Romney's Bain Lie

Tell me all about it. In detail. I'd love to hear more of your schlock.

Tell me all about it. In detail. I'd love to hear more of your schlock.
The Constitution isn't schlock. To Obama it is.

Really? Go on.
I've already outlined it. Somehow you missed that, to no surprise. If you are curious, the ACLU has several articles on it. Make sure to tell your other Dem cheerleaders not to donate to them anytime soon, too. "Progressive"....:lmao: Make your reservations to Charlotte early.
Dumbfuck, they kept Romney's name on documents per SEC rules since they weren't able to get his replacement on the books.

You do realize Democraps in MA tried to prove Romney didn't live in MA and didn't work in MA for 3 or so years during the Olympics, so that he couldn't run for office in MA.

Now you fucking idiots are now claiming he was working for Bain when he was living in Utah and working for the US Olympics. You are fucking insane.

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

I paid 50 bucks for 500 business cards.

Good gawd the retard is strong in you leftists.

This is from the vid that QW linked:

4 sources who worked at Bain with Romney, 3 Dems (2 of whom are active Obama supporters): "Mitt Romney left Bain Capitol in 1999 to run the Olympics and he has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his depature." "Romney left quickly as the deal with the Olympics happened quickly; all 4 insisted he left in Feb of 1999 and they never saw him around the office or involved in any dealings." "Because Romneys leaving was so sudden it took about two years to get the new management team in place. They essentially had to split up the company, divided among the existing partners which took about two years and they insist that they were required according to law to leave his name on those documents."

Romney has said he left Bain in 1999 to lead the winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, ending his role in the company. But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.”

Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. And Romney’s state financial disclosure forms indicate he earned at least $100,000 as a Bain “executive” in 2001 and 2002, separate from investment earnings.
More: Government documents indicate Mitt Romney continued at Bain after date when he says he left - The Boston Globe

You're a thick-headed mule

John King: Why is 1999 so important in 2012? -
But first, is there anything other than the SEC filings to suggest a hands-on Romney role at Bain post-February 1999?

No is the word from four sources who communicated with CNN on Thursday -- all of whom have firsthand knowledge of Bain's operations at the time in question. Three of the four are Democrats, and two of the four are active Obama supporters in Campaign 2012.

All four told me Romney is telling the truth.

"[W]hen you combine all the stories, all the airtime, all the column inches, it looks to many people, I'll just say this bluntly, like the press is giving much more aggressive scrutiny to Romney and his background than it ever gave to Barack Obama," Kurtz told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Video at LINK


Lahorka is another fucking retarded leftist who can't admit that Obutthead was and is WRONG on this and who will never 'hear' you.

I swear I'd like to whap you lefty morons right upside your empty pointy heads . . . . .
Romney is whining like a bitch and demanding an apology. :lol: the Globe stands firm...

and wingnuts are accusing the Boston Globe of libel.

can't make this shit up

CNN is a bunch of wingnuts now?

CNN and FOX News declared Obamacare ruled unConstitutional and both initially resisted admitting making mistakes.

ain't what they used to be. CNN that is. FOX is what it always was...:badgrin:
The Constitution isn't schlock. To Obama it is.

Really? Go on.
I've already outlined it. Somehow you missed that, to no surprise. If you are curious, the ACLU has several articles on it. Make sure to tell your other Dem cheerleaders not to donate to them anytime soon, too. "Progressive"....:lmao: Make your reservations to Charlotte early.

You're really changing my mind on lots of things. Please, keep posting.
Just saying you might wanna wipe a little of the foam off your lips.
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

Rabid Partisan Says what?

Why do you continue to display a lie ?
Rather it's a tear in my eye that we have a POTUS who regularly violates the Constitution, and violates it egregiously.

And, Americans die as a result - on his specific order. And, I'm not talking about war.

And the tear in my other eye is for the tragic state of our public education that the state has created the useful idiots so that Americans support a totalitarian.

Obama makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

Rabid Partisan Says what?

Why do you continue to display a lie ?

