Romney running as the most anti-American president ever

Suffice to say that you're swimming in an ocean of ignorance, arrogance, bigotry and stupidity.

Please, continue...:lol::lol::lol:
Suffice to say that you're swimming in an ocean of ignorance, arrogance, bigotry and stupidity.

Please, continue...:lol::lol::lol:

heh. So fucking hilarious. Poor baby doesn't like the pablum. Never have I seen anything more like a toddler having a hissy fit because they couldn't have a cookie.

I am done, the last word is yours.
Hissy fit?...No.

Laughing at a stupid bigoted hater, who is flailing furiously to rationalize his stupid bigoted hatred?...Youbetcha!

Please, continue!...:lol:
awww. Grandpa. negatived rep from the pinhead bigot.

I'm hurt.

Oh wait. Negative rep from a dumbfuck is a good thing.

My daughter is gay. You have no fucking clue. I love her with all my heart but that has nothing to do with approving of the lifestyle. Her and her partner come over for every holiday and they know how I feel. They tollerate my belief system and I theirs. YOU speak from ignorance and intollerance.

And quit whining about the neg or I'll give you one every 3 days

Stop making threats old man
Except that you are NOT tolerating gays. You are tolerating your daughter. Which is good. I'm just happy that she feels free to live HER life without your prejudices changing it.

You really have no clue. Why are you lefties incapable of sepperating politics from personal beliefs? My opinion of fags is mine and no one elses. Doesn't mean i can't respect their choice to live their lives how they see fit.

But hey don't let my tollerance stop you from judging Romney based on his dumbass religion.


Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Being against gays being able to marry, is NOT seperating politics from personal beliefs.

It is attempting to apply your personal prejudices on those who do not want your bigotry to decide their lives.

Including your daughter.

Not at all. I'm all for civil unions. Mariage is between a man and a woman and my daughter agrees. Not only that, she's republican and agrees with me
awww. Grandpa. negatived rep from the pinhead bigot.

I'm hurt.

Oh wait. Negative rep from a dumbfuck is a good thing.

My daughter is gay. You have no fucking clue. I love her with all my heart but that has nothing to do with approving of the lifestyle. Her and her partner come over for every holiday and they know how I feel. They tollerate my belief system and I theirs. YOU speak from ignorance and intollerance.

And quit whining about the neg or I'll give you one every 3 days

Stop making threats old man

I would have forgot by tomorrow anyhow
given the number of people who support romney's beliefs about marriage, you can hardly consider it anti american.

Why not? Just because a lot of people support something doesn't make their belief correct or in keeping with American values.
I don't think that has to do with bias, per se, but I wouldn't care if polygamy were legal so long as the adults involved consented,

i take it your view as to what is un american is something that restricts freedom? that may well be, however, i think it could also be argued that something that is un american is something the majority does not want. and i agree with you about mob rule, do did our founders. however, our country has a dichotomy with our "majority" rules way of thinking. i remember in grade school the raise your hand rule of law.

My idea of what is unamerican are things that seek to use the constitution to institutionalize bias and hatred.

The court exists to intervene where majority rule is onerous
Yes, exactly. An AMENDMENT to deny someone or some group a right IS un-American. It's a perversion of the constitution.
Marriage is indeed a right, per the case law already cited

You have the right to remain silent. The right to a court-appointed attorney. You have the right to sing the blues. You have the right to cable TV. You have the right to sublet. You have the right to paint the walls. No loud colors.

What a dumb ass. You have the right to be left alone from government, you don't have the right to demand things from government. Everything government has was confiscated from someone else.
Yeah, Americans have been brainwashed for so long that they think a return to the original intents and purposes of the Constitution is anti-American. I keep saying, we force people to take classes, pass an exam and get a license to paint someone's toe nails or cut their hair, but we let alomst any moron that shows up cast a vote for the leader of the free world and then we wonder why we have leaders that have led this nation to the very brink or destruction.

^A Rightie in support of literacy tests for voting. Where have we seen that before?

A liberal jackass afraid of not allowing other morons to vote. Where have we seen that before?
Unsurprisingly, you still don’t understand.

Marriage is indeed a right, per the case law already cited.

And as with all other rights, the right to marry is not absolute; a state may place restrictions on marriage provided those restrictions are applied to everyone equally in accordance with the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Disallowing first cousins from marrying is Constitutional because it’s applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled-out for exclusion.

This is also why prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying is un-Constitutional: “A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.” Romer v. Evans (1996). This would include marriage law as well.

Marriage is a fundamental right, subject to limitations by the government as is the case with all other rights; any limitations must be justified by objective evidence, be in accordance with due process and equal protection doctrine, and must further a proper legislative end.

Measures designed to restrict same-sex couples’ right to marry fail to meet any of the above criteria.

Frankly, I think that the "objective evidence" is quite clear:

One man humping another man's ass is as wrong as a man humping a hefer.

While the man humping the hefer may excuse the abominable behaviour by proposing marriage to the cow, it still doesn't make it any more socially acceptable.

There's nothing like being a dumbfuck bigot as your base decision making.


Stop, you'll hurt my feelings.

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