Romney caught on tape

He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

He DID??


Oh wait, you're just lying again.

it's on tape, you can't twist and turn it to make it in to something else....

But... you can openly lie about it.

{There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what}

Yep, including some mindless sycophants... Know anyone like that, Care?

{All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement.}

Hard to argue with - factually correct from every aspect.

{And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ...}

People vote their own interests. Those who live on entitlements support the entitlement president, Obama.

{These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."}

Again, impossible to argue with - he is 100% correct.

it was a gaffe on his part.....

No it wasn't, it was a factual and sensible statement. You demagogues attack in hopes of distracting from Obama's failure in the middle east and the failed economy. The party press hypes this as if it were meaningful in hopes of salvaging their candidate.

considering that many in that 47% not paying income taxes are/were his supporters and Republicans.

One of the "lying points" from ThinkProgess - not true - but you hope it will help Obama.

There is a difference between talking about the ones working and earning income of their own and when all said and done on April 15th, do not legally owe any tax, and the so called moochers on welfare with no income to report who don't even file income taxes....

Romney said nothing about "moochers," and you don't grasp the term. The UAW are moochers, The Chicago Teachers Union are moochers - these are those who use political clout to gorge from the public treasury - these are the Obama core.

Welfare recipients have no pull, they don't qualify as moochers. You've never read Rand and don't grasp the terms you bandy about.

It's amazing to me that he criticized these workers/ and retired seniors, for taking advantage of tax codes to reduce their tax obligation....

He didn't.

It's sad that it doesn't amaze me that you spout bullshit from KOS as if it were the actual statement, while entirely ignoring what was said. But you are a soldier in the Obama army, your job is to support your little tin god, not to deal with facts.

While utilizing every tax break, every loop hole and every tax credit advantage that the gvt had available to him, to reduce his obligation in taxes from 35% down to 13.9 % and told the world that he would have basically been negligent to NOT use these loopholes to reduce his taxes....

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes last year than you and I combined in our entire lives have paid.

While he disparages the 47% who owe no income taxes due to using all tax credits and breaks that are legally allowed for them...

I'm part of the 53% who pay federal income tax, but I realize that Romney pays far more than I.

But by all mean, agitate for a flat tax. Of course you won't, because there is no ideological underpinning to your words, you don't even grasp that the position you promote, you just recite the script that your party gives you.

Honestly, that's pretty shocking to me....and extremely 2 FACED of him....

Two faced, huh?

Chuckle..'s OK if you are one of the wealthiest.... to avoid taxes due by using every legal deduction and loophole available.

Avoid taxes?

He paid millions in taxes.


NOT OK if you are in the middle to lower incomes, using every tax break and deductions legally available to reduce your tax obligations.

Sigh, more pathetic lies from the drones. No one discouraged the use of legal deductions. Your party bosses are lying.

Just crazy and obviously a person who feels he and the wealthiest are "special" and due this special treatment, while demeaning and disparaging those who are not wealthy, using tax laws to reduce the taxes they owe....

Class warfare and sour grapes you have in spades, bummer that you are bereft of logic and reason.
Mitt has been playing that tune for six months and is falling further behind

False on both fronts.

First, Romney has been trying to sell himself as a conservative to gain the GOP. He isn't a conservative and has no credentials with the right, despite you demagogues lying and claiming that he is right of Attila the Hun.

Romney has NOT simply illustrated Obama's 4 years of utter failure - but I suspect he will start.

Look at this faux issue? It is something the DNC press pulled out and fabricated into an "issue," right when Obama is dropping due to his apologies to terrorists and bungling of foreign policy, along with continued record unemployment and a GDP that is technically in recession.

So you of the left are desperate to distract, no matter how contrived and chickenshit it is, such as this faux issue.

Mitt needs to sell himself. Establish that he is for the working class and not just a wealthy tool

You wish.

Romney needs to remind America of what a disaster the Apologist in Chief is.

Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Since the answer for 90% of Americans is "no," Obama needs to go.
Mitt has been playing that tune for six months and is falling further behind

False on both fronts.

First, Romney has been trying to sell himself as a conservative to gain the GOP. He isn't a conservative and has no credentials with the right, despite you demagogues lying and claiming that he is right of Attila the Hun.

Romney has NOT simply illustrated Obama's 4 years of utter failure - but I suspect he will start.

Look at this faux issue? It is something the DNC press pulled out and fabricated into an "issue," right when Obama is dropping due to his apologies to terrorists and bungling of foreign policy, along with continued record unemployment and a GDP that is technically in recession.

So you of the left are desperate to distract, no matter how contrived and chickenshit it is, such as this faux issue.