Why do continue to dip your balls in wax and then call them candles?
Really? Go on.
I've already outlined it. Somehow you missed that, to no surprise. If you are curious, the ACLU has several articles on it. Make sure to tell your other Dem cheerleaders not to donate to them anytime soon, too. "Progressive"....:lmao: Make your reservations to Charlotte early.

You're really changing my mind on lots of things. Please, keep posting.

So, here is the most general of Obama's usurping the Constitution:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
I've already outlined it. Somehow you missed that, to no surprise. If you are curious, the ACLU has several articles on it. Make sure to tell your other Dem cheerleaders not to donate to them anytime soon, too. "Progressive"....:lmao: Make your reservations to Charlotte early.

You're really changing my mind on lots of things. Please, keep posting.

So, here is the most general of Obama's usurping the Constitution:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution

Right on, right on. I dig, I dig.
You're really changing my mind on lots of things. Please, keep posting.

So, here is the most general of Obama's usurping the Constitution:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution

Right on, right on. I dig, I dig.

Looking at the timestamps of posts, you didn't even have enough time to link to it.

Yeah, you are in full support of Obama's usurping the Constitution and his murders.
I just caught a CBS playback of an interview with Mitten's saying with a straight face that he had nothing to do with Bain during the years he was off with the Olympics.

Hmmm, so the businessman who claims he knows how to get America back to work was THREE YEARS totally ignorant as to the workings of the company that he created AND WAS STILL CEO OF?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please?
Yeah, he was.

He was what, fucking clueless as to what the company that he created was doing for 3 years? NOT the markings of a prudent businessman.....but hey, if you don't give a damn as to HOW the money is made then it's cool...American employees be damned, right SiModo?

Now, not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Translation: another neocon/teabagger flunkie can't deal with the FACTS regarding the empty suit the GOP is using to defeat SiModo regurgitates a collection of Rove/Norquist distorted/hyped talking points fresh off of Drudge's hot sheet to distract from his folly....SiModo fails.

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

SiModo loves to parrot accusations that can't be proven beyond Newsbusters and the Washington Times. Note SiModo can't deal with the FACTS regarding Romney's latest BS.

What is Obama hiding? What is he afraid of?

The thread is about Romney's BS regarding BAIN, genius. Deal with that first, THEN you can start (yet another) anti-Obama thread with all the right wing-nut websites, bloggers and pundits as your source material.
I just caught a CBS playback of an interview with Mitten's saying with a straight face that he had nothing to do with Bain during the years he was off with the Olympics.

Hmmm, so the businessman who claims he knows how to get America back to work was THREE YEARS totally ignorant as to the workings of the company that he created AND WAS STILL CEO OF?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please?
Yeah, he was.

He was what, fucking clueless as to what the company that he created was doing for 3 years? NOT the markings of a prudent businessman.....but hey, if you don't give a damn as to HOW the money is made then it's cool...American employees be damned, right SiModo?

Now, not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Translation: another neocon/teabagger flunkie can't deal with the FACTS regarding the empty suit the GOP is using to defeat SiModo regurgitates a collection of Rove/Norquist distorted/hyped talking points fresh off of Drudge's hot sheet to distract from his folly....SiModo fails.

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

SiModo loves to parrot accusations that can't be proven beyond Newsbusters and the Washington Times. Note SiModo can't deal with the FACTS regarding Romney's latest BS.

What is Obama hiding? What is he afraid of?

The thread is about Romney's BS regarding BAIN, genius. Deal with that first, THEN you can start (yet another) anti-Obama thread with all the right wing-nut websites, bloggers and pundits as your source material.

Seconded. You may begin your Republican Filibuster now, Si Modo.
I'm sorry. I don't speak Rabid Partisan Zombie.
What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.

You mad?

What is sad, and I bet even embarrassing, is that you call yourself a "Progressive". You're just a party Dem.

Violating the Constitution is A-OK, as long as he is a Democrat. Summary executions are A-OK, too.

As I said, public education failure of the People, not of the totalitarians, though. You are a true Useful Idiot - the epitome of the duped. And, you don't even know it.

