Romney Pay's 13.9% Effective Tax Rate

The point is Romney is running to be President of the United States. It's not that he uses the tax code to his advantage, it is that he puts his funds in foreign banks which do not disclose anything. How do we know who or what his vast income supports?

If his $200,000,000 was placed in small banks around America it would provide ten times that amount to be loaned to American small business and prospective American home buyers.

Maybe that's chump change in the scheme of things, but leadership is not always doing what is best for the leader, mostly it is having a vision for the future and not asking others to do that which the leader would not do.

Romney's income isn't a product of his labor and one would expect as POTUS he would support others who, like him, have great wealth not derived from sweat. As a nation we are well on are way in destroying our democratic institutions and becoming a true plutocracy. IMHO we don't need a Plutocrat in the White House.

No? What have you got in there now? Oh, right, a Marxist-Socialist elitist. Redistribute everyone else's wealth, while living high on the hog using taxpayer dollars, right?
I want you answer a very direct question, that's what I want:

Is it your contention that exempting the first 20k earned will benefit one person more than another? If so, who?

It benefits person A making 18K more than it benefits person B making 23K.. It benefits person C making 25K and expenses more than person D making 25K and no living expenses... It benefits person E making 30K in City X than it does person F in Rural area Y.... It benefits person G making 40K more than it benefits person H making 10MIL.... and that is all based on situations and subjective criteria... hence why I make no argument of fairness.... only the argument of true absolutely blind equality without exemption or loophole, for eliminating SUBJECTIVITY...

The subjective system opens the door for more and more battles over the subjectivity... hey, people making 5K over the 'floor' then wish to vote in someone who will raise the floor... with the floor loophole persons will wish to pander for more loopholes for X deduction or Y loophole for Z situation... and it gets us right back to the same bullshit, just via a different path... and it is all only benefiting 1 simple thing... more government (size, regulation, power, and pandering)... people more worried about group X than about their own situations...

And yet, they all still get the same first 20k exemption. Nuttin' subjective about it.

Yes it is subjective that that 20K is put in to place to 'help' the 'lower incomes' by making the system progressive and 'more fair', by causing others to pay higher percentages on their income... someone later gets to subjectively raise the floor... subjectively exclude X type of income because of Y type of situation... for subjective reasons it disguises yet another progressive system, which by nature is not equal treatment of every dollar earned by every citizen
The point is Romney is running to be President of the United States. It's not that he uses the tax code to his advantage, it is that he puts his funds in foreign banks which do not disclose anything. How do we know who or what his vast income supports?

If his $200,000,000 was placed in small banks around America it would provide ten times that amount to be loaned to American small business and prospective American home buyers.

Maybe that's chump change in the scheme of things, but leadership is not always doing what is best for the leader, mostly it is having a vision for the future and not asking others to do that which the leader would not do.

Romney's income isn't a product of his labor and one would expect as POTUS he would support others who, like him, have great wealth not derived from sweat. As a nation we are well on are way in destroying our democratic institutions and becoming a true plutocracy. IMHO we don't need a Plutocrat in the White House.

No? What have you got in there now? Oh, right, a Marxist-Socialist elitist. Redistribute everyone else's wealth, while living high on the hog using taxpayer dollars, right?

Thanks for sharing. Now that you've shared that which has been rinsed into your brain, do you have anything of your own to share?
pretty much anyone who whines like a butt-fucked pig about Romney's taxes. He's no different than any other politician. He paid what he was legally required to, nothing more and nothing less. I do the same thing.

His net worth is in excess of $250,000,000. His daddy owned the Nash automobile company. Anybody who earns less than $100,000 a year and votes for pricks like that is a little bit phuckin stupid. What the hell has he ever done except manipulate his inheiritance

Do you have a point? I'm not seeing the problem here. How many phuckin stupid idiots earning less than $100,000 annually voted for your boy, Obama? He's not exactly poverty-stricken. At least we know where Romney's money came from, you can't say the same for you shady Chicago thug.

Hey Numbnuts!! The reason the elderly, the poor, the imigrants, the disenfranchised vote Democratic is because of the way anybody from the Right treats them. Most of the 99% who don't thump a bible already vote Democratic. Take that and try to run with it!!

Here's the basic story you have to deal with.......pick one where there's been some kind of major change.

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His net worth is in excess of $250,000,000. His daddy owned the Nash automobile company. Anybody who earns less than $100,000 a year and votes for pricks like that is a little bit phuckin stupid. What the hell has he ever done except manipulate his inheiritance

Do you have a point? I'm not seeing the problem here. How many phuckin stupid idiots earning less than $100,000 annually voted for your boy, Obama? He's not exactly poverty-stricken. At least we know where Romney's money came from, you can't say the same for you shady Chicago thug.

