Romney caught on tape

There was George W. Bush and Dick (5 Deferrments) Cheney who lied their way into a war costing more than 4000 American lives. Then "The Ancient One" John McCain and Sarah "Clueless" Palin. Now you have Mitt "The Chameleon" Romney and Paul "Marathon Man" Ryan. Romney has more positions than a professional hooker, and has made so many gaffs that he makes Biden look like a master wordsmith. On the other hand, Ryan can't keep up with his own lies. This, along with the Tea Party and birther nut jobs, is the circus that the republican party has become. It would be funny if it weren't so scary.
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There was George W. Bush and Dick (5 Deferrments) Cheney who lied there way into a war costing more than 4000 American lives. Then "The Ancient One" John McCain and Sarah "Clueless" Palin. Now you have Mitt "The Chameleon" Romney and Paul "Marathon Man" Ryan. Romney has more positions than a professional hooker, and has made so many gaffs that he makes Biden look like a master wordsmith. On the other hand, Ryan can't keep up with his own lies. This, along with the Tea Party and birther nut jobs, is the circus that the republican party has become. It would be funny if it weren't so scary.


Welcome to the board.

You will fit right in.
yes he said that....he was making a point to people that are not looking to discect what he is what he meant....not what his words can be defined as using word for word.

For example...

If I said 50% of the occupiers want to start trouble...they want to burn down buildings and rape helpless women....

it does not mean that ALL 50% want to burn down buildings and rape helpless means SOME want to burn down buildings and others want to rape helpless women....but it can be taken that I mean that ALL want to do both.

I thought you were more hoinest than that care4all....actually, I know you are.

:lol: No, if you say 50% of a group wants to rape and pillage then that is exactly what you mean.

Quit flailing, it's unbecoming.

SO evertime you say "conservatives do this or conservatives do that" mean all of them? Everyone of them?



Nope. I use quotation marks when I talk about phony conservatives.

"conservatives" vs. conservatives
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that not is who he was talking about.

he was referring to his mantra....

47% do not pay federal income campaigning to them with the mantra of "I will lower your federal income taxes" will not excite them.

Youi need to understand.....he was talking to donors.....donors to him.....and he had a responsibility to explain to themn how he intends to use their donations....and he made it clear that he knows he will not get a good majority of those that like entitlements and higher taxes on others......

He uised the 47% number becuase it is a commonly used number as it pertains to federal income taxes.

But want to believe he meant ALL 47% are moochers....go for it.
Sadly....the president thinks he meant that Romeny doesnt plan to govern 47% of the people beccuase they dont pay taxes....

How he got that out of that statement, I have no idea...

But THAT should be a topic....why does Obama have such a poor ability to comprehend what he reads and hears that he took it that Romeny doesnt want to govern those people?

But...of isnt.

Where in this statement does Mitt say that he is only referring to SOME of the 47% ???

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax.

Hey, We didn't do this on our own. Somebody else made this happen.

We just suffer the consequences.

So, let me get this one straight - you are fighting a direct quote from Romney that makes him look bad by a edited out of context and changed thing that you think Obama said?

Because the Romney supporters seem to forget that right after Obama said that, Obama went on to say that his point was that the country works better when personal initiative has support from the broader range of society. And, put really bluntly, that's a simple truth that nobody can actually disagree with.
:lol: No, if you say 50% of a group wants to rape and pillage then that is exactly what you mean.

Quit flailing, it's unbecoming.

SO evertime you say "conservatives do this or conservatives do that" mean all of them? Everyone of them?



Nope. I use quotation marks when I talk about phony conservatives.

"conservatives" vs. conservatives

Diversion from my question.

I sort of expected that.
Hey, We didn't do this on our own. Somebody else made this happen.

We just suffer the consequences.

So, let me get this one straight - you are fighting a direct quote from Romney that makes him look bad by a edited out of context and changed thing that you think Obama said?

Because the Romney supporters seem to forget that right after Obama said that, Obama went on to say that his point was that the country works better when personal initiative has support from the broader range of society. And, put really bluntly, that's a simple truth that nobody can actually disagree with.

And Romeny explained himself as well.

But Romneys explanation was pure bullshit.

Obamas was the truth.

Gimme a break.
Yep, still racist. They only switched parties because of the Civil Rights Act.

Same old lies from the leftists...

Who switched parties, hack?

Bull Connor? Nope - dim till death.
George Wallace? - Nope - ran independent then went back to dim till death.
Orval Faubus? - Nope - dim till death.
KKK Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd? - Nope - dim till death.

