Romney says Carter weak: Romney fires gay advisor after pressure

Show me the link where Mitt supported keeping him or tried to talk him out of leaving.

Just kidding. We both know it doesn't exist. We both know Mitt heaved a HUGE sigh of relief.

You're the most dishonest person on this board that you have to INVENT things to stir your shit pot..

Invent what?

Or as a commentator on The American Conservative put it:

Romney missed his Sister Souljah Moment. If he really wanted Grenell on his team, he should have gone public and said that Grenell was the person he had chosen for the job and he wasn’t going to be intimidated by individuals with outdated bigoted views.

Romney’s numbers would have gone up by ten points. As it is, he looks like a milquetoast.

Confirmed: Romney Beholden to Anti-Gay Fanatics

Let's get this straight. You are lying. Blatantly lying.

Here is Grenell's statement. A gentleman with class I might add.

The Washington Post obtained this statement from Grenell:

"I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman.

While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama's foreign policy failures and weak leadership on the world stage, my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign.

I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."

and this from the Romney camp:

The Romney campaign confirmed his resignation saying they were "disappointed" Grenell had resigned for "personal reasons."

"We wanted him to stay because he had superior qualifications for the position he was hired to fill," Romney's campaign manager Matt Rhoades said in a statement.

You are lying. Blatantly.

Facing Criticism, Gay Romney Aide Resigns : The Two-Way : NPR
The gay guy packed it in.

Actually, not so much.

Mitt Romney didn’t exactly fire Ric Grenell, who is gay, as his foreign policy spokesman. But when the religious right got wind of Grenell’s hiring, his job started to shrink.

Grenell was told to sit in on conference calls with reporters and not say anything, which is tantamount to firing him. He was told to be silent not merely on gay issues. He was told not to talk about anything, even foreign policy. A spokesman who is not allowed to speak -- even internally -- doesn’t have much of a job. So Grenell quit, three weeks after he was hired.

For Romney, this is the first big flub of the general election campaign. Until now, his smooth-running machine was one of the more impressive things about his candidacy. It made you think that maybe, as a businessman, he really could bring some efficiency to the White House, if not to the government as a whole.

Besides being offensive, however, this episode is remarkably inept. Grenell apparently was completely open about his sexuality. Why did Romney appoint him in the first place if he was going to hang the guy out to dry as soon as there was any criticism? (And there never was much.) If you’re going to be a bigot, at least be smart about it.

Mitt Romney
Funny. I suggest you take a peek at the following presidential rankings:

Historical rankings of Presidents of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss these polls from your link?

From popular opinion polls:

Washington College GW ranks higher than Carter.

From the Gallup Poll GW ranks higher than Carter. Rasmussen has them tied in favorability.

I'm still trying to figure out the Harris polls. But Gallup has Bush ahead of Carter again.

And only Angus Reid had Carter more favorable than Obama and Bush.

No, I didn't miss them; however, rankings by academic historians and political scientists mean more to me than popular opinion polls. How about you...?

so us people don't count even though we are the ones who LIVED through them..?
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The gay guy packed it in.

Actually, not so much.

Mitt Romney didn’t exactly fire Ric Grenell, who is gay, as his foreign policy spokesman. But when the religious right got wind of Grenell’s hiring, his job started to shrink.

Grenell was told to sit in on conference calls with reporters and not say anything, which is tantamount to firing him. He was told to be silent not merely on gay issues. He was told not to talk about anything, even foreign policy. A spokesman who is not allowed to speak -- even internally -- doesn’t have much of a job. So Grenell quit, three weeks after he was hired.

For Romney, this is the first big flub of the general election campaign. Until now, his smooth-running machine was one of the more impressive things about his candidacy. It made you think that maybe, as a businessman, he really could bring some efficiency to the White House, if not to the government as a whole.

Besides being offensive, however, this episode is remarkably inept. Grenell apparently was completely open about his sexuality. Why did Romney appoint him in the first place if he was going to hang the guy out to dry as soon as there was any criticism? (And there never was much.) If you’re going to be a bigot, at least be smart about it.

Mitt Romney

There was no hanging out to dry.

Full statement from Grenell above.

But here's the pertinent part to refute the bullshit that's floating around.

" I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."
thinkprogess is going on my ignore alone with a couple others..

you all have fun...good night

So you're saying that you're right, rdean is right, your blogs are right and Grenell's a liar and his statement is a lie.

But you are the correct ones. But the man in the middle of all of this is a liar.

Grenell's the liar. And all the rest of you are right.

okey dokey.....

You libs are getting more fucked up day by day. You reside in a strange lala land.
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Did you miss these polls from your link?

From popular opinion polls:

Washington College GW ranks higher than Carter.

From the Gallup Poll GW ranks higher than Carter. Rasmussen has them tied in favorability.

I'm still trying to figure out the Harris polls. But Gallup has Bush ahead of Carter again.

And only Angus Reid had Carter more favorable than Obama and Bush.

No, I didn't miss them; however, rankings by academic historians and political scientists mean more to me than popular opinion polls. How about you...?

so us people don't count even though we are the ones who LIVED through them..?

I place more faith in the academics who see the broader, deeper picture. I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone on this board providing official rankings of presidents.
No, I didn't miss them; however, rankings by academic historians and political scientists mean more to me than popular opinion polls. How about you...?

so us people don't count even though we are the ones who LIVED through them..?

I place more faith in the academics who see the broader, deeper picture. I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone on this board providing official rankings of presidents.

yeah ok, you also place more faith in a politician ( a mere human just like us ) than you do the people IN THIS COUNTRY..
It's appalling that a qualified American who was sent up for the job with a huge endorsement by John Bolton was marginalized the way he was because he is gay.

