Romney releases tax records - Now Obozo must release college records

Do you know why his tax obligation was higher for 20 years? Because the Capital gains rate was much much higher and was CUT in recent years....

give me 10 years of tax returns, showing whether he was or was not part of the amnesty for tax evader's program....and what amendments he had to make to his tax returns IF he was a part of the Amnesty program.

If he was NOT part of the Amnesty given by the gvt, it would give me more faith in him....if he was a part of it, then he should not be President.

2009 should show if he was or was not a part of it, and IF he was a part of it, then the previous returns to 2009 should show how much he had to amend his returns to pay back the usa gvt for the money he hid ILLEGALLY.

and honestly, I think Obama should just release his transcripts from his doesn't bother me that he has not....because I don't think how you did in college.....from 30 years ago is relevant in the Presidential race.... where as tax policy that favors the wealthiest is an issue in this race and should be brought front and forward and be put on the table for debate...

none the less, Obama should just release them, to shut up the rumor mill....

Do you libs ever stop coveting other people's money and possessions? Are you that miserable of mooches that all you do is oooooze what other people make and then think YOU have the right to take it?? Too damn bad.. IT'S NOT YOURS.. Get that through your stupid fucking skull.. Go mooch off of your own family.

RELEASE YOUR RECORDS HUSSEIN. What are you hiding???
Are you really a lady? Or just a man pretending to be a lady? It's hard to tell around here, as of late.....???

It has nothing to do with wanting his has to do with tax policies that have been written for the very them the opportunities with tax credits, tax laws, and tax shelters, and tax deductions... to pay as little as 13% in income taxes when the income tax rate for those at the very top is 35%....we the people SHOULD be informed on how it all works for them and this should be discussed on whether these many laws written just for them, are beneficial to our country.....?

ALSO, His 2009 return would show whether he was or was not part of the Amnesty program given to the tax evaders....

IF he was part of the Amnesty program for the crooks, then he should NOT be President.....imo and not be trusted.

Who is Tim Geitner?
I don't see what's so difficult for liberals to understand that investment money is already taxed. . ]

Really? If you save up $10,000 out of your wages, okay, that's already been taxed. Then you put your $10,000 into, let's say, a stock. A year later the stock has doubled, you sell it for $20,000.

What do you pay tax on?
Holy hell are you stupid. Lay off the Beck and actually try to educate yourself instead of being a brainwashed right wing parrot.

I say you're the brainwashed parrot. Prove me wrong by giving me three actual differences you have with the Democratic party. They can't be trivial, they can't be things no one is discussing and they can't be that the Democrats aren't Democrat enough for you. Three actual differences. I'll go first.

I disagree with Republicans on:

1) I oppose the war on terror and don't think we should have any troops in the middle east.
2) I think all drugs should be legal
3) I'm pro-choice
Whatever he paid, we know for sure that it was less than what the average working family paid. This is a very important issue, especially as his class of people are responsible for the present economic distress in this nation.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? We are not in economic distress in this nation because of any "class" of people...we are in economic distress because our government spends way more money than it takes in. What the hell is so hard about understanding that?

If you taxed the wealthy at 100% it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to but idiots like you think that if we can just get Mitt Romney to pay 25% instead of 14% that everything will be peaches and cream. Are you REALLY this retarded?
Does anyone else find it astounding that apparently the entire population of the American right does not know the difference between a tax return and a college transcript?

Does anyone else find it astounding that apparently the entire population of the American left does not care that their Dear Leader is a liar....? Apparently not.

I care. I am opposed to lying. I hate to see it. I hate it whenever I do it myself. What's your point?
Whatever he paid, we know for sure that it was less than what the average working family paid. This is a very important issue, especially as his class of people are responsible for the present economic distress in this nation.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? We are not in economic distress in this nation because of any "class" of people...we are in economic distress because our government spends way more money than it takes in. What the hell is so hard about understanding that?

If you taxed the wealthy at 100% it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to but idiots like you think that if we can just get Mitt Romney to pay 25% instead of 14% that everything will be peaches and cream. Are you REALLY this retarded?

QFT... The Leftist Mooch Squad doesn't give a damn about facts.. This is about an election DIVERSION........ nothing more. It won't work.
Holy hell are you stupid. Lay off the Beck and actually try to educate yourself instead of being a brainwashed right wing parrot.

I say you're the brainwashed parrot. Prove me wrong by giving me three actual differences you have with the Democratic party. They can't be trivial, they can't be things no one is discussing and they can't be that the Democrats aren't Democrat enough for you. Three actual differences. I'll go first.

I disagree with Republicans on:

1) I oppose the war on terror and don't think we should have any troops in the middle east.
2) I think all drugs should be legal
3) I'm pro-choice

Ouch.. I'll bet he didnt' answer you? :)
Whatever he paid, we know for sure that it was less than what the average working family paid. This is a very important issue, especially as his class of people are responsible for the present economic distress in this nation.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? We are not in economic distress in this nation because of any "class" of people...we are in economic distress because our government spends way more money than it takes in. What the hell is so hard about understanding that?

If you taxed the wealthy at 100% it STILL wouldn't pay for the entitlements that we've obligated ourselves to but idiots like you think that if we can just get Mitt Romney to pay 25% instead of 14% that everything will be peaches and cream. Are you REALLY this retarded?

As you correctly point out, the left's strategy with the "wealthy" is to blame the victim. Just like they do with "corporations"...

Yeah, after twisting his arm completely off, he released one year of records.

Such integrity.

even better... he'll find an amended return and pay about 9% taxes as soon as election day passes.

what a bunch of maroons...
I'm not sure whether people like Old Rocks simply don't have the simple math skills to do the numbers on this or they are wearing ideological blinders that won't even let them look but it's reached the level of farce.

