Romney caught on tape

And when Obama loses he'll say "I just didn't communicate (lie) my ideas well enough. And you'll check yourself in for detox and suicide counciling.

Obama isn't going to lose. You really seem to be missing the boat here.

Romney has led several times during this race. You just never want to acknowledge it.

No, he hasn't but I suppose it's all part of your delusion. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

Gallup has him one point behind.

The Real Clear average continues to tighten.

Obama isn't going to lose ????
And when Obama loses he'll say "I just didn't communicate (lie) my ideas well enough. And you'll check yourself in for detox and suicide counciling.

Obama isn't going to lose. You really seem to be missing the boat here.

Romney has led several times during this race. You just never want to acknowledge it.

No, he hasn't but I suppose it's all part of your delusion. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

Reward 4 years of failure with four more years? Don't think that will happen shitderpsalot.
going away? hahahahahaha!

sure, the seniors in Florida, who worked and paid taxes their entire lives, that pay no income taxes now, whom the majority vote Republican, are going to die of old age eventually, but they are not going away any time soon.....

romney messed up bigtime Listening....telling half of Americans that are mostly working Americans, or retired seniors, they are good for nothing moochers that need personal responsibility....

talk about insulting half of Americans and telling them he doesn't give a flying hoot about them....sheesh. Even republicans KNOW he messed up....bigtime.

Were you trying to counter my argument ?

If so, please point out how. I said nothing about seniors. What I said was the the democratic south carries some old "habits" (like people on welfare) and a high amount of poverty. Since turning red they've started to do things like attract car manufacturing. Or are you not aware of that ?
retired seniors are the largest segment of that 47% who owe no income taxes that Romney disparaged....

That's not a response that relates to my post. Want to try again. Unless I didn't get the memo that said that the south is the only place that has seniors.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.

I'm sure he will have to address the 47% video several times during the debates

Should be fun

I am looking forward to it. One of these days someone is going to have to point out that the Emperor Has No Clothes.

It's always painful....but it's time.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.
Like Clint speaking to his empty chair? That's... interesting.

The chair has more substance that obama does.

No. really. I cherish the thought of Mittens speaking to this video - explaining to it why liberals are... what did you say? Oh yeah, "idiots and liars". That's comic gold right there.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.
Like Clint speaking to his empty chair? That's... interesting.

The chair has more substance that obama does.

No. really. I cherish the thought of Mittens speaking to this video - explaining to it why liberals are... what did you say? Oh yeah, "idiots and liars". That's comic gold right there.

What's funny is factcheckers can't argue with what he said.

That's the funny part.
The 47% "outrage" is not losing it for Mitt. It doesn't help, but it's just one more brick in the wall. Obama's lead has been pretty darn consistent - after both got their post-convention bounces - we're right back where we started in the national average. In the state polls (the ones that REALLY matter) Romney is losing ground. Maybe that's just because they are lagging behind a bit and still reflecting some Obama convention bounce - but Mitt sure doesn't look to be making up ground and foot in mouth disease isn't helping him any.
Romney will be able to speak to this video during the debates and he will explain why liberals are idiots and liars.
Like Clint speaking to his empty chair? That's... interesting.

The chair has more substance that obama does.

No. really. I cherish the thought of Mittens speaking to this video - explaining to it why liberals are... what did you say? Oh yeah, "idiots and liars". That's comic gold right there.

What's funny is factcheckers can't argue with what he said.

That's the funny part.

The only "fact" he trotted out was incorrec t. 46% don't pay taxes. The rest is opinion and not a matter of fact.
According to the Tax Policy Center, about half of those who owe no federal income tax are people whose incomes are so low that when standard income tax provisions — personal exemptions for taxpayers and dependents and the standard deduction — are factored in, that simply leaves no income to be taxed. Those are people who earned less than about $27,000.

But that doesn’t mean those folks paid no taxes at all. Many of them paid payroll taxes, those taxes taken out of a paycheck by an employer to fund programs such as Social Security and Medicare. They also pay federal excise taxes, such as those on gasoline, and they may also pay state and local income taxes or property taxes.

So that’s half of Romney’s 46.4 percenters. The rest pay no federal income tax due to tax benefits and credits. Here’s the rest of the breakdown:
◾22 percent receive senior tax benefits — the extra standard deduction for seniors, the exclusion of a portion of Social Security benefits, and the credit for seniors. Most of them are older people on Social Security whose adjusted gross income is less than $25,000.
◾15.2 percent receive tax credits for children and the working poor. That includes the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit. The child tax credit was enacted under Democratic President Bill Clinton, but it doubled under Republican President George W. Bush. The earned income tax credit was enacted under Republican President Gerald Ford, and was expanded under presidents of both parties. Republican President Ronald Reagan once praised it as “one of the best antipoverty programs this country’s ever seen.” As a result of various tax expenditures, about two thirds of households with children making between $40,000 and $50,000 owed no federal income taxes.
◾The rest ended up owing no federal income tax due to various tax expenditures such as education credits, itemized deductions or reduced rates on capital gains and dividends. Most of this group are in the middle to upper income brackets. In fact, the TPC estimates there are about 7,000 families and individuals who earn $1 million a year or more and still pay no federal income tax.