Mitt needs to sell himself. Establish that he is for the working class and not just a wealthy tool

You wish.

Romney needs to remind America of what a disaster the Apologist in Chief is.

Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Since the answer for 90% of Americans is "no," Obama needs to go.

If the Obama=FAIL tactic is resulting in Romney falling farther and farther behind....why double down on a tactic that is not working?

Your problem is that most people do not view Obama as having failed and Romney is obviously not convincing them otherwise

Romney needs to sell himself as not a tool of the wealthy...In that, he is FAILING
guess what? Mother Jones David Corn has admitted their release is missing about 2 minutes worth of discussion direcly after his remarks, before he gets to China. Why, unless it didn't go along with their agenda? (which seems to have backfired on them anyway, even without it. )

Mitt stands by what he said, he did not say he was taken out of context...what would 2 minutes change?

see, we don't know what else he added, thus we don't know if it would have been looked upon a little differently by fence sitters or not. But, seeing as word is out that there is a time gap, something tells me those fence sitters will not allow this alone to color them, if they were to find it slightly objectionable. See how that can work?
If the Obama=FAIL tactic is resulting in Romney falling farther and farther behind....why double down on a tactic that is not working?

If the moon is made of green cheese, why is anyone hungry?

Well, good question...

Your problem is that most people do not view Obama as having failed and Romney is obviously not convincing them otherwise

A simple recounting of the facts will do that.

Romney needs to sell himself as not a tool of the wealthy...In that, he is FAILING

Romney needs to remind America that Obama has left our economy in shambles and has transformed a once stable Middle East into a cesspool of vipers through his utter incompetence.

You are desperate to make Romney the issue, because if Obama's record of failure is the issue, Obama loses.
He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

He DID??


Oh wait, you're just lying again.

it's on tape, you can't twist and turn it to make it in to something else....
But... you can openly lie about it.

{There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what}

Yep, including some mindless sycophants... Know anyone like that, Care?

{All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement.}

Hard to argue with - factually correct from every aspect.

{And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ...}

People vote their own interests. Those who live on entitlements support the entitlement president, Obama.

{These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."}

Again, impossible to argue with - he is 100% correct.

No it wasn't, it was a factual and sensible statement. You demagogues attack in hopes of distracting from Obama's failure in the middle east and the failed economy. The party press hypes this as if it were meaningful in hopes of salvaging their candidate.

One of the "lying points" from ThinkProgess - not true - but you hope it will help Obama.

Romney said nothing about "moochers," and you don't grasp the term. The UAW are moochers, The Chicago Teachers Union are moochers - these are those who use political clout to gorge from the public treasury - these are the Obama core.

Welfare recipients have no pull, they don't qualify as moochers. You've never read Rand and don't grasp the terms you bandy about.

He didn't.

It's sad that it doesn't amaze me that you spout bullshit from KOS as if it were the actual statement, while entirely ignoring what was said. But you are a soldier in the Obama army, your job is to support your little tin god, not to deal with facts.

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes last year than you and I combined in our entire lives have paid.

I'm part of the 53% who pay federal income tax, but I realize that Romney pays far more than I.

But by all mean, agitate for a flat tax. Of course you won't, because there is no ideological underpinning to your words, you don't even grasp that the position you promote, you just recite the script that your party gives you.

Two faced, huh?


Avoid taxes?

He paid millions in taxes.


NOT OK if you are in the middle to lower incomes, using every tax break and deductions legally available to reduce your tax obligations.
Sigh, more pathetic lies from the drones. No one discouraged the use of legal deductions. Your party bosses are lying.

Just crazy and obviously a person who feels he and the wealthiest are "special" and due this special treatment, while demeaning and disparaging those who are not wealthy, using tax laws to reduce the taxes they owe....
Class warfare and sour grapes you have in spades, bummer that you are bereft of logic and reason.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?


How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?

PS. I don't go to any blogs on the left or the right. I heard the recording on the news....and of course, on this site....*
Last edited:
He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

He DID??


Oh wait, you're just lying again.

But... you can openly lie about it.

{There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what}

Yep, including some mindless sycophants... Know anyone like that, Care?

{All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement.}

Hard to argue with - factually correct from every aspect.

{And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ...}

People vote their own interests. Those who live on entitlements support the entitlement president, Obama.

{These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."}

Again, impossible to argue with - he is 100% correct.

No it wasn't, it was a factual and sensible statement. You demagogues attack in hopes of distracting from Obama's failure in the middle east and the failed economy. The party press hypes this as if it were meaningful in hopes of salvaging their candidate.