Hey Numbnuts!! The reason the elderly, the poor, the imigrants, the disenfranchised vote Democratic is because of the way anybody from the Right treats them. Most of the 99% who don't thump a bible already vote Democratic. Take that and try to run with it!!

Ooops! I must have touched a nerve, you are now resorting to name-calling. Good! That behavior contributes so much to the civil discourse called for by your Marxist messiah. I don't think the elderly and poor are as stupid as you constantly imply.
Yes, what Romney is doing is perfectly legal. It's not illegal to have your money in Swiss Bank accounts or to have your business be a PO Box in the Caymen Islands...but it does look really bad for the person who wants to be President of the United States to do all these things, doncha think?

I'm paying double what he does in taxes, plus because of the Defense of Marriage Act, which he supports, I pay more taxes than other married couples across the US.

Good old Mittens...representing the 1% well.

Do you mean you pay twice as much in taxes than he does? Or do you pay twice the percentage based on your earnings?

Twice the percentage.
His net worth is in excess of $250,000,000. His daddy owned the Nash automobile company. Anybody who earns less than $100,000 a year and votes for pricks like that is a little bit phuckin stupid. What the hell has he ever done except manipulate his inheiritance

Do you have a point? I'm not seeing the problem here. How many phuckin stupid idiots earning less than $100,000 annually voted for your boy, Obama? He's not exactly poverty-stricken. At least we know where Romney's money came from, you can't say the same for you shady Chicago thug.

Hey Numbnuts!! The reason the elderly, the poor, the imigrants, the disenfranchised vote Democratic is because of the way anybody from the Right treats them. Most of the 99% who don't thump a bible already vote Democratic. Take that and try to run with it!!

Here's the basic story you have to deal with.......pick one where there's been some kind of major change.


Well, that happens when you have a Democrat party devoted to not only keeping people poor and disenfranchised, but creating more and more poor and disenfranchised. Shit, the last three years have been record setting in that department for you guys!
Yes, what Romney is doing is perfectly legal. It's not illegal to have your money in Swiss Bank accounts or to have your business be a PO Box in the Caymen Islands...but it does look really bad for the person who wants to be President of the United States to do all these things, doncha think?

I'm paying double what he does in taxes, plus because of the Defense of Marriage Act, which he supports, I pay more taxes than other married couples across the US.

Good old Mittens...representing the 1% well.

Do you mean you pay twice as much in taxes than he does? Or do you pay twice the percentage based on your earnings?

Twice the percentage.

Hey, Comrade, if there were an actual market for Progressive/Marxist talk, there'd actually be Progressive/Marxist talk. It really is that simple.
His net worth is in excess of $250,000,000. His daddy owned the Nash automobile company. Anybody who earns less than $100,000 a year and votes for pricks like that is a little bit phuckin stupid. What the hell has he ever done except manipulate his inheiritance

Do you have a point? I'm not seeing the problem here. How many phuckin stupid idiots earning less than $100,000 annually voted for your boy, Obama? He's not exactly poverty-stricken. At least we know where Romney's money came from, you can't say the same for you shady Chicago thug.

Hey Numbnuts!! The reason the elderly, the poor, the imigrants, the disenfranchised vote Democratic is because of the way anybody from the Right treats them. Most of the 99% who don't thump a bible already vote Democratic. Take that and try to run with it!!

Here's the basic story you have to deal with.......pick one where there's been some kind of major change.


Interesting map you have there. Have you noticed that the plantation dwellers are kept restricted to the great urban centers? It's loads easier to control them that way. Why your ilk hate the conservatives so much is because we still value what little freedom we are afforded by a government that wants ALL of us on their plantation. What's truly laughable is, once we have all been annexed, there will be no one left to pay for the plantation. Or do you truly believe your elitist gods will foot the bill for feeding, housing, clothing the plantation dwellers out of their pockets?
Why not get your facts straight. First his income is Capital gains which is investments. Which also means he already paid taxes on this to begin with and he is doubled taxed on the same money. He also gives 15 percent in charity so he is paying out 30 percent of his income. Do you give to charities or just take from them :cuckoo:

You don't understand capital gains.

If you buy $1000 of stocks with after tax money then in a few years you sell those stocks for $2000, you only get taxed on the difference between the purchase price and the sale price not the entire sale price.

