Romney releases tax records - Now Obozo must release college records

You have to wonder why?? Why if there's nothing to hide? He literally doesn't have a past we can trace except to Domestic and Palestinian terrorists.

"Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not.
If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

A) He rarely ever attended class.

B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.

C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.

D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

If you think I’m “fishing” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?"
Root: Obama
PC, you are being an idiot....


Look it up.....

Only after an american citizen child has reached the age of 18, and then petitions our gvt to take their citizenship away from them, can it be done, if at all....

I'm surprised YOU did not know this....

IF he has nothing to hide, why are all of you liberals running around like crazed moonbats doing your best to run interference for him?? You demanded Mitt Romney release his tax returns.. WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING for your own President to release ALL of his sealed records?! What are you afraid of? You libs don't even address it.. You just come up with excuses, strawman arguments.
In order to graduate Magna Cum Laude, you must finish in the top 5% of graduates.

Harvard must be lying..

It's the only explanation.

Just like the entire military was lying when the awarded John Kerry his medals.
No answers yet.. The only way to resolve this is for Obama to release all of his sealed records. Hey, if I was wrong I will be the first to say so...

So why not release your records Obama?? If you're hiding ABSOLUTELY nothing.. why the secrecy?

What answers.

Should both candidates release their college transcripts for a equal number of years and their tax returns for an equal number of years?

That's fine with me.. DO IT.. Let the chips fall.. Unlike you leftists, Conservatives want the truth.. You're a kool-aid drinking hack and everyone knows it.
"Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not.
If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

A) He rarely ever attended class.

B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.

C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.

D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

If you think I’m “fishing” then prove me wrong. Open up your records Mr. President. What are you afraid of?"
Root: Obama
PC, you are being an idiot....


Look it up.....

Only after an american citizen child has reached the age of 18, and then petitions our gvt to take their citizenship away from them, can it be done, if at all....

I'm surprised YOU did not know this....

IF he has nothing to hide, why are all of you liberals running around like crazed moonbats doing your best to run interference for him?? You demanded Mitt Romney release his tax returns.. WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING for your own President to release ALL of his sealed records?! What are you afraid of? You libs don't even address it.. You just come up with excuses, strawman arguments.

Link to another presidential candidate that was asked to release college transcripts.

Romney's own father set the precedent on tax the way.
Once more, the HACK left do nothing but makes excuses and throw out propaganda.. Why not just ask Obama to release his records?? If there's nothing to hide, what's the big deal?? Like Judge Judy says alllll the time.. "If it doesn't make sense, it's a lie!"
Romney Releases 2011 Tax Returns -



False equivalency is false.
How many liberals here will call out President Obama to release all of his records??? STEP UP.. Show you're not a hypocrite?!

He's hiding NOTHING, right??
Reagan and Bush.

Here's President Obama's EO:

Presidential Records

Here's Bush's:

Presidential Records

Here's Reagan's:

Presidential Records

What's the difference?

What actually keeps college transcripts sealed is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which, despite the fact that you nutburgers think President Obama has a time machine of some sort, was signed into law in 1974.

PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS BOZO.. not their personal records dating back years.. I remember Boooooooooooooosh's college transcript being provided... LIAR.

You really are precious...

Are you confused in some way? You are the one screeching about his Executive Order, right? It's almost identical to the EOs that Bush and Reagan signed. College transcripts are not sealed by EO, but by FERPA.

Bush didn't provide his transcripts, they were leaked.
Kerry didn't release his transcripts during the election either....they found his grades in his Navy records, those grades were reported....

he released some of his transcripts AFTER the election is my understanding of it....

so schooling and college transcripts has NEVER ever been a request or requirement to be President.

I think bush released some of his grades in 2000, Saying that ''he did not want people's expectations to be too high'' so he could outshine his grades...jokingly....or something of the sort.
How many liberals here will call out President Obama to release all of his records??? STEP UP.. Show you're not a hypocrite?!

He's hiding NOTHING, right??

You want naked pics too?

How about a porno of Obama and his Wife?

[ame=]Rush Limbaugh Calls a Female Georgetown Student, Sandra Fluke, a 'Slut' - YouTube[/ame]

Like Limbaugh wanted of Fluke?
How many liberals here will call out President Obama to release all of his records??? STEP UP.. Show you're not a hypocrite?!

