"Romney Likely Next President"

several of us dems were actually rather pissed at obama for being polite to the republicans. We wanted justice for what they had done to this country. He was more than generous on day one. And fuck all you republican scum who say otherwise because i really don't give a shit at your non-stop whining. You have not got anything like what you have given so stop your bitching about being abused. You fuck heads disgust me.

oh stfu......

Yo............Stupid Fucker Called (gee)Ollie.............shut the fuck up yourself, ya cock smoking colon jouster..............you know they're right.

So I will respond with what your intellect will understand. Fuck off.........
Democratic Presidents go one term or get impeached in the modern era.

They suck badly.

Really? Then why did Clinton get 2 terms? And.............if he was such a crappy President, why did the country prosper under his leadership?

Republican controlled congress... but don't forget the dot bomb crash of the late nineties. All in all though, Clinton wasn't a bad president, not great, but not bad. Hell, I voted for him over Dole.
veto pen....But regardless of that lets be quite clear here. There wasnt anything Bush vetoed in those 6 years under GOP control.

Which gave us wiretapping and the Patriot act. Homeland security and the TSA....But you being such a partisan hack only see it one way, and never will see it another.
And Obama, who ran on ending the failed policies of George W Bush, rolled back all of those.
Oh no, he didnt. He added to them, making TSA his agent of humiliation for law abiding Americans.

So if Bush was terrible for doing all those things, shouldn't Obama be worse for keeping them and adding to them, esp after he pledged to end them?

Yup and mittens would have done the samething..

Lol tsa was fucked up long before obama took over and he doesn't have direct control over it...nice try.

We dont know what "MIttens" might have done. But we do know what Obama did. And if you thought Bush's policies were terrible, then that ought to go quadruple for Obama. Unless you happen to be a partisan know-nothing brain-dead lefty hack. You're not that, are you?
TSA is not under the Department of Homeland Security, which is a cabinet-level department answerable to the President of the United States? Learn something new every day.
Really? Then why did Clinton get 2 terms?

We had to impeach his sorry ass.

Read up on it.

It was a bunch of crap and still is. Bill Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. Read up on it.

They had to impeach him. lol, all that means is, they had to falsely accuse him of crimes for which he was ultimately found not guilty.
Well I don't consider myself deranged. I will say this, Bush spent too damned much and shame on us for allowing him to do so. Obama is out to double what Bush spent.... Why won't we learn?

Probably because whenever you guys whinge about "spending too much", you guys never, ever, ever tell us what you want to cut and how much....

Okay, here you go. A list of what the Feds are spending... All you have to do is find 901 Billion in spending cuts... We will pretend these cuts are revenue neutral and will not result in the loss of any jobs.

Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2013 - Charts

Are you willing to slash 140 billion in veteran's benefits?

The point is you can cut all welfare (422 Billion) all Education (136 billion) all transportation (114 Billion) and Medicaid (349 billion) and you just barely get to covering the deficit.

Good luck with that.
PoliticalChic, something I noticed when you were ranting about my jelousy and envy.

We had to impeach his sorry ass.

Read up on it.

It was a bunch of crap and still is. Bill Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. Read up on it.

They had to impeach him. lol, all that means is, they had to falsely accuse him of crimes for which he was ultimately found not guilty.

No, idiot. That isn't what impeach means.
"Romney Likely Next President"

From your keyboard to God's monitor my friend!

Not to fear, Pred....and it is hardly Republicans who see this pretender as the problem.

Jim Webb, a Democrat, is a U.S. senator from Virginia.

Today, he writes about the lack of leadership:

"Since World War II, despite the costly flare-ups in Korea and Vietnam, the United States has proved to be the essential guarantor of stability in the Asian-Pacific region, even as the power cycle shifted from Japan to the Soviet Union and most recently to China. The benefits of our involvement are one of the great success stories of American and Asian history, providing the so-called second tier countries in the region the opportunity to grow economically and to mature politically.

As the region has grown more prosperous, the sovereignty issues have become more fierce. Over the past two years Japan and China have openly clashed in the Senkaku Islands, east of Taiwan and west of Okinawa, whose administration is internationally recognized to be under Japanese control. Russia and South Korea have reasserted sovereignty claims against Japan in northern waters. China and Vietnam both claim sovereignty over the Paracel Islands. China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia all claim sovereignty over the Spratly Islands, the site of continuing confrontations between China and the Philippines.

