Romney Says $360,000 Per Year Not Much Money


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
All the morning news programs are showing his 15% tax rate and not making much from speaking engagements with rolled back eyes. Wait till the folks who earn the average in SC($32,000) get wind of this.

Face it.....the Republicans are about to nominate a:


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How tone deaf are the GOP? Nominating a vulture corporate raider at a time when public opinion of Wall Street greed is at a fever pitch.

Can they possibly be so TONE DEAF to how HARD it's been for WORKING FAMILIES in this country?
And if they are, why the hell should anyone elect out of touch old geezers?
If they're NOT, but deliberately ignoring the plight of the middle class, then why the hell would you vote for them unless you were very wealthy?
they are trying to change this country from one about what the majority wants to one that does what the wealthy want.

I sure hope it doesnt work
they are trying to change this country from one about what the majority wants to one that does what the wealthy want.

I sure hope it doesnt work

They've already succeeded to a large extent.
Now it's time to ROLL IT BACK.

A good starting point is raising tax rates on the rich to where they were under that PINKO COMMIE Eisenhower!!!
Romney 360.000.00 per year
Obama's in 2008
Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported a taxable income in 2008 of $2,656,902.00 and this was lower than 2007 when they made 3.9 million.
Romney 360.000.00 per year
Obama's in 2008
Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported a taxable income in 2008 of $2,656,902.00 and this was lower than 2007 when they made 3.9 million.

Are you nuts

That's simply what he made from speaking engagements at $40,000 a pop. The press has been trying to get him to release his total tax status and he won't do it because that will reveal his income from his $250,000,000 total worth.

Romney's dad owned the Nash automobile company.
Romney 360.000.00 per year
Obama's in 2008
Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported a taxable income in 2008 of $2,656,902.00 and this was lower than 2007 when they made 3.9 million.

Are you nuts

That's simply what he made from speaking engagements at $40,000 a pop. The press has been trying to get him to release his total tax status and he won't do it because that will reveal his income from his $250,000,000 total worth.

The guy's dad owned the Nash automobile company.

You're a fucking welfare case. To you, $21K/year is large.
murkins loooooove hiring rich assholes, especially if they have the right hat and lapel pin.
All the morning news programs are showing his 15% tax rate and not making much from speaking engagements with rolled back eyes. Wait till the folks who earn the average in SC($32,000) get wind of this.

Face it.....the Republicans are about to nominate a:



And obama says that if you make more than 250,000 a year you should be taxed at a higher rate to help keep his agenda moving and growing.
How tone deaf are the GOP? Nominating a vulture corporate raider at a time when public opinion of Wall Street greed is at a fever pitch.

How tone deaf is Newt Gingrich thinking that Republicans will respond positively to his attacks on venture capitalism and capital gains taxes?

Newt Gingrich is the White Obama!

Have you seen the new campaign ad running in South Carolina?


These greedy bastards pay a lower tax rate than you do


After she paid her taxes, this OWS protestor chick was flat broke!


And so was this non-threatening black man. He had to go on food stamps!


"There is something fundamentally wrong with a rich guy paying less taxes than Andrew Jackson."


I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message!

I knew Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers was a friend of mine. Governor, you're no Bill Ayers.


How tone deaf are the GOP? Nominating a vulture corporate raider at a time when public opinion of Wall Street greed is at a fever pitch.

How tone deaf is Newt Gingrich thinking that Republicans will respond positively to his attacks on venture capitalism and capital gains taxes?

Newt Gingrich is the White Obama!

Have you seen the new campaign ad running in South Carolina?


These greedy bastards pay a lower tax rate than you do


After she paid her taxes, this OWS protestor chick was flat broke!


And so was this non-threatening black man. He had to go on food stamps!


"There is something fundamentally wrong with a rich guy paying less taxes than Andrew Jackson."


I'm Barack Obama, and I approve this message!

Who pay's more if you make 5 million dollars and pay 15% or if you make 50,000 and pay 25% taxes?
Who pay's more if you make 5 million dollars and pay 15% or if you make 50,000 and pay 25% taxes?

The person making $50k pays a higher percentage of his income in taxes, obviously.

Just ask White Obama.
Romney 360.000.00 per year
Obama's in 2008
Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reported a taxable income in 2008 of $2,656,902.00 and this was lower than 2007 when they made 3.9 million.

Are you nuts

That's simply what he made from speaking engagements at $40,000 a pop. The press has been trying to get him to release his total tax status and he won't do it because that will reveal his income from his $250,000,000 total worth.

Romney's dad owned the Nash automobile company.


What does that have to do with anything?
All the morning news programs are showing his 15% tax rate and not making much from speaking engagements with rolled back eyes. Wait till the folks who earn the average in SC($32,000) get wind of this.

Face it.....the Republicans are about to nominate a:



And obama says that if you make more than 250,000 a year you should be taxed at a higher rate to help keep his agenda moving and growing.

He's exactly right. That's how we got out of debt after WW2. All through the eight years of Eisenhower's terms anybody who earned more than $300,000 paid 91% of the excess in taxes. The Republicans borrowed the money now by god let their rich asses pay it back.

Neither political party has ever cut spending a goddam dime. The mistake the Republicans made was cutting tax rates and never cutting a dime of spending. At least the Democrats taxed enough to break even.
How tone deaf are the GOP? Nominating a vulture corporate raider at a time when public opinion of Wall Street greed is at a fever pitch.

Can they possibly be so TONE DEAF to how HARD it's been for WORKING FAMILIES in this country?
And if they are, why the hell should anyone elect out of touch old geezers?
If they're NOT, but deliberately ignoring the plight of the middle class, then why the hell would you vote for them unless you were very wealthy?

Polls show that most Americans are frustrated, many even disgusted, by the lack of leadership Obama has shown on the economy - what did they expect from a man who had no record of accomplishment in any job he held before becoming president - and they will want to know if Romney can make the US economy as successful as he made Bain Capital and the 2002 Winter Olympics.
How tone deaf are the GOP? Nominating a vulture corporate raider at a time when public opinion of Wall Street greed is at a fever pitch.

Can they possibly be so TONE DEAF to how HARD it's been for WORKING FAMILIES in this country?
And if they are, why the hell should anyone elect out of touch old geezers?
If they're NOT, but deliberately ignoring the plight of the middle class, then why the hell would you vote for them unless you were very wealthy?

Polls show that most Americans are frustrated, many even disgusted, by the lack of leadership Obama has shown on the economy - what did they expect from a man who had no record of accomplishment in any job he held before becoming president - and they will want to know if Romney can make the US economy as successful as he made Bain Capital and the 2002 Winter Olympics.

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.

Obama has done a very good job.

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