Romney's Bain Lie

Romney didn't make Bain an issue. Here is an issue.....Obama's Jobs Council hasn't met for 6 months, yet Obama has attended 106 fundraisers in that time. Any comment?

Oh now youre just slinging BULLSHIT!

From Mitts website:

Mitt’s impressive skills did not come out of nowhere. He began his career in business.

About Mitt | Mitt Romney for President
Romney started off by pointing to Bain, NOT his Governorship, as why we should put him in charge.

Next issue.

You didn't comment on my point. Obama's Jobs Council has not met for 6 months, yet he has attended 106 fundraisers. Please respond to that point. Thanks.
^scumbag thinking he had a point
i find it interesting there are so many disgusting racists still in this country

What a damn dumb ass. Nothing racist here. You're a damn loser. Grow the hell up, dumb ass.

Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.
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Oh now youre just slinging BULLSHIT!

From Mitts website:

Romney started off by pointing to Bain, NOT his Governorship, as why we should put him in charge.

Next issue.

You didn't comment on my point. Obama's Jobs Council has not met for 6 months, yet he has attended 106 fundraisers. Please respond to that point. Thanks.
^scumbag thinking he had a point

Poor thing has a diaper full of crap and he's crying and pointing fingers at everyone else.
The ACLU is now a right wing website?


I worry about the violations of the Supreme Law of the Land before I worry about the temper tantrums of hacks:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution

And what's all that have to do with the FACT that Romney lied about his stewardship regarding Bain Capital's action of outsourcing? Remember, Romney used his position to solidify his citizenship of Massachusetts for his political career. You can't have it both ways. Either Romney knew what was going on or he's a careless CEO who let's his company run rampant while he pursues his personal power trip of politics....neither bodes well for him as a Presidential candidate.

-you have yet to prove he lied.he was on a leave of absence and decided while gone he would never return, instead he turned to politics.

-are you aware that his opponent in the Mass gov. race accused him of being absent from the state for several years and challenged his residency?

-he did not run the co., so says on national television (CNN), 4 active Bain board members then, 3 of which are Democrats and 2 of which are Obama sppters/bundlers, I don't know what else you want.

Sorry son, but it ain't gonna wash that easy:

Sorry, Mitt Romney, You Can't Be Chairman, CEO, And President Of A Company And Not Be Responsible For What It Does... - Business Insider
Romney didn't make Bain an issue. Here is an issue.....Obama's Jobs Council hasn't met for 6 months, yet Obama has attended 106 fundraisers in that time. Any comment?

Oh now youre just slinging BULLSHIT!

From Mitts website:

Mitt’s impressive skills did not come out of nowhere. He began his career in business.

About Mitt | Mitt Romney for President

Romney started off by pointing to Bain, NOT his Governorship, as why we should put him in charge.

Next issue.

You didn't comment on my point. Obama's Jobs Council has not met for 6 months, yet he has attended 106 fundraisers. Please respond to that point. Thanks.

thats because as per your request, I agreed to discuss REAL issues...which you have yet to bring up a single one.

What a damn dumb ass. Nothing racist here. You're a damn loser. Grow the hell up, dumb ass.

Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Spewing more racism to pretend your previous comments were not racist only further illustrates how racist you truly are.

And fuck you for making me point that out. Im fairly good about NOT caling people racist on the internet as its an exercise in futility, but I wont stand by while someone is pissing on my head and telling me its raining.
Romney didn't make Bain an issue. Here is an issue.....Obama's Jobs Council hasn't met for 6 months, yet Obama has attended 106 fundraisers in that time. Any comment?

Oh now youre just slinging BULLSHIT!

From Mitts website:

Mitt’s impressive skills did not come out of nowhere. He began his career in business.

About Mitt | Mitt Romney for President

Romney started off by pointing to Bain, NOT his Governorship, as why we should put him in charge.

Next issue.

You didn't comment on my point. Obama's Jobs Council has not met for 6 months, yet he has attended 106 fundraisers. Please respond to that point. Thanks.

Actually, Obama proposed the American Jobs Act, which would improve the infrastructure (bridges and roads) as well as upgrade the electric grid to allow wind power.

All of which was stopped by the GOP.

Interestingly enough, the GOP campaigned on "jobs, jobs, jobs" and yet have to pass a SINGLE BILL which would actually create jobs.

The GOP is who's stopping the jobs, not Obama.
What a damn dumb ass. Nothing racist here. You're a damn loser. Grow the hell up, dumb ass.

Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?
Where's Meat's 2010 FBAR form? Ain't he gonna show it? No?

RUMOR from another forum: Meat didn't pay ANY taxes, for the years, for which he releases no returns. This, from a former IRS employee.

Come on, MEATheads. Your daddy has to release some documents, so we can see what an ASSHOLE he is, since we already know he's a lying dirtbag, who is mean to doggies and gays.
Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Spewing more racism to pretend your previous comments were not racist only further illustrates how racist you truly are.

