Romney is very well spoken

I'd ask him where he got his car elevator from, I think I need one of those as well.
He didn't get any car elevator. Know any other good myths? :rolleyes:

Video: Mitt Romney’s $55,000 Car Elevator Revealed | Mediaite

One of the best myths I've heard is that the GOP cares about the middle class, creating jobs in american, and paying down the deficit :lmao:

The middle class is the serving class. Just ask the GObP. They want jobs in other countries and they have never even tried to pay down the deficit. Instead, they lie, saying that Obama spent gazilions when, in fact, the Rs have always ruled wit two words - "Charge it".

That old saw about saying it over and over and the peons will believe it - Well, turns out its true for the rw's. They blindly believe everything fux feeds them.
And you won't.

I've asked a very reasonable question.

What is his platform? What has he said? What are his plans?

Why are all of you rw's so afraid to admit that he has never said anything except what I've already written?

If I'm wrong, please feel free to post links that prove it.


close gitmo
ban lobbyists from hias admin
post all bills for 3 days before signing
not use signing statements to end run around congress
keep unemployment below 8 per...

oh, wait

wrong liar


The biggest mistake the rw's are making is in believing congress will suddenly send bills to a R prez for his sig.

That's why we still have gitmo. The Do Nothings would rather hurt Obama than help their country.

The bills have been posted, Obama has had no choice but to act without congress and I'm glad he has and as you well know, the last item on your list IS A LIE.

Or, do you have a link that proves President Obama ever said that?

(Hint: He didn't.)

Now, back to my question -

WTF has Mittens said he would do?
WHAT is his "platform"?

no, it isn't

his *top* economic advisors said that enacting stimulus would guarantee unemployment never reached 8%

you do know that bills have to pass the house and congress to become a law, right, goober?

have some more koolaid, stooge :thup:
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

None of this uh, uh, uh__ now let me be be clear__ where' my teleprompter? So that I can be clear. Uh__ uh__ uh__.

Yup. Romney says all sorts of interesting things.

"I like to be able to fire people"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend!"
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

None of this uh, uh, uh__ now let me be be clear__ where' my teleprompter? So that I can be clear. Uh__ uh__ uh__.

Any other news from your alternative reality?
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

Probably because the "mindless dullards" are already on his side. :cool:
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

None of this uh, uh, uh__ now let me be be clear__ where' my teleprompter? So that I can be clear. Uh__ uh__ uh__.

Yup. Romney says all sorts of interesting things.

"I like to be able to fire people"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend!"

-- I'll take the guy that enjoys firing people over the guy that can't fire the f'ing losers screwing up government.

-- Geez a politician looking out for his interests. Anyhow, I'll take that over 'I'll take out the missiles for Hitler, I mean Putin after my election.'

--I don't know that Mitt even said the last one, but the Supreme Court seems to agree with that. I know how big you libs are on the SC in the wake of them upholding Obamacare.
I don't know what the hell the lame stream media is talking about. Romney's a smooth operator and I very much enjoy listening to him. He builds upon arguments well and he doesn't ever start jibing to reach out to mindless dullards. And he uses speech that elevates the mindset for all.

None of this uh, uh, uh__ now let me be be clear__ where' my teleprompter? So that I can be clear. Uh__ uh__ uh__.

Yup. Romney says all sorts of interesting things.

"I like to be able to fire people"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend!"

-- I'll take the guy that enjoys firing people over the guy that can't fire the f'ing losers screwing up government.

Ummmm... okay. That's just kind of bizarre.

[-- Geez a politician looking out for his interests. Anyhow, I'll take that over 'I'll take out the missiles for Hitler, I mean Putin after my election.'

Besides the bizarre thing that you compare Putin to Hitler, which is just brain diseased, the point is, Romney was happy to hire illegals, until he had political ambitions.

You know, I want a guy who does the right thing even when people aren't looking.

[--I don't know that Mitt even said the last one, but the Supreme Court seems to agree with that. I know how big you libs are on the SC in the wake of them upholding Obamacare.