These political acts have been matched by military and economic expansion. On July 22, China's Central Military Commission announced that it would deploy a garrison of soldiers to guard the islands in the area. On July 31, it announced a new policy of "regular combat-readiness patrols" in the South China Sea. And China has now begun offering oil exploration rights in locations recognized by the international community as within Vietnam's exclusive economic zone."
James Webb: The South China Sea's Gathering Storm - WSJ.com

Guess who that was aimed at.

Webb is a former Sec'y of the Navy.

Only a dim-wit will be voting for the empty suit...and only someone jogging around the mental hospital, you know, on the 'psycho-path,' is still supporting him.
We had to impeach his sorry ass.

Read up on it.

It was a bunch of crap and still is. Bill Clinton left office with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II. Read up on it.

They had to impeach him. lol, all that means is, they had to falsely accuse him of crimes for which he was ultimately found not guilty.

Oh please, he was accused of perjury and was disbarred. He wasnt kicked out due to politics, liberals said the crime for which the perjury happened wasnt a big deal, but I guess sleeping with interns isnt a big deal....to liberals, but dont tell a gay joke that is horrible
"...when you were ranting about my jelousy and envy."

Can you provide any such rant?


Do you realize that Superwoman/man is also one of the few super heros who does not use projectile weapons while you wave around that 9.

Out of curiousity were you advocating action in you post relating to Jim Webb?
"...when you were ranting about my jelousy and envy."

Can you provide any such rant?


Do you realize that Superwoman/man is also one of the few super heros who does not use projectile weapons while you wave around that 9.

Out of curiousity were you advocating action in you post relating to Jim Webb?

By ignoring my request for you to provide proof that I ever ranted about your "...jelousy (sic) and envy," shall I take that as your admission that it was a total fabrication on your part?

And, as you have made up a quote that you claim to have my authorship, is that the prism through which any and all of your posts should be viewed, i.e., a lying sack of offal?

Isn't that the case?

"...when you were ranting about my jelousy and envy."

Can you provide any such rant?


Do you realize that Superwoman/man is also one of the few super heros who does not use projectile weapons while you wave around that 9.

Out of curiousity were you advocating action in you post relating to Jim Webb?

By ignoring my request for you to provide proof that I ever ranted about your "...jelousy (sic) and envy," shall I take that as your admission that it was a total fabrication on your part?

And, as you have made up a quote that you claim to have my authorship, is that the prism through which any and all of your posts should be viewed, i.e., a lying sack of offal?

Isn't that the case?


How about this? I might have gotten you and California Barbie crossed. I would have to go back through days and dozens of posts to figure that out. I still might be right but you do have me at a disadvantage here. I still claim you have identity issues however.

Are you going to tell me more about your post or are you going to shoot me instead? Your call.
Do you realize that Superwoman/man is also one of the few super heros who does not use projectile weapons while you wave around that 9.

Out of curiousity were you advocating action in you post relating to Jim Webb?

By ignoring my request for you to provide proof that I ever ranted about your "...jelousy (sic) and envy," shall I take that as your admission that it was a total fabrication on your part?

And, as you have made up a quote that you claim to have my authorship, is that the prism through which any and all of your posts should be viewed, i.e., a lying sack of offal?

Isn't that the case?


How about this? I might have gotten you and California Barbie crossed. I would have to go back through days and dozens of posts to figure that out. I still might be right but you do have me at a disadvantage here. I still claim you have identity issues however.

Are you going to tell me more about your post or are you going to shoot me instead? Your call.

"I might have gotten you and California Barbie crossed."

So...I didn't make the statement you claimed that I made?

And I certainly didn't misspell 'jealousy'?

And this is what passes for an apology where you come from?

Here in Brooklyn, we have a law that requires folks to clean up the mess their dogs make.
You should do a better job of cleaning up your mess.

The answer your question...although I feel no obligation to do so....is in the sig next to Supergirls pic:
"Fighting thugs and libs."

There are no Korean superheroes of which I am aware.

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