So when Romney says all of those in the 46 percent are “dependent on government,” that’s not accurate. Of the estimated 76 million who paid no federal income tax in 2011, 61 percent earned anywhere between $10,000 and $50,000. : Dependency and Romney’s 47 Percenters

Does Mitt Romney EVER know what he's talking about???
And when Obama loses he'll say "I just didn't communicate (lie) my ideas well enough. And you'll check yourself in for detox and suicide counciling.

Obama isn't going to lose. You really seem to be missing the boat here.

Romney has led several times during this race. You just never want to acknowledge it.

No, he hasn't but I suppose it's all part of your delusion. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

Gallup has him one point behind.

The Real Clear average continues to tighten.

Obama isn't going to lose ????

Meanwhile, RCP just upped Obama's current electoral count to 247.
WELL WELL, say it aint so...the dirty of the left and the LAMESTREAM Media again people

links in article at site

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'

by Joel B. Pollak19 Sep 2012, 12:04 AM PDT1083post a comment

Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

The Legal Insurrection blog's William Jacobson and The Blaze both raised questions on Tuesday about whether Mother Jones had, as promised, revealed the full video, given an apparent jump cut in the critical section of Romney's remarks.

"Something is missing. Romney’s 47% answer was cut off before completed, and is not picked up on the Part 2 audio video," Jacobson noted.

Late Tuesday evening, Jacobson obtained the following comment from David Corn of Mother Jones:

According to the source, the recording device inadvertently turned off. The source noticed this quickly and turned it back one [sic]. The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed.

Corn was forced to update his original post, which promised the "full" video, to reflect the fact that a key portion of the video is, in fact, missing.

There is no way to know, without the missing footage, exactly what Romney said. On Monday evening, Romney called for a complete video of his remarks to be released.

Selective Edit? Mother Jones Admits Romney Tape Missing 'One to Two Minutes'
No. really. I cherish the thought of Mittens speaking to this video - explaining to it why liberals are... what did you say? Oh yeah, "idiots and liars". That's comic gold right there.

What's funny is factcheckers can't argue with what he said.

That's the funny part.

The only "fact" he trotted out was incorrec t. 46% don't pay taxes. The rest is opinion and not a matter of fact.

He was within the margin of error.....and Romney was giving his opinion which last time I checked wasn't against the law. It's up to the voters to decide if they want to agree with him or not.

One thing for sure......Obama doesn't care about everyone and never has. There is too much proof out there that he shows favorites.

The CBO has just released a report that Obamacare will raise taxes on the Middle-class. 6 million will pay taxes instead of getting any benefit from the program. This is part of Obama's redistribution policies. Policies he no longer can deny.

Strange how eventually the truth always comes out against Obama. First his reckless foreign policy last week and now his dishonest domestic policies this week.
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And when Obama loses he'll say "I just didn't communicate (lie) my ideas well enough. And you'll check yourself in for detox and suicide counciling.

Obama isn't going to lose. You really seem to be missing the boat here.

Romney has led several times during this race. You just never want to acknowledge it.

No, he hasn't but I suppose it's all part of your delusion. I almost feel bad for you. Almost.

If you look at OBAMA'S horrible record--he is going to lose.

August 2012 jobs report--Employment in this country hits a 30 year low.
August jobs report: hiring down, unemployment falls - Sep. 7, 2012

Medium household incomes have dropped $4000.00 since Obama took office.
Household income is below recession levels, report says - The Washington Post

1 in 6 families now living beneath the poverty level.
Almost 1 in 6 Americans living below poverty line - Americas - World - The Independent

16 trillion in red ink--with another 5 trillion to be added to this tab just for the interest over the next decade.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Based on all of the above the University of Colorado in their study has already called this race for Mitt Romney--and they have been right since 1980.
CU-Boulder study predicts win for Mitt Romney in general election - Boulder Daily Camera


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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I'd rather have a less interesting President, than one who's only job it seems was traveling around the country trying to sell his bullshit to his subjects (his cult members and the kiddies)
What's funny is factcheckers can't argue with what he said.

That's the funny part.

The only "fact" he trotted out was incorrec t. 46% don't pay taxes. The rest is opinion and not a matter of fact.

He was within the margin of error.....and Romney was giving his opinion which last time I checked wasn't against the law. It's up to the voters to decide if they want to agree with him or not.

One thing for sure......Obama doesn't care about everyone and never has. There is too much proof out there that he shows favorites.

The CBO has just released a report that Obamacare will raise taxes on the Middle-class. 6 million will pay taxes instead of getting any benefit from the program. This is part of Obama's redistribution policies. Policies he no longer can deny.

Strange how eventually the truth always comes out against Obama. First his reckless foreign policy last week and now his dishonest domestic policies this week.

CBO raises estimate of those hit by Obama health care tax - Washington Times

So janitors and those people he raved about, working minimum wage jobs at Staples and Sports Authority, are no longer Americans that he cares about. What a pig.

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