Romney caught on tape

Like Clint speaking to his empty chair? That's... interesting.

The chair has more substance that obama does.

Funny how an old man yelling at a chair is viewed as more interesting that Romney was. Romney is toast.

Funny how Bill Clinton was a lot more interesting than Barack Obama was---:badgrin::badgrin:


Then Clinton praises Romney:

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.
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The chair has more substance that obama does.

Funny how an old man yelling at a chair is viewed as more interesting that Romney was. Romney is toast.

Funny how Bill Clinton was a lot more interesting than Barack Obama was---:badgrin::badgrin:


Then Clinton praises Romney:

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.

That's your fucking excuse? Wow, that is about the lamest argument I've heard in awhile. Mitt is in the big leagues now. He stated that he doesn't give a shit about people who need some help. He spent his career in business killing good paying union jobs, creating McJobs, asking for credit for it, and turning around and saying screw these Americans.

The pig is sinking fast, and you're too stupid to understand why.
I'd rather have a less interesting President, than one who's only job it seems was traveling around the country trying to sell his bullshit to his subjects (his cult members and the kiddies)

You're a clown.

Now--now--it's CRITICAL that we have a President who can SING! Romney has a horrible singing voice so he can't be President. What would the "world" think of us if we elected a President who can't sing?

Let's keep talking about something trivial as long as it's keeps the eye off the ball with the REAL news that's actually going on in the Middle East.

Let's switch it....Let's say Obama said what Mitt said, and George Bush was president and all the turmoil going on in the middle east. What would the highlights of the MSM be? Yeah....I think you are now feeling reality.

So now that we all had a reality check....carry on. :eusa_whistle:
Let's keep talking about something trivial as long as it's keeps the eye off the ball with the REAL news that's actually going on in the Middle East.

Let's switch it....Let's say Obama said what Mitt said, and George Bush was president and all the turmoil going on in the middle east. What would the highlights of the MSM be? Yeah....I think you are now feeling reality.

So now that we all had a reality check....carry on. :eusa_whistle:

You kinda sounded like Clint Eastwood right there. :thup:
Funny how an old man yelling at a chair is viewed as more interesting that Romney was. Romney is toast.

Funny how Bill Clinton was a lot more interesting than Barack Obama was---:badgrin::badgrin:


Then Clinton praises Romney:

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.

That's your fucking excuse? Wow, that is about the lamest argument I've heard in awhile. Mitt is in the big leagues now. He stated that he doesn't give a shit about people who need some help. He spent his career in business killing good paying union jobs, creating McJobs, asking for credit for it, and turning around and saying screw these Americans.

The pig is sinking fast, and you're too stupid to understand why.

Well no Romney did NOT say that--what he said is that 47% of the working population pay no federal income tax--and he's RIGHT. And LOSERS who are continually trying to defraud the American taxpayers via a monthly government check are not going to vote for him no matter what--which is also TRUE.


47% of households owe no tax - and their ranks are growing - Sep. 30, 2009


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.

I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

I am looking forward to it. One of these days someone is going to have to point out that the Emperor Has No Clothes.

It's always painful....but it's time.

Yes indeed

Romney will be presented as the empty suit he is
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.

I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

I don't think it will be for you because he'll be able to explain himself rather than let the press warp what he meant into the negative nonsense they've made it out to be.

Obama will lie and the mod will help him to lie and attempt to prevent Mitt from exposing his lies.

Making excuses already?

Romney couldn't handle Santorums attacks......Obama will bury him
I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

I don't think it will be for you because he'll be able to explain himself rather than let the press warp what he meant into the negative nonsense they've made it out to be.

Obama will lie and the mod will help him to lie and attempt to prevent Mitt from exposing his lies.

Making excuses already?

Romney couldn't handle Santorums attacks......Obama will bury him

Excuse me........but what happened to Santorum????


Can you see how well those kinds of attacks work????

I guess not. Obama won't be able to get away with it because it will blow away his nice-guy image.
Let's keep talking about something trivial as long as it's keeps the eye off the ball with the REAL news that's actually going on in the Middle East.

Let's switch it....Let's say Obama said what Mitt said, and George Bush was president and all the turmoil going on in the middle east. What would the highlights of the MSM be? Yeah....I think you are now feeling reality.

So now that we all had a reality check....carry on. :eusa_whistle:

You kinda sounded like Clint Eastwood right there. :thup:
In reality, the backlash from the Muslim world was much more horrific back when the Danish cartoons were released if you accept that the killing of our ambassador was done at an opportunistic time. Even if you don't.

I read that something like 100 people were killed then. Sounds to me as if the fucktards are losing.

And that's a good thing, though Republicans are doing their best to spin it otherwise.
WELL WELL, say it aint so...the dirty of the left and the LAMESTREAM Media again people

links in article at site

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'

by Joel B. Pollak19 Sep 2012, 12:04 AM PDT1083post a comment

Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

The Legal Insurrection blog's William Jacobson and The Blaze both raised questions on Tuesday about whether Mother Jones had, as promised, revealed the full video, given an apparent jump cut in the critical section of Romney's remarks.

"Something is missing. Romney’s 47% answer was cut off before completed, and is not picked up on the Part 2 audio video," Jacobson noted.

Late Tuesday evening, Jacobson obtained the following comment from David Corn of Mother Jones:

According to the source, the recording device inadvertently turned off. The source noticed this quickly and turned it back one [sic]. The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed.

Corn was forced to update his original post, which promised the "full" video, to reflect the fact that a key portion of the video is, in fact, missing.

There is no way to know, without the missing footage, exactly what Romney said. On Monday evening, Romney called for a complete video of his remarks to be released.

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'

So you realy think there are one or two minutes we don't see that erases what we do?

"Naw... just kidding... I love poor people!"
I don't think it will be for you because he'll be able to explain himself rather than let the press warp what he meant into the negative nonsense they've made it out to be.

Obama will lie and the mod will help him to lie and attempt to prevent Mitt from exposing his lies.

Making excuses already?

Romney couldn't handle Santorums attacks......Obama will bury him

Excuse me........but what happened to Santorum????


Can you see how well those kinds of attacks work????

I guess not. Obama won't be able to get away with it because it will blow away his nice-guy image.

Romneys awkward debating style couldn't handle the likes of Bachmann or Santorum

Not in Obamas league

But you can always blame the moderators
Let's keep talking about something trivial as long as it's keeps the eye off the ball with the REAL news that's actually going on in the Middle East.

Let's switch it....Let's say Obama said what Mitt said, and George Bush was president and all the turmoil going on in the middle east. What would the highlights of the MSM be? Yeah....I think you are now feeling reality.

So now that we all had a reality check....carry on. :eusa_whistle:

Blaming the refs?

I guess I can't get worked up about what is going on in the Middle East that much. They're angry with America. They've been angry with America as long as I can remember.

But this clip tells us some interesting things about Romney.

1) Deep down, he knows Supply Side/Trickled Down is bullshit.

2) He says stuff to his rich buddies he never says openly to the rest of us. If this was a such a winning message, why has this NOT been his message all along?

3) He has a pretty open contempt for Hispanics, the working poor, and people who depend on government.

4) His understanding of world affairs (Palestinians and Dirty Bombs) shows a guy who really isn't ready to be given the keys to the nukes.

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