Romney's Bain Lie

I'll be an American soon, Joe Ampad.

And yes, I care about jobs and this country. I've done well under Obama, thankyouverymuch, so if he wins, my life won't change much, unlike you, whom we might read about going postal in downtown Chicago if Romney wins.

Romney left Bain in 99. I know that haters such as yourself will do and say anything, but if you don't have your head up your ass, you know Romney stopped working there. Being an owner does not mean being actively involved.

Yes, your willingness to fuck people over and not care about fellow people is well noted.

By the way, I've done okay under Obama as in my situation hasn't gotten worse, unlike it did repeatedly under Bush.

My worry is the assholes will crash the economy in order to try to engineer a Romney win. Otherwise, he's kind of useless and people don't really like him.

To the point, though. Romney still got paid 100,000 a year as a executive and profited from Bain's activities. I think it's a real stretch to claim he didn't have a finger in the pie or that someone was going to do something that was contrary to his intent.

Ken Lay tried that defense and it didnt' work.
Stupid is as stupid does and the sheep will follow. Axlerod is really starting to look foolish, he should resign as Obama's campaign manager. ;)

Why isn't Obama running on his record?? He is the incumbent, after all. He's had almost four years of (cough, cough) accomplishments.
Stupid is as stupid does and the sheep will follow. Axlerod is really starting to look foolish, he should resign as Obama's campaign manager. ;)

Why isn't Obama running on his record?? He is the incumbent, after all. He's had almost four years of (cough, cough) accomplishments.
Oh dear. You brought up Obama's record. Now, now, don't deflect like that in a campaign. We are in the middle of a perfectly imaginary drool fest about what didn't happen.

How dare you fuck with the droolers like that.
Now even some Republican leaders are telling Romney to release his tax returns.


There are always those. :rolleyes: Will say the Democrats are better at not undermining each other. No calls for Obama to release all of his school records and the other nonsense that keeps being 'demanded' from folks that shouldn't be doing so.

Hopefully those 'Republicans' will read WaPo and Fortune and get the facts of how Obama and Co. are lying.
Obama graduated from Harvard Law and went back home to help poor people.

Romney graduated from Harvard Law and looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas.

Which one really cares about America?

Mitt knows how to create jobs. Obama knows how to spread the wealth.

With employment at multi-decades lows, I'll take the job creator.

No, he absolutely, doesn't. What he knows is who to generate a maximum return on investment.

Which is why he should have never included Bain Capital in his reasons to be President, or at least never said he "created" jobs.

That wasn't ever his function in the private sector.
I'll be an American soon, Joe Ampad.

And yes, I care about jobs and this country. I've done well under Obama, thankyouverymuch, so if he wins, my life won't change much, unlike you, whom we might read about going postal in downtown Chicago if Romney wins.

Romney left Bain in 99. I know that haters such as yourself will do and say anything, but if you don't have your head up your ass, you know Romney stopped working there. Being an owner does not mean being actively involved.

Yes, your willingness to fuck people over and not care about fellow people is well noted.

By the way, I've done okay under Obama as in my situation hasn't gotten worse, unlike it did repeatedly under Bush.

My worry is the assholes will crash the economy in order to try to engineer a Romney win. Otherwise, he's kind of useless and people don't really like him.

To the point, though. Romney still got paid 100,000 a year as a executive and profited from Bain's activities. I think it's a real stretch to claim he didn't have a finger in the pie or that someone was going to do something that was contrary to his intent.

Ken Lay tried that defense and it didnt' work



RIP Kenny Boy..
Stupid is as stupid does and the sheep will follow. Axlerod is really starting to look foolish, he should resign as Obama's campaign manager. ;)

Why isn't Obama running on his record?? He is the incumbent, after all. He's had almost four years of (cough, cough) accomplishments.
Oh dear. You brought up Obama's record. Now, now, don't deflect like that in a campaign. We are in the middle of a perfectly imaginary drool fest about what didn't happen.

How dare you fuck with the droolers like that.

He is.

You guys just keep shouting "Fail, fail, fail".

In your circle you've unmoored the meanings of the words fail and success.

Bush was a "successful" President in Conservatopia. And Obama wasn't..


No thanks.
Stupid is as stupid does and the sheep will follow. Axlerod is really starting to look foolish, he should resign as Obama's campaign manager. ;)

Why isn't Obama running on his record?? He is the incumbent, after all. He's had almost four years of (cough, cough) accomplishments.
Oh dear. You brought up Obama's record. Now, now, don't deflect like that in a campaign. We are in the middle of a perfectly imaginary drool fest about what didn't happen.

