Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=""]These Hands - YouTube[/ame]

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!

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I love it.
These Hands - YouTube

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!


Nice Add.
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:
Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

Fuckin' A!
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Kinda like that whole "Mission Accomplished" thing, huh? The Libs milked that for all they could.

You can suck on this Obama quote now - right up until election day, asslips
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

[ame=]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Kinda like that whole "Mission Accomplished" thing, huh? The Libs milked that for all they could.

You can suck on this Obama quote now - right up until election day, asslips

They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Kinda like that whole "Mission Accomplished" thing, huh? The Libs milked that for all they could.

You can suck on this Obama quote now - right up until election day, asslips

^ Stakes claim to partisanship. :thup:
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

[ame=]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!

Doesn't have to be a Liberal to be taken out of context, remember, I'm not a partisan hack.
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.
There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Kinda like that whole "Mission Accomplished" thing, huh? The Libs milked that for all they could.

You can suck on this Obama quote now - right up until election day, asslips

You know the Invasion itself was unparalleled. Nothing like it in Recorded History. That part of the Mission was a grand success. Where was The State Department for the next 3 years, that is another matter, pretty much ignored.
If obama's really stupid statement was standing on it's own, it might be dismissed as just another stupid obama gaffe, like telling people to get medical care from paralegals. But it's been their message all along. It's not even obama's own thought. He stole it from Elizabeth "The Cherokee" Warren.
Simply speaks to Obama's core beliefs that government made and controls you. For your own good of course.

You know in your life it does the opposite many times.

Obama could not fix what he was elected to fix and as he said himself "He deserves one term".
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.

His point? I understood every word out of his piehole. There's no grey area about what his point was, peckerhead.

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