One of the "lying points" from ThinkProgess - not true - but you hope it will help Obama.

Romney said nothing about "moochers," and you don't grasp the term. The UAW are moochers, The Chicago Teachers Union are moochers - these are those who use political clout to gorge from the public treasury - these are the Obama core.

Welfare recipients have no pull, they don't qualify as moochers. You've never read Rand and don't grasp the terms you bandy about.

He didn't.

It's sad that it doesn't amaze me that you spout bullshit from KOS as if it were the actual statement, while entirely ignoring what was said. But you are a soldier in the Obama army, your job is to support your little tin god, not to deal with facts.

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes last year than you and I combined in our entire lives have paid.

I'm part of the 53% who pay federal income tax, but I realize that Romney pays far more than I.

But by all mean, agitate for a flat tax. Of course you won't, because there is no ideological underpinning to your words, you don't even grasp that the position you promote, you just recite the script that your party gives you.

Two faced, huh?


Avoid taxes?

He paid millions in taxes.

Sigh, more pathetic lies from the drones. No one discouraged the use of legal deductions. Your party bosses are lying.

Class warfare and sour grapes you have in spades, bummer that you are bereft of logic and reason.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?


How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?

Mitt was pandering to the biases of his fat cat donor audience. Of course the super rich look at those 47% as a bunch of moochers looking for government handouts. Lazy, victims, wanting the government to take care of them

Mitt played that card and got caught
It was a gaffe on his part....he may have meant something else, but he merged the two, to make them one and the same group.

A gaffe? I don't think so. He appears to really believe that roughly half of Americans are entitlement junkies. The funny thing is, he himself is in that group.

That doesn't make sense even for a troll like you. What "entitlement" does he get?

Is this another that all money is the government's so any money they don't tax is an "entitlement" argument?
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Of course he meant it, and he's right.

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?

He was just speaking the truth.

We just have the Obama campaign demagogueing this in hopes of creating an issue. One of Obama's propaganda outlets, Mother Jones, released old footage right at the moment that Obama was taking heat for his apologies, then other Obama propaganda outlets like MSNBC and CNN jump in with faux outrage.

Contrived bullshit to distract from Obama's record of failure/

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?

Nah, he was just stating the unvarnished truth - and we all know it. Further, despite the efforts of the demagoguery corps, this is helping, not hurting Romney.

How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?

It's a widely reported figure from the BLS.
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Of course he meant it, and he's right.

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?
He was just speaking the truth.

We just have the Obama campaign demagogueing this in hopes of creating an issue. One of Obama's propaganda outlets, Mother Jones, released old footage right at the moment that Obama was taking heat for his apologies, then other Obama propaganda outlets like MSNBC and CNN jump in with faux outrage.

Contrived bullshit to distract from Obama's record of failure/

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?
Nah, he was just stating the unvarnished truth - and we all know it. Further, despite the efforts of the demagoguery corps, this is helping, not hurting Romney.

How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?
It's a widely reported figure from the BLS.
but Uncensored, there are ONLY 47% that do not pay income taxes when all said and done.... so ALL of the 47% that he disparages are the 47% who pay no taxes....they are one and the same in his eyes and his statement.

thus the criticism of his statement.....

there is no way that ALL of the 47% that pay no income taxes are just Democrats that will never vote for him, are people who take no responsibility for their own lives, are people who believe they are victims, are people who feel they are entitled to health care, and food etc....

that 47% that owe nothing to the irs, include seniors, that are both Republicans and Democrats or neither.... and include some of the the wealthiest among us....and include people that receive absolutely no gvt help or assistance in any manner from the government they just legally owe no taxes based on the laws that are written....they are not all victims....they are not all people who feel they are entitled to gvt health care and food and housing etc.....they are not all people who take no personal responsibility for their own lives....

So YOU and Romney are WRONG on defining those who owe no income taxes on april 15th in that manner and are way wrong to think that the 47% who legally owe no taxes are all Obama supporters and not made up of Romney supporters as well.
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Of course he meant it, and he's right.

He was just speaking the truth.

We just have the Obama campaign demagogueing this in hopes of creating an issue. One of Obama's propaganda outlets, Mother Jones, released old footage right at the moment that Obama was taking heat for his apologies, then other Obama propaganda outlets like MSNBC and CNN jump in with faux outrage.

Contrived bullshit to distract from Obama's record of failure/

Nah, he was just stating the unvarnished truth - and we all know it. Further, despite the efforts of the demagoguery corps, this is helping, not hurting Romney.

