Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here

Upon what do you base the accusation of "traitor"? You'd better have a good fucking answer for such a charge.

And why won't you answer my question as to what exactly you are advocating here?

I advocate freedom and liberty!!! I love the American flag and the Republic for which it stands. Anyone who betrays republican principles is a traitor. You advocate just that.

How so?

How so, coward?
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said

The countries with best an brightest aren't standing in line waiting to come to the US. Like most of Romney's statements, they make good campaign rhetoric but make no sense.
Poll: Latinos solidly back Obama, but signs of a generational shift

WASHINGTON – President Obama has built an overwhelming lead among Latino voters, a nationwide USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of Hispanics finds, as Republican challenger Mitt Romney faces a difficult path ahead to make inroads among what has been the nation's fastest-growing ethnic group for a generation.

Obama delivers a statement in the Rose of the White House on June 15, after the U.S. announced it will stop deporting young law-abiding illegal immigrants who satisfy broad criteria.

The president leads Romney 66%-25% among more than 1,000 Latino registered voters surveyed April 16 to May 31, matching his muscular showing in the 2008 election among Hispanics. Romney is in the weakest position among Latinos of any presidential contender since 1996 — and in those intervening 16 years their percentage of the electorate has doubled.

Since the poll was taken, Obama has fortified Hispanic enthusiasm by announcing he would block the deportation of an estimated 800,000 undocumented young Latinos who were brought to the United States as children. In a subsequent USA TODAY/Gallup survey, taken Wednesday-Saturday, more than eight in 10 Latinos approved of the president's action, most of them strongly.

"I've seen that affect a lot of families, so that's actually something I'm pretty much in favor of," says Jonny Rozyla, 22, a college student from Anoka, Minn., a poll respondent who was interviewed by phone. His mother was born in the United States and his father emigrated from Mexico. Rozyla says he "strongly disagrees" with Romney's statements about a controversial Arizona immigration law. "I don't think he's for the people, mostly," he says of Romney. "He's more for the rich than the poor."
My great grand parents immigrated legally. I pains me when people put illegal aliens on the same level as legal immigrants. This will not stand. This is the sad algebra of our times. Gay and straight, legal and illegal, they are not the same thing. They aren't equivalent. People are forgetting the past, and their heritage and their roots. I am not. People that support illegal aliens are rather questionable, because I doubt their concerns lay with fairness or equity. Illegal aliens? Pfttt! Quote me on that.

oh get over it.

fuck off.

your great grand parents were not the world's Best and Brightest. Today's GOP would have then stay back where they came from

So what's your proposal? Let everyone in?
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said


They got here first so fuck everyone else.

That's the right wing attitude on everything: 'fuck you'
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said


They got here first so fuck everyone else.

That's the right wing attitude on everything: 'fuck you'

Hate does that to people. Feeding the hate -- it's a GOP strategy
My great grand parents immigrated legally. I pains me when people put illegal aliens on the same level as legal immigrants. This will not stand. This is the sad algebra of our times. Gay and straight, legal and illegal, they are not the same thing. They aren't equivalent. People are forgetting the past, and their heritage and their roots. I am not. People that support illegal aliens are rather questionable, because I doubt their concerns lay with fairness or equity. Illegal aliens? Pfttt! Quote me on that.

oh get over it.

fuck off.

your great grand parents were not the world's Best and Brightest. Today's GOP would have then stay back where they came from

So what's your proposal? Let everyone in?

No one says 'let everyone in'

if you can't speak rationally, please refrain from opening your trap
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said

true story
Had to quote yourself because no one else gives a shit about your nonsense?
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said


as an example, take Unkatore? :eek:
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said


Unkatore is a troll that makes all trolls look bad. Too bad the fucking idiot does not understand how to raise his trolling to an art form -- like many here do. :badgrin:
Hey guys, please do not spam around. It is more difficult to read the context, if you blame each other.

lots of right wing lunatics and left wing moonbats do not understand that trolling is an art form.

and please, do NOT attack spam. Please, give spam a chance

We aleady have the best and the brightest. we only have to make college more affordable for them and jobs available for them when the graduate. graduates are going to mexico to find jobs.

Actually poor Mexicans are leaving the US and going BACK to Mexico because our economy has been so bad for so long and there aren't jobs for them here.

Think about that for a's actually easier to find work in Mexico (even though the country is being torn apart by drug cartel violence) than it is here in the United States. That's what 3 1/2 years of Obama economic policies have given us.
Romney On Immigration: America, Your Parents Type Are Not Welcome Here.

Romney's campaign says he would "raise limits on the number of immigrants from unspecified countries to improve the chances that "the best and brightest" could emigrate to the U.S." "That would alter a policy that penalizes those attempting to emigrate..." from other countries like the ones most of your parents came from.

I hate to break it to you this way Tea Party Nation, but unlike one fork of my family, most of yours were n-o-t 'the best and the brightest'

Your parents and their families were the tired, the poor, the pathetic huddled masses yearning to breathe free from that shitty old country culture you are now trying to reinvent with your hyphenated-Americanism

The wretched refuse of the teeming shores of the world? Those are your forebears. Now get real. Romney is selling you a package, a product of your imagination.

GOP immigration policy would never have let most of you assholes into this country.

nuf said


Unkatore is a troll that makes all trolls look bad. Too bad the fucking idiot does not understand how to raise his trolling to an art form -- like many here do. :badgrin:

So starved for attention you are quoting yourself again, douche?
We aleady have the best and the brightest. we only have to make college more affordable for them and jobs available for them when the graduate. graduates are going to mexico to find jobs.

Actually poor Mexicans are leaving the US and going BACK to Mexico because our economy has been so bad for so long and there aren't jobs for them here.

Think about that for a's actually easier to find work in Mexico (even though the country is being torn apart by drug cartel violence) than it is here in the United States. That's what 3 1/2 years of Obama economic policies have given us.

It's after 8 years of Bush. Mexicans started leaving before and during the conservative economic crash :lol:

and btw, under Obama, more illegals have been sent back than at any other time.


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