Um, no, actually, the Supreme court ruled nothing of the sort... and that was the kind of judical activism that forced the ObamaCare decision...
Romney is very well spoken

Mostly, except when he goes into Daffy Duck mode...

Romney is great when he's speaking to a business audience. He's got CEO-Speak nailed..

And he's quite knowledgable as well.

Outside of that? Not so much.
Mitt Romney doesn't talk with voters. He pleads with them. Awkward doesn't begin o describe his speaking style.

Romney doesn't plead with anyone. He's either in 2 modes.

Trying to be human == Awkward.

Business Speak == Knows what he is talking about.
Eh, the left bitched about Bush's Texas didn't work out so well for them.:D

George W. Bush had a lot of charisma..and was able to relate to the average joe.

That's not Romney.

It didn't stop the left from bitching about the way he their opinion, like an uneducated idiot. Again, didn't work out so well...but continue to whine about Romney.:thup:
Eh, the left bitched about Bush's Texas didn't work out so well for them.:D

George W. Bush had a lot of charisma..and was able to relate to the average joe.

That's not Romney.

It didn't stop the left from bitching about the way he their opinion, like an uneducated idiot. Again, didn't work out so well...but continue to whine about Romney.:thup:

Work out so well, how?

Bush lost the first election, in terms of the popular vote..and barely squeaked by the second one.

Obama on the other hand, handily beat the guy, and by a huge margin in both the popular vote and electoral college, that beat Mitt Romney.
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George W. Bush had a lot of charisma..and was able to relate to the average joe.

That's not Romney.

It didn't stop the left from bitching about the way he their opinion, like an uneducated idiot. Again, didn't work out so well...but continue to whine about Romney.:thup:

Work out so well, how?

Bush lost the first election, in terms of the popular vote..and barely squeaked by the second one.

Obama on the other hand, handily beat the guy, and by a huge margin in both the popular vote and electoral college, that beat Mitt Romney.

If that makes you feel better, but he was still the President for two terms.:tongue: Now go piss and moan some more about the way Romney speaks.:lol:

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?

You have little room to chide anyone for anything.

What was Obama's? Hope and change? Pretty vague, and now we see (4 years later) that hope and change was code for utter failure.

Very very funny.

He''s a loser with nice hair.

Here's a serious question for all you rw's who are hell bent on voting for a cypher -

EXACTLY what are his plans for his presidency?

WHAT is his "platform"?

What does he plan to do if he is elected?


Seriously? You voted for Obama, and you're worrying now about someone ELSE not being enough of an open book for you? Puhleeze.

As to your questions: Mitt Romney for President | Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America in 2012

The Internet is not just for porn. Look it up for yourself.
Yup. Romney says all sorts of interesting things.

"I like to be able to fire people"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office for Pete's Sake!"
"Corporations are people, too, my friend!"

-- I'll take the guy that enjoys firing people over the guy that can't fire the f'ing losers screwing up government.

Ummmm... okay. That's just kind of bizarre.

[-- Geez a politician looking out for his interests. Anyhow, I'll take that over 'I'll take out the missiles for Hitler, I mean Putin after my election.'

Besides the bizarre thing that you compare Putin to Hitler, which is just brain diseased, the point is, Romney was happy to hire illegals, until he had political ambitions.

You know, I want a guy who does the right thing even when people aren't looking.

[--I don't know that Mitt even said the last one, but the Supreme Court seems to agree with that. I know how big you libs are on the SC in the wake of them upholding Obamacare.

Um, no, actually, the Supreme court ruled nothing of the sort... and that was the kind of judical activism that forced the ObamaCare decision...

JoeB you know about plenty of bull shit that Obama has done when people aren't looking. In fact you're harping on Romney's 3rd party landscaping company using illegals (a cause you are presumably sympathetic for) when Obama is rigging land deals with criminals and using his Senator influence to hook his wife up with a $300K part-time job. What the hell are you trying to accomplish?
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