"Lay low for awhile" and "They don't want to hear you on this phone call" in response to a meeting that the guy was in charge of setting up pretty much makes that clear.

If the religious right is so concerned about every single person that the Romney team hires, than they should be on top of it much sooner rather than finding out later.

The guy had solid credentials from the Bush administration and was liked by the neo-cons, but was finally made to feel ostracized by the good ol' boys club.

When are gay folks going to realize that this perverted version of the GOP doesn't much care about them?

And I don't mean everyday GOP folks, I'm talking about the hierarchy.

Mitt Romney missed yet another "Sista" moment.

When will he finally stand up to the retards who have overrun today's Republican party? When will a good conservative finally come forward and say "Enough!"?
so us people don't count even though we are the ones who LIVED through them..?

I place more faith in the academics who see the broader, deeper picture. I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone on this board providing official rankings of presidents.

yeah ok, you also place more faith in a politician ( a mere human just like us ) than you do the people IN THIS COUNTRY..

Why does everything you say END IN YELLING.
It's appalling that a qualified American who was sent up for the job with a huge endorsement by John Bolton was marginalized the way he was because he is gay.

"Lay low for awhile" and "They don't want to hear you on this phone call" in response to a meeting that the guy was in charge of setting up pretty much makes that clear.

If the religious right is so concerned about every single person that the Romney team hires, than they should be on top of it much sooner rather than finding out later.

The guy had solid credentials from the Bush administration and was liked by the neo-cons, but was finally made to feel ostracized by the good ol' boys club.

When are gay folks going to realize that this perverted version of the GOP doesn't much care about them?

And I don't mean everyday GOP folks, I'm talking about the hierarchy.

Mitt Romney missed yet another "Sista" moment.

When will he finally stand up to the retards who have overrun today's Republican party? When will a good conservative finally come forward and say "Enough!"?

You people don't know what CAUSED this guy to leave..It's all speculation on the part of the media and people like you.
The gay guy packed it in.

Actually, not so much.

Mitt Romney didn’t exactly fire Ric Grenell, who is gay, as his foreign policy spokesman. But when the religious right got wind of Grenell’s hiring, his job started to shrink.

Grenell was told to sit in on conference calls with reporters and not say anything, which is tantamount to firing him. He was told to be silent not merely on gay issues. He was told not to talk about anything, even foreign policy. A spokesman who is not allowed to speak -- even internally -- doesn’t have much of a job. So Grenell quit, three weeks after he was hired.

For Romney, this is the first big flub of the general election campaign. Until now, his smooth-running machine was one of the more impressive things about his candidacy. It made you think that maybe, as a businessman, he really could bring some efficiency to the White House, if not to the government as a whole.

Besides being offensive, however, this episode is remarkably inept. Grenell apparently was completely open about his sexuality. Why did Romney appoint him in the first place if he was going to hang the guy out to dry as soon as there was any criticism? (And there never was much.) If you’re going to be a bigot, at least be smart about it.

Mitt Romney

There was no hanging out to dry.

Full statement from Grenell above.

But here's the pertinent part to refute the bullshit that's floating around.

" I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."

You forgot this part:

But Romney didn't issue a statement that he wasn't caving in to right wing bigots and didn't swear to back me up and refuse to take my resignation because he knows he is beholden to confederate extremists who will never support a gay man no matter how good he is at his job.

Hope that helped. You know, Romney could have stood behind this man but he didn't. Or maybe I should say Romney could have "stood up" for this man. Yea, that sounds better.
I place more faith in the academics who see the broader, deeper picture. I sure as hell wouldn't want anyone on this board providing official rankings of presidents.

yeah ok, you also place more faith in a politician ( a mere human just like us ) than you do the people IN THIS COUNTRY..

Why does everything you say END IN YELLING.

why do you care? I think it's funny you really believe posting in caps is's to make a point, but whatever.
Oh I get it now. You all have your "Sista" talking point. Pathetic. You're all coming out of the same box again.

Any original thoughts on this situation? Or just talking points?

Grenell has expressed his deep gratitude for Romney's support.
You forgot this part:

But Romney didn't issue a statement that he wasn't caving in to right wing bigots and didn't swear to back me up and refuse to take my resignation because he knows he is beholden to confederate extremists who will never support a gay man no matter how good he is at his job.

Hope that helped. You know, Romney could have stood behind this man but he didn't. Or maybe I should say Romney could have "stood up" for this man. Yea, that sounds better.

Nothing to forget because it isn't there.
yeah ok, you also place more faith in a politician ( a mere human just like us ) than you do the people IN THIS COUNTRY..

Why does everything you say END IN YELLING.

why do you care? I think it's funny you really believe posting in caps is's to make a point, but whatever.

Netiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Common rules for e-mail and USENET such as avoiding flamewars and spam are constant across most mediums and communities. Another rule is to avoid typing in ALL CAPS or grossly enlarging script for emphasis, which is considered to be the equivalent of shouting or yelling.
Actually, not so much.

Mitt Romney

There was no hanging out to dry.

Full statement from Grenell above.

But here's the pertinent part to refute the bullshit that's floating around.

" I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."

You forgot this part:

But Romney didn't issue a statement that he wasn't caving in to right wing bigots and didn't swear to back me up and refuse to take my resignation because he knows he is beholden to confederate extremists who will never support a gay man no matter how good he is at his job.

Hope that helped. You know, Romney could have stood behind this man but he didn't. Or maybe I should say Romney could have "stood up" for this man. Yea, that sounds better.

You are projecting. And projecting falsehoods.

"We wanted him to stay because he had superior qualifications for the position he was hired to fill," Romney's campaign manager Matt Rhoades said in a statement.

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