cracks me up...Romney CAUGHT ON TAPE TELLING THE TRUTH! Horrors! This is NEWS! The election is lost!

Meanwhile, Obama's policies have resulted in death, destruction and economic collapse...AND he's stockpiling ammunition earmarked to be used against Americans, and he's moving forward with plans to construct warehouses and camps for us.

Obviously, Obama is the president for America!

No, Romney perpetrated one of the biggest lies in American History

Those 47% are not mooching off of government.
They are not looking for handouts
They do not expect something for free

The overwhelming majority are hard working Americans looking for their piece of the American dream.

they are likely mooching off someone

They are looking for that dream to be financed by someone else. We have become a nation of Sandra Flukes looking for someone else to pay for the birth control pills.
retired seniors are the largest segment of that 47% who owe no income taxes that Romney disparaged....

Except that he wasn't referring to retired seniors at all, and you know that Care, I'm surprised at how dishonest you're being here. :eusa_eh:
He said the 47% are the 47% who do not pay income taxes....Newby.....are you saying he did not say that, even though it's on tape that he did?

yes he said that....he was making a point to people that are not looking to discect what he is what he meant....not what his words can be defined as using word for word.

For example...

If I said 50% of the occupiers want to start trouble...they want to burn down buildings and rape helpless women....

it does not mean that ALL 50% want to burn down buildings and rape helpless means SOME want to burn down buildings and others want to rape helpless women....but it can be taken that I mean that ALL want to do both.

I thought you were more hoinest than that care4all....actually, I know you are.
It was a gaffe on his part....he may have meant something else, but he merged the two, to make them one and the same group.

A gaffe? I don't think so. He appears to really believe that roughly half of Americans are entitlement junkies. The funny thing is, he himself is in that group.
retired seniors are the largest segment of that 47% who owe no income taxes that Romney disparaged....

Except that he wasn't referring to retired seniors at all, and you know that Care, I'm surprised at how dishonest you're being here. :eusa_eh:
He said the 47% are the 47% who do not pay income taxes....Newby.....are you saying he did not say that, even though it's on tape that he did?

Seniors don't pay income taxes because they are retired Care and don't work after having worked and having paid taxes most of their lives. Do you seriously and honestly think Romney really thinks that retired citizens see themselves as 'victims', and stand in line for the government freebies and therefore vote democrat?? Do you think he'd be that stupid?? Really? My parents are retired and I can tell you 100% they sure didn't feel he was talking about them, this argument is beyond ridiculous! That you can continue to defend it is sad, I've always viewed you as reasonable and it seems like you've just gone off the deep end here. I don't get it.
Except that he wasn't referring to retired seniors at all, and you know that Care, I'm surprised at how dishonest you're being here. :eusa_eh:
He said the 47% are the 47% who do not pay income taxes....Newby.....are you saying he did not say that, even though it's on tape that he did?

yes he said that....he was making a point to people that are not looking to discect what he is what he meant....not what his words can be defined as using word for word.

For example...

If I said 50% of the occupiers want to start trouble...they want to burn down buildings and rape helpless women....

it does not mean that ALL 50% want to burn down buildings and rape helpless means SOME want to burn down buildings and others want to rape helpless women....but it can be taken that I mean that ALL want to do both.

I thought you were more hoinest than that care4all....actually, I know you are.

:lol: No, if you say 50% of a group wants to rape and pillage then that is exactly what you mean.

Quit flailing, it's unbecoming.
It was a gaffe on his part....he may have meant something else, but he merged the two, to make them one and the same group.

Yes... a gaffe....but it is not being reported as that.

AQnd that is dishonest and inappropriate.

This election is about ideology...nothing more...what direction do we go.

For the media to attack character of a candidate where it is not warranted may result in people voting for an ideology they dont particularly want.
Except that he wasn't referring to retired seniors at all, and you know that Care, I'm surprised at how dishonest you're being here. :eusa_eh:
He said the 47% are the 47% who do not pay income taxes....Newby.....are you saying he did not say that, even though it's on tape that he did?

Seniors don't pay income taxes because they are retired Care and don't work after having worked and having paid taxes most of their lives. Do you seriously and honestly think Romney really thinks that retired citizens see themselves as 'victims', and stand in line for the government freebies and therefore vote democrat?? Do you think he'd be that stupid?? Really? My parents are retired and I can tell you 100% they sure didn't feel he was talking about them, this argument is beyond ridiculous! That you can continue to defend it is sad, I've always viewed you as reasonable and it seems like you've just gone off the deep end here. I don't get it.

