Romney caught on tape

First pull your foot out of your mouth, Romney was right

Yeah, we'll let the working poor lumped into that bogus 47% (they do pay taxes - and a higher percent than Mitt) decide what's "right" come November.

You mean the working poor that are just looking for a government handout or the working poor who won't take personal responsibility and care for their lives.?
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First pull your foot out of your mouth, Romney was right

Yeah, we'll let the working poor lumped into that bogus 47% (they do pay taxes - and a higher percent than Mitt) decide what's "right" come November.

Let me get this straight.......Mitt says the 47% that don't pay income taxes won't be persuaded by promises of lower income taxes.

And this is wrong? This is evil? This is just as bad as saying you didn't do shit to run your business because the government helped you. You couldn't do it without the Nanny State? This is that wrong?

If he's wrong then I'm George Soros.

This is as stupid at the 211 story. Not to mention the fact that it was discovered that 2 mins of the tape was missing. Probably the part where it makes him sound intelligent and positive about getting the 47%ers to vote for him. That conveniently turned up missing.
First pull your foot out of your mouth, Romney was right

Yeah, we'll let the working poor lumped into that bogus 47% (they do pay taxes - and a higher percent than Mitt) decide what's "right" come November.

Let me get this straight.......Mitt says the 47% that don't pay income taxes won't be persuaded by promises of lower income taxes.

And this is wrong? This is evil? This is just as bad as saying you didn't do shit to run your business because the government helped you. You couldn't do it without the Nanny State? This is that wrong?

If he's wrong then I'm George Soros.

This is as stupid at the 211 story. Not to mention the fact that it was discovered that 2 mins of the tape was missing. Probably the part where it makes him sound intelligent and positive about getting the 47%ers to vote for him. That conveniently turned up missing.

Mitt was perfectly right to say that 47% probably wouldn't vote for him

But he went batshit crazy when he went on...... All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Let me get this straight.......Mitt says the 47% that don't pay income taxes won't be persuaded by promises of lower income taxes.

And this is wrong? This is evil? This is just as bad as saying you didn't do shit to run your business because the government helped you. You couldn't do it without the Nanny State? This is that wrong?

If he's wrong then I'm George Soros.

This is as stupid at the 211 story. Not to mention the fact that it was discovered that 2 mins of the tape was missing. Probably the part where it makes him sound intelligent and positive about getting the 47%ers to vote for him. That conveniently turned up missing.

You don't understand.

The Middle East that Obama has been pointing to as his great success erupted into violence last week, with a U.S. Ambassador murdered, THEN Obama apologized to the terrorists who murdered him.

The left HAS to create a faux issue to distract from the disaster that is Obama...

Let me get this straight.......Mitt says the 47% that don't pay income taxes won't be persuaded by promises of lower income taxes.

He also called people who work 2, sometimes 3 jobs (and are not on welfare) just to survive and feed their families "victims" who feel "entitled" and that they will "never be responsible for their lives". He also said this about retirees on SS that have worked 40, 50, 60 years. He said this despite the fact that 2/3 of these "losers" have jobs. These people are paying SS and Medicare taxes as well as state, local, property and sales taxes. Does Mittens pay SS and Medicare taxes? No? FUCK HIM! I'm sure he'll be first in line to sign up for SS as soon as he's eligible too, the douchebag. These people pay a higher percentage of their meager income in taxes than Romney does. What he said is disgusting and proves exactly what kind of human being he is.

He also left off the 4,000 mooches in the 1% that pay no taxes. I guess they aren't included because they have enough money to game the system that has already been rigged in their favor.

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Yeah, we'll let the working poor lumped into that bogus 47% (they do pay taxes - and a higher percent than Mitt) decide what's "right" come November.

Let me get this straight.......Mitt says the 47% that don't pay income taxes won't be persuaded by promises of lower income taxes.

And this is wrong? This is evil? This is just as bad as saying you didn't do shit to run your business because the government helped you. You couldn't do it without the Nanny State? This is that wrong?

If he's wrong then I'm George Soros.

This is as stupid at the 211 story. Not to mention the fact that it was discovered that 2 mins of the tape was missing. Probably the part where it makes him sound intelligent and positive about getting the 47%ers to vote for him. That conveniently turned up missing.

Mitt was perfectly right to say that 47% probably wouldn't vote for him

But he went batshit crazy when he went on...... All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Well, Obama has been telling them he's got them covered.