How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?
It's a widely reported figure from the BLS.
but Uncensored, there are ONLY 47% that do not pay income taxes when all said and done.... so ALL of the 47% that he disparages are the 47% who pay no taxes....they are one and the same in his eyes and his statement.

thus the criticism of his statement.....

there is no way that ALL of the 47% that pay no income taxes are just Democrats that will never vote for him, are people who take no responsibility for their own lives, are people who believe they are victims, are people who feel they are entitled to health care, and food etc....

that 47% that owe nothing to the irs, include seniors, that are both Republicans and Democrats or neither.... and include some of the the wealthiest among us....and include people that receive absolutely no gvt help or assistance in any manner from the government they just legally owe no taxes based on the laws that are written....they are not all victims....they are not all people who feel they are entitled to gvt health care and food and housing etc.....they are not all people who take no personal responsibility for their own lives....

So YOU and Romney are WRONG on defining those who owe no income taxes on april 15th in that manner and are way wrong to think that the 47% who legally owe no taxes are all Obama supporters and not made up of Romney supporters as well.

You have bevcome dishonest in your my eyes.

That saddens me.
He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

He DID??


Oh wait, you're just lying again.

But... you can openly lie about it.

{There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what}

Yep, including some mindless sycophants... Know anyone like that, Care?

{All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement.}

Hard to argue with - factually correct from every aspect.

{And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ...}

People vote their own interests. Those who live on entitlements support the entitlement president, Obama.

{These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."}

Again, impossible to argue with - he is 100% correct.

No it wasn't, it was a factual and sensible statement. You demagogues attack in hopes of distracting from Obama's failure in the middle east and the failed economy. The party press hypes this as if it were meaningful in hopes of salvaging their candidate.

One of the "lying points" from ThinkProgess - not true - but you hope it will help Obama.

Romney said nothing about "moochers," and you don't grasp the term. The UAW are moochers, The Chicago Teachers Union are moochers - these are those who use political clout to gorge from the public treasury - these are the Obama core.

Welfare recipients have no pull, they don't qualify as moochers. You've never read Rand and don't grasp the terms you bandy about.

He didn't.

It's sad that it doesn't amaze me that you spout bullshit from KOS as if it were the actual statement, while entirely ignoring what was said. But you are a soldier in the Obama army, your job is to support your little tin god, not to deal with facts.

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes last year than you and I combined in our entire lives have paid.

I'm part of the 53% who pay federal income tax, but I realize that Romney pays far more than I.

But by all mean, agitate for a flat tax. Of course you won't, because there is no ideological underpinning to your words, you don't even grasp that the position you promote, you just recite the script that your party gives you.

Two faced, huh?


Avoid taxes?

He paid millions in taxes.

Sigh, more pathetic lies from the drones. No one discouraged the use of legal deductions. Your party bosses are lying.

Class warfare and sour grapes you have in spades, bummer that you are bereft of logic and reason.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?


How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?

PS. I don't go to any blogs on the left or the right. I heard the recording on the news....and of course, on this site....*

here is an article from Huffington Post from 2011 that might answer some of your question -
Nearly Half Of Americans Live In Households With Government Aid
So YOU and Romney are WRONG on defining those who owe no income taxes on april 15th in that manner and are way wrong to think that the 47% who legally owe no taxes are all Obama supporters and not made up of Romney supporters as well.

Of course he meant it, and he's right.

He was just speaking the truth.

We just have the Obama campaign demagogueing this in hopes of creating an issue. One of Obama's propaganda outlets, Mother Jones, released old footage right at the moment that Obama was taking heat for his apologies, then other Obama propaganda outlets like MSNBC and CNN jump in with faux outrage.

Contrived bullshit to distract from Obama's record of failure/

Nah, he was just stating the unvarnished truth - and we all know it. Further, despite the efforts of the demagoguery corps, this is helping, not hurting Romney.

It's a widely reported figure from the BLS.
but Uncensored, there are ONLY 47% that do not pay income taxes when all said and done.... so ALL of the 47% that he disparages are the 47% who pay no taxes....they are one and the same in his eyes and his statement.

thus the criticism of his statement.....

there is no way that ALL of the 47% that pay no income taxes are just Democrats that will never vote for him, are people who take no responsibility for their own lives, are people who believe they are victims, are people who feel they are entitled to health care, and food etc....

that 47% that owe nothing to the irs, include seniors, that are both Republicans and Democrats or neither.... and include some of the the wealthiest among us....and include people that receive absolutely no gvt help or assistance in any manner from the government they just legally owe no taxes based on the laws that are written....they are not all victims....they are not all people who feel they are entitled to gvt health care and food and housing etc.....they are not all people who take no personal responsibility for their own lives....