Our government is like a huge barrel that has gaping holes in it that our tax dollars are gushing out of and progressives want to know why they can't keep adding more water to keep it full.

Wake the fuck up, you morons! Your lunacy is killing this country...not the tax rate on corporations or the wealthy!!!
Do you libs ever stop coveting other people's money and possessions? Are you that miserable of mooches that all you do is oooooze what other people make and then think YOU have the right to take it?? Too damn bad.. IT'S NOT YOURS.. Get that through your stupid fucking skull.. Go mooch off of your own family.

RELEASE YOUR RECORDS HUSSEIN. What are you hiding???
Are you really a lady? Or just a man pretending to be a lady? It's hard to tell around here, as of late.....???

It has nothing to do with wanting his has to do with tax policies that have been written for the very them the opportunities with tax credits, tax laws, and tax shelters, and tax deductions... to pay as little as 13% in income taxes when the income tax rate for those at the very top is 35%....we the people SHOULD be informed on how it all works for them and this should be discussed on whether these many laws written just for them, are beneficial to our country.....?

ALSO, His 2009 return would show whether he was or was not part of the Amnesty program given to the tax evaders....

IF he was part of the Amnesty program for the crooks, then he should NOT be President.....imo and not be trusted.

Who is Tim Geitner?
good point, if tim geitner's tax returns were made public, why not Romney's?

Amnesty was given in 2009 for the felonious tax evaders....that held an account in a certain Swiss bank account....Romney and/or his wife both held accounts in this specific Swiss bank account until 2010....this bank was Forced to hand over their customers that were from the USA....our gvt gave these tax evaders a chance to come clean with amnesty, if they paid back the billions they owed in total instead of locking them up and jailing them....

This was not 'tax avoidance' as with geitner and many others! This was ''tax evasion'', a felony.

Maybe Romney was not part of the Amnesty? He did have an account at the bank, so maybe he was....who knows? The only way to know is to see his 2009 tax return, and right prior will show the amounts of his evasion IF it did occur. FROM the get go, Romney has refused to show this 2009 return IN WHICH all the other Republican candidates asked for of his during the primaries....THIS is what makes him appear to be hiding something, of which very likely, could be that he was part of the Amnesty program....

Can't make it any clearer....
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I'm not sure whether people like Old Rocks simply don't have the simple math skills to do the numbers on this or they are wearing ideological blinders that won't even let them look but it's reached the level of farce.

Our government is like a huge barrel that has gaping holes in it that our tax dollars are gushing out of and progressives want to know why they can't keep adding more water to keep it full.

Wake the fuck up, you morons! Your lunacy is killing this country...not the tax rate on corporations or the wealthy!!!

The insane spending and give a ways to the rich under W is what got this country into the mess it's in, in the first place.

You would have to be mentally ill to support the GOP today.
so now we have moved from he didn't pay taxes and was hiding something to he didn't pay enough, when the 'news' that he had paid approx. 14% as a lower rate, was already out the letter from price waterhouse coopers, ruminate a while, you folks no longer have an 'argument', get over it.

Regarding the newly-filed 2011 Tax Return:

-In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.

-The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.

-The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.

-The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions. …

Regarding the PWC letter covering the Romneys’ tax filings over 20 years, from 1990 – 2009:

-In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus the total charitable donations deducted represented 38.49% of total AGI.

During the 20-year period covered by the PWC letter, Gov. and Mrs. Romney paid 100 percent of the taxes that they owed.

exit question-

was harry reid wrong ?
I don't see what's so difficult for liberals to understand that investment money is already taxed. . ]

Really? If you save up $10,000 out of your wages, okay, that's already been taxed. Then you put your $10,000 into, let's say, a stock. A year later the stock has doubled, you sell it for $20,000.

What do you pay tax on?

The corporation pays 35% before profits are disbursed and you pay 15% again for your portion of it.

Why do liberals hate retirees? You put a 15-member death panel between them and the doctor... and then try to keep them poor by double-taxing their investments. You know, all our retirement accounts these days are invested. You're screwing us our of our retirement.
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so now we have moved from he didn't pay taxes and was hiding something to he didn't pay enough, when the 'news' that he had paid approx. 14% as a lower rate, was already out the letter from price waterhouse coopers, ruminate a while, you folks no longer have an 'argument', get over it.

Regarding the newly-filed 2011 Tax Return:

-In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.

-The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.

-The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income.

-The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions. …

Regarding the PWC letter covering the Romneys’ tax filings over 20 years, from 1990 – 2009:

-In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income.

-Over the entire 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus the total charitable donations deducted represented 38.49% of total AGI.

During the 20-year period covered by the PWC letter, Gov. and Mrs. Romney paid 100 percent of the taxes that they owed.

exit question-

was harry reid wrong ?

The Romney campaign stated over and over, it wouldn't matter what and how many years he released.

I'd like to see Harry Reid's returns as well as know how he got rich off of serving in the capacity of a US Senator? Where did his money come from? Full disclosure.
I don't see what's so difficult for liberals to understand that investment money is already taxed. . ]

Really? If you save up $10,000 out of your wages, okay, that's already been taxed. Then you put your $10,000 into, let's say, a stock. A year later the stock has doubled, you sell it for $20,000.

What do you pay tax on?

The corporation pays 35% before profits are disbursed and you pay 15% again for your portion of it.

Why do liberals hate retirees? You put a 15-member death panel between them and the doctor... and then try to keep them poor by double-taxing their investments. You know, all our retirement accounts these days are invested. You're screwing us our of our retirement.

You didn't answer my question. Why not? It wasn't rhetorical. I want you to say what gets taxed,

and what DOESN"T, in the above example.

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