So who is he talking about?
He said the 47% are the 47% who do not pay income taxes....Newby.....are you saying he did not say that, even though it's on tape that he did?

yes he said that....he was making a point to people that are not looking to discect what he is what he meant....not what his words can be defined as using word for word.

For example...

If I said 50% of the occupiers want to start trouble...they want to burn down buildings and rape helpless women....

it does not mean that ALL 50% want to burn down buildings and rape helpless means SOME want to burn down buildings and others want to rape helpless women....but it can be taken that I mean that ALL want to do both.

I thought you were more hoinest than that care4all....actually, I know you are.

:lol: No, if you say 50% of a group wants to rape and pillage then that is exactly what you mean.

Quit flailing, it's unbecoming.

SO evertime you say "conservatives do this or conservatives do that" mean all of them? Everyone of them?


Democrats will grasp at any straw. What they can't stand is that attacking Romney over this statement has backfired. It's become the redefining moment of the campaign. This has turned out like Bill Clinton's Sistah Soljah's statement. It has called into question obama's motivations, not Romney's.
What is your fault is that you're dishonest.

I did, and that isn't what Romney said. He spoke of the 47% of Americans who are receiving federal benefits. Those who are dependent on government will vote for the one who promotes dependance, Barack Obama.
He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

it's on tape, you can't twist and turn it to make it in to something else.... it was a gaffe on his part.....considering that many in that 47% not paying income taxes are/were his supporters and Republicans.

There is a difference between talking about the ones working and earning income of their own and when all said and done on April 15th, do not legally owe any tax, and the so called moochers on welfare with no income to report who don't even file income taxes....

It's amazing to me that he criticized these workers/ and retired seniors, for taking advantage of tax codes to reduce their tax obligation....

While utilizing every tax break, every loop hole and every tax credit advantage that the gvt had available to him, to reduce his obligation in taxes from 35% down to 13.9 % and told the world that he would have basically been negligent to NOT use these loopholes to reduce his taxes....

While he disparages the 47% who owe no income taxes due to using all tax credits and breaks that are legally allowed for them...

Honestly, that's pretty shocking to me....and extremely 2 FACED of him....'s OK if you are one of the wealthiest.... to avoid taxes due by using every legal deduction and loophole available.


NOT OK if you are in the middle to lower incomes, using every tax break and deductions legally available to reduce your tax obligations.

Just crazy and obviously a person who feels he and the wealthiest are "special" and due this special treatment, while demeaning and disparaging those who are not wealthy, using tax laws to reduce the taxes they owe....

He never said moochers.

AN honest evaluation of what he was saying to those that understand his position was that there was no way he would convince those that do not pay income tax that he was the right candidate becuase he wants to lower taxes. can take what he said and say "he meant this" and "he meant that" you are doing....

But that is not being honest.

Now...sure he said 47%.....but then he broke them down.....siad they are vioctims...they are used to entitlements....but not meaning ALL believe they are victims....just saying IN THAT 47% are those that feel they are victims....

But will believe what you want.

But then I guess I should believe that Obama believes that ALL that are frsutrated cling to guns and religion...

But I dont......I knew what he meant by it.

Exactly, those that are resonable and honest would see it exactly as it was meant, but that doesn't create propaganda, which Obama desperately needs in lieu of his terrible record as president.
It was a gaffe on his part....he may have meant something else, but he merged the two, to make them one and the same group.

So Obama needs his opponent to make 'gaffes' that are misconstrued and lied about to the general public to win this election? Pretty damn sad.
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that is not who he was talking about.
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He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

it's on tape, you can't twist and turn it to make it in to something else.... it was a gaffe on his part.....considering that many in that 47% not paying income taxes are/were his supporters and Republicans.

There is a difference between talking about the ones working and earning income of their own and when all said and done on April 15th, do not legally owe any tax, and the so called moochers on welfare with no income to report who don't even file income taxes....

It's amazing to me that he criticized these workers/ and retired seniors, for taking advantage of tax codes to reduce their tax obligation....

While utilizing every tax break, every loop hole and every tax credit advantage that the gvt had available to him, to reduce his obligation in taxes from 35% down to 13.9 % and told the world that he would have basically been negligent to NOT use these loopholes to reduce his taxes....

While he disparages the 47% who owe no income taxes due to using all tax credits and breaks that are legally allowed for them...

