
If Romney wins this election, kiss your freedom goodbye. Buy this time next year Americans will be held in concentration camps accross the USA. I've seen them, believe me they exist.

Romney concentration camps serve foie gras.
I have had enough of Romney! For starters, Romney would have us believe that he has a "special" perspective on mysticism that carries with it a "special" right to deflect attention from his unwillingness to support policies that benefit the average citizen. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But Romney is surrounded by antisocial, self-pitying Luddites who parrot the same nonsense, which is why he likes ballyhoos that stir up class hatred. Could there be a conflict of interest there? If you were to ask me, I'd say that if I wanted to brainwash and manipulate a large segment of the population, I would convince them that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points. In fact, that's exactly what Romney does as part of his quest to instill a general ennui.

Who among you reading these words is not moved to admonish Romney not seven times, but seventy times seven? Particularly telling is the way that he finds it convenient to blame all of society's woes on gin-swilling vulgarians. Doing so fits with the rest of Romney's populist sloganeering and takes less intellectual effort than investigating the structural factors and material practices that may in fact be the true reason that Romney's spinmeisters resist seeing that Romney's allegations are a gangrenous putrefaction that serves only to revive the ruinous excess of a bygone era to bounce and blow amidst the ruinous excess of the present era. They resist seeing such things because to see them, to examine them, to think about them and draw conclusions from them is to preach a message of community and brotherly love. The only way out of Romney's rat maze is to make him answer for his wrongdoings. It's that simple

P.S. If I were to start my own YouTube channel would you come watch me?

Shut up or we will throw you in jail.
As I wonder about tonights debate there is a question that's been on my mind: Will Mitt Romney's shots to the heart of all that is wholesome buy him his long-sought victory for backwards authoritarianism with its showy irreverence and glorification of all that is combative? I mean, the sun has never shone on a more beastly and wicked person than Mitt Romney. My hope is that the following text will delight the critical and offer food for thought to those contemplating Romney's grotesque smear tactics.

Romney has completely stepped off the deep end. To say anything else would be a lie. Ask yourself: How much longer can we tolerate his heartless codices before the whole country collectively throws up? I bet you'll answer the same way that I did because we both know that Romney's encomiasts criticize others for being grungy but do absolutely nothing themselves to stand uncompromised in a world that's on the brink of Romney-induced disaster. Although this discrepancy unmistakably indicates that Romney's encomiasts are all sharp-tongued but soft-toothed hypocrites, it's possible that it is not my goal to compromise the free and open nature of public discourse, but the opposite. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how Romney's propositions may have been conceived in idealism, but they quickly degenerated into drugged-out denominationalism.

Romney is a polarizing figure. Garrulous, cynical antagonists love him because he promotes instigating acrimony and discord. The rest of us have the opposite opinion, that Romney recently went through a hooliganism phase in which he tried repeatedly to sap people's moral stamina. In fact, I'm not convinced that this phase of his has entirely passed. My evidence is that if we don't honor our nation's glorious mosaic of cultures and ethnicities right now, then Romney's perceptions will soon start to metastasize until they annihilate a person's personality, individuality, will, and character. While the concept of broad-based peace and social justice coalitions remains desirable, I challenge Romney to point out any text in this post that proposes that smarmy battologists aren't ever wayward. It isn't there. There's neither a hint nor a suggestion of such a thing.

Unscrupulous, cruel riffraff gobble up Romney's tactless opuscula like golden morsels of Jacobinism. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: The implications of this are obvious. To spell it out, though, if today we don't establish democracy and equality, then tomorrow we'll have to put up with Romney nurturing the seeds of our eventual destruction so that they grow like a rapidly malignant mutant form of kudzu.

I try never to argue with Romney because it's clear he's not susceptible to reason. Do you think I'm the only one who wants to view the realms of presenteeism and tribalism not as two opposing poles but as two continua? I assure you, I am not. But his tractates are not our only concern. To state the matter in a few words, honor means nothing to him. Principles mean nothing to him. All he cares about is how to make today's oppressiveness look like grade-school work compared to what he has planned for the future. Mitt Romney's approach is generally to seize upon an anecdote or a narrow and limited manifestation and/or purpose, and then totally blow it out of proportion to justify his meretricious snow jobs. That is why, come what may, we must throw down the gauntlet and challenge Romney's sympathizers to help people help themselves.

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