So YOU and Romney are WRONG on defining those who owe no income taxes on april 15th in that manner and are way wrong to think that the 47% who legally owe no taxes are all Obama supporters and not made up of Romney supporters as well.

You have bevcome dishonest in your my eyes.

That saddens me.
but why? how can all the 47% who support Obama no matter what, all be people who think they are victims, who feel entitled to healthcare and food etc, who pay no income taxes, be any different from the 47% who pay no income taxes? the percentage comes out of 100 percent.

I'm a numbers person...explain it to me by the numbers, that coincide with his statements on who this 47% are.....

see, in my book.....if Mitt says the 47% are those who feel victimized and entitled and take no responsibility for their lives, and PAY NO income TAXES....then there is no other choice by the numbers to believe that the people he spoke about are the 47% reported by bls or the tax policy center that PAY NO income TAXES.

If there was a chart that showed that 60% pay no income taxes, then his 47% could come out of that 60% leaving 13% that could be others in the "pay no income tax category" that do NOT fit the ones that feel victimized, entitled and have no personal responsibility for their own lives...... but that is not the case....there are only 47% who pay no income taxes so they have to be one and the same of his 47% that he disparaged. Number wise, there is no way to dance around it....please tell me how this is wrong, with numbers.... I honestly am opened to hearing it.
Romney + Karl Rove + Rush Limbaugh + Grover Norquist + super rich + $uperPACs = 1%
He said those moochers in the 47% were the ones not owing/paying any income taxes dearest.....

He DID??


Oh wait, you're just lying again.

But... you can openly lie about it.

{There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what}

Yep, including some mindless sycophants... Know anyone like that, Care?

{All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement.}

Hard to argue with - factually correct from every aspect.

{And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ...}

People vote their own interests. Those who live on entitlements support the entitlement president, Obama.

{These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."}

Again, impossible to argue with - he is 100% correct.

No it wasn't, it was a factual and sensible statement. You demagogues attack in hopes of distracting from Obama's failure in the middle east and the failed economy. The party press hypes this as if it were meaningful in hopes of salvaging their candidate.

One of the "lying points" from ThinkProgess - not true - but you hope it will help Obama.

Romney said nothing about "moochers," and you don't grasp the term. The UAW are moochers, The Chicago Teachers Union are moochers - these are those who use political clout to gorge from the public treasury - these are the Obama core.

Welfare recipients have no pull, they don't qualify as moochers. You've never read Rand and don't grasp the terms you bandy about.

He didn't.

It's sad that it doesn't amaze me that you spout bullshit from KOS as if it were the actual statement, while entirely ignoring what was said. But you are a soldier in the Obama army, your job is to support your little tin god, not to deal with facts.

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes last year than you and I combined in our entire lives have paid.

I'm part of the 53% who pay federal income tax, but I realize that Romney pays far more than I.

But by all mean, agitate for a flat tax. Of course you won't, because there is no ideological underpinning to your words, you don't even grasp that the position you promote, you just recite the script that your party gives you.

Two faced, huh?


Avoid taxes?

He paid millions in taxes.

Sigh, more pathetic lies from the drones. No one discouraged the use of legal deductions. Your party bosses are lying.

Class warfare and sour grapes you have in spades, bummer that you are bereft of logic and reason.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
Who are the 47% that will vote for the President no matter what?

-the 47 % are those who are dependent on gvt
-the 47% are those who believe they are victims
-the 47% are those who believe that gvt has the responsibility to care for them
-the 47% are those who believe they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing
-the 47% are those who pay no income taxes
-the 47% are those who take no personal responsibility and care for their lives.

that's the 47% according to romney's own words.

I just don't see how this can be gotten around to mean anything else but what he said the 47% were....

maybe he didn't mean it? I dunno?

Maybe he was just pandering and telling those 50k a plate donors what they wanted to hear?

Maybe he picked that figure of 47% out of the clear blue and not from the charts and graphs that have been distributed and forwarded by republicans time and time again on those who pay no income taxes?


How does he get that 47% figure that he used? Is there some chart that shows that 47% of Americans rely and expect gvt assistance or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans don't take personal responsibility for their own lives? Or some chart that shows that 47% of Americans believe they are victims?

PS. I don't go to any blogs on the left or the right. I heard the recording on the news....and of course, on this site....*

Could be the 47% that support Obama as indicated in the polls, could be the 47% of Americans that are currently receiving government assistance of some kind. Why does it really matter tho? Only so you guys have talking points to make Romney 'look bad' and 'against' any section of the population you can group together and convince to vote against him. Why are you really arguing about it, what different is it going to make? None.

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