Romney takes lead from Obama post recall elections

Romney Takes the Lead In Wisconsin | Power Line

And all the wackaloons were chumming it up over exit polls.

Obama is in serious trouble.

In the wake of Scott Walker’s decisive victory over the Democrats in Wisconsin’s recall election, many wondered whether that state will now be in play at the presidential level in November. Democrats took hope from exit polls that showed President Obama with a solid lead over Mitt Romney, but that was whistling past the graveyard, as the same exit polls got the Walker-Barrett vote entirely wrong. Today the first meaningful (i.e., likely voter) post-recall poll came out at Rasmussen Reports. In a stunning development, Romney now leads Obama in Wisconsin by 47%-44%.

My guess is that this is not the last formerly-safe for Obama state that will be in play between now and November.

Unless something big changes

It is over for Papa Obama

Obama is not working
Romney Takes the Lead In Wisconsin | Power Line

And all the wackaloons were chumming it up over exit polls.

Obama is in serious trouble.

In the wake of Scott Walker’s decisive victory over the Democrats in Wisconsin’s recall election, many wondered whether that state will now be in play at the presidential level in November. Democrats took hope from exit polls that showed President Obama with a solid lead over Mitt Romney, but that was whistling past the graveyard, as the same exit polls got the Walker-Barrett vote entirely wrong. Today the first meaningful (i.e., likely voter) post-recall poll came out at Rasmussen Reports. In a stunning development, Romney now leads Obama in Wisconsin by 47%-44%.

My guess is that this is not the last formerly-safe for Obama state that will be in play between now and November.

From your link:

John H. Hinderaker is a lawyer with a nationwide litigation practice. For twenty years Hinderaker has written with his former law partner Scott Johnson on public policy issues including income inequality, income taxes, campaign finance reform, affirmative action, welfare reform, and race in the criminal justice system. Their articles have appeared in National Review, The Weekly Standard, The American Enterprise, American Experiment Quarterly, and newspapers from Florida to California. The Claremont Institute has archived many of their articles here.

It's a right wing blog.. Bump away, goof.
And said wackaloons begin to file in.


And what a suprise Grampa...........Truthmatters is the first:eek::eek: But this place would be boring as hell if we didnt have the mental cases to make fun of.

Gramp.......this Wisconsin poll is seriously good stuff. I never thought I'd even see this state in play at all. Saw Scott Rasmussen last night......said that "if Wisconsin is just competitive, its going to be a good night for Republicans".

For the first time, I've now set my sights not only on mothballing the kk0k liberal philosophy, but doing it in a fucking landslide.
Romney Takes the Lead In Wisconsin | Power Line

And all the wackaloons were chumming it up over exit polls.

Obama is in serious trouble.

In the wake of Scott Walker’s decisive victory over the Democrats in Wisconsin’s recall election, many wondered whether that state will now be in play at the presidential level in November. Democrats took hope from exit polls that showed President Obama with a solid lead over Mitt Romney, but that was whistling past the graveyard, as the same exit polls got the Walker-Barrett vote entirely wrong. Today the first meaningful (i.e., likely voter) post-recall poll came out at Rasmussen Reports. In a stunning development, Romney now leads Obama in Wisconsin by 47%-44%.

My guess is that this is not the last formerly-safe for Obama state that will be in play between now and November.

From your link:

John H. Hinderaker is a lawyer with a nationwide litigation practice. For twenty years Hinderaker has written with his former law partner Scott Johnson on public policy issues including income inequality, income taxes, campaign finance reform, affirmative action, welfare reform, and race in the criminal justice system. Their articles have appeared in National Review, The Weekly Standard, The American Enterprise, American Experiment Quarterly, and newspapers from Florida to California. The Claremont Institute has archived many of their articles here.

It's a right wing blog.. Bump away, goof.

What difference does a blog make? They are reporting a legit poll. If I told you it was raining outside would you claim it to be a lie simply because of my ideology despite the fact that it IS raining? :cuckoo:
Oops, it seems the NYT is now reporting this hack of a poll......but wait! Why would a liberal outlet give credence to a rightwing poll?
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I've tried to get these loud mouths to put up or shut up. Only Pale Rider took me up on it. Shows you how confident these idiots are.
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I've tried to get these loud mouths to put up or shut up. Only Pale Rider took me up on it. Shows you how confident these idiots are.

I'm here for my pleasure not yours. And I might suggest that if you want people to shut up maybe a forum is not the place for you.
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I've tried to get these loud mouths to put up or shut up. Only Pale Rider took me up on it. Shows you how confident these idiots are.

I'm here for my pleasure not yours. And I might suggest that if you want people to shut up maybe a forum is not the place for you.

I didn't ask you to suggest anything, thanks anyway.
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I guess you guys are chickens? C''s just your sig line for 6 weeks or so. You sounded so confident earlier this morning. If trends continue; you'll be suicidal by dinner.

I love how the conservatives here love to talk about how easy the GOP victory will be but when it comes time to take even the smallest risk imaginable, you run and hide instead of risking such a mundane phrase.

See guys, I would have no problem congratulating President Elect Romney if it were to happen. I don't think I'd support his policies but wouldn't deny hiim the praise on his election which I'm sure will be above board, honorable, and well earned if it is anything like how he attends to his private life. He's a solid citizen. I dislike the policies; not the man.