So no his money was not double taxed.
True. However, President Kennedy is not running for POTUS today and Romney is. Other than coming from wealth what other similarities are there between the two?

I don't think Kennedy released his tax forms do you?

I think it's a red herring to make a big deal over tax returns.

So what if Romney is filthy rich, it has absolutely no bearing on what kind of president he would make. (not that I think he'd make a good one. after all I lived in MA when he was governor)

I think you should worry more about how senators and congressmen who only make 160K a year become multi millionaires after just a few terms in elected office than what a private citizen earns.

I don't worry about any of this, as a matter of fact we have become a plutocracy, evidenced by the fact that most members of the Congress are millionaires.

Correction most members of congress become millionaires while serving.
Will you say the same about JFK?

When he was elected the Kennedy family was in the top 5 richest in the country.

His money certainly wasn't a product of his labor either.

True. However, President Kennedy is not running for POTUS today and Romney is. Other than coming from wealth what other similarities are there between the two?

I suspect PT-109 won't get into the picture.

What's that got to do with JFK's ill gotten riches?
The Associated Press: Romney's mountain of wealth could cast loud echo
The returns outline both the dimensions of Romney's finances and the complexity of the tactics used to reduce his effective tax rate close to the low 15 percent paid by many middle-class Americans. Among the new details contained in the documents are Romney's continuing profits from the private equity firm he founded but no longer runs, a Swiss bank account closed just as Romney launched his White House run and new listings of investment funds that were set up in offshore locations from the Caribbean to Ireland and Luxembourg.
Do you mean you pay twice as much in taxes than he does? Or do you pay twice the percentage based on your earnings?

Twice the percentage.

Hey, Comrade, if there were an actual market for Progressive/Marxist talk, there'd actually be Progressive/Marxist talk. It really is that simple.

Hey fascist, Bain owns Clear Channel. There IS a Market, but it doesn't serve these Republican owned stations to present an alternative voice on the radio so they don't. It has nothing to do with the market.
Subjectively best for the country.... and it's the subjectivity that has led us down the path of destruction...

The floor system is not equal... or do I have to break down the percentages again??

A flat sales tax is equal.. blind to situation.. no matter the situation of the person making the purchase.... a progressive system is by definition not equal

What next, more subjective bullshit and subsequent regulation to make it that people making 20K pay less for milk than people making 100K because those making 100K can afford it better according to some subjective criteria??

The reason people battle a true flat tax is because of this bullshit pandering.... people scream for equality in treatment, when it does not come with a negative... well, freedom and equality come with both positives and negatives.... and what they are seen as is also a subjective perception... but with the other systems, you actually have nothing because you don't even have true blind equality... you have levels of subjective policy reinforced by levels of subjective perception reinforced by levels of subjective reasoning.... and it has only served to play people against each other in a war of envy, jealousy, greed, and political scamming and power...

Sorry... I think that is more detrimental than having everyone with an equal stake in the game

What a sad existence you must lead if you are that jealous of the poor. A true shame.

jealous?? Nope.... tired of the hypocritical call for 'equality' only when it benefits you... and the disguising of unequal treatment of others and calling it equal, when it benefits you... all in the name of subjective 'fairness'

But it doesn't benefit me, no more than it benefits you. So thats another ridiculous argument of yours that is shot down, collapsing everything you believe in.

Like I said, your jealousy of the poor is quite sad.
Twice the percentage.

Hey, Comrade, if there were an actual market for Progressive/Marxist talk, there'd actually be Progressive/Marxist talk. It really is that simple.

Hey fascist, Bain owns Clear Channel. There IS a Market, but it doesn't serve these Republican owned stations to present an alternative voice on the radio so they don't. It has nothing to do with the market.

So what happened to "Air America"?
Twice the percentage.

Hey, Comrade, if there were an actual market for Progressive/Marxist talk, there'd actually be Progressive/Marxist talk. It really is that simple.

Hey fascist, Bain owns Clear Channel. There IS a Market, but it doesn't serve these Republican owned stations to present an alternative voice on the radio so they don't. It has nothing to do with the market.



if clear channel could make money playing tapes of mao from 1955, they'd do it.

money has no ideology.

you might want to write that on your hand.
Hey, Comrade, if there were an actual market for Progressive/Marxist talk, there'd actually be Progressive/Marxist talk. It really is that simple.

Hey fascist, Bain owns Clear Channel. There IS a Market, but it doesn't serve these Republican owned stations to present an alternative voice on the radio so they don't. It has nothing to do with the market.

So what happened to "Air America"?

A very poor business model. You don't run radio like TV and they did. You don't hire writers for radio.

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