You mad?


That's a really small pwn-graphic you posted there. I'd post a "Failboat" demotivation meme, but I just remembered it's not 2009 any more.

Also, on a serious note, am I supposed to pronounce the first part of your screen name as "Gee" or "Gai?" I need to know shit.
I just caught a CBS playback of an interview with Mitten's saying with a straight face that he had nothing to do with Bain during the years he was off with the Olympics.

Hmmm, so the businessman who claims he knows how to get America back to work was THREE YEARS totally ignorant as to the workings of the company that he created AND WAS STILL CEO OF?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please?
Yeah, he was.

He was what, fucking clueless as to what the company that he created was doing for 3 years? NOT the markings of a prudent businessman.....but hey, if you don't give a damn as to HOW the money is made then it's cool...American employees be damned, right SiModo?

Now, not only why is Obama keeping a journalist quiet in a Yemeni prison, but why does the ACLU have to sue the administration for information about why Obama violated the Constitutional rights of three (that we know of) US citizens and killed them? What is he hiding about Fast and Furious that caused the death of two US agents?

Translation: another neocon/teabagger flunkie can't deal with the FACTS regarding the empty suit the GOP is using to defeat SiModo regurgitates a collection of Rove/Norquist distorted/hyped talking points fresh off of Drudge's hot sheet to distract from his folly....SiModo fails.

Lots of folks dying and being imprisoned around Obama, too many of them.

SiModo loves to parrot accusations that can't be proven beyond Newsbusters and the Washington Times. Note SiModo can't deal with the FACTS regarding Romney's latest BS.

What is Obama hiding? What is he afraid of?

The thread is about Romney's BS regarding BAIN, genius. Deal with that first, THEN you can start (yet another) anti-Obama thread with all the right wing-nut websites, bloggers and pundits as your source material.

The ACLU is now a right wing website?


I worry about the violations of the Supreme Law of the Land before I worry about the temper tantrums of hacks:
Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
By Josh Bell, ACLU at 4:34pm

The debate over the U.S. government's targeted killing of Anwar Al-Awlaki continued this week. ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer took on former Bush lawyer (and torture memo writer) John Yoo on Southern California Public Radio’s AirTalk (listen here), and also explored the issue on CBC's The Current (listen here).

Much of the debate thus far has focused on Al-Awlaki. But we should be thinking about not only the people the government killed last week, but the power that’s being claimed by the president – and the administration has not said nearly enough about the power President Obama is claiming. No one is asking for the government to reveal confidential sources or intelligence-gathering methods – but why can't it even explain its legal justification for essentially executing an American?

Reuters reported on the process, revealing virtually all that's known about it:
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.

There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it is supposed to operate.​

.... But what it does show is the other disturbing aspect of what happened: the executive branch acting without oversight by other branches. The Constitution made the judiciary a co-equal branch of government so that there would be a check against overreach by the political branches. ....​

Killing of Al-Awlaki: Even When Trying to Fight Terrorism, the President Must Still Follow the Constitution
I just caught a CBS playback of an interview with Mitten's saying with a straight face that he had nothing to do with Bain during the years he was off with the Olympics.

Hmmm, so the businessman who claims he knows how to get America back to work was THREE YEARS totally ignorant as to the workings of the company that he created AND WAS STILL CEO OF?

Give me a fucking break, will ya please?

That is because he was on a leave of absence from Bain during that time does no one know what a leave of absence is.

Oh give me a fucking break with that ignorant BS you just parroted, Blackhawk!

I worked for a small investment boutique for 6 years.....we dealt with clients of multi-million dollar corporations. Whether on vacation, sabbatical, leave of absence or whatever, they would get various reports Fedexed to them periodically. No way in hell the owner, founder, CEO, Chairman of the board is going to be clueless as to how his baby is making the bucks for 3 years....unless he didn't give a damn so long as the bucks kept coming in. Mittens is a lawyer and an MBA!

C'mon man, THINK IT THROUGH and stop stubbornly defending people who wouldn't piss in your direction if you're not serving them.

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