In your cases, if you're not willling to extend the same treatment to Mr. Obama, it is most assuredly because you don't like the man and has little to do with his policies.

Theres no other explanation for the continued ducking of such a simple friendly wager. You need to take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself about this bitter hatred you have for someone you've never met, never will meet, and who is by all accounts a loving husband and a devoted father.

It's a shame that your politics are so interwoven with the irrational hate.
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I've tried to get these loud mouths to put up or shut up. Only Pale Rider took me up on it. Shows you how confident these idiots are.

I'm here for my pleasure not yours. And I might suggest that if you want people to shut up maybe a forum is not the place for you.

You do a good job amusing us as well.
Romney takes lead from Obama post recall elections

"In fact, a growing number of Republican governors have been touting their respective states’ economic performances, contradicting Romney’s message of doom and gloom."

Nice, the thread needed some crayola. It was kinda drab. Watching kids color can be very boring though.
Obama was told by his peers that he may as well give up on florida,NC,and virginia. he really doesn't have a safe place left to campaign in. they will laugh at him in all of the rest of the swing states.
Any of you care to make it interesting? We'll go sig line for sig line. If Obama wins, you change your sig line to "All hail President Obama, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13. If Romney wins; I'll change my sig line to "All hail President Romney, your President, my President, our President" and leave it up until 1/1/13.

Put your sig line where your mouths are or are you scared?

I guess you guys are chickens? C''s just your sig line for 6 weeks or so. You sounded so confident earlier this morning. If trends continue; you'll be suicidal by dinner.

I love how the conservatives here love to talk about how easy the GOP victory will be but when it comes time to take even the smallest risk imaginable, you run and hide instead of risking such a mundane phrase.

See guys, I would have no problem congratulating President Elect Romney if it were to happen. I don't think I'd support his policies but wouldn't deny hiim the praise on his election which I'm sure will be above board, honorable, and well earned if it is anything like how he attends to his private life. He's a solid citizen. I dislike the policies; not the man.

In your cases, if you're not willling to extend the same treatment to Mr. Obama, it is most assuredly because you don't like the man and has little to do with his policies.

Theres no other explanation for the continued ducking of such a simple friendly wager. You need to take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself about this bitter hatred you have for someone you've never met, never will meet, and who is by all accounts a loving husband and a devoted father.

It's a shame that your politics are so interwoven with the irrational hate.

Bears repeating....
if you guys want to see more interesting polling, go to the free republic sight, and look at all the responses to any of the bad obama polling threads. they are all ripping obama to shreads on that sight.
Romney Takes the Lead In Wisconsin | Power Line

And all the wackaloons were chumming it up over exit polls.

Obama is in serious trouble.

In the wake of Scott Walker’s decisive victory over the Democrats in Wisconsin’s recall election, many wondered whether that state will now be in play at the presidential level in November. Democrats took hope from exit polls that showed President Obama with a solid lead over Mitt Romney, but that was whistling past the graveyard, as the same exit polls got the Walker-Barrett vote entirely wrong. Today the first meaningful (i.e., likely voter) post-recall poll came out at Rasmussen Reports. In a stunning development, Romney now leads Obama in Wisconsin by 47%-44%.

My guess is that this is not the last formerly-safe for Obama state that will be in play between now and November.

This op ed might help you understand why polls are racially and ethnically bias.

Race Matters: Why Gallup Poll Finds Less Support For President Obama

You see, even though they ask the right amount of blacks and hispanics in their surveys, they don't take into account that 90% of blacks are voting for Obama. That isn't true for Romney and whites. Romney isn't getting 90% of the white vote. So the blacks and hispanics that say they are voting for Obama matter more. And Romney only has 53% of whites. His only hope is Rubio, and I don't think hispanics like him as much as you would hope. After all, he is a Republican.
Romney Takes the Lead In Wisconsin | Power Line

And all the wackaloons were chumming it up over exit polls.

Obama is in serious trouble.

In the wake of Scott Walker’s decisive victory over the Democrats in Wisconsin’s recall election, many wondered whether that state will now be in play at the presidential level in November. Democrats took hope from exit polls that showed President Obama with a solid lead over Mitt Romney, but that was whistling past the graveyard, as the same exit polls got the Walker-Barrett vote entirely wrong. Today the first meaningful (i.e., likely voter) post-recall poll came out at Rasmussen Reports. In a stunning development, Romney now leads Obama in Wisconsin by 47%-44%.

My guess is that this is not the last formerly-safe for Obama state that will be in play between now and November.

This op ed might help you understand why polls are racially and ethnically bias.

Race Matters: Why Gallup Poll Finds Less Support For President Obama

You see, even though they ask the right amount of blacks and hispanics in their surveys, they don't take into account that 90% of blacks are voting for Obama. That isn't true for Romney and whites. Romney isn't getting 90% of the white vote. So the blacks and hispanics that say they are voting for Obama matter more. And Romney only has 53% of whites. His only hope is Rubio, and I don't think hispanics like him as much as you would hope. After all, he is a Republican.

So Obama is getting 90% of the black vote because he's black and Romney isn't getting 90% of the white vote because he's white. What does that tell you about who the racists and shallow individuals are? Read between the lines fool

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