Romney was not a good governor, so why would he be a good president?

I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

I agree with you totally. But that's no reason to vote for Obama. Most of the complaints you cite against Romney, apply to him as well.
I don't see anything in Romney's past that qualifies him to be president - neither in his poor record as governor nor his record as a vulture capitalist.

I agree with you totally. But that's no reason to vote for Obama. Most of the complaints you cite against Romney, apply to him as well.

When did Romney allow Navy Seals to be tried for assault? Obama has way more against him than Romney does. Lak cant site good reasons WHY Romney would make a bad president yet at least Romney has more qualifications to be president than Obama did when people were voting for the first half black half white president.
Romney is a warmongering chickenhawk who has never served his country in the military.

Romney tells vets dangerous world demands powerful military | Reuters

Romney is right.
Our Constitution says our Federal Government is suppose to defend our country and it's boarders.
The Constitution never says there should ever be social entitlement programs.

Military - Constitutional
Entitlements - not constitutional

All Social Entitlements are going bankrupt,yet the left keeps voting for them.
The lefts mentality is we need more money,just give us more money and our programs will work.
We keep adding more and more money to them and they still are not working.
And they say right wingers are stupid?
Governor Romney created more jobs in Mass than Barry Hussein created in the entire Country.

Please provide some "credible" proof of your claim.

You have to be kidding... Right? This guy is the King of missinformation. He has been pounding the internet with dissinformation about the made made effects of changes in the atmosphere for years. He is one of the most likely "paid" contributors to this message board. His "work at home on the computer" extra income must be drying up recently since the rise in ocean levels has shown without ANY responsible dispute that humans have contributed to some climate changes. This is one of the very last members of USMB I would expect an honest response or contribution from.

Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads
Romney is a warmongering chickenhawk who has never served his country in the military.

Romney tells vets dangerous world demands powerful military | Reuters

so is obama, so go vote for him anyway and stop spamming us with bullshit

If you ever post anything but crap I am going to have a damn parade!!!! You are such an ignorant little racist.

You'll never know the difference. With your head up your ass, it's difficult to sort out the good from the liberals.
'Is that a record to be proud of?'

By Steve Benen

On "Fox News Sunday" yesterday, host Chris Wallace asked a series of pointed questions to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Austan Goolsbee, the former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for President Obama, but there was one question in particular that stood out for me.

Wallace asked Ryan:

"You know, it's not just a question of vision, it's also a question of record because these men have served in office and have records in office. So, let's take a look at that.

"Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts for four years, Congressman Ryan. And during that time, Massachusetts ranked 47th of the 50 states in job creation. The only reason the unemployment rate went down [was] because so many people left the work force -- more than any other state in the country except Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. Is that a record to be proud of?"

The question only took 15 seconds to say, but it's easy to imagine it showing up in an Obama campaign ad.

When Ryan pushed back and said the unemployment rate in Massachusetts went down during Romney's one term, Wallace again reminded him, "If I may, sir, again over the four years, 47th in job creation and unemployment rate went down because so many people were leaving the state."

Ryan didn't have much of a response, so he changed the subject to the "contrast in visions" and Romney's support for an "opportunity society."

The larger point, of course, is that we're looking at a campaign dynamic without a modern precedent, especially for a governor running for the White House. In 2000, George W. Bush said, "Look at what I did in Texas." In 1992, Bill Clinton said, "Look at what I did in Arkansas." In 1980, Ronald Reagan said, "Look at what I did in California."

And in 2012, Mitt Romney is saying, "Look at what I did at Bain Capital."

More: 'Is that a record to be proud of?' - The Maddow Blog

NOTE: Romney was governor of Massachusetts from January 2, 2003 to January 4, 2007. Hurricane Katrina struck Louisiana in August 2005 - in the middle of Governor Romney's one term, causing Louisiana to have a worse unemployment rate than Romney. That's how bad of a governor Romney was!
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Ha.Ha.--and you want to compare a Governor that took on a 1.5 billion dollar deficit and turned it into a 2 billion dollar surplus--and had a 5.6% unemployment rate that turned into a 4.6% unemployment rate in which many economists in this country consider FULL employment as "bad news" for Romney.