The dirty little secret is he can't afford to.......but he won't mention this till after they vote him back in. Then it will be too late.

Romney was discussing differents ways to appeal to these voters but that part conveniently was edited out. As usual.
First pull your foot out of your mouth, Romney was right

Yeah, we'll let the working poor lumped into that bogus 47% (they do pay taxes - and a higher percent than Mitt) decide what's "right" come November.

The obama failed economy will call that shot.
If bush had this economy in 2004 he would not have been re-elected, we don't reward failure with 4 more years.
I see the right is still struggling to get their shit together after this debacle.

It's too late guys, Romney is done for.
The obama failed economy will call that shot.
If bush had this economy in 2004 he would not have been re-elected, we don't reward failure with 4 more years.

Bush's policies are the main reason we HAVE this economy (oh, I forget, he never existed). Remember what 2008 was like? Remember losing 2.3 million jobs to China from 2000 to 2003 alone? We've come a long way since the collapse. Keep on lying to yourself, though.
I see the right is still struggling to get their shit together after this debacle.

It's too late guys, Romney is done for.

Could be, but it does not matter. Whoever wins in November will still take us over the cliff into a socialist shit hole of debt and serfdom. Then the elitists will control everything and you silly liberals MIGHT realize you have been duped again.

How many times must a liberal get duped before he/she/it realizes it?

Answer: No one knows since it has never happened before.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.

I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun
I see the right is still struggling to get their shit together after this debacle.

It's too late guys, Romney is done for.

You've been saying that from Day 1.

Then Obama does something stupid and Romney comes back.

The trick to all of this is put every single thing Romney does in a negative light while making every stupid thing Obama does seem unimportant or not worth thinking about. He can't do anything wrong because it doesn't matter compared to Romney's taxes or his imagined snobbishness.

Romney is a smart guy who worked hard to be successful all of his life and Obama is a lazy lying bastard (according to Obama himself) who would rather screw off than do his job. But the people love that lazy, no good bastard more than the hard working over achiever.

Am I tracking?
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.

I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

I don't think it will be for you because he'll be able to explain himself rather than let the press warp what he meant into the negative nonsense they've made it out to be.

Obama will lie and the mod will help him to lie and attempt to prevent Mitt from exposing his lies.
I see the right is still struggling to get their shit together after this debacle.

It's too late guys, Romney is done for.

You've been saying that from Day 1.

And I've been right all along.
Then Obama does something stupid and Romney comes back.

Romney has been behind the whole race.

The trick to all of this is put every single thing Romney does in a negative light while making every stupid thing Obama does seem unimportant or not worth thinking about. He can't do anything wrong because it doesn't matter compared to Romney's taxes or his imagined snobbishness.

How observant of you. It's almost like it's a campaign for political office or something.

Romney is a smart guy who worked hard to be successful all of his life and Obama is a lazy lying bastard (according to Obama himself) who would rather screw off than do his job. But the people love that lazy, no good bastard more than the hard working over achiever.

Romney is a failure of a candidate and will lose to the so-called "lazy lying bastard (according to Obama himself) who would rather screw off than do his job"

Am I tracking?

If the conclusion is ultimately "Obama wins, Romney loses" then you at least have some notion of what is unfolding this election. If not, you are hopelessly lost.
I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

Think Obammy will have to explain apologizing to terrorists, 1.6% GDP, 8.1% unemployment and $16 trillion in debt?

obama should also address the family of the assassinated American citizen he ordered killed without due process.
I see the right is still struggling to get their shit together after this debacle.

It's too late guys, Romney is done for.

You've been saying that from Day 1.

And I've been right all along.

Romney has been behind the whole race.

How observant of you. It's almost like it's a campaign for political office or something.

Romney is a smart guy who worked hard to be successful all of his life and Obama is a lazy lying bastard (according to Obama himself) who would rather screw off than do his job. But the people love that lazy, no good bastard more than the hard working over achiever.

Romney is a failure of a candidate and will lose to the so-called "lazy lying bastard (according to Obama himself) who would rather screw off than do his job"

Am I tracking?

If the conclusion is ultimately "Obama wins, Romney loses" then you at least have some notion of what is unfolding this election. If not, you are hopelessly lost.

And when Obama loses he'll say "I just didn't communicate (lie) my ideas well enough. And you'll check yourself in for detox and suicide counciling.

Romney has led several times during this race. You just never want to acknowledge it.

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