He's hiding NOTHING, right??
when Mitt Romney releases the past 10-20 years of his tax returns as Obama has...and when Mitt Romney releases all of his college transcripts, then YES of course!

deal or not?
So not one liberal is willing to step up and call for Obama to release all of his records??!!

ROFLMAO~! HYPOCRISY on display of EVERY liberal in this thread.. NONE, count them A big fat 0 are willing to ask this President to unseal all of his records.

Obama is hiding something and his useful herd of Zombies know it..
No answers yet.. The only way to resolve this is for Obama to release all of his sealed records. Hey, if I was wrong I will be the first to say so...

So why not release your records Obama?? If you're hiding ABSOLUTELY nothing.. why the secrecy?

What answers.

Should both candidates release their college transcripts for a equal number of years and their tax returns for an equal number of years?

Barrack Hussein Obama is a liar just like E. Warren... both are typical leftwing liars.

Nothing would be gained by either side if Barrack Hussein Obama released his college rcords... we already know he is a liar, and the left wont care :dunno:

Im just going to vote with my concience... like I always did before.
Romney has proven he is a man of honor and integrity while obozo's refusal to release his college records is proof that he lied and claimed foreign status to get a scholarship 20 years ago. That is the crime of fraud and all repubs must shout this .

Romney released his tax records for 2011. I am quite sure that the President will release his college records for 2011.:badgrin:

IOW< there's no way he'll release his school records. Got it!
How many liberals here will call out President Obama to release all of his records??? STEP UP.. Show you're not a hypocrite?!

He's hiding NOTHING, right??

Obama already released 12 years of his tax returns, Willard hasn't

I'd hate to think you are another brainwashed radical right wing hypocrite and won't call out Willard for not releasing his papers like Obama has,....
So not one liberal is willing to step up and call for Obama to release all of his records??!!

ROFLMAO~! HYPOCRISY on display of EVERY liberal in this thread.. NONE, count them A big fat 0 are willing to ask this President to unseal all of his records.

Obama is hiding something and his useful herd of Zombies know it..

What hypocrisy?

What are you looking to prove here?

Obama released 12 years of tax returns.

Romney should do the same.

So not one liberal is willing to step up and call for Obama to release all of his records??!!

ROFLMAO~! HYPOCRISY on display of EVERY liberal in this thread.. NONE, count them A big fat 0 are willing to ask this President to unseal all of his records.

Obama is hiding something and his useful herd of Zombies know it..

Can you name one thing that Mitt is being asked to disclose that Obama hasn't disclosed himself already?
How many liberals here will call out President Obama to release all of his records??? STEP UP.. Show you're not a hypocrite?!

He's hiding NOTHING, right??
when Mitt Romney releases the past 10-20 years of his tax returns as Obama has...and when Mitt Romney releases all of his college transcripts, then YES of course!

deal or not?


In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.
Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.
Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.
Over the entire 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income.
Over the entire 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus the total charitable donations deducted represented 38.49% of total AGI.

We all see what's going on here.. No one , and I mean NO ONE gives a flying shit can about how much money Mitt Romney made and what percentage he paid in taxes.. HE PAID HIS TAXES, period.. Is he in jail?? Has the IRS under this President charged him with TAX EVASION from any year?????????????? ANY????

This is all SMOKE N MIRRORS.. Smoke to cover the lies, the made up history that Hussein Obama, aka Barry.. strange, he changed his name also.. that Obama has hidden.. Not one liberal has the intellectual integrity to step up and ask for the records to be released. NOT ONE.. They know Obama is hiding something.. WE ALL KNOW IT. Some day that truth will come out, it always does.
Romney has proven he is a man of honor and integrity while obozo's refusal to release his college records is proof that he lied and claimed foreign status to get a scholarship 20 years ago. That is the crime of fraud and all repubs must shout this .

No he hasn't. His time to prove his "honor" and "intergrity" has long passed. He protested in favor of the Vietnam that other men could get drafted..then went to France.

In any case..he release what he said he would release these from the get go.

What he should release 12 Obama.

And if he wants the college transcripts..he should release his first.

And for as many he wants to see.

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