Romney Leads in 5 Swing States; Ties in 2

The polls have been very consistant. And they favor the President.

Florida President Obama 0.8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama

Michigan President Obama 1.8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Michigan: Romney vs. Obama

Ohio President Obama 2.6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Ohio: Romney vs. Obama

Virginia President Obama 3.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Virginia: Romney vs. Obama

Wisconsin President Obama 4.4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

And that is more than enough to give the President a second term. That is how it looks at present.

The reason I shy away from RCP is the dates of their polling. Much of their data is over a month old.

Then why are there Rasmussen polls in your OP that are over a month old? We are justified by your own logic to 'shy away' from them aren't we?

I gave you the latest swing state polls. They show things much better for Obama. Why didn't you make that the subject of your thread?
Boiking fails to take Wisco and it's all over.

Mark it down.

Wisconsin is shit

Florida and Ohio will decide the election. They always do

Friday, July 13...Ohio Romney 46-44
Florida Romney 45-44

Very tight!

Regardless of what you think of a state, it still counts...Wisconsin Romney 47-44

Nothing against Wisconsin but it has ten electoral votes. Florida and Ohio have 47. They also represent a wide demographic that shows how other states will go

Unless Romney takes both Florida and Ohio he will lose
The polls have been very consistant. And they favor the President.

Florida President Obama 0.8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama

Michigan President Obama 1.8

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Michigan: Romney vs. Obama

Ohio President Obama 2.6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Ohio: Romney vs. Obama

Virginia President Obama 3.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Virginia: Romney vs. Obama

Wisconsin President Obama 4.4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

And that is more than enough to give the President a second term. That is how it looks at present.

The reason I shy away from RCP is the dates of their polling. Much of their data is over a month old.

Then why are there Rasmussen polls in your OP that are over a month old? We are justified by your own logic to 'shy away' from them aren't we?

I gave you the latest swing state polls. They show things much better for Obama. Why didn't you make that the subject of your thread?

The Rasmussen polls aren't a month old. They are Daily Tracking Presidential Polls. If you look at the dates given in the RCP polls in parenthesis, you see some of them are from May and early June.
The reason I shy away from RCP is the dates of their polling. Much of their data is over a month old.

Then why are there Rasmussen polls in your OP that are over a month old? We are justified by your own logic to 'shy away' from them aren't we?

I gave you the latest swing state polls. They show things much better for Obama. Why didn't you make that the subject of your thread?

The Rasmussen polls aren't a month old. They are Daily Tracking Presidential Polls. If you look at the dates given in the RCP polls in parenthesis, you see some of them are from May and early June.

You're an idiot. The Rasmussen tracking poll is a national poll. Rasmussen takes SEPARATE state polls.
Colorado Romney - 45 Obama - 45

Iowa Romney - 47 Obama - 46

Wisconsin Romney - 47 Obama - 44

Ohio Romney - 46 Obama - 44

Virginia Romney - 47 Obama - 47

North Carolina Romney - 47 Obama - 44

Florida Romney - 46 Obama - 45


The latest realclearpolitics averages have Obama winning every one of those states except North Carolina.
Then why are there Rasmussen polls in your OP that are over a month old? We are justified by your own logic to 'shy away' from them aren't we?

I gave you the latest swing state polls. They show things much better for Obama. Why didn't you make that the subject of your thread?

The Rasmussen polls aren't a month old. They are Daily Tracking Presidential Polls. If you look at the dates given in the RCP polls in parenthesis, you see some of them are from May and early June.

You're an idiot. The Rasmussen tracking poll is a national poll. Rasmussen takes SEPARATE state polls.

You're an idiot...

People vote in their states...

Stop now - this is really embarrassing for you....
All Romney has to do is to get 8% of blacks and Obama loses and those 8% don't even have to vote. Oh and then there is this; "African Americans “don’t have to vote for [Romney]” to help his campaign, said broadcaster and author Earl Ofari Hutchinson.
“An abstention from the polls is effectively a vote for Romney,” he said. “If there is only a minuscule drop-off [in turnout], it will spell trouble.”

And this didn't help; "And while Obama sent Vice President Biden to this week’s NAACP convention, he continues to pop up in media outlets geared toward a black audience. "

So true the black messiah; "But the president might find it difficult to replicate the enthusiasm of 2008 because that campaign was seen, in Hutchinson’s words, “not as an election but as a holy crusade” for black Americans eager to see the color line broken in the White House."

Ouch! "Many complaints center on the jobs crisis that has been devastating for African Americans. The most recent statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed the black unemployment rate in June to be almost double that among whites: 14.4 percent to 7.4 percent."

Obama campaign revs up black outreach -
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

FYI, the following polls trend between 3-5 points left in WI.

We Ask America
Marquette U
St. Norberts

Also notice that the polling is showing a rapidly decreasing lead for Obama even in those slanted polls.

And as for the MN polls? All leftwing organizations with a strong bias as well.
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RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

FYI, the following polls trend between 3-5 points left in WI.

We Ask America
Marquette U
St. Norberts

Also notice that the polling is showing a rapidly decreasing lead for Obama even in those slanted polls.

And as for the MN polls? All leftwing organizations with a strong bias as well.

Nope. That's really not true.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Here's Wisconsin:
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apparently your links failed too then.

The only thing failing around here is your inability to read polling. Or maybe you just cherry pick on purpose just to make yourselves feel better about Romney.
apparently your links failed too then.

The only thing failing around here is your inability to read polling. Or maybe you just cherry pick on purpose just to make yourselves feel better about Romney.
I clicked the links. Scrolled down, got the same pages I had. Must be something wrong with their scripts. I block almost all of them.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

FYI, the following polls trend between 3-5 points left in WI.

We Ask America
Marquette U
St. Norberts

Also notice that the polling is showing a rapidly decreasing lead for Obama even in those slanted polls.

And as for the MN polls? All leftwing organizations with a strong bias as well.

Nope. That's really not true.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Here's Wisconsin:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

Rasmussen Tracking 7/12 - 7/14 1500 LV 3.0 45 45 Tie
Gallup Tracking 7/8 - 7/14 3050 RV 2.0 47 45 Obama +2
McClatchy/Marist 7/9 - 7/11 849 RV 3.5 48 46 Obama +2
Reuters/Ipsos 7/5 - 7/9 885 RV 3.4 49 43 Obama +6
Wash Times/JZ Analytics 7/6 - 7/8 800 LV 3.5 42 43 Romney +1
ABC News/Wash Post 7/5 - 7/8 RV 4.0 47 47 Tie
Quinnipiac 7/1 - 7/8 2722 RV 1.9 46 43 Obama +3
Pew Research 6/28 - 7/9 2373 RV 2.3 50 43 Obama +7

Look at the dates and who has Likely voters and who polls Registered Voters

The dates range from 6/28 to 7/14; Rasmussen has the most recent data and includes only Likely voters

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