Bill Clinton said it best in this recent statement:

President Bill Clinton veered sharply off message Thursday, telling CNN that Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital was "sterling."

"I don't think that we ought to get into the position where we say 'This is bad work. This is good work,'" Clinton said. "The man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."

Clinton also went on to say that Romney's time at Bain Capital represented a "good business career."
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

Now why don't you try and compare this record to the "community organizer" President you turned over this country too.---:badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
The Romney Fiscal Record: the 800 lb gorilla in the room that everyone ignores

Written By : Steve Baldwin

The reality is that Romney’s tenure as governor of Massachusetts was an economic disaster for the state. The biggest myth of all, perhaps, is that he didn’t raise taxes. The reality, however, is that Governor Romney passed a host of new tax and fee increases, hitting the corporate world hard and devastating job creation. As Peter Nicholas, chairman of Boston Science Corporation, stated, “tax rates on many corporations almost doubled because of legislation supported by Romney.”

The Cato Institute reported that in his first year as Governor, Romney “proposed $140 [million] in business tax hikes through the closing of ‘loopholes’ in the tax code.” But what Romney labeled as “closing loopholes” actually resulted in the doubling of tax rates for certain businesses. As Nicholas explains, “Romney’s tax policies were not helpful for many small businesses…when Romney took many IRS subchapter S businesses in Massachusetts and almost doubled their tax rates, it was an important disincentive to investment, growth and job creation.” As Joseph Crosby of the Council on State Taxation wrote, “Romney went further than any other governor in trying to wring money out of corporations.”

Romney also raised taxes on business again in 2004 and 2005, for a grand total of $309 million levied upon the corporate sector. He then signed a bill to allow local governments to increase taxes on business property, tried to raise taxes on hotels (but was stopped by the Democrat legislature!), joined a coalition lobbying congress to tax internet activity, and supported a tax on out-of- state commuters.

Nor did Romney fight the passage of higher rates on death taxes; indeed, when this issue came up in the legislature, his official position was “no position.” Now, there’s a profile in courage. Moreover, Governor Romney raised gas taxes two cents a gallon and also supported a federal gas tax hike. He also proposed an excise tax on SUVs and a new sales tax on all used cars.

Indeed, Romney failed to reduce any of the myriad taxes Massachusetts imposes on its citizens, even though the previous two Republican governors, William Weld and Paul Cellucci, were both able to reduce tax rates. As Governor Cellucci confirmed, Romney “did not have any broad-based tax cuts in his four years as Governor.” Indeed, while Romney raised over a hundred different fees and taxes, the two previous Republican governors signed more than 40 tax reduction bills, even though Democrats controlled the legislature.

Contrary to the Romney spin machine, he didn’t “turn a $3 billion dollar deficit into a nearly $1 billion surplus.” Rather, the deficit was $1.3 billion according to, and he balanced the budget with mostly tax and fee increases with very few spending cuts. As documented by the Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation, Romney “proposed four budgets while in office…each budget increased spending over the previous year.” As Club for Growth echoed, Romney’s last budget “was a whopping 10.12% larger than the preceding fiscal year.” Out of the 25 freshmen Republican Governors rated by the Cato Institute on fiscal issues, Romney had the 2nd worst score.

Indeed, Carla Howell, president of the Massachusetts-based Center for Small Government, is blunt about Romney’s fiscal record: “Romney claims to have cut the Massachusetts budget by ‘2 billion.’ Sometimes he claims he cut it ‘3 billion’….but these cuts were merely budget games….not only did Mitt Romney refuse to cut the overall Massachusetts budget, he expanded it. Dramatically….Romney initiated massive new spending –without any prodding.”

Romney often boasts about how he left a budget surplus at the end of his term, but this is also a myth. The Massachusetts Taxpayer Foundation and the conservative Massachusetts think tank, the Beacon Hill Institute, both challenge the notion of a Romney budget surplus. In fact, Romney left a billion dollar deficit for his successor.

More (if your heart can take it): The Romney Fiscal Record: the 800 lb gorilla in the room that everyone ignores | Right Wing News
Mittens has another name fee fee raising fees on everything when he was governor . Fees = taxes . Romney really lol

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