And fuck you for making me point that out. Im fairly good about NOT caling people racist on the internet as its an exercise in futility, but I wont stand by while someone is pissing on my head and telling me its raining.

Let's claim to try not to call others racist, right after you do. You claim to try not to attack others grammatical errors....right after you do. :clap2::clap2:
Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?
Many of us making less than 250k simply do not believe that taking more money from those pulling the wagon is in our best interests. And we certainly don't believe that YOU know anything about our best interests. We think such a determination is best made by individuals.
ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I hate to say "I told you so" - no I don't :laugh2: but follow the money.

Simple: follow the money


Investing and consulting techniques? :eusa_whistle:
Bain Capital
Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In 1983, Bill Bain offered Romney the chance to head a new venture that would invest in companies and apply Bain's consulting techniques to improve operations...New employees hired were generally in their twenties and top-ranked graduates from Stanford University or Harvard University, both of which Romney had attended...While Bain Capital was founded by Bain executives, the firm was not an affiliate or a division of Bain & Company but rather a completely separate company.

Why Panama? :eusa_whistle:

Bank secrecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panama Banks Are The Most Secret in the World | ABC Article Directory

In the 1989 invasion of Panama by the United States he (Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno[2] (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and soldier. He was military governor of Panama from 1983 to 1989.) was removed from power, captured, detained as a prisoner of war, and flown to the United States. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.

The Romney campaign declined to comment on the specifics of Bain's early investors. Romney has argued that his offshore investments are entirely proper..."The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," Romney said in an interview this week with National Review Online. ... About $9 million came from rich Latin Americans, including powerful Salvadoran families living in Miami during their country's brutal civil war.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal.

"The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," - Yeah, I bet. :mad:,0,5698366,full.story
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ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I hate to say "I told you so" - no I don't :laugh2: but follow the money.

Simple: follow the money

Oh, give up! The Bain trick is not working well for you idiot liberals. Obama is fuckin' toast. Pelosi appears to be a rat leaving a sinking ship.

Maybe the Dems will nominate Joe Lieberman at the convention. They'd have a better chance of winning than with the asshat Obama and his following of clowns.
ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I hate to say "I told you so" - no I don't :laugh2: but follow the money.

Simple: follow the money

Oh, give up! The Bain trick is not working well for you idiot liberals. Obama is fuckin' toast. Pelosi appears to be a rat leaving a sinking ship.

Maybe the Dems will nominate Joe Lieberman at the convention. They'd have a better chance of winning than with the asshat Obama and his following of clowns.

Follow the money and read the linked sources. Did Romney launder money? Did Romney know the convicted criminal Noriega?

Did Romney have ties to Noriega?


2. “The Bain model is to go in at a very low price, borrow an immense amount of money, pay Bain an immense amount of money and leave. I’ll let you decide if that’s really good capitalism. I think that’s exploitation.” — Newt Gingrich [New York Times, 1/17/12]
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Oh, give up!

The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe: Alex Stanton, a spokesman for Bain Capital, said confidentiality rules barred him from commenting on the investors.


really? then explain things: secrecy, shady dealings, hidden wealth, tax cheating, financial crimes worldwide...


4. “We find it pretty hard to justify rich people figuring out clever legal ways to loot a company, leaving behind 1,700 families without a job.” — Newt Gingrich [Globe and Mail, 1/9/12]
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Hating others for their achievements, only because they have a different skin color than you do, shows how little self-respect or personal responsibility you have for yourself. You're a lazy fuck, if you want to blame race or ethnicity for your own pathetic failure.

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?

One of the reasons I dont bother to engage these people is how stupid they are, they DONT seem to know that their rich owners are doing BETTER THAN EVER under Obama, that the Swiss Watch industry, average price for a watch of around $12,000 with many priced WAY higher, is breaking sales records!

How? Easy, Obama, like most mainstream center right american politicians, is making sure the rich are doing just fine, that he is asking them to make minuscule sacrifice in allowing the Bush/War Crimes Guilty Of Taxes to expire, is somehow unamerican...

Righty has no clue, none, as to what is actually going on, not a single clue.
What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?

One of the reasons I dont bother to engage these people is how stupid they are, they DONT seem to know that their rich owners are doing BETTER THAN EVER under Obama, that the Swiss Watch industry, average price for a watch of around $12,000 with many priced WAY higher, is breaking sales records!

How? Easy, Obama, like most mainstream center right american politicians, is making sure the rich are doing just fine, that he is asking them to make minuscule sacrifice in allowing the Bush/War Crimes Guilty Of Taxes to expire, is somehow unamerican...

Righty has no clue, none, as to what is actually going on, not a single clue.

"Bush/War Crimes Guilty of Taxes"

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?
Many of us making less than 250k simply do not believe that taking more money from those pulling the wagon is in our best interests. And we certainly don't believe that YOU know anything about our best interests. We think such a determination is best made by individuals.

Who's pulling the wagon?
Hey, Mr. President Dip Shit......

Why don't you go down to the unemployment office and ask those people in line if they care more about Romney's taxes or getting a job.

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