Romney impersonated a police officer

Let me get this straight so I understand how the Liberal Mind works.

Dress up as a Cop Bad.

Spend your Time with Known Terrorist, and America Hating Preachers, It's all good? Spend the last 2 years of High school in a drug induced haze and it's all good?

You people are outrageous.

if he wanted a uniform so badly, he could've just joined the military as the article states. :eusa_whistle:

Why, so you could spit on him?

What's the implication there again? That Liberals don't support men in uniform? Sure we do. We even let them form unions and collectively bargain.

OHhhhhhhh. I get it. You meant that we don't respect soldiers.

Yeah, that's dumb.
if he wanted a uniform so badly, he could've just joined the military as the article states. :eusa_whistle:

Why, so you could spit on him?

What's the implication there again? That Liberals don't support men in uniform? Sure we do. We even let them form unions and collectively bargain.

OHhhhhhhh. I get it. You meant that we don't respect soldiers.

Yeah, that's dumb.

Its ESPECIALLY dumb seeing that the military isn't composed entirely of conservatives. Thats HouseGimp for you :clap2:

He got some sand in his vag???
If it's true, then it's indicative of another son of privelege who thinks the rules just don't apply to him.

And if it's not true, you don't mind spreading it - because you have a party to support - and you DON'T have any integrity to worry about.

Spreading what? Romney is a candidate for POTUS. Do you think people aren't going to talk? Stop being a Dumbfuck.

Or show some consistency and come down on your conservative brothers who jump on every Larry Sinclair to jump out of the woodwork.
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If it's true, then it's indicative of another son of privelege who thinks the rules just don't apply to him.

And if it's not true, you don't mind spreading it - because you have a party to support - and you DON'T have any integrity to worry about.

Spreading what? Romney is a candidate for POTUS. Do you think people aren't going to talk? Stop being a Dumbfuck.

All those times they've said Obama is our Messiah? This is what they were talking about. Romney can do no wrong. Anything is mentioned, and we're all hating haters who hate.
People promoting birther nonsense? You're idiots.
People getting their panties in a twist over Romney play a prank in college? You're idiots too.
You are such a lying sack of shit!!! First of all, tell us how you determined that this story is gossip and not truth.

It's gossip because it's nothing but hearsay, stories told by political hacks, 40 years after the fact. No substantiation of any sort, just claims made by demagogues.

I would bet my last dime that you will not answer. You don't even live in the United States!!! So how do you know??? Go on, tell us. Secondly, you have no idea how I look, what I eat, and what I watch on tv. You just make things up in that psycho head of yours.

Answer my question above, Sandi. I dare you.

I don't know who Sandi is, and I don't give a shit what you look like.

You are a demagogue, floating slander in hopes that smearing political rivals will mask the fact that your guy is a complete fuckup with a record of abysmal failure.

How's the private sector doing?

None of that is true. He is a good president, unlike the last one. You're all just having trouble handling that. That's the reason for all of the lies.
If you're disingenuous? She has a nasty habit of reading through the B.S.

Even I have been called upon the carpet.

Suck it up.

Why the butthurt?

Oh, brother!!! Talk about a suck up!!!

No. Observation. Ever occur to you? Obvious answer is NO.

Do I sense getting into the middle of an ongoing catfight?:eusa_shhh::lol:

Why would you seem almost proud of getting called on the carpet by that nothing broad??? I can't believe anyone would ever care what she thinks.
Another Sandi suck up. Believe me, it won't keep her from turning on you. Chicken.


You don't get around much, do you? Maybe someone else will explain why that will never happen.

Now quick, run outside before the fleet of ice cream trucks leave. :eek:

Oh, please. Look how you are imitating her. Get your own material. Kiss ass.

:rofl: You really don't know, do you?? :rofl:

Quick, hurry outside. They're delivering your midnight snack. :lol:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

A Conservative, who wants to take women's rights over their own vaginae back to 1855-era stylings is telling ME not to live in the past. Ha ha ha. You stupid fuck.
Ironic troll post is ironic.

I just LOVE when a parroting non-thinker advertises so clearly that they are incapable on any original thought.

Polly wanta cracker?

Quit trying to suck up to Sandi, Cleo. I knew it was just a matter of time until you showed up here.
Fatass. Jeeze, you really should get some control over your appetite. Sloppy fat.
If it's true, then it's indicative of another son of privelege who thinks the rules just don't apply to him.

Could you repeat a conversation you had with a college roommate word for word 4 decades after it took place... including what you were thinking during that conversation, and the nuance of said conversation?

Anyone with any intellectual honesty would see this as complete shit... but liberals sacrificed intellectual honesty around the same time that Romney was in college.
But, gossip is proooooooooof, I tell ya!

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