Romney impersonated a police officer

She has gossip... and that is enough for her delusional brain.

Dear fucking idiot lying rich girl with friends in high places,

I never said I believed this story did I ?

So, you're ranting about how 'impersonating an office' is illegal... (I'm still waiting for clarification on whether dressing up as a file cabinet is, in fact, illegal, btw).... and you don't actually believe it?

You're even more delusional than evidence suggests.

Its not a rant, when you are presenting truth in the face of lies ( these guys pretending its jsut a game for kids to imnpersonate an officer) that is not a rant. Its a clarification of FACTS.

I dont think we have enough evidence at this point to hang this one on Robmoney.

Its just what someone said so far.

More confermation by others would make it more believable.

Its still fucking illegal for people to do.
TM... got a picture of Romney in the police uniform, actually trying to impersonate a police office? You know.... factual evidence instead of anecdotal evidence?

She has gossip... and that is enough for her delusional brain.

Dear fucking idiot lying rich girl with friends in high places,

I never said I believed this story did I ?



I have friends in high places? Where?
Did your sources show actual facts or just second hand accounts and no facts? :eusa_whistle:

Eye witnesses work in a court of law, but here on USMB unless Mitt admits to it - didn't happen.

LE must have really believed those "eye witnesses".
If those "eye witnesses" didn't report it, then I have to suspect their motive.

I wonder where these "eyewitnesses" were when Romney ran for governor?

Or maybe it just wasn't important enough back then.
Dear Truthmatterslies:

Here's an excerpt from Obama's book, Dreams of My Father:

In his 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father,” Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke “in a white classmate’s sparkling new van,” he would smoke “in the dorm room of some brother” and he would smoke “on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids.”

In his own words, he didn't even try to hide his Choom Gang. LOL

Obama and His Pot-Smoking ‘Choom Gang’ - ABC News
Dear fucking idiot lying rich girl with friends in high places,

I never said I believed this story did I ?

So, you're ranting about how 'impersonating an office' is illegal... (I'm still waiting for clarification on whether dressing up as a file cabinet is, in fact, illegal, btw).... and you don't actually believe it?

You're even more delusional than evidence suggests.

Its not a rant, when you are presenting truth in the face of lies ( these guys pretending its jsut a game for kids to imnpersonate an officer) that is not a rant. Its a clarification of FACTS.

I dont think we have enough evidence at this point to hang this one on Robmoney.

Its just what someone said so far.

More confermation by others would make it more believable.

Its still fucking illegal for people to do.

So, basically, you recognize that it's nothing more than gossip... but that's good enough for you to call it 'truth'. You're delusional.
Ya...let's not stay ON TOPIC!

Good call moron.

Ah, so it is the deversion it. :lol:

You have a lot of nerve calling anyone a moron, Huggy. :eusa_whistle: NOW it is a "diversion tactic" to suggest the thread stay "on topic"? How radical of me!

It's more than just a suggestion on my behalf. There is more fact to what I say than what's in the actual story
Personally - I think putting on a police uniform and putting a red-light on a Rambler pulling people over is pretty fucking funny.

BTW, what idiot would pull over for a Rambler??

In any event - Obama should take this and run with it... all the way to election day!!!!
OMG! Grow up, in the 70's we had kids driving around all day with the damn police lights and if they could get a hold of one they'd have a uniform.

Good grief, you are a real nut job if you think this is psychotic behavior.

You are a real nut job if you do not.

Just goes to show how different parts of the country were growing up.

In my neck O the woods impersonating a cop and pulling people over would land ya in questions asked. If a satisfactory reason was not forthcoming at arraignment then a psychiatric evaluation was in order before bail allowed.

So prove it happened. Not rocket science.

Moi? Not my job. I'm just an amused observer. Frankly I would like to see this story get squished real quick-like. It is just too bizarre to contemplate if true. I can say with certainty that if Mittens doesn't get ahead of this thing and provide a plausible explaination that it will not go away. "It's just too juicy"...probably a phrase you have never had to deal with Sandi.
Did your sources show actual facts or just second hand accounts and no facts? :eusa_whistle:

Eye witnesses work in a court of law, but here on USMB unless Mitt admits to it - didn't happen.

Your eye witness did not say he SAW Romney impersonate an office. They said Romney SAID he did so. Hearsay is what that is called.

They saw the uniform. And either he did what he said he did (and there are witnesses to him having done so, sadly) OR he lied. Which pretty much makes no sense.

Why did he have the uniform that he wasn't entitled to wear?
I impersonated a liberal once and i whined about stupid irrelevant things, got paid for pretending to protest, didn't shower for a week, and got pissed when i didn't get my Obama money. Lol.
Tomorrow - the Libs will report Romney clubbed a baby seal in grad school


Mitt warming up :lol:
Eye witnesses work in a court of law, but here on USMB unless Mitt admits to it - didn't happen.

LE must have really believed those "eye witnesses".
If those "eye witnesses" didn't report it, then I have to suspect their motive.

I wonder where these "eyewitnesses" were when Romney ran for governor?

Or maybe it just wasn't important enough back then.

I'm still waiting for someone to demonstrate that these 'eye witnesses' actually 'eye witnessed' something. Because, according to the reports... these 'eye witnesses' did not actually 'eye witness' anything other than Romney having the uniform.

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