Romney was Robbed...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews
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If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote would of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.
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If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.

Best and easiest way to take over a state is flood it with undocumented Democrats......
If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.

Right Comrade. The Dems pulled the wool over Reagans eyes in the 80's. C'mon Ronnie let's legalize these 4 million illegals and we'll secure the borders and make sure it never happens again. Now you've just admitted you want to legalize another 20 million Dem voters and promise it'll never happen again. Fool me once.
Christy just won a majority of the Hispanics
Bush Jr got 44% = winning back power with Romney or McCain like numbers.

The main reasons the republicans lost the white house is immigration. Kind of a double edge sword but they do have the power to demand it.
If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote would of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.

No comment on the OP support the robbery?
If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote would of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.

No comment on the OP support the robbery?

We're going to become a banana republic if we don't wheel and deal with certain groups to regain power. :(
Obama was raised to assume the throne. He is a genuine POS

Be glad when his sick ass is gone, and so will America


The absolutists are killing the GOP, and no issue may be doing it more than this one. They're making it incredibly easy for the Dems to just point at them and say, "hey, look at THAT!"

If the party were not so full of itself, it would see that it could easily attract more Hispanics if it were not so bull-headed on this one topic.

How about a guest worker program for those who are here, but them at the back of the immigration line, and let's all get the fuck on with our lives?

Is the GOP that set on continuing to shoot itself in the foot?

Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

They love it

And don't forget how Dem controlled districts in swing states had more votes cast than there were registered voters

The absolutists are killing the GOP, and no issue may be doing it more than this one. They're making it incredibly easy for the Dems to just point at them and say, "hey, look at THAT!"

If the party were not so full of itself, it would see that it could easily attract more Hispanics if it were not so bull-headed on this one topic.

How about a guest worker program for those who are here, but them at the back of the immigration line, and let's all get the fuck on with our lives?

Is the GOP that set on continuing to shoot itself in the foot?


Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

The absolutists are killing the GOP, and no issue may be doing it more than this one. They're making it incredibly easy for the Dems to just point at them and say, "hey, look at THAT!"

If the party were not so full of itself, it would see that it could easily attract more Hispanics if it were not so bull-headed on this one topic.

How about a guest worker program for those who are here, but them at the back of the immigration line, and let's all get the fuck on with our lives?

Is the GOP that set on continuing to shoot itself in the foot?


Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

Sure, I can see that, but the Republicans would look like the adult in the room if they came out with a clear alternative that actually fixed problems. Let the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

Holy crap, that phrase "clear alternative that actually fixed problems". Reminds me of Obamacare. Instead of creating a clear plan and holding it up every time they're interviewed, they're allowing themselves to be portrayed as Neanderthals.

Goddamn, it's just sitting right there, waiting for you. Stop just saying "no", make a plan, and scream about it at the top of your freaking lungs.

Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


Okay, time to call shennanigans on this one.

Was the unemployment rate "faked" before the 2012 election?

. The meat of the article doesn't actually say what the title and introduction claim it says. The alleged fakery was not a pre-2012 thing, but rather something that had been an issue for years.

In one document from the probe, Program Coordinator Joal Crosby was ask in 2010, “Why was the suspected … possible data falsification on all (underscored) other survey work for which data falsification was suspected not investigated by the region?”

2. The article also does not say that there was a conspiracy to depress the stated unemployment rate. The guy at the center of the story says there was pressure to produce responses (in order to hit the target for the number of households they surveyed) but that there was no pressure on how to report them:

But, Buckmon says, he was never told how to answer the questions about whether these nonexistent people were employed or not, looking for work, or have given up.

3. While it's true that at the time the September Jobs Report looked very weird, in retrospect that drop-off in the unemployment rate looks totally on-trend.

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