ONE dim, Strom Thurmond, switched.

Fucking hacks.
SO evertime you say "conservatives do this or conservatives do that" mean all of them? Everyone of them?



Nope. I use quotation marks when I talk about phony conservatives.

"conservatives" vs. conservatives

Diversion from my question.

I sort of expected that.

Well, my goodness, your post to me was a diversion.

Newby won't answer my question, maybe you will.

If he isn't talking about the elderly, the military personnel, the disabled, the unemployed, the capital gains earners....then who are these 47% he's referring to?
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that not is who he was talking about.

he was referring to his mantra....

47% do not pay federal income campaigning to them with the mantra of "I will lower your federal income taxes" will not excite them.

Youi need to understand.....he was talking to donors.....donors to him.....and he had a responsibility to explain to themn how he intends to use their donations....and he made it clear that he knows he will not get a good majority of those that like entitlements and higher taxes on others......

He uised the 47% number becuase it is a commonly used number as it pertains to federal income taxes.

But want to believe he meant ALL 47% are moochers....go for it.

Sadly....the president thinks he meant that Romeny doesnt plan to govern 47% of the people beccuase they dont pay taxes....

How he got that out of that statement, I have no idea...

But THAT should be a topic....why does Obama have such a poor ability to comprehend what he reads and hears that he took it that Romeny doesnt want to govern those people?

But...of isnt.
As I said, it was a gaffe, at best, on his part....he merged the two groups TOGETHER when pandering to these 50k a plate donors....

and are there really 47% of the voting population in this country who don't work for a living and don't earn any income? why use that figure at all when he was talking about the ones dependent on gvt, who take no responsibility for themselves?
Nope. I use quotation marks when I talk about phony conservatives.

"conservatives" vs. conservatives

Diversion from my question.

I sort of expected that.

Well, my goodness, your post to me was a diversion.

Newby won't answer my question, maybe you will.

If he isn't talking about the elderly, the military personnel, the disabled, the unemployed, the capital gains earners....then who are these 47% he's referring to?

You are not reading my must be scanning them...

He was referring to his mantra for his campaign.

47% of the people who dont pay income tax are not going to decide to vote for Romney becuase he is proimising to lower income taxes.

They may vote for Romney for other reasons....but not becuase their income taxes will be lowered....basic logic.

As for who was he referring to when discussing "personal responsibility"?

Those that have found entitlements as a way of life...those that can do more for themselves, but dont becuase they are content with what they get from the government.

Was he referring to all 47% as those people?


But you wish to believe he meant go for it.

So again...when you say "conservatives hate poor people" MUST be refrerring to all conservatives? Even the poor ones?
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that not is who he was talking about.

he was referring to his mantra....

47% do not pay federal income campaigning to them with the mantra of "I will lower your federal income taxes" will not excite them.

Youi need to understand.....he was talking to donors.....donors to him.....and he had a responsibility to explain to themn how he intends to use their donations....and he made it clear that he knows he will not get a good majority of those that like entitlements and higher taxes on others......

He uised the 47% number becuase it is a commonly used number as it pertains to federal income taxes.

But want to believe he meant ALL 47% are moochers....go for it.

Sadly....the president thinks he meant that Romeny doesnt plan to govern 47% of the people beccuase they dont pay taxes....

How he got that out of that statement, I have no idea...

But THAT should be a topic....why does Obama have such a poor ability to comprehend what he reads and hears that he took it that Romeny doesnt want to govern those people?

But...of isnt.
As I said, it was a gaffe, at best, on his part....he merged the two groups TOGETHER when pandering to these 50k a plate donors....

and are there really 47% of the voting population in this country who don't work for a living and don't earn any income? why use that figure at all when he was talking about the ones dependent on gvt, who take no responsibility for themselves?

And now you see why only a "partial" video/audio is an issue.
Where did he get the percentage of ''47% that feel they are entitled'' and do not take any personal responsibility for themselves?

Is there some other graph and chart that shows people dependent on the gvt at 47% that is DIFFERENT from the chart and graph that shows 47% of workers and seniors do not owe any taxes?

Please, by all means, show me this chart on these 47% who feel entitled and don't take responsibility for themselves

and show me it is a DIFFERENT 47% FROM the chart making the rounds on the 47% who does not owe any income taxes...

IF you show me one that is different from the one making the rounds about those who owe no taxes,

THEN I WILL EAT MY WORDS.....and agree with you that not is who he was talking about.

he was referring to his mantra....