Honestly, that's pretty shocking to me....and extremely 2 FACED of him....'s OK if you are one of the wealthiest.... to avoid taxes due by using every legal deduction and loophole available.


NOT OK if you are in the middle to lower incomes, using every tax break and deductions legally available to reduce your tax obligations.

Just crazy and obviously a person who feels he and the wealthiest are "special" and due this special treatment, while demeaning and disparaging those who are not wealthy, using tax laws to reduce the taxes they owe....

He never said moochers.

AN honest evaluation of what he was saying to those that understand his position was that there was no way he would convince those that do not pay income tax that he was the right candidate becuase he wants to lower taxes. can take what he said and say "he meant this" and "he meant that" you are doing....

But that is not being honest.

Now...sure he said 47%.....but then he broke them down.....siad they are vioctims...they are used to entitlements....but not meaning ALL believe they are victims....just saying IN THAT 47% are those that feel they are victims....

But will believe what you want.

But then I guess I should believe that Obama believes that ALL that are frsutrated cling to guns and religion...

But I dont......I knew what he meant by it.

Exactly, those that are resonable and honest would see it exactly as it was meant, but that doesn't create propaganda, which Obama desperately needs in lieu of his terrible record as president.

If Mitt had kept his comments at that he would have been OK

But he couldn't resist the temptation to pile on to a willing audience. When he drifted into the points that these people are dependent on the Government, who believe they are victims,who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them...that is where he got out of hand by not only insulting people in the 47% but misrepresenting them

Then Romney said..

(M)y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the five to ten percent in the center that are independents that are thoughtful, that look voting one way or the other depending upon some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not.

Again Romney is piling on and calling out working Americans and retirees as having no personal responsibility
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Hey, We didn't do this on our own. Somebody else made this happen.

We just suffer the consequences.
He never said moochers.

AN honest evaluation of what he was saying to those that understand his position was that there was no way he would convince those that do not pay income tax that he was the right candidate becuase he wants to lower taxes. can take what he said and say "he meant this" and "he meant that" you are doing....

But that is not being honest.

Now...sure he said 47%.....but then he broke them down.....siad they are vioctims...they are used to entitlements....but not meaning ALL believe they are victims....just saying IN THAT 47% are those that feel they are victims....

But will believe what you want.

But then I guess I should believe that Obama believes that ALL that are frsutrated cling to guns and religion...

But I dont......I knew what he meant by it.

Exactly, those that are resonable and honest would see it exactly as it was meant, but that doesn't create propaganda, which Obama desperately needs in lieu of his terrible record as president.

If Mitt had kept his comments at that he would have been OK

But he couldn't resist the temptation to pile on to a willing audience. When he drifted into the points that these people are dependent on the Government, who believe they are victims,who believe the government has a responsibility to take care of them...that is where he got out of hand by not only insulting people in the 47% but misrepresenting them

He reminds me of Obama when he's off teleprompter.

Two lousy choice's. The system selects em, We elect em. Will it matter in the end?

Yes, vote Romney!
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that not is who he was talking about.

he was referring to his mantra....

47% do not pay federal income campaigning to them with the mantra of "I will lower your federal income taxes" will not excite them.

Youi need to understand.....he was talking to donors.....donors to him.....and he had a responsibility to explain to themn how he intends to use their donations....and he made it clear that he knows he will not get a good majority of those that like entitlements and higher taxes on others......

He uised the 47% number becuase it is a commonly used number as it pertains to federal income taxes.

But want to believe he meant ALL 47% are moochers....go for it.

Sadly....the president thinks he meant that Romeny doesnt plan to govern 47% of the people beccuase they dont pay taxes....

How he got that out of that statement, I have no idea...

But THAT should be a topic....why does Obama have such a poor ability to comprehend what he reads and hears that he took it that Romeny doesnt want to govern those people?

But...of isnt.
Romney needs to convince the middle class that he is in their corner. He didn't do it at the GOP convention and he definitely hasn't now


Romney merely needs to point at Obama's term of failure and say "You want more of that?"

Romeny NOR Obama need to do anything more than explain their ideologies.

They are complete opposites...

This is an election about ideology.

What direction does America go.

The rest? Useless bullshit.
Romney needs to convince the middle class that he is in their corner. He didn't do it at the GOP convention and he definitely hasn't now


Romney merely needs to point at Obama's term of failure and say "You want more of that?"

Mitt has been playing that tune for six months and is falling further behind

Mitt needs to sell himself. Establish that he is for the working class and not just a wealthy tool

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