How dare you fuck with the droolers like that.

He is.

You guys just keep shouting "Fail, fail, fail".

In your circle you've unmoored the meanings of the words fail and success.

Bush was a "successful" President in Conservatopia. And Obama wasn't..


No thanks.

bush sucked

defying the odds, obama sucks worse.
Follow the money. If we see the Koch's or Willard suddenly start to lawyer up,

The question is, when are we going to see you start to sober up?

You remind me of a guy on a bad acid trip I encountered. He said "Ronald Reagan is a space alien from Andromeda" The aliens are mutilating cows to learn to clone human slaves - I DEMAND an investigation into Reagan cloning slaves.

Just like you, the drugged out fool made a false allegation, coupled it with an absurd rumor, then went into faux outrage.

or his campaign contributions soar from his fascist masters, you can be beat Obama's got some damning evidence against Willard for committing a federal felony.

So you're under the influence of LSD, then?
Mitt Romney and his departure from Bain - The Washington Post

GOD, you people are starting to make me want to vote for him...

Case closed.

By virtually all accounts, Romney was focused on the Olympics in the 1999-2002 period. Yet because Romney had not legally separated from Bain, his name is littered across Securities and Exchange Commission filings concerning Bain Capital deals during this period. The crazy quilt of private-equity structures, in some ways, makes his ownership appear even more ominous, as the filings list hundreds of thousands of shares controlled by Romney.

Even so, it is a real stretch to claim that Romney — himself — “closed” these stores. No evidence has emerged that he was involved in the KB Toys transaction. Indeed, when creditors sued over the dividend payment, they named six Bain-controlled entities and three Bain executives who had served on the board of KB Holdings.

Given that the plaintiffs’ lawyers will try to list as many defendants as possible to try to force a settlement, one can be certain Romney would have been named if there had been any hint of his involvement. But he was not named, despite the SEC filings suggesting his control of the shares.

In other words, creditors apparently had determined Romney was only a passive investor.

Carry on, dipshits....
Romney signed documents that identified him as a chief executive of Bain Capital with SEC.

Is that right, Mr. Integrity?

Additionally, Romney was still profitting from the company.

Oh - My - Gawd...

He PROFITED? Glorious Peoples Union not allow Profit, KILL the Capitalist, workers of the world unite in violence.

You fucking Communists are a crack up.

So, either he lied to the SEC and was NOT a chief executive..or is lying to the public about his role at Bain.

Or, you're a fucking moron spewing partisan idiocy. :thup:

I'm going with option #3
Little Green Footballs - Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney’s repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain after 1999 is false, according to Romney’s own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the Lifelike Co., a doll maker that was a Bain investment during the period.

Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. “[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth,” he said.

Romney’s sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.

Romney testified that he “remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the Life Like Corporation” at the time.

Yet in the Aug. 12, 2011, federal disclosure form filed as part of his presidential bid, he said, “Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.”
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that is sworn testimony by the man saying he came back to go to Bain meetings.

either way he lied to someone
Romney signed documents that identified him as a chief executive of Bain Capital with SEC.

Is that right, Mr. Integrity?

Additionally, Romney was still profitting from the company.

Oh - My - Gawd...

He PROFITED? Glorious Peoples Union not allow Profit, KILL the Capitalist, workers of the world unite in violence.

You fucking Communists are a crack up.

So, either he lied to the SEC and was NOT a chief executive..or is lying to the public about his role at Bain.

Or, you're a fucking moron spewing partisan idiocy. :thup:

I'm going with option #3

Basically I do a reset from thread to thread in terms of posters. And you never disappoint.

You invalidate any "argument" you may have when your first post in any given thread engages in personal attacks.

First, because it displays that you personalize public issues and are dealing with them on an emotional level.

Second, because personal attacks are a tried and true method of shutting down communication. What happens after a personal attack is generally not discourse, but trading barbs.

In any case..we are basically done here..

Flame on!

From your link...
Romney’s sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.

Romney testified that he “remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the Life Like Corporation” at the time.

Yet in the Aug. 12, 2011, federal disclosure form filed as part of his presidential bid, he said, “Mr. Romney retired from Bain Capital on February 11, 1999 to head the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. Since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way.”

See what you did there?? You changed companies.


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