47% do not pay federal income campaigning to them with the mantra of "I will lower your federal income taxes" will not excite them.

Youi need to understand.....he was talking to donors.....donors to him.....and he had a responsibility to explain to themn how he intends to use their donations....and he made it clear that he knows he will not get a good majority of those that like entitlements and higher taxes on others......

He uised the 47% number becuase it is a commonly used number as it pertains to federal income taxes.

But want to believe he meant ALL 47% are moochers....go for it.

Sadly....the president thinks he meant that Romeny doesnt plan to govern 47% of the people beccuase they dont pay taxes....

How he got that out of that statement, I have no idea...

But THAT should be a topic....why does Obama have such a poor ability to comprehend what he reads and hears that he took it that Romeny doesnt want to govern those people?

But...of isnt.
As I said, it was a gaffe, at best, on his part....he merged the two groups TOGETHER when pandering to these 50k a plate donors....

and are there really 47% of the voting population in this country who don't work for a living and don't earn any income? why use that figure at all when he was talking about the ones dependent on gvt, who take no responsibility for themselves?

There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to take care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what...These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax.

Mitt is pretty clear whom he is talking about. He is talking about the same group of 47% of taxpayers who do not pay taxes that Conservatives have been villainizing for months. If he meant welfare families, he would have said it. Instead he said.."These are people who pay no income tax. Forty seven percentof Americans pay no income tax"
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retired seniors are the largest segment of that 47% who owe no income taxes that Romney disparaged....

You claimed they vote Republican, which is false. All the New York Jews retiring to Florida are dedicated dims. AARP isn't a Republican organization, after all. As with most of your claims, this one too is entirely false.
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Diversion from my question.

I sort of expected that.

Well, my goodness, your post to me was a diversion.

Newby won't answer my question, maybe you will.

If he isn't talking about the elderly, the military personnel, the disabled, the unemployed, the capital gains earners....then who are these 47% he's referring to?

You are not reading my must be scanning them...

He was referring to his mantra for his campaign.

47% of the people who dont pay income tax are not going to decide to vote for Romney becuase he is proimising to lower income taxes.

They may vote for Romney for other reasons....but not becuase their income taxes will be lowered....basic logic.

As for who was he referring to when discussing "personal responsibility"?

Those that have found entitlements as a way of life...those that can do more for themselves, but dont becuase they are content with what they get from the government.

Was he referring to all 47% as those people?


But you wish to believe he meant go for it.

So again...when you say "conservatives hate poor people" MUST be refrerring to all conservatives? Even the poor ones?
No, he said 47% of Americans saw themselves as victims and he couldn't teach them personal responsibility.

Your spin is pretty silly.
Well, my goodness, your post to me was a diversion.

Newby won't answer my question, maybe you will.

If he isn't talking about the elderly, the military personnel, the disabled, the unemployed, the capital gains earners....then who are these 47% he's referring to?

You are not reading my must be scanning them...

He was referring to his mantra for his campaign.

47% of the people who dont pay income tax are not going to decide to vote for Romney becuase he is proimising to lower income taxes.

They may vote for Romney for other reasons....but not becuase their income taxes will be lowered....basic logic.

As for who was he referring to when discussing "personal responsibility"?

Those that have found entitlements as a way of life...those that can do more for themselves, but dont becuase they are content with what they get from the government.

Was he referring to all 47% as those people?


But you wish to believe he meant go for it.

So again...when you say "conservatives hate poor people" MUST be refrerring to all conservatives? Even the poor ones?
No, he said 47% of Americans saw themselves as victims and he couldn't teach them personal responsibility.

Your spin is pretty silly.

Yes...what he said can be taken that way if you wish.

But then I guess Obama meant that ALL those that are frustrated will cling to guns or religion...or take it out on people that are not like them. see....I dont think that about what Obama said.

Do you?
guess what? Mother Jones David Corn has admitted their release is missing about 2 minutes worth of discussion direcly after his remarks, before he gets to China. Why, unless it didn't go along with their agenda? (which seems to have backfired on them anyway, even without it. )
guess what? Mother Jones David Corn has admitted their release is missing about 2 minutes worth of discussion direcly after his remarks, before he gets to China. Why, unless it didn't go along with their agenda? (which seems to have backfired on them anyway, even without it. )

Mitt stands by what he said, he did not say he was taken out of